![Plamen Pavlov, the Forgotten Middle Ages], Българска История, София 2019, Pp](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
520 Book reviews DOI: 10.18778/2084-140X.10.26 ПЛАМЕН ПАВЛОВ, Забравеното Средновековие [Plamen Pavlov, The Forgotten Middle Ages], Българска История, София 2019, pp. 303. ast year, Plamen Pavlov – an outstand- вековна България [Kuber and the “double be- L ing Bulgarian researcher and promoter ginning” of medieval Bulgaria] (p. 11–19). It is of knowledge about medieval (but not only) devoted to the role of the so-called Kuber’s Bul- Bulgaria1, for years associated with the Uni- garia (located in Macedonia), little known to versity of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Veliko the average reader, in the process of establish- Tǎrnovo – published a book entitled Забраве- ing the medieval Bulgarian state. ното Средновековие [The Forgotten Middle The protagonist of the next text Кан Тервел Ages], the purpose of which was to familiarize и неговите съвременници [Khan Tervel and a wide range of readers with less known issues his contemporaries] (p. 20–28) is Khan Tervel related to the Bulgarian Middle Ages. The book (700–720), successor of Asparuh (the founder consists of twenty-five texts. Some of them had of Danubian Bulgaria). The author also reflects already been published (but have been reviewed on the rulers (of Byzantium, the Arabs, Khaz- and supplemented by the author); others have ars) as well as leaders with whom Tervel came “premiered” in the discussed book. into contact (especially during the Arabs’ siege The Forgotten Middle Ages opens with the of Constantinople in the years 717–718). Pavlov text Кубер и „двойното начало” на средно- claims that Tervel deserves a prominent place in the pantheon of European heroes who de- 1 P. Pavlov is the author of numerous publications on fended Europe against the Arabs. the Bulgarian Middle Ages, but not only. The biblio- In the text Кървавото лято на 811 го- graphy of his works includes several hundred items; the дина [The Bloody Summer of 811] (p. 29–37), list of his works published up to 2019 – С. ГЕОРГИЕВ, Pavlov outlines the achievements and figure Н. ХРИСИМОВ, Списък на трудовете на Професор of Khan Krum (802/803–814), paying particu- доктор Пламен Христов Павлов, [in:] Владетел, държава и църква на Балканите през Среднове- lar attention to his victory in 811 over the Byz- ковието. Сборник в чест на 60-годишнината antine armed forces, commanded by Emperor на проф. д-р Пламен Павлов, p. 1, ed. Н. КЪНЕВ, Nicephorus I. He concludes by saying that due Н. ХРИСИМОВ, Велико Търново 2020 [= AMMT, 1], to his achievements and role in the history p. 26–80. For instance: П. ПАВЛОВ, Княз Пресиан II of medieval Bulgaria, Krum should bear the (последният владетел на Първото българско цар- nickname “The Great”. ство и претендент за византийския престол), The article Българската власт отвъд Стара Загора 1993; idem, Залезът на Първото бъл- Тимок и Морава (краят на VII – средата на гарско царство (1015–1018), София 1999; idem, IX в.) [The Bulgarian power beyond the Timok Българското средновековие. Познанто и непозна- and Morava (the late 7th – the mid-9th centuries)] то. Страници от политическата и културната иcтория на България, VII–XV век, Великo Търно- (p. 38–48) was devoted to the history of the Bul- во 2008; idem, Векът на цар Самуил, София 2014; garian presence on Serbian lands in the period th th idem, И. ТЮТЮНДЖИЕВ, Османските завоевания between the late 7 and the mid-9 centuries. и „Държавата на Духа”, Велико Търново 2017. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.lodz.pl/sceranea [02.04.2021] Book reviews 521 The next text, mysteriously entitled „Осми- In order to present Plamen Pavlov’s schol- ят” от седмочислениците [The “eighth” of the arly argumentation, we will devote a little more Seven Holy Men] (p. 49–58) covers the activities space to characterize the next two, important of Boris-Michael, who decided to introduce texts. The first of them: Пресиан II – последни- Bulgaria into the circle of Christian states. Ac- ят владетел на Първото българско царство cording to Pavlov, his achievements in the reli- (1018 г.) [Presian II – the last ruler of the First gious sphere, including the support for the disci- Bulgarian Empire (1018)] (p. 85–97) is a sum- ples of Saints Constantine-Cyril and Methodius, mary of completely novel research by Plamen justifies calling him the eighth of the Seven Holy Pavlov, related to the collapse of the First Bul- Men (this term is used in reference to the disci- garian State2. It was dedicated to the last ruler ples of the Solun Brothers). of this political creation (this fact has been prov- The text Цар Симеон Велики и „исто- en by Pavlov), namely Presian II (1018), the рията на древните” [Tsar Simeon the Great eldest son of Tsar Ivan Vladislav (1015–1018), and the “ancient history”] (p. 59–69) is devot- so far considered to be the last ruler in early ed to the political ideology promoted by Tsar medieval Bulgaria. Aware of the scarce and suc- Simeon I the Great, according to which the cinct references to Presian in the sources of the Bulgarians become “the chosen people” and Si- era, the Bulgarian scholar convincingly recon- meon – the new Moses. structs the political life of this ruler. He points In the article Последните дни на цар Са- to the significance of the name he received from муил [The final days of Tsar Samuel] (p. 70–78), his father, which is a reference to one of the ear- Pavlov analyzes the source material on the cir- lier predecessors on the Bulgarian throne, from cumstances of the death of Tsar Samuel. He the period before the official Christianization indicates, e.g. that since Samuel was a promi- of Bulgaria, that is, Khan Presian (836–852). nent figure across the globe at that time, and his Pavlov sees this as evidence of dynastic ties death was recorded in sources of various prov- between the Komitopouloi and the family of enance. The Bulgarian scholar concludes his Krum himself, and perhaps also a suggestion on arguments with a postulate that the remains of the part of Ivan Vladislav at the seniority of the Samuel – discovered in Prespa (in the Church Aaron family, from which he came, over that of St. Achilles) by the Greek scholar Nikolaos of Samuel. In addition, the reference to Khan K. Moutzopoulos, and not transferred to Bul- Presian, during whose time the borders of the garia – should be placed in the Hagia Sophia Bulgarian state reached the Adriatic Sea and Church in Sofia-Serdica, which was probably the vicinity of Thessalonica, could have had his birthplace. a symbolic meaning in the context of the strug- Владимировият кръст – неизвестна ре- gle with Byzantium in the second decade of the ликва от времето на цар Самуил и неговите 11th century. The author points to the moment наследници [Vladimir’s cross – the unknown rel- when the Byzantine-Bulgarian war ended, which ic from the time of Tsar Samuel and his succes- is evidenced by the actions of the Byzantines, as sors] (p. 79–84) concerns the fate of the cross, an important element of proving the tsarist ti- which John Vladimir (the prince of Duklja) was tle of Presian II. The military stand, from which said to have received from the Bulgarian ruler, Emperor Basil II (976–1025) himself repor- and which he yielded when he died in Prespa tedly spoke to his victorious soldiers and de- at the order of Tsar Ivan Vladislav. Currently, feated enemies (a custom cultivated since the this cross is believed to be in the hands of the times of the Roman Republic), was ordered by Andrović family and used during religious cer- the basileus to be brought out only after Pre- emonies in one of the churches near Bar. Due sian had surrendered. The latter, along with to the importance of this relic, Pavlov calls for his younger brothers, Alusian and Aaron, had further research by Bulgarian and Montenegrin resisted the imperial army by taking refuge on scholars to verify whether the cross owned by the Androvićs is indeed Vladimir’s cross. 2 П. ПАВЛОВ, Княз Пресиан II…; idem, Залезът… Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.lodz.pl/sceranea [02.04.2021] 522 Book reviews Mount Tomor. The defeated Bulgarian tsar re- The final accent of his deliberations concerns the ceived the high title of a magister3. Additionally, death of the former Bulgarian tsar. Pavlov sup- he and the rest of the ruling family and repre- ports the version according to which the Bul- sentatives of the Bulgarian nobility were in- garian spent the last years of his life in Hungary cluded in the Byzantine aristocracy. In the past, (a view based on a mention of his name in an another Bulgarian ruler, Boris II (969–971), had inscription discovered during archaeological been dethroned and treated in the same way by research of the medieval rotunda in the city of Emperor John I Tzymiskes (969–976). The hy- Michalovce, Slovakia). pothesis of the Bulgarian historian regarding The second of the more extensively present- Presian’s tsarism is also confirmed by one of the ed texts, Загадката Петър Делян [The mys- miniatures in the so-called Venetian Psalter of terious Peter Delyan] (p. 98–105) was devoted Basil II, in which the Bulgarian was depicted to the leader of the greatest Bulgarian uprising dressed in the robes similar to those worn by the against Byzantine power in 1040–1041. Pav- basileus and is clearly the most important figure lov follows the fate of the titular Peter from the among the eight representatives of the Bulgarian moment he appeared in Byzantine sources until aristocracy displayed there. Pavlov follows Pre- the final collapse of his endeavor, emphasizing the sian’s further career, now as a Byzantine magis- lack of knowledge about the actual origin and ter and strategist in Asia Minor, during which portrait of this representative of the Bulgarian he twice participated in the coups against the aristocracy.
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