A WELL MANURED CITY HAS PLENTY OF FLIES, MONTHLY BULLETIN Indiana State Board of health Entered as second class \matter at the Indianapolis Posloffice.l VOLUME XVII. INDIANAPOLIS, DECEMBER, 1914. NUMBER 12 25 Cents a year T. henrY davis, M. D„ PRESIDENT............. ............ Richmond. ABSTRACT OF MORTALITY STATISTICS JAMeS S. BOYERS. M. d., VICE-president.,,, . Decatur. J. L. FREELAND, M, D Indianapolis. FOR DECEMBER, 1914. H. H.SUTTON, M. D .......,,.,•... ....Aurora. Total deaths reported. 2.S42: rate, 11.0. In the preced­ J, N. HURTY, M. d. phaR, P.. secretary Indianapolis ing month, 2,682 deaths: rate. 11.4. In the same month last WM. F. KING, M.D .ASST. SECRETARY ASD EPIDEMIOLOGIST. year, 2,059 deaths: rate, 11.3. Deaths by important ages J. L. ANDERSON....... ................ ,.Chief clerk. CHAS. A. CARTER, M.D........................ .STATISTICIAN were: Under 1 year of age, 385, or 13.3 per cent, of total: WM. SHIMER, A B,, M. D SUPT. BACTERIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. 1 to 4, 123; 5 to 0, 53: 10 to 14, 30: 15 to 10. 68: 05 and ADA E. SCHWEITZER, M. D... .........ASSISTANT BACTERIOLOGIST. W. V. BOYLE, M. D ASST. PATHOLOGIST. over. 082. or 34:5 per cent of total. H. E. BARNARD B. S......STATE FOOD AND DRUG COMMISSIONS AND CHEMIST H. E. BISHOP. B. S.. ...... ASSISTANT CHEMIST. JOHN C diggS...... ................ .... ........ ENGINEER AND WATER CHEMIST. SANITARY SECTIONS: The Northern Sanitary Sec­ WILL H. McABEE..... ....DRUG CHEMIST. tion, population 972.120. reports 007 deaths: rate, 12.0. In R. l. SACKETT, C. E sanitary ENGINEER. the preceding month,. s97 deaths: rate, 11.2. In the same The MONTHLY BULLETIN will be sent to all health officers and dep­ month hist year. 880 deaths: rate, 10.8. uties in the State. Health officers and deputies should carefully read and THE CENTRAL. SANITARY SECTION, population 1.1.12,277. re­ file each copy for future reference. This is very Important, for we expect to print instructions, rules and general Information, which it will be ports. 1,250 deaths: rate. 12.S. In the preceding month, necessary for officers to preserve. 1,133 deaths; rate, 11.9. Tn the same month last year, 1,107 deaths: rate. 12.0, CONTENTS. THE SOUTHERN SANITARY SECTION, population 072.551, re­ Page ports 589 deaths: rate. 10.3. In the preceding month, 002 Births for December, 1914 138 deaths: rate, 10.S. In the same month last year, 003 Abstract of Mortality Statistics for December 133 deaths: rate, 10.0. Summary of Morbidity and Mortality for December. 133 Delayed Birth and Death Certificates 134 Purification by Fire. ............. 134 REVIEW OF SECTIONS: The Central Sanitary Sec­ Report of the Department of Food and Drugs for December......... 135 tion presents the highest death rate, It is O.!) higher than Inspectors' Reports for December...., ...185 Report of Bacteriological Laboratory for December.................. 186 the rate for the whole State. The Northern Sanitary Sec­ Patients Who Have Finished Pasteur Treatment. 136 tion presents the highest death rate for whooping cough, Spitting on Sandpaper 136 Work of the food, drug and Water Laboratories for 1914............ 137 diarrhea and enteritis, influenza arid smallpox, The Central Bacteriological and Pasteur Laboratories 138 Section presents the highest death rate for tuberculosis, The Public Pays for Quarantine. 138 scarlet fever, measles, cerebro-spinal fever, cancer and ex­ Diphtheria Diagnosis by Means of Loeffler's Blood Serum, Contain- containing Potassium Tellurate 13terna9 l causes. The Southern Section presents the highest Bakers Products.... 139 death rate for typhoid fever, diphtheria, pneumonia and Notice to Bakers......... — ...139 Seventy-Nine Per Cent... ........................... .................. 140 puerperal septicemia, Tuberculosis Hospitals ............... 140 God Not the Destroyer - -.. —, 140 RURAL: Population 1,550,042. reports 1,300 deaths: rate. Practical Sanitation....... 140 10.7. In the preceding month. 1.312 deaths: rate, 10.2. In The Idiot in the Schools............. • 140 Chart Showing Geographical Distribution of Deaths................. 141 the same month last year. 1.2.12 deaths: rate, 0.5. Table 1. Deaths in Indiana by Counties... 142 Table 2, Deaths in Indiana by Cities.-................................ 113 Urban: Population. 1,240,31.1, reports. 1.443 deaths; Mortality in Indiana for December 144 rate. 13.0. In the preceding month. 1,320 deaths; rate, U. S, Weather Report for December.. 144 12.8. In the same mouth last year, 1.407 deaths; rate, 13.5. The cities named present the following death rates: Indi­ BIRTHS FOR DECEMBER, 1914* anapolis 15.2, Evansville 10.0. Ft. Wayne 14.«>. Torre Haute 10.O. South Bendt 32.1. Gary 7.0, Muncie 14.0, Richmond Total births, 4.041 (.stillbirths excluded) : State rate. 10.5, i:;.n. Hammond 15.5. Anderson 10.0. East Chicago 18.1, Males, 2.395: females. 2,240, Lafayette 15.7, New Albany js.2, Elkhart 13.7. Michigan White males. 2,35d: white females. £2.217. City 15-6. _____ Colored births. 01 : males 30. females 20. Stillbirths. 38,1: white 1*1. colored 4. Northern Sanitary Section, population 072.120. reports SUMMARY OF MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY l.siHi births: rate, 21.8, FOR DECEMBER, 1914. Central Sanitary Section, population 1.152.277. reports Scarlet fever, as in the preceding month, was reported as 1,741 births: rate. 17.7. the most prevalent disease, m per cent, of the observers Southern Sanitary Section population 072.551. reports reporting the disease present. The order of prevalence is as intM births: rate. 19-1. follows: Scarlet fever, diphtheria. tonsillitis, influenza, Highest rate, Lake County. 34.8. acute bronchitis, acute rheumatism, typhoid fever, chickenpox. lobar pneumonia, smallpox, pulmonary tuberculosis. Lowest rate. Jefferson County, 10.3. bronchial pneumonia, measles, diarrhea and enteritis, ery- Total births to date for 1914. 03.(500. 184 MONTHLY BULLETIN, Indiana STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. sipelas, malaria fever, whooping cough other forms of 3: injuries by other vehicles 3. other crushing 3: injuries tuberculosis, puerperal fever. Intermittent and remittent by animals 4; excessive cold 2: other external violence s. fever, dysentery, cholera morbus, poliomyelitis, rabies in Homicide Total 15: males 12, females 3. Homicide by lire- human, cerebrospinal fever, rabies in animal*. arms 12. homicide by other means 3. SMALLPOX: 3SG cases in 37 counties with two deaths. The following counties reported smallpox present: Adams DELAYED BIRTH AND DEATH CERTIFICATES. 4, Blackford 18 eases and 1 death. Boone 9 rases. Chirk 13, Each month the statistical department receives certificates Clinton 26, Dekalb 1, Delaware 53, Dubois S Elkhart 2, ? for births and deaths that have occurred during preceding Fayette 10, Gibson 3. Grant «J. Henry L Huntington 4, Jack­ months, which are not sent to the department in time to be son 3, Jay 21. Jefferson 32, Jennings 1, Johnson 5. Knox '33, tabulated with the report for the current month. With the Lagrange 20, Lake 32, Madison 14. Martin S Montgomery 5, report for December the following counties named below Orange 1, Porter 1 Posey 45. Randolph 2. Scott 4, Shelby 2. Starke 1, Sullivan 5. Tippecanoe 3, Vanderburgh 9. Vigo 1. were delinquent in this matter: Washington o\ DELAYED BIRTH CERTIFICATES. TUBERCULOSIS: SOU deaths, of which 253 were of the Adams 2 (Decatur 1L Allen 5 (Ft Wayne IE Bartholo­ pulmonary form and 53 other forms: 170 cases of pulmo­ mew S, Benton 1, Boone 11 (Lebanon 2), Brown 11 (Nash­ nary form reported. The male tuberculosis deaths numbered ville 2), Carroll 3, Cass 1 LogansportE Clark 1 (Jeffer­ 148. females 158. Of the males 27 were married in the age sonville). Clay 2 (Staunton 1), Crawford 2. Dearborn 4 period IS to 40 and left 54 orphans under 12 years of age (Aurora 1). Decatur 1, Dekalb 1, Delaware 0 (Yorktown 4). Of the females 35 were married in the same age period as Dubois 1 (Jasper). Elkhart 1 (City), Floyd 1 (New Al­ above and left 70 orphans under 12 years of age. Total bany), Gibson o. Grant 3 (Marion 1), Green 3, Harrison 4. orphans under 12 years of age made in one month by this (Palmyra Ik Hendricks 1, Henry 2 (New Castle), How­ preventable disease, 124. Number of homes invaded, 29.1. ard 2. Huntington 1 (College Park), Jackson 1 (Browns- town), Jasper 9 (Rensselaer 1). Jay 2 (Portland). Jeffer­ PNEUMONIA: 275 deaths: rate. 113.* per 100,000. In son S (Madison 41. Jennings 2, Knox 1, Lake 14 (Hammond the preceding month 10*5 deaths, rate 71.S. In the same S, E. Chicago 3, Gary 1. Whiting J. Dyer 1), Laporte 12 month last year 23$ deaths, rate 101.1. Of the pneumonia (City 3. Michigan City 7). Lawrence 8 (Oolitic 1), Marion deaths 47 were under 5 years of age. 2 (Indianapolis 1). Marshall 2 (Bremen), Miami 4 (Peru 1). Montgomery 3 (Crawfordsville 2. Ladoga 1), Morgan 1. TYPHOID FEVER: 152 cases in 13 counties with 41 Newton S (Kentland 1), Owen 1. Parke I, Perry 1, Pike L deaths. In preceding month 339 eases in 60 counties with Porter 1. Posey 2 «Poseyville 3). Ripley 2. Rush 1. Shelby 1, 7>S deaths, In same month last year LSI cases in 41 coun­ Spencer 3, Starke 1, Steuben 4 (Fremont IE St. Joseph 23 ties with <u> deaths. (South Bend 22, Mishawaka 1), Sullivan 2, Tippecanoe L Vanderburgh 15 (Evansville 12, Howell 2), Vermillion 3 DIPHTHERIA: 486 eases in 57 counties with 53 deaths. (Clinton 2), Vigo 3 (Terre Haute), Warrick 1 (Tennyson), In the preceding month 521 eases in 52 counties with 50 Washington 1, Wells 5 (Bluffton 4). White 0. Whitley 2 deaths. In the same month last year 487 cases in 47 coun­ (Columbia City 1). Total 227. ties with 50 deaths. DELAYED DEATH CERTIFICATES.
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