26 TORRANCC PRESS TfiWday, May TO, 1956 fastalls Wood PTA Officers Installation of the Howard Mrs. W. Sharon, recording sec­ Mofher's Day Wood PTA 1956-57 officers was retary; Mrs. R. Horncr, treas­ held at the Howard Wood urer; Mrs. H. Stewart, historian: school with Mrs. Mark Wright Mrs. Gordon Jones, parliamen­ Fefe Planned of the Torrance School Board tarian, and Ouster Hawley. audi*| as installing officer. tor. By Amaranth Women... In a ceremony in which a A report of the unit's accom­ parallel was drawn between the plishments during the past year Mother's Day will be the Club News Society News officers of the PTA and a medi­ was presented by Mrs. Ralph them* for the meeting to be cal staff, the new leaders were Engstrom, historian, in the named. form of an original skit en­ held thii evening, May 10, by NORALEE BENEDICT, Woman's Editor titled, "This Is Your Life." memben of Lomita Court 61, These include: Mrs. Paul Crossman, president; Mrs. Wil­ The school orchestra and gle« Order of Amaranth, in the Ma­ liam Dickson, first vice-presi­ club, under the direction of sonic Temple, 2336 Cabrillo ave. dent; Robert Evans, second Mrs. Merlyn Wilde, entertained Royal Matron Gladys Mother- All Torrance Women Are vice-president; Mrs. R. Eng- with at program called "Rock. sell and Royal Patron Clyde strom. corresponding secretary; Around the Clock." 1 Satterfield have extended the Welcome fo Join YWCA assurance of a pleasant evening Members of the Torrance branch of the YWCA are to all members of the Order. now concentrating: on their annual membership drive to MOTHER IS Refreshments and entertain­ end May 15. bring in new mem- ment are being planned by This two week drive is designed to "QUEEN FOR A DAY'.' W&M / \^ Chairman Ann Long, Past. Roy­ bers for all summer and fall* al Matron, and her committee. activities and will close with the YWCA during thii drive, with p«^ 4_ a coffee hour to honor new Margaret Wilson, director, said. to Mr. and Mr«. Blroy Wlttrook, of members on Monday, May 28, Memberships arc available 4034 W. !S3rd »t., announce th» 8 p.m. at the YWCA. girls from 12 to 17 years. Adult birth <if a daughter. Buzanne Marie, and HVi ounce*. All women are invited to join memberships entitle members 8 pound* to register in clubs and classes in any YWCA and take part in the national and international picture. In addition to attendance In classes, social, and ways and means activities, the YWCA of­ fers participation on policy making committees tsuch as program, building, public af­ beauty of the 6ea fairs, world fellowship, and Monte Trumbull Smith discusses one of his marine paintings ^hich will be displayed many others. Mrs. Thomas Westfall, chair­ this month at the Woman's Club house, 1422 Engracia ave., with Mrs. W. C. Bos- man of the membership com­ well, Jr. and her daughter, Pamela. Mrs. Boswell is a member of the Woman's Club. mittee, heads the membership Press Photo. drive with: Mrs. Richard Len- narta, Mrs. Rufus Sandstrom, Mrs. R. A. Kelsey, Mrs. L. L. Enger, Mrs. Stanley Jackson, Mrs. M. Lavender, Mrs. A. L. Marine Paintings Presented Pyeatt, Mrs. A. E. Palmer and Mrs. D. P. Wilson assisting. Stylad with Spirit end Color By Woman's Club for May thoso ihoo« will do hS« Delphians to Each month the Torrance Woman's club sponsors a showing by prominent local "mo»t" ha enhance yowr artists. appooranet. Each artist brings selections of his canvasses which surround the club house View India walls for the pleasure and appreciation of t he many who visit and meet at the club house. In White, This month tlhe Torrance "MET FOO Shield" for which counterpart to tht> English Black Patent As a Nation Woman's club is sponsoring a he did the covers and many "Punch." Kappa Chapter of the t Na­ one man show of marine paint­ and Navy drawings. Smith's interest in the sea tional Delphian society 'will ings hy Monte Trumbull Smith. While in the Orient, he lllus- meet this morning, April 10, at Smitih is an alumnus of the trated a story for Harry began in Baltimore, where, as the Public Library. Cravens and College of Woostor and attend­ Framck, noted as fhe auttior of a boy he watched the ships on 995 Post avenues, at 10 a.m. to dis­ ed the Chicago Art Institute. "A Vagabond Journey Around Chesapeake -Bay. During his cuss "India, Nation or Sub­ Although he did not elect to the World." service with th« Standard Oil continent." make a career of art, he has A friend of his, Joe Babeock, Mrs. Robert; MacNicol will painted Intermittently lor forty Company he crossed the Pa­ PERFECT GIFT ITEM. SEE OUR HANDSAGS A HOSIERYI who introduced Mah Jongg to cific eight times. lead the discussion. years. the United States, supplied the Opening points will be made He spent thirteen years with inspiration for a cover called He lives in Redondo Beach. OPEN FRIDAY NITES by: Mrs. Gordon Walker, Mrs. the Standard Oil Company In PA AND MAH JONGG which The subjects of his nine paint F. W. VanOppen, Mrs. Warren China and edited their unique he did for Charles Dana Gib- ings being shown are: The Se­ Hamilton, Mrs. F. A. Sullivan, staff magazine known as the son's humorous weekly, "Life," ductive Sea. Crescent Bay, La- and Mrs. S. J. Paltin. guna; Ebb Tide, Wind-hounded TORRANCE The purpose of the discussion Combers, Palos Verdes; The will be to consider the diverse Running Tide's Call. Fog, «Ma aspects of India's problems un­ Greenthumbers Will Accept laga Cove; Peace and Fury, SJ BOOTERY der freedom and her chanceg of S. MET TAN, 'Yangtse Gorges, 1333 E! Prado (Downtown Torrance) FA. 8-9864 solving them Independently. 1924; The Great Waters at Rest The Los Angeles District As Entries for Flower Show sembly of Delphian chapters Greenthumber Garden club will present their second will meet for the final assembly annual flower show "Love, in Bloom" on June 8 and 9, in of the season Wednesday, May Seaside school auditorium. 16, at 12 noon, in the Ambassa­ There will Ixv^no charge for admission. dor hotel. Thp Greenthumbers have In The Panel of Americans from Wrapping vited all garden club members displays, and potted plants must UCLA will be presented by the and everyone interested In grow­ program chairman, Mrs. Harold ing flowers for pleasure or the be made between 6 and 9 p.m. For Mother! Linen look sheath dress Mazur. art of flower arrangement to Thursday, June 7. Floral ar­ These five speakers, each participate in the show. rangements, cut flowers and representing a different race or Feeli like linen, looks like linen . but it's The flower show will be open specimen blooms may be en­ religion, will discuss common to the public from 1 to 9 p.m. wonderful butcher rayon that stays ever-crisp misconceptions and prejudices tered between 8 and 10 a.m. and ever-fresh. The fabric is crease-resistant Friday, June 8. and from 9 a.m. in our society and demonstrate to noon Saturday, June 9. Friday, June 8. There are so many ways you can express your love and nd color fast . and is fashioned in the popular their creed, "Religions working 7. Exhibitors may not remove devotion on Mother's Day.. Whether she is young and together for the common good." Anyone interested in the sheath style with fancy buttons on the pockets; l6l/2 '24l/2 Greenth umbers Garden club or entries until the close of the pert or a "lavender and old lace" darling, a gift from An open discussion period show. CORNELL'S is sure to pleas*. will follow the panel's talk. the flower show may contact Mrs. William Fitzgerald. FR. 8. There wil] .b* no charge Mrs. Herman Saunders, presi­ for exhibiting. Gowni Slip* dent of the assembly, will pre­ 5-4077. Oreonthumbers announced that There will b* no admission sent a check to a UCLA Medi- from 10 a.m. to noon on Friday Robot Bloutot mOD O DflV caJ Center Auxiliary member In they ar* inaugurating a special section reserved for entries of a while Judges award the ribbons Negligee Sett Hoiiory the name of the speaker at each and t Corner of Sartor! & El Prado in Torrance of the ynar. bridal or wedding nature In Baby Doll Pajamas Foundation Garmonti keeping with the month of June. Nationally Advertised Brands Include) Rules governing tti« show Vanity Fair, Rogers, Artetnis, Etc. are: 1. Only cut flowers, potted plants, and specimen blooms If In Doubt Give A Girft C«rtilM<*« muirt be grown by th« exhibitor. 2. No artificial flowers. 3. The committee will not be responsible for lorn or damage Op** Men. it to materials or containers. Fri. 7H t P.M. SMART DRESS 4. First, second and third CORNELL'S place ribbons wil' be awarded RAMPLEY JEWELERS SHOES THAT under each classification. 16701 HAWTHORNE BLVD. 327 South Marlt«t St., Inglewood ORchard 7-15*J f>. Trophies will be awarded. Lawndale. California PLEASE 6. Commercial entries, floor hone Montler 2-1313 YOUR GIFT SUGGESTIONS for MOTHER - SUNDAY, MAY 13th BUDGET. Shrugs Hose Costume Jewelry ? MATCHING EARRING AND NECKLACE SET* J1 ' JS- Summer shades of service and sheers In outline, er In rich colored «| OO A OO Plain Novelty or DreMy Oriental pattern* .._ .................. I ulrTr m *f .^X Shrug* In wool, orlon or 399 toelett and heeless hose, in­ the new "GleamSeam" in oLe -^y\ 6 cotton.
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