Permit Holder List as of 9-21-20 Permit No Old Permit No Entity No Entity Name County Use Base Unrest Auth Use 100001BE00047 100010 Air Force Village II, IncorporatedBexar Irrigation 32.000 32.000 64.000 100002BE00048 111277Hattie Elizabeth Iredale Bexar Irrigation 104.800 54.800 159.600 100003BE00049 104468 Vise SPH, LTD., A Texas LimitedBexar Partnership Irrigation 25.600 0.000 25.600 100005BE00051 100152City of Schertz Comal Municipal 0.000 1720.158 1720.158 100008BE00052 100010 Air Force Village II, IncorporatedBexar Municipal 0.000 147.060 147.060 100012AT00900 106263 Margaret G. Clover, John L. GidleyAtascosaIrrigation Trust, Virginia P. Gidley, 138.200 Trustee, William J. 13.200 Gidley Trust, Thom 151.400 100013AT00901 106263 Margaret G. Clover, John L. GidleyAtascosaIrrigation Trust, Virginia P. Gidley, Trustee, 0.000 William 102.200J. Gidley Trust, Thom 102.200 100014AT00902 100565Jerry Kye Mask AtascosaIrrigation 314.689 0.000 314.689 100015AT00902A 108314Del's Grass Farm, Ltd. Bexar Irrigation 184.452 73.191 257.643 100020AT00903 111310 Gladys McDonald Lytle MJWAtascosaIrrigation Partners, LTD 12.700 90.000 102.700 100022BE00001A 100152City of Schertz Comal Municipal 0.000 47.918 47.918 100023BE00002 100167Collis W. Markt Bexar Irrigation 35.000 35.000 70.000 100024BE00003 100087Cadillac Water CorporationBexar Municipal 0.000 54.857 54.857 100025BE00004 1036451909 Ltd. Bexar Irrigation 0.000 8.080 8.080 100027BE00006 100811 Archbishop of San Antonio -Bexar St Joan of Industrial Arc Catholic Church 0.000 3.819 3.819 100028BE00007 100874Vail's Trailer Sales, Inc. Bexar Municipal 0.000 3.178 3.178 100029BE00008 100715 Rio Perla Properties, L.P., a TexasBexar limited Irrigation partnership 0.000 47.741 47.741 100030BE00009 100747Robert J. Grossenbacher Bexar Irrigation 150.000 120.000 270.000 100033BE00010 101109 Baptist Child & Family ServicesBexar Industrial 0.000 12.000 12.000 100034BE00011 100339Howard Schirmer Bexar Irrigation 58.272 106.728 165.000 100035BE00012 100133City of Kirby Bexar Municipal 0.000 1192.992 1192.992 100036BE00013 100721Presentation Sisters Bexar Municipal 0.000 12.975 12.975 100037BE00014 100129City of Converse Bexar Municipal 0.000 1067.878 1067.878 100041BE00018 100089Campbell Lumber Co., Inc. Bexar Municipal 0.000 0.500 0.500 100043BE00020 100195 Don E. Dalros & wife Clara LeaBexar Dalros Irrigation 61.340 0.000 61.340 100045BE00021 103041 Southwest Independent SchoolBexar District Industrial 0.000 333.447 333.447 100049BE00024 103041 Southwest Independent SchoolBexar District Irrigation 22.500 0.000 22.500 100050BE00025 100924Windcrest Golf Club, Inc. Bexar Industrial 0.000 33.126 33.126 100051BE00026 100136City of Leon Valley Bexar Municipal 0.000 1647.378 1647.378 100052BE00027 100786City of San Antonio - Zoo Bexar Industrial 0.000 2128.004 2128.004 100053BE00028 100055 Bexar County Water ControlBexar and Improvement Municipal District No. Ten 0.000 920.325 920.325 Permit Holder List as of 9-21-20 Permit No Old Permit No Entity No Entity Name County Use Base Unrest Auth Use 100059BE00029 100258 Frederick H. Neumann and wife,Bexar Margaret Irrigation L. Neumann 23.000 0.000 23.000 100062BE00030 100766 Merlynn Verstuyft, Roger G.Bexar Verstuyft Irrigation& wife, Patricia J. Verstuyft 119.800 119.800 239.600 100064BE00032 108314Del's Grass Farm, Ltd. Bexar Irrigation 43.300 0.000 43.300 100065BE00033 101061Texas Cox Partnership, Ltd.Bexar Irrigation 0.000 2.666 2.666 100066BE00034 100934 Oakwell Farms HomeownersBexar Association Industrial 0.000 9.169 9.169 100067BE00035 109639Medina Robles, LLC Bexar Irrigation 169.300 84.650 253.950 100068BE00036 100906 Willcox & Associates Inc., a TexasBexar corporation Industrial 0.000 1.425 1.425 100070BE00038 100085 C.H. Guenther & Son, Inc. dbaBexar Pioneer Industrial Flour Mills 0.000 56.555 56.555 100071BE00039 108715 Scott Alan Verstuyft, Sherry BexarKay Knox Irrigationand Judy Deanne Foster 87.000 87.000 174.000 100072BE00040 104413McCombs Legacy, LTD. Bexar Irrigation 73.000 0.000 73.000 100076BE00041 106710 Traders Village, Ltd. and J.C.Bexar Pace, Ltd. Irrigation 127.500 72.500 200.000 100077BE00042 106651Tierra Lytle LLC Bexar Irrigation 29.245 57.255 86.500 100082BE00044 100155City of Universal City Bexar Municipal 0.000 1804.243 1804.243 100083BE00045 107542Retama Properties, Ltd. Bexar Industrial 0.000 167.500 167.500 100086BE00045B 107542Retama Properties, Ltd. Bexar Industrial 0.000 18.500 18.500 100087BE00045C 111325Renee Nicole Lopez Bexar Irrigation 0.000 14.000 14.000 100089BE00046 100056 San Antonio Water System -Bexar Formerly IrrigationBexar Metropolitan Water 18.302 District 0.000 18.302 100091BE00175 100840T.O.P. Ministries, Inc. Bexar Municipal 0.000 8.225 8.225 100092BE00176 100626Margaret Z. Tschirhart Bexar Irrigation 0.000 57.000 57.000 100096BE00177 100756Robert L. Cooper Bexar Industrial 0.000 2.779 2.779 100099ME00313EA 100379County of Uvalde Uvalde Municipal 0.000 2.000 2.000 100102ME00314B 100026Angelita Benavidez Medina Municipal 0.000 0.500 0.500 100113ME00314M 100211 East Medina County Special MedinaUtility District Municipal 0.000 0.500 0.500 100114ME00314N 100211 East Medina County Special MedinaUtility District Municipal 0.000 30.000 30.000 100118ME00368E 100558 Kenneth O. Bendele and MaryMedina F. Bendele Irrigation 0.000 6.000 6.000 100119ME00368EA 101090 Robert Richard and Eva RichardUvalde Municipal 0.000 1.000 1.000 100122ME00369 100900 Bennie Wayde Anderson andMedina wife, Judy Irrigation Lynn Anderson 57.380 57.380 114.760 100123ME00370 100230Ernen Haby Medina Irrigation 442.200 442.200 884.400 100124ME00371 100902Werner Stinson Medina Irrigation 60.000 60.000 120.000 100125ME00372 104071 R&B Ranch D'Hanis, Ltd., a TexasMedina limited Irrigation partnership 73.500 73.500 147.000 100127ME00374 106286FDSS, Ltd. Medina Irrigation 229.751 338.849 568.600 Permit Holder List as of 9-21-20 Permit No Old Permit No Entity No Entity Name County Use Base Unrest Auth Use 100133ME00448 100275Gary A. Boehme Medina Irrigation 180.000 180.000 360.000 100135ME00449 109315Dos Ninas, LP Medina Irrigation 139.073 57.927 197.000 100137ME00449B 100925 Yancey Water Supply CorporationMedina Municipal 0.000 100.000 100.000 100138ME00449C 100055 Bexar County Water ControlBexar and Improvement Municipal District No. Ten 0.000 50.000 50.000 100143ME00519E 100475 Glenn Graham and Wife, LillieBexar Graham Industrial 0.000 1.000 1.000 100146ME00520 100341Hugo A. Saathoff, Jr. Medina Irrigation 50.800 50.800 101.600 100147ME00521 100944 Patrick J. Wurzbach and wife,Medina Phyllis Wurzbach Irrigation 72.847 213.153 286.000 100148ME00522 108969 Alan Dwayne Saathoff, GaryMedina Keith Saathoff, Irrigation Landa Lynn Saathoff, 211.000 and Kim Nathan 211.000 Saathoff 422.000 100149BE00053 100010 Air Force Village II, IncorporatedBexar Irrigation 0.000 400.000 400.000 100157BE00058 100126City of Alamo Heights Bexar Municipal 0.000 2649.194 2649.194 100162BE00060 100862U-Bar Ranch, LLC Bexar Irrigation 1285.000 0.000 1285.000 100163BE00061 100913Sylvia A. Tschirhart Bexar Irrigation 513.200 0.000 513.200 100168BE00062 100783 San Antonio Packing CompanyBexar Industrial 0.000 87.572 87.572 100170BE00064 103639 Peoples Verdes Ranch HoldingBexar Co., Ltd. Irrigation c/o Hugo Gutierrez 24.653 0.000 24.653 100171BE00064A 103639 Peoples Verdes Ranch HoldingBexar Co., Ltd. Irrigation c/o Hugo Gutierrez 19.985 0.000 19.985 100173BE00065 100692 Oblate School of Theology, aBexar Texas Non-Profit Municipal Corporation 0.000 32.000 32.000 100174BE00066 100691Oblate Real Estate Trust Bexar Municipal 0.000 2.993 2.993 100175BE00067 104081 Roger Verstuyft, Marvin Verstuyft,Bexar Sharon Irrigation Eisenhauer, Margaret 133.200 Verstuyft, Cyril 133.200 Verstuyft Estate 266.400 100178BE00070 103837 Blazo Real Estate Partners, Ltd.Bexar Industrial 0.000 4.951 4.951 100179BE00071 100214Eddie A. Miller Bexar Irrigation 48.580 0.000 48.580 100180BE00071A 100214Eddie A. Miller Medina Irrigation 0.000 48.580 48.580 100181BE00072 100092Capitol Aggregates, Inc. Bexar Industrial 0.000 14.393 14.393 100182BE00073 100232 Estate of Jose and Manuel EspinoBexar Irrigation 145.000 145.000 290.000 100184BE00075 104135 Juan J. Flores, Jose Antonio FloresBexar and Irrigation Rafael Flores 84.301 0.000 84.301 100187BE00076 100812 St. Mary's University of San Antonio,Bexar Texas Industrial 0.000 55.556 55.556 100188BE00077 103885 Intertek Caleb Brett U.S.A., Inc.Bexar Industrial 0.000 111.107 111.107 100189BE00078 100828Sunshine Industries Bexar Irrigation 0.000 170.295 170.295 100190BE00079 100793Sea World of Texas, Inc. Bexar Industrial 0.000 806.991 806.991 100191BE00080 100153City of Selma Bexar Municipal 0.000 1173.743 1173.743 100198BE00081AC 100132City of Hondo Medina Municipal 0.000 304.000 304.000 100199BE00081AD 100306 Green Valley Special Utility DistrictComal Municipal 0.000 309.000 309.000 Permit Holder List as of 9-21-20 Permit No Old Permit No Entity No Entity Name County Use Base Unrest Auth Use 100200BE00081AE 100131City of Garden Ridge Comal Municipal 0.000 62.000 62.000 100201BE00081AF 100154City of Shavano Park Bexar Municipal 0.000 189.350 189.350 100207BE00132 100376 Joseph E. Van Hecke and wife,Bexar Laurine Industrial Van Hecke 0.000 25.000 25.000 100208BE00133 103999Marion J. Fey Bexar Irrigation 75.000 0.000 75.000 100209BE00133A 100519Kathleen Fey Davis Bexar Irrigation 37.500 37.500 75.000 100214BE00134 100781 San Antonio Country Club, Inc.Bexar Industrial 0.000 76.000 76.000 100215HA00214 100174 Crystal Clear Special Utility DistrictHays Municipal 0.000 1187.009 1187.009 100217HA00216 100134City of Kyle Hays Municipal 0.000 432.072 432.072 100223ME00348 100920 William T. Tschirhart, Jr., TrusteeMedina of the Irrigation Billy T. Trust 98.116 159.884 258.000 100225ME00348B 108648 Terrell Timberlake and DarleneMedina Timberlake Industrial 0.000 1.000 1.000 100232ME00419 105108Annie J. Halbardier Medina Irrigation 268.000 268.000 536.000 100235ME00422 101498Sammy W. Nooner Medina Irrigation 45.000 169.973 214.973 100243ME00536AC 100126City of Alamo Heights Bexar Municipal 0.000 28.000 28.000 100244ME00536B 100248 Fohn W.
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