Ian Vol. V, No. 22 U. S. Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 15 September 1951 NAVY SAVINGS PLAN NOB SCHOOL NEEDS PROTESTANT SUNDAY PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS TEACHER SCHOOL One aspect of savings for en- The large enrollment in the Now that school has started and listed men in the Navy and Marine Naval Operating Base School vacations are over, the Sunday Corps that has been receiving little makes it necessary to employ addi- School attendance should go up. publicity is the Savings Deposit tional teachers in the elementary The new people on the Base will account, popularly called Paymas- grades. Anyone who has had experi- be interested in knowing who the ter's savings. ence or training in elementary edu- Sunday School teachers are, so Here are a few facts concerning cation and is interested in this posi- far the Nursery Department is Savings Deposits. tion is requested to call Mr. T. G. our largest group, having two Interest is paid at the rate of 4/o Scarborough, Supervising Princi- sections handled by the following per annum, not compounded. pal, at 9-371. teachers: Mrs. C. W. Sellars, Super- The money remains on deposit The school is also in need of intendent; Mrs. Jack Edwards, sec- until discharge, at which time it is musical instruments for the newly retary, Mrs. J. M. Naureckas, piano repaid with interest. At this time, formed band. This is the first time player, Mrs. J. M. Mason, Mrs. interest is computed to the date of the NOB School has attempted Jack Dowlen, Mrs. Frank White, discharge on all amounts which having its own band so if anyone Mrs. J. C. Garland, Mrs. Z. Marsh, have been on deposit for six months has an instrument that they would Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. A. 0. Nesset, or longer. Deposits made within care to rent, lend, or sell they are Mrs. K. L. MacLeod, and Mrs. J. M. six months of discharge do not asked to call the above number. Parsons. receive interest. Let's help make the first band at These children are three and One deposit may be made each the school a success from the very four years of age. On October the month in even dollar amounts not beginning. 21st the 4-year-olds will be pro- less than five dollars. Although moted into kindergarten. There are deposits may be made by checkage SERVICIO A LA FLOTA nearly one hundred little children against pay records it is preferable in this class. to deposit cash. In no case may By John P. Welch Let's give a vote of appreciation automatic deposits be made, since A Utility Squadron Ten PBM-54, to these ladies who are so patient it is required that both depositor piloted by Lieutenant E. F. Kings- and faithful in taking charge of and Disbursing Officer sign the ley and co-piloted by Lieutenant these little tots every Sunday deposit slip at the time the deposit Commander J. H. Airheart, while morning. is made. The depositor's record covering the shore bombardment of book remains in the custody of the Culebra Island, located about 20 TIME CHANGE Disbursing Officer at all times and miles east of Roosevelt Roads, is attached to his pay record upon Puerto Rico, on 7 September 1951, At 2:00 a.m., transfer. Also, a complete record received a request from the Com- Sunday, 30 Septem- ber, of his deposits is kept in the Bureau manding Officer of the USS Kep- 1951, the Naval Operating of Supplies and Accounts, so that if pler (DDE 765) at approximately Base, in accordance with Base Order No. the book is lost it may be accurate- 1830 eastern standard time 4-51, will revert to to Eastern Standard ly reconstructed without loss to the make a water landing and pick Time and all up clocks will be set depositor. a man who was seriously ill and back one hour. In the event that a depositor transport him to the nearest doc- extends his enlistment instead of tor or hospital. Lieutenant Coin- NEW EM CLUB NEARING being discharged and reenlisting, mander Airheart had been on sta- COMPLETION his book is closed but deposits are tion approximately ten hours at not repaid. Deposits and interest the time the message was received. Great news for enlisted person- are redeposited in a new account, This information was relayed to the nel is the latest report on the new which has the effect of compound- U. S. Naval Air Station, Roosevelt Club now under construction ing at the interest. Roads requesting a doctor and Fleet Recreation Center. MCB-6 Both deposits and interest are an ambulance to stand by at the has moved in and work is progress- forfeited upon desertion, but under field. The water landing was made ing at an expeditious pace. no other circumstances. just prior to dusk in high swells. LT R. S. Burns reports the new The Savings Deposit program is The man was transferred to the bar, soda fountain open and grill are only to enlisted personnel of plane strapped in a stretcher. He now in Miami awaiting transporta- the armed forces. The four percent was suffering from shock, reason tion to Guantanamo. Glass interest rate jalou- is greater than is unknown. A night landing was sie's are to be installed and will available to these e personnel in any made at Roosevelt Roads and the separate the patio from the main other safe and sane investment pro- man transferred to the waiting structure giving gram. the Club a very It should be pointed out, ambulance. The transfer of the man modern touch. Final however, especially plans are to personnel from ship to shore was successfully ready for the interior decorators with dependents, that money on carried out despite the high swells and the Club is expected to open (Continued on Page Three) and receding visibility. shortly after the first of October. Two THE INDIAN Saturday, 15 September 1951 PagepPage Two THE INDIANSaudy15epmbr91 EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF THE HOSPITAL Sunday, 16 September 1951 Editorial Office, NOB Administration Bldg., Room 209 - Phone 254 Catholic Masses 0700-Naval Base Chapel Saturday, 15 September 1951 0900-Naval Base Chapel U. S. NAVAL OPERATING BASE Daily Mass - 0630 Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Confessions before all Masses Rear Admiral M. E. Murphy, USN Commander Protestant Services A. G. Jones, JOSN---------------- Editor Sunday: 0930-Sunday Sshool J. M. Mason, LT------------ Staff Advisor 1000-Adult Bible Class THE INDIAN is published weekly, fin- anced by non-appropriated funds, printed 1100-Divine Worship on government equipment, for free distri- Thursday: 1930-Choir Rehearsal bution on the U. S. Naval Operating Base, ' Guantanamo Bay, Cuba by order of the Chaplains at this Activity Base Commander. CDR John F. Hagen, ChC, USN THE INDIAN is published in compliance (Protestant) with the provisions of NAVEXOS-P-35 (Rev) 1945. LCDR J. J. Tschantz, ChC, USNR THE INDIAN uses Armed Forces Press (Catholic) Service material which may be reprinted with the credit line: AFPS. DON'T MISS THE BOAT! TEEN-AGE ROUNDUP By Chaplain M. S. Sheehy By Mirt McCormack Many promising Navy careers have been ruined by one act of The Teen-Age Club held their CAPT C. W. Reeder, MC, USN first dance Thursday night of the carelessness separating a man from 23rd. The dance was held at Phil- Captain Charles W. Reeder, MC, his ship. lips Park, and was a great success. USN, reported to the Naval Hos- There are other ways in which Jeanie Braswell celebrated her pital as Executive Officer on the you can miss the boat in the Navy; seventeenth birthday on the 24th 7th of August. He came to Guan- failure to take advantage of every of August. She invited a few tanamo Bay from the Naval Hos- training course; disregard of the friends over to spend an evening pital, National Naval Medical common courtesies of life; refusal of fun and refreshment. Center, Bethesda, Md., where dur- to make God your partner in the The following people have been ing the past year he served as business of being a good Navy man. elected on the Arrow Staff: Kathy Assistant to the Executive Officer A ship which set to sea with no Alexander, Buddy Tuckey, Earl in connection with fulfilling the plan of operation would not achieve Springer, Bill Matney, Joe Honey, requirements for a Master's degree much. Every navigator has to know Judy Blackmore, Carolyn Alex- in Hospital Administration which his course. Every Navy man should ander, Jimmy Lippold and Alan was conferred upon him this past figure out just where he wants to Marshall. I'm sure they'll put out June by Washington University go and what he wishes to achieve a fine paper. School of Medicine, St. Louis, Mo. by his years of service. And Thursday afternoon the Girl's Captain Reeder graduated from then, without whimpering, he must Athletic Association elected offi- the University of Kansas School carry on. cers: Dixie Adair, president; Bar- of Medicine, spent three years in- There is a book which, although bara Burke, vice-president; Kathy terning at the Montreal General scientifically unsound, has had Alexander, secretary; Mona Lee Hospital, Montreal, Canada and many readers. It is "Worlds in Honey, treasurer; Joan Forles, one year in New York. Prior to Collision". We know what may point manager; and Carolyn Alex- World War II he practiced surgery happen when boats collide. In the ander, reporter. Congratulations in Long Beach, California. He holds Navy, men must work, live, play, girls. a Fellowship in the American Col- and pray together without getting Thursday afternoon, after school, lege of Surgeons and the Ameri- in each other's way.
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