Foreign Languages and Literatures-101 Spanish 1. Spanish 101 to 203 inclusive or equivalent. 2. At least 36 credits of upper-division work in Spanish, including 331-332-333 and two 3-credit literature courses at the 400 level. 3. Five quarters, or equivalent, of another foreign language. 4. All Spanish majors must complete FLL 310, Cervantes. 5. Spanish majors are advised to take at least one quarter of Luso-American history (History 285-286-287). Linguistics Emphasis For a complete listing of Linguistics offerings see Linguistics. 1. The first six quarters or equivalent (active skills track wher.e possible in any of the languages in which a major is offered). Spanish does not offer the linguistics emphasis. 2. The available language courses numbered 301, 460, 465 (or approved equivalent); or, in the case of Classics and Latin, 12 credits of Greek and/or Latin 300. 3. Thirty credits of Linguistics, including: Ling 301 (FLL 301 , Engl310), six credits of Ling 310 (FLL 310, Engl 319), Ling 315 (Anth, ICOM 383), Ling 316, Ling 317 (Anth, ICOM 480), and six credits of Ling 450 (FLL 450, Engl 419). 4. Strongly recommended are: Ling 320 (Engl 312), Ling 321 (Engl 314), Ling 324 (Engl 412), nine upper-division credits in the foreign literature and/or culture; three credits of appropriate topics under 355; six credits in the history of Europe. Teacher Preparation in Foreign Languages General Requirements for an Endorsement in the Extended Major, Major and Minor Teaching Fields: For an endorsement in the extended major, major and minor teaching fields of French, German, Latin, •Russian or Spanish, five quarters or equivalent of another foreign language are not required. Students must gain admission to Teacher Training and Student Teaching (see the School of Education section of this catalog). A departmental recommendation on the student's proficiency is required for student teaching. An over-all minimum grade point average of 3.0 is required for upper-division work. Students must meet the requirements for certification as a teacher (see the School of Education section of this catalog.) Extended Major Teaching Field of French: For an endorsement in the extended major teaching field of French, a student must complete the requirements for the B.A. with a major in French including Fren 401 and 410. French qualifies for a single-field endorsement. However, there is a limited demand in the majority of Montana high schools for teachers with a single endorsement in French. Students should complete the requirements for a second teaching endorsement (major or minor) in another field in more demand in high schools. Minor Teaching Field of French: For an endorsement in the minor teaching field of French, a student must complete Fren 101-102-103, rren 201-202-203, Fren 301, 302, 303, 401, 410 and at least two elective credits of upper-division French courses. Extended Major Teaching Field of German: For an endorsement in the extended major teaching field of German, a student must complete the requirements for the B.A. with a major in German including Germ 410. German qualifies for a single-field endorsement. However, there is a limited demand in the majority of Montana high schools for teachers with a single endorsement in German. Students are encouraged to complete the requirements for a second teaching endorsement (major or minor) in another field in more demand in high schools. Minor Teaching Field of German: For an endorsement in the minor teaching field of German, a stu­ dent must complete Germ 101-102-103, Germ 201-202-203, Germ 301, 302, 401, 410 and at least three elective credits of upper-division German courses. Major Teaching Field of Latin: For an endorsement in the major teaching field of Latin, a student must complete the requirements for the B.A. with a major in Latin and, in addition, Lat 410. Minor Teaching Field of Latin: For an endorsement in the minor teaching field of Latin, a student must complete Lat 101-102-103, Lat 211-212-213, 12 credits of Lat 300, Major Latin Writers; Lat 402, Com­ position; .and Lat 410. Major Teaching Field of Russian: For an endorsement in the major teaching field of Russian, a stu­ dent must complete the requirements for the B.A. with a major in Russian including Russ 301-302, 402 and 410. Minor Teaching Field of Russian: For an endorsement in the minor teaching field of Russian, a stu­ dent must complete Russ 101-102-103, Russ 301-302, 312-313, and Russ 410. Extended Major Teaching Field of Spanish: For an endorsement in the extended major teaching field of Spanish, a student must complete the requirements for the B.A. with a major in Spanish including Span 300, 301, 302, 401, 402 and 410. Spanish qualifies for a ·single-field endorsement. However, there is a limited demand in the majority of Montana high schools for teachers with a single endorsement in Spanish. Students are encouraged to complete the requirements for a second teaching endorsement (major or minor) in another field in more demand in high schools. Minor Teaching Field of Spanish: For an endorsement in the minor teaching field of Spanish, a stu­ dent must complete Span 101-102-103, Span 201-202-203, Span 300, 301 , 302, 401, 410 and at least two elective credits of upper-division Spanish courses. Suggested Course The following is a sample first year program to aid students in planning their first year before they ar­ rive on campus and have the opportunity to work out a. full four-year course plan with their academic of Study advisor. Each student intending to major or minor in a foreign language must consult with an advisor 102-Foreign Languages and Literatures before registering. For any further information contact the Secretary, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. For freshmen without previous training in the major language (French, German, Latin, Russian, Spanish): First Year A W S Specific Recommendations: Major language 101-102-103-Eiementary .. ..................................................... 5 5 5 · Hum 151-152-153-lntroduction to the Humanities......... .... ........................ ..... 4 4 4 Hist 104-105-106-European Civilization.................. ........................................ 4 4 4 *Eng I 11 0-English Composition....................................................................... 3 Suggested electives: Engl 115-116-117-lntroduction to Poetry/ Fiction/Drama ...................................................... ..... .. .... ........ .. .. ................... (3) (3) (3) FLL 160-Ciassical Mythology .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (3) (3) General Education courses in Perspectives 1, 4, or 5....................................... 3-6 0-3 16 16 16 *Quarter of enrollment depends on beginning letter of student's last name. Requirements for Total credits required for a minor in a foreign language vary with a student's high school preparation or language transferred from an other college or university. A student with no previous language credit, a Minor in order to earn a minor in one of the languages, French, German, Russian or Spanish, must complete a minimum of 24 credits in that language, 15 of which must be at the upper-division level. In French, the upper-division courses must include French 301 and 303. In Business French, upper-divisiQn courses must include 301, 303, 306, 334 and 402. In German, upper-division courses must include 301, 302, and two courses of the sequence 311,312,313. To earn a minor in Latin the student must complete a minimum of 24 credits including Lat 211-212-213 and 12 credits in courses numbered 300 and above. To earn a minor in Greek the student must complete a minimum of 24·credits, including Grk 211-212-213 and 12 credits in Greek numbered 300 and above. Courses U = for undergraduate credit only, UG = for undergraduate or graduate credit, G = for graduate credit. A after the credit indicates the course may be repeated for credit to the maximum indicated after the A. Foreign Languages and Literatures (FLL) These courses are given in English for the general student body. They do not count as credit toward a B.A. degree in any" given foreign language. General Studies (FLL) U 160 Classical Mythology 3 cr. Same as Hum 160. Deities and myths of the Greeks and Romans, with emphasis o.n those of most importance to Western literature and art. U 195 Special Topics Variable cr.. (R-6) Experimental offerings of visiting professors, ex- perimental offerings of new courses or one-time offerings of current topics. U 198 Cooperative Education Internship Variable cr. (R-12) Prereq., consent of department. Extended classroom experience which provides practical application of classroom learn­ ing during placements off campus. Prior approval must be obtained from the faculty super­ visor and the Cooperative Education Office. U 220 Aspects of Contemporary Foreign Cultures 1-3 cr. (R-6) Same as Hum 220. Studies of other cultures entirely in English. Given by various instructors under varying titles. U 221 The French Film 3 cr. Same as Hum 221. An historical and esthetiq survey of the French Classical Cinema concentrating on the works of Vigo, Clair, Carne, Renoir, Bresson and Godard. U 222 The German Cinema 3 cr. Same as Hum·222. The development of the German film from its beginnings in 1895 down through the contemporary New German Cinema. Topics include Expressionism, New Objectivity, the Nazi film, the German contribution to Hollywood, and the post-war film in East and West Germany. U 231 Germanic Mythology and Culture 3 cr. Same as Hum 231. Germanic culture and mythology from 200 B.C. to 1200 A.D. Topics include the Germanic pantheon, Germanic religious practices, Germanic migrations, and major literary masterpieces. U 232 European Folktales 3 cr. Same as Hum 232. Folktales from at least three different European countries will be examined from literary, anthropological and psychological van­ tage points as suggested by international folktale research.
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