devices 478 TOMAHAWK—WABAMUN :——"S Thomson George 339-2633 Tilley R 339-2479 ATCO GAS ^ 'co, Tomahawk & District Sports WABAMUN A 4902 51 Av ... Agra-Association 339-3747 See also Seba Beach for other customers located in this area. Blue Flame Kitchen.... ;;; p'ain 9^20-1010 TOMAHAWK GENERAL EMERGENCY CALLS Deaf Hearing & Speech - STORE339-3930 FIRE ALARM ONLY Number ^"^Paired TTV 420-3838 : TOMAHAWK HOTEL 339-3994 Wabamun 911 Fax Line 339-2561 Darwell 911 Augier Joseph BrooksideEstq Tomahawk Meats 4905 so St 339-3757 Paul Band Stony Plain 963-9111 Ayers L - .892-327 Tomahawk Payless 5102 50 St 339-2575 POLICE— ROMP Babiak T 892-2209 Wabamun 911 Fax Line 339-2576 Bach J 892-317 Tomahawk School 339-3935 Lake Isle Evansburg 780-727-4446 Bahm Thom 5517 52Av 892-2106 AMBULANCE 911 Torok Jason 339-2299 Bahme J .892-2837 Paul Band Stony Plain 963-9111 Baik Ron 892-3342 HOSPITAL Stony Plain 963-2241 Bailcrow Dane T 892-^^ TRANSALTA DISTRESS & SUICIDE LINE Bailey Kenneth PointAlison' ^892-2/88 www.transalta.com Edmonton 482-4357 CUSTOMER SERVICE INQUIRIES POISON CENTRE Baker Edwin... ' 892-4433 TransAltaOnCail (Toll (Toll-Free) 1-800-332-1414 Baldwin Gordon MooniightBa; '-892-3517 If Busy Call Calgary 403-670-1414 Bamber C ^ .892-3502 Free) 1-800-667-2345 Bamber Kim Faliis .892-2M7 For Outages Call PowerOut (Toil Bamber Roy Faliis ^'892-2553 Free) 1-800-332-1002 Abraxus Specialty Welding 892-3336 If Busy Call 892-3382 Banks Robert Darwell.. ..892-2053 Banks Robert Darwell... -892-3206 Troudt Larry BoxlSS 339-2203 Fax Line 892-3339 Bannerman John .892-9/50 Umbach M 339-3765 Adams Don 5516 50aSt 892-3558 Baril ZA 5210 52 st -892-3735 Utri Vance 339-2373 Adams E 892-2843 Barnes J 27 4325LakeshoreRd VALLEY CONCRETE (1979) LTD Adams J 892-2703 Baron Darrei Box24 Site^RRonnffioiH 4904 58 St Drayton Valley 542-5488 Adams R 892-2774 Barrett Ronald 5009 ssaw ^uffield 892-343^ Van Walleghem Del 339-2275 Adamson H J Darwell 892-2078 Bartell Erwin ' 892-2791) Wardlow J 339-2542 Adie Charles A 892-2541 Bartsch C 892-2369 Webb Donald E& Marcie 339-2563 Adie David 892-2736 Bass John &Delia ciearLakp '892-2^ Wedman DE Boxl46 339-2202 Adie P&A 892-4624 Baureiss H MesoWest... ,.892-2560 Weir Andrew Box5236 339-2579 Agostini Mike 892-3747 Bean Ed Faliis 892-2327 Wepryk Mike Boxl79 339-2150 AGRICORE Beanblossom Brian &biana -892-3398 Wepryk Steve Boxl79 339-2140 Stony Plain Agro Centre 963-1546 Bear Ray :...892-24^ Wepryk Steven 339-2269 Acheson Terminal SpruceGrove 960-4602 Bearhead A 892-4533 Wiedemann Bill 339-2502 Ahlskog Butch KapasiwinBch 892-2798 Bearhead C -.-892-|793 Wieser Marianne 339-2514 Aissiou AK 892-3024 Bearhead Stan L-892-3028 Wilkie Hugh Boxll3 339-2195 Akerlund Vern Box245 StonyPlain 892-2022 Beauiac Clem &Teri. -892-2398 Wntse Jason 339-2492 Akerlund Vern Box245 StonyPlain..: 892-2378 Beckett-Kennedy E -892-3031 WIrch Philip Box7193DraytonValley 339-3931 Alberta Strip Miners Union Loc 1595 C L C Beckett-Kennedy E Faxiitie - Wirstiuk Orest Boxl72 339-2190 Box51 892-3731 Bedford D&M21 2Av 892-31^ Wirstiuk Tracy 339-2213 Fax Line 892-3676 Bedore L&S 892-Wl Wolf Adolf 339-2266 Behrens Fred .892-2820 Alberta Treasury Branch Agnt 892-2278 Bellerose D .892-4793 Wolf Bernard 339-3780 Alexander J Allen Box239Darwell 892-4517 Wolodko Peter 339-3737 Bellhouse WB RR2Duffieid ;;,..892-3092 All Seasons Excavating Service Bellhouse W B Fax 892-2491 Woodruff Ian 339-2469 Box316Duffield 892-2360 Woodruff R Boxl25 339-2147 Bellmond P 892-2056 Allan MV 892-2123 Beloin Denis Faliis " 892-3062 Woodward R 339-2477 Allan MV WhitewoodSands 892-2857 Worden Jack 339-2278 Benford William Allinott Bob WhitewoodSands 892-3536 Worden Jack C Box72 339-2436 Bentley Rick Wright Sandy 339-2555 Ambrose J 892-2050 Bentz Dale E Ambrose Larry Lakelsle 892-2815 Berg John Lakelsle. .. Yaklmchuk Katherine 339-2117 Berglund WWhitewoodSands §0? AMBULANCE 911 Berlin Ron Lakelsle YELLOW PAGES- TELUS Bernard Robert Lakelsle. ADVERTISING SERVICES PAUL BAND stony Plain 963-9111 Bernier C Box56 892-498j Bernier Debbie 5221 55Av Ames Don Darwell 892-2907 Betts E 5231 52Av 892-3461 Amyotte Roland 892-2207 ELUS Bickerstaff RJ Duffield.... 892-2368 Anderson Blain G 5417-52 St 892-3635 Bidaisee Rick 81 Pat 892-4413 Anderson HM RR2Duffield 892-2518 Bielopotocky T 892-4716 Anderson Max 892-2807 Bignell Alex RR2Duffield,^ 892-2941 2611 3 Av SE Calgary e-mail: [email protected] Anderson S 892-3582 Bilawchuk A 892-2411 892-3612 Bilodeau D 892-3420 ADVERTISING INFORMATION Anderson S Andres D 8t S Box259 892-2009 Bilton David INTERNET ADVERTISING Andriuk Ken 892-3139 Birch Doug WarwaEsts OR PURCHASE OF DIRECTORIES Anstead Red 892-4902 Birch Doug WarwaEsts... (No Charge Dial)... 1-800-661-4260 APRIL'S BEAUTY SALON 892-3787 Bird Calyssa 892-34^ Fax (No Charge Dial) 1-800-563-0624 Aquarius Hot Tub Rentals gii'd pa.yton Bird Emily 892 9/bv Zaniewlcz Stanley P RRiDuffieid 339-2401 Box316Duffield Bird G 892-3014 Arnold S WhitewoodSands 892-3690 TROUT LAKE— See Peerless Lake Rjf{j J 892-2353 Arsenault EJ 892-2218 B d J :T- 892-4649 VAL QUENTIN— See Alberta Beach Arsenault R Bird Peter : :::: 892-0003 Arter L VEGA— See Barrhead Ashby John & Marg VIMY— See Legal or Westlock Astleford George RR2Duffieid Include the area code when 892-2509 calling long distance within Alberta VIOLET GROVE— See Drayton Valley Astleford Rose Mrs RR2Duffieid 892-2501 WABAMUN—WABAMUN 479 Advprtising Servf£S 2000 '^anlTTTTTsTT. 892-2245 Burpee Rod 892-4590 Coady F lakelsle 892-3372 S^'^'^'ock R 892-3587 Burry S Fallis 892-2571 Coates Brenda & Gary 892-4951 KR Accounting Service 892-2882 Burton Douglas HighlandAcres 892-2284 Collins Rick Dutfield 892-3633 » ^'^tori. i«hn 892-4680 Burton Larry Boxl2 892-2259 Collison Patrick J 3KapasiwanBeach 892-3226 S??®^it7 Hp?man 892-2346 Bush B Boxl55 892-2915 Complete Accounting & Business Services c & N 892-2166 Bush Ron 892-3552 Box309 892-3090 W Ted 892-2120 Bush Ron Faxline 892-2333 Concannon Jill 892-2980 g°fiyai p (3=1 892-3527 Bushey G T 892-3440 Cook M 892-3655 Booth G 892-4507 Butler D&V 892-3504 Cooper C 3 53029RangeRd32 892-3360 gorges j 892-2846 Butler E KapasiwinBch 892-3543 Cooper Larry 892-2498 Byce David A Box327Fallis 892-2918 Cornell E 892-3077 Bosi5,'^Ork Box346Fallis S^'onoi Byers Scott 892-4694 Cosgrove Richard Darwell 892-2461 Bof.^San Peter 53017RangeRd35 892-2091 Gaboon R H Box298 892-2021 Couch JC 892-2668 Cougar Creek Golf Resort 892-4545 Bouri Norman ono'^^^o Cairns D 892-2677 ij_ reau Paul 892-4662 Calhoun A V Dr KapasiwinBeach 892-2680 Fax Line 892-3112 Bounds B 892-2262 Maintenance Centre 892-3111 Callioux A P Box255Darwell 892-2780 Cowan Roy 892-3086 C^eauit Neii:;;:;:: 592-2786 Callioux Howard Boxl31 892-2860 Kguignon Darrell 5021 55Av 892-2720 Cowell Heather Lakelsle 892-3423 K^Uk Ken Lakelsle 892-3423 Callioux J Boxll 892-2573 Craven Lauren 892-2912 Callioux Warren Mesowest 892-3542 Crawford P 892-4957 Branu** Wward Darwell 892-4765 Camp Warwa Darwell 892-3648 Bradbury e 892-3072 Crawford Wm RR2Duttield 892-2502 H^ury EFaxline 892-2971 Fax Line 892-3632 Creelman L 892-4498 Campbell Allan C Westcove 892-3376 Critchley Douglas 892-3196 Basil Boxl56 892-2340 Campbell J 892-2539 Cross C L Box66Dutfield 892-2832 gl^dyOushawG JM Box98Darwell 892-2255892-3098 Campbell Ross Darwell 892-2472 Cross Daniel 892-3575 Campbell WR 892-2503 Cross M Boxl06 892-2845 Rra J ^ ^ Westcove 892-3368 CANADA POST Cross M Boxl06 892-3248 5Kent 892-3216 (voir Postes Canada Cross Richard J BoxlOl 892-2566 D- r^^ton JHDarwell 7892-2892 pour service en trancais) Cross Ron 892-2597 graun c 892-3508 Customer Service Cross Ronald 892-3183 groun DG 892-3462 Postal Code Information Crowe Tom 892-4592 graun | 892-2731 Charges To Caller Apply Csuhany L 892-4444 jaz Lino Boxl23Darwell 892-2441 As Explained On Call 1-900-565-2633 Culleton Kevin Boxl70 892-2926 Lino Fax Line 892-4690 General & Delivery Information Currie Dave Darwell 892-3045 gredeson K 892-3160 No Charge Dial 1-800-267-1177 Currie Duncan 892-3567 n'SjuWsma W 892-3239 TDD (Deaf Or Hard-Ot-Hearing) Cusack CM RRlDuftield 892-2550 No Charge Dial 1-800-267-2797 Cuthili 5 892-2'?0'^ "^tlTKREUZ CUFF Member Parlmnt Postal Outlet For Products And Services cyre Emile ;.7::;;7:;7;;;;:892-4505 nfToll Free) 1-800-268-7117 Wabamun 892-3626 Czerski Rob & Kelly 892-3047 grendel p 892-2345 Cardall M 892-2428 DLTool Repair 210 53320RngRd30 .7.892-4664 grendel Patricia77777777 ' 892-2449 Cargill L 892-3375 Dafoe C Dr 892-2641 grendel v 892-3168 Carlgren Robert 5229 55Av 892-3796 Dahmer A 892-4997 D^jl^^riejl RLKapasiwan 892-2041 Carlson Wayne 892-3236 Dake Pat Westcove 892-2133 'tco Structures Of Alberta Inc Carmichael Blair 892-2676 Dalzeli Don Westcove 892-3147 53ll2RngRd30 892-3400 Carriere Louis Box255 892-2109 Dalzeli Duncan Westcove 892-2536 ft Busy Call 892-3401 Carriere Martin 5025 52Av 892-3483 Danbrook K 892-4636 grockhoff W 892-3101 Carstensen Vern 892-2016 Daniels Curtis 5521 50aSt 892-2295 Brodeur l A 892-2565 Carter Allan Box2l 892-2143 Daniels Larry 892-2115 grodie Jim..777777;7777'77'77;77'I.
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