TOP TEN REASONS TO SHOP WITH ACOUSTIX PRODUCTIONS THIS HOLIDAY SEASON: #10 THE VOCAL MAJORITY - Alleluia #9 THE VOCAL MAJORITY - The Secret of Christmas #8 THE VOCAL MAJORITY - The Best of the Early Years #7 THE VOCAL MAJORITY - I'll Be Seeing You #6 THE VOCAL MAJORITY - The Music Never Ends #5 THE SUNTONES - Complete Works, Volume 2 #4 THE SUNTONES - Complete Works, Volume 4 #3 ACOUSTIX - The New Science of Sound #2 ACOUSTIX - Stars & Stripes And the #1 REASON to shop with ACOUSTIX PRODUCTIONS this Holiday Season ...... ,........ ,.. ,...... the brand new release of: THE SUNTONES - Complete Works, Volume 3 THE SUNTONES 700% Barbershop! 19611nlernational Quartet Champions THIS DOUBLE ALBUM VOLUME INCLUDES: Amenca The Beauliful ' Anchors Aweigh' Bailie Hymn Of The Republic' By The Light Of The Silvery Moon' Carolina Moon' Cassions Go Rolling Along, Daisy Bell' Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor' Give My Regards To Broadway' God Bless Amenca ' Harngan ' Heart Of My Heart (Story Of The Rose) , In Old New York' II's ALong Way To Tipperary' Let Me Call You Sweelheart ' lillie Annie Rooney' Manne's Hymn , Mary's A Grand Old Name' Meel Me Tonight In Dreamland' My BUddy' My Counlry Tis Of Thee' My Gal Sal' Over There' Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit Bag' Shine On HaIVest Moon' Slar Spangled Banner' Sweet Adeline' The Army Air Corp Song' The Band Played On ' The Bowery' The Old Songs' This Is My CounlIy • Till We Meet Again' Wedding Bells Are Breaking Up Thai Old Gang Of Mine 'You're AGrand Old Flag ACOUSTIX 1996/97 WINTER APPEARANCES November 17 Houston Oilers vs Miami Dolphins National Anthem Houston, TX Brenda Merrill 7131881·3561 November 23 Greater Cleveland Chapter Sweet Adelines Inl'l Cleveland, OH Debbie Ferenc 2161573-7357 December 14 The Vocal Majonty Christmas Shows FI. Worth, TX Janet Herrald 2141526-8686 December 20,21 The Vocal Majonty Christmas Shows Dallas, TX Janel Herrald 2141526-8686 January 25 Bravo Events Public Concerts Oakland, CA Marti Bell 5101373-4856 February 8 Bakersfield Chapter SPEBSaSA Shol'l' Bakersfield, CA Bill Rosica 8051589,4983 TInE OTY TOTALS CD Name _ I I 1-:-::==:-=--:;-;;c,,---- -+--'="---j--=S""15-+-__---11 ACOUSTIX - SlalS & SIri e, Address _ I /-';;A",CO",U",S;..;T;:;IX"'.:;Th",e-=,-N,,,e',,:'/",Sa",'e"nce""O",fS"'ouSnd';;-+__-t-__+- --j1 I SUNTONES· The Com lele Wo"" Vol. 2 Cil)' Slale _ I SUNTONES • The Com lele Wo"" Vol. 3 Zip Codc, Country _ I SUNTONES • The Com lele Wo"" Vol. 4 Vocal Ma'orit - The Music Never Ends (Method of Payment· Cirde One) I I Vocal Ma'on • Besl of the Earl Years Vocal Ma'oril -I'll Be Seein You l.1sa Mastercard American Express Discover Check MoneyOrder I I Vocal Ma'orit . Alleluia Accolillt Numbcr _ Vocal Ma'orit - The Secret Of Christmas 1 Orders Must Be Paid In US Funds Expimtioll Date Phone Number L---->' _ 1 N. American shipping add S2.50 Sub-Iolal Shipping I--------jl I Outside N. America add S5.oo Signature X Order Date _ I Texas residents add 8.25(1/4 sates tax Tax Allow 4 weeks for delive GRAND TOTAL f--------jl __---'P.::H=ONE NUMBER REQUIRED FOR ALL ORDERS. I I Mail to ACOUSTIX PRODUCTIONS -10455 N, Cenlrnl Expresswn)', SIC 109-128 Dallas, TX 75231-2211 USA 1 I FAX credit card orders to 214/265·9555 or call 214/265-STIX (7849) to place phone orders. EMAIL: [email protected] 1 WEB PAGES: hltp:l/limc.pop.upenn.edu/acoustixlacoustix.htm OR hltp:lfw.Nw·caip.rutgers.edu/"'porter/acoustixlacoustix.html 1..2-::... ----------------------The distribution, sales or advertising of unofficial recordings does not represenllhat such recordings are suitable for contest use. I November/December 1996 The Volume LVI, No.6 Tile Harmollizer(USPS No. 577700) (ISSN 0017-1849) is the ofticial public31ion of the Society for the )}rcscn'alion and ~a1monizer Encouragement of lI:ubcr Shop Quartet Singing in America, Illc. (SPEBSQSi\). 11 is published in the months ofJanuary, 1\larch, t-.la)', Jul)', Septemberand November 317930 Sheridan A BI·MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS Road, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53143. Periodicals postage paid ,II Kenosha, Wisconsin, amI at additional m:lilillg offices. OF SPEBSQSA, INC. IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY E~litorial and advertising offices are at the Society headquar­ ters. Advel1ising rates ,l\'ailahle upon request. Publisher as­ sUlnes no responsibility for return ofunsolicited manuscripts or artwork. Postmaster: send address changes 10 editorial ofticcs of TIl(' HurmOllizer. 7930 Sheridan Road, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53143 at Icasllhirty da)'s before the next public:l­ tion d:lte. A portion of e:lch member's dues is :llloc:lted to 4 Meet the champs-Nightlife co\'crthc magazine's subscription price. Subscriptionprice to non-members is 521 )'e:lrly or $3.50 per issue; foreign sub­ Close up and personat with the 1996 qual1el champion. scriptions are 53 I )'c:lrly or 55 per issue (U. S. funds only). 01996 by thc Societ)' for the I'rescryalion and Encourage­ 6 Meet the champs-Masters of Hamony menl of lJarber Sho('l Quarlet Singing in America, Inc. Close up and personal with the 1996 chontS champion. 8 Need a quartetting fix? Here's where to go Society Headclua''!ers A partial listing of informal barbershop activities in North America, SPEBSQSA 10 Not in a quartet? Brzzl Wrong answerl 6315 Third Ayclitle Second in a series 011 the quartet experience. Kenosha, WI 53143-5199 11 Sacramento-what an idea!' Telephone (414) 653-8440 Just some ofthe great activities scheduled for the midwinter convention. Ton-rm (800) 876-SING (7464) FAX (414) 654-4048 0,654-5552 12 From the Archives E-mail (name)@spcbsqsa.org Ray Hibbeler-a songwriter for Barbershoppers. Ex: Darryl Flinn = [email protected] Office Hours: 8 a.llI. - 5 I).m. 18 Bucl<eye Invitational VIII Monda)'-Fdday (Ccntral Time) Changing the rules ... again! 22 The National Music Education Summit Representatives meet to discuss America's musical future. Headquarters Office Staff 34 Singing Valentines-I 996 Success stories ofthis year ... Harmony Hall services for 1997. IMRRYL FLINN, Executive Direclor FR.\NK SANTAI{ELLJ. Dire.:torofFinance& Administration G,\RY STAi\IM, Director ofr-.larkcling & r-.lembcrship Dircctor ofDeveiopment-SingAmerica TOM DARR, Hannon}' Foundation Program Coordinator RUTH DLAZINA·JOYCE, Museum Curator/Archiyisl DAN IJAILY, Publications Editor JIi\1 lJEDUSi\IAN, f\lusic Specialist/COTS/Quartels 14 Tribute Giving LANI DIETEn. C&J Coordinator;Quartct Rcgisll)'IHC-DC Semi·allnual report, HUSS FOHlS, Manager of Media Production and Scrvices DRl,\N LYNCH, Public Relations i\lanager IS Letters to the Editor IIE'IT\' i\1,\DSEN, i\krchandise Operations i\lal13ger EV N,\U, i\lanag<:r ofi\lcmbership IJc\'dopmenl Two poignant stories of barbershop experiences. 01 LL RASII LEIGII, i\lusic SpoxialisVYoUlh OUlreach GREG IUSi\IOEN. Manager oflnfonmltion Systems 16 Charitable Services I'ATIUCKTUCKEI{·KELLY, World IlamlOnyn.lembership Chapter activities .. , Hcm1spring's summer program. O[E V[SEVICK, Assistant 10 the Exccuti\'e Dir~ctor KEN DUCKNER, Manager ofCOIwcntions & r-.lcctings 20 PR Basics Louisvillc, Ky. (S02) 893-7288 FAX: 893·669-1 How to make the most ofour latest PBS barbershop spectacular. CIIARLIE CREF:N. Director of Developmcnl Minneapolis, Minn. (612) 929-0041 FAX: 929-0552 24 Reaching Out Far Westem District hosts Youth Harmony Camp. 26 Barbershop Around the World NZABS convention ... Danes host European qUaJ1ct contest. 30 Chapters in Action SPEBsaSA VISION STATEMENT Barbershoppers work Olympics ... parade ... serenade. The Society is to be a wideiy recognized, ever­ growing, singing fraternity of men, drawn together 32 News About Quartets by their love ot the tour-part, a cappella. close­ More Olympic action ... lHlISic klau .,. movies. harmony style of music known as barbershop, 36 Swipes 'n' Swaps-bargains for barbershoppers whose mission is to perpetuate that style by shar­ ing it and their love for it with people of all ages throughout the world; and to be a leader in the cause at preserving and encouraging vocal mu­ sic, in our education systems and in our commu­ nities, as a lifelong recreational activity and an A winter sunrise over Lake Michigan bathes the snow-covered grounds of Harmony essential element in one's cultural well-being. Hall, SPEBSQSA's headquarters in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Photo by Lan; Dieter November/December 1996 r!JlaIinollizer • SPEBSQSA Officers ExeC'lIt;I'/! COII/mittet! President: Tim Ililnrahan. 215 Ilcdgecock Court S31c1lite Beach, FL 32937 [email protected] by Darryl Flinn, Executive Director Vice PrcsidcntfTreasurcr; Ed W3cschc, 6 Visla Lane, Melville, NY 11747 Vice Presiden1: Chuck Watson, 784 McCall Court, Columbus, Oil 43235 Vice President: John Schneider, 3 Rip Van Winkle, Houston, TX 77024 Immediate Past President Dick Shaw, 35 Vagabond lane, Winter Ha\"Cn, FL 3]881 Excculi\'e Direclor: Danyl Flinn exofficio SPEBSQSA /Joard Member:; C;Ul,lin;al: Philip Fi5OCr, 100~. ~lonlW, Williamspc1I1, IN 47993 76111.2317@):ompus.:r....'.com C~ntr.ll S13te~: DJI.:'- Schul~, 1845 Bristol Or., nubuqu~, IA 52001 OL,ie: Chlrlic RoS('. P.O. Bo.... 7885. Rocky Mounl, NC 27804 E\"crgrun: Ken Flmher. 4241 21st We'\t, 11100, Scat1le. WA 98199 Far West~m: IJun Gubbin$. 4-1 lOAvenline Rd., Cameron P.lIk. CA 95682 Illinoi$: Geroe MeNi5b. 120S Wakcfield Or., Springfield. II. 62704 Celebrate "Q" Johnn)' '\rP!cs«d: Gene COlJItS". 2W Madiso.Jo Rd. Cinciruuti. 011-15208 land O·I..;aktl: Du.lIK" lIuUon, RI. l. 130,. 1-16, RollingstOO('. MN 55969 Mid-,\llantic: Memn Aunun, 2400 W.usnef Or.• W~ la\H1. PA 19609 Nortbe.l';Iem: Dill Ferrigno. 140 Sca View Aw., Wakefield. RI 02879 s a diehard quartet kind of a events.
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