Events The P ittsburgh Buddhist Center All events to be held at Pittsburgh Buddhist Center Pittsburgh Buddhist Center is a not for profit At Natrona Heights unless otherwise noted. All events organization serving the needs of Buddhists are open and free to public. and friends of Buddhism in and around greater Pittsburgh. This is the first Theravada Temple established in western Pennsylvania. Weekly Meditation Sessions Pittsburgh Buddhist Center was established Every Wednesday from 7:00-8:00 PM on September 06, 2006. Monthly Dhamma Discussions President Conducted once a month by a resident monk or a Venerable Nehinne Ariyagnana visiting monk. See website for more details. Vice President Dr. K. Siripala Monthly Scholarly Talk Secretary Conducted once a month by a Buddhist scholar Damitha Karunaratne doing research on the Buddhist Religion and Philosophy. Treasurer Thilaka jayakody Pittsburgh Buddhist Center Dhamma School for Children 111, Route 908, Offered once a month for children ages 4-16, Dhamma School Provides an opportunity for children Natrona Heights, PA 15065 to learn Buddhism in an interactive setting. The class (724) 295-2525 teaches children how to live a happy and successful life according to the Buddha’s teachings. [email protected] http://www.pittsburghbuddhistcenter.org Retreats Offered by resident monks, visiting monks or visiting scholars, retreats provide participants the opportunity to practice Buddhism for an extended period of time. Visit http://www.pittsburghbuddhistcenter.org and click on Events for details Pittsburgh Buddhist Center Dedication Ceremony Offering of the temple to Maha Sangha April 28-29, 2007 Pittsburgh Buddhist Center 111, Route 908, Natrona Heights, PA 15065 MESSAGE FROM MAHANAYAKA - MALWATTE CHAPTER W;smQcH ;sífndgqjdfõ Y%S isoaOd†_ iqux., uyd iA:úr YHdfudamd,s uyd ksldfha u,aj;= md¾Yjfha uyd kdhl u,aj;= uyd úydrh uykqjr iqNdYsxikhhs wm ;:d.; iïud iïnqÿ rcdKka jykafiaf.a Y%S ioaOu_h" kùk úoHd ksIamdok je,|.;a ngysr iudchg wk._ T!IOhla ù we;s nj b;d meyeos<sj olakg ,efnk fohls' ta i|yd wmf.a Y%S ,dxlsl NslaIQka jykafia,d uy;a Wkkaÿfjka lghq;= lrK njo fmfka' nqÿ oyu fkdokakd ngysr cd;Skag wmg ,nd osh yels jákdu jia;=j ;:d.; Ou_hhs' úúO o¾Ykhkaf.ka fyïn;a ù isák ngysr cd;slhka wo nqÿ oyu jeä jeäfhka je<| .ekSfï m%jK;djhla o¾Ykh fjhs' ta i|yd wmf.a NslaIQka jykafia,d wem lem úh hq;=h hkak wmf.a m%d¾:khhs' lsisÿ fNaohlska f;drj fuu W;=ï ldhH_fhys fhoSug wmf.a NslaIQka jykafia,d ffOhH_u;a lsÍu ,xld jdiS ldf.a;a hq;= lu fjhs' weußld tlai;a ckmofha fmkais,afõkshd m%dka;fha msÜian¾.a ys wdrïN lr mj;ajdf.k hdug iQodkï jk msÜian¾.a fn!oaO uOHia:dkh jeä oshqKq lsÍug;a" thska nqÿ oyfï mrud¾: uqÿka muqKqjd .ekSug;a úydrdêm;s kEyskafka wßh[dK iA:úr ;=uka m%uqL fn!oaO ¥; msßig yels fõjdhs wdYsxikh lrïy' 3 MESSAGE FROM MAHANAYAKA - ASGIRIYA CHAPTER W;smQcH Wvq.u › nqoaOrlaÅ; uyd ia:úr YHdfudamd,s uyd ksldfha wia.sß md¾Yjfha uyd kdhl wia.sß uyd úydrh uykqjr nqÿ oyfï ÑriaÓ;sh Wfoid fn!oaO NslaIQka jykafia,df.ka isÿjk wkqmfïh fiajh tod isg wo olajdu b;du;a wk¾> nj i|yka l< hq;a;ls' úoHd ;dËKfhka cSú; yev.iajd .;a ngysr f,daljdiSkag wmf.a uyd>_ fn!oaO o¾Ykfhka cSú; ilia lr .ekSug yelsnj fmkajdoSu wmf.a fn!oaO NslaIQka jykafia,df.a hq;=lu úh hq;=j ;sfí' újdodmkak f,dalhl hqo .sks ksùug" ÿla.sks ksùug" lreKdj-ohdj-ffu;%sh we;s lr,Sug nqÿoyug úfYaIs; n,hla we;s w;r th f,dalhd fj; fmkajd oSug wfma NslaIQka jykafia,dg yels nj wmf.a úYajdihhs' ta i|yd wmf.a NslaIQka jykafia,d wdo¾Yj;a msßila úhhq;= w;r tu mrud:_ uqÿka m;a lr.ekSug wem lem úhhq;= nj wmf.a n,dfmdfrd;a;=jhs' weußld tlai;a ckmofha fmkais,afõkshd m%dka;fha msÜian¾.a ys wdrïN fldg mj;ajdf.k hdug n,dfmdfrd;a;=jk fn!oaO uOHia:dkh u.ska fuu hym;a lghq;= bgqfjkq we; hkq wmf.a n,dfmdfrd;a;=jhs' tu.ska ngysrjdiSkaf.a Ou_×kh oshqKq fldg Tjqkaf.a hym;a n,dfmdfrd;a;= bgqlr,Sug .re kEyskafka wßh[dK ia:úrhka m%uqL msßig yels fõjdhs wms wdYs¾jdo lruq' 4 MESSAGE FROM MAHANAYAKA – AMARAPURA SANGHA SABHA w;smQcH ojq,afok {dKsiair uyd ia:úr Y%S ,xld wurmqr uyd ix> iNdfõ uydkdhl úoHd úchdrduh mdf.dv mdr kqf.af.dv iqNdYsxikhhs' f:rjdoS nqÿ oyu y÷kajdoSfïoS Y%S ,dxlsl NsËqj tod fukau wo;a iqúfYaI fufyjrla isÿ lrhs' fudrgqj fldr<je,a, jd¨ldrdudêm;s úkhdpdhH_ mQcH kEyskafka wßh[dK iA:úrhka úfoaYhkays Ou_m%pdrj, ksr; fjñka isák úÑ;% Ou_ lÓlhka jykafia kula fukau wdoY_iïmkak ysñ kuls' mQcHmdo kEyskafka wßh[dK iA:úrhka jykdfiaf.a wkqYdil;ajfhka yd fodia;r fla' isßmd," rxckS isßmd, fukau oñ; lreKdr;ak" moaud lreKdr;ak hk msxj;=kaf.a m%Odk odhl;ajfhka 2007 wfm%a,a ui 28 jk osk weußld tlai;a ckmofha fmkais,afõkshd m%dka;fha msÜian¾.a fn!oaO uOHia:dkh uyd ix>hdg mQcdlsrSfï ufyda;aijh meje;afjk fï wjia:dfõ wm ix> iNdfõ i;=g m%ldY lrk w;r fuu msxlu i|yd uQ,slj l%shd lrk kEyskafka wßh[dK" mQcH lUqremsáfha uqkskaojxY hk iA:úrhka jykafia,d yd NdKavd.dßl ;s,ld chfldä uy;añh we;=¨ msÜian¾.a odhl msxj;=ka g f:rjdoS nqÿ oyfï mKsúvh weußldkq ckhd w;r me;sr ùug ;=Kqrejka irKska wdhqrdfrda.HdoS iem; mefíjdhs iqNdYsxikh lrñ' 5 MESSAGE FROM MAHANAYAKA - RAMANNA NIKAYA w;smQcH fõje,afoksfha fïOd,xldr uyd ia:úr Y%S ,xld rdu[a[ uyd ksldfha uydkdhl YdikjO_k msßfjka uyd úydrh Y%S iqukidr udj; óß.u iqNdYsxikhhs' Ou_¥; fiajdj fn!oaO NslaIqjla úiska wjYHfhkau isÿl< hq;a;ls' j;aukays fndfyda fn!oaO NslaIqka fulS ld¾hNdrh uekúka bgqlrK wdldrhla oelsh yelsh' uy;a fjfyilr yd wdhdihlr lghq;a;la jk fulS Ou_¥; fiajdj j;aukays ;reK NslaIqka uy;a lemùfulska issÿlrK wdldrhla o oelsh yelsh' fï wkqj Y%S ,xld rdu[a[ uyd ksldhg wh;a NslaIqjla f,iska fudrgqj fldr,je,a, jd¨ldrdudêm;s mQcH kEyskafka wßh[dK yd mQcH lUqremsáfha uqkskaojxY hk uyd ia:úrhka úiska weußldfõ msÜian¾.ays isÿlrKq ,nk wd.ñl fiajdj meiish hq;=h' Y%S ,xld rdu[a[ ksldfhys wkqkdhl rdclSh mKaä; fndamsáfha jxYdkkao uyd ia:úrhka jykafiaf.a u. fmkaùu hgf;a yd fmkais,afõkshdfõ fodia;r fla' isßmd," fodia;r rxckS isßmd," oñ; lreKdr;ak" moaud lreKdr;ak hk uy;au uy;añkaf.a odhl;ajfhka yd Wmldrfhka isÿlrKq ,nk fuu fiajdj meiish hq;=h' weußldj jeks iqúYd, rdcHhla ;=, oyï mKsjqvh fnod yeÍu ;rula fyda ieye,a¨ lghq;a;la jkqfha nqoaêu;a msßia nyq, rdcHhla jk fyhsks' úfYaIfhka ,dxlsl msßiays wNsjDoaêh i|yd yd iodpdr ixjO_kh i|yd bÈj we;s fuu fn!oaOd.ñl uOHia:dkh ksrdhdifhkau wefußldkqjkaf.a wjOdkhg ,la jkq we;' úfYaI jYfhka fujka wd.ñl uOHia:dkhla Y%S ,xld rdu[a[ uyd ksldhsl NslaIqka msßila úiska we;slr,Su ms,sn|j ud o w;sYh i;=gg m;afjñ' bosß lghq;=o uekúka isÿlrkakg yeug f;rejka fnf,ka Yla;sh yd ffOhH_ ,efíjdhso fuys,d iqNdYsxik m<lrïy' 6 MESSAGE FROM ANUNAYAKA - RAMANNA NIKAYA Most Ven. Bopitiye Wansananda Maha Thero Anunayake of the Sri Lanka Ramanna Niyake Sri Dharmaguptha Pirivena Mulamaha Viharaya Payagala South Sri Lanka My felicitation at the precious moment of offering the first Buddhist center in America to the Ramanna chapter by the sane devotees of Buddhism in Pennsylvania on the 29 th of April 2007. The endeavor by Ven. Nehinne Ariyagnana Thero to redeem the restless people of America from their untold sufferings and grievances is praiseworthy, I am sure the Buddhist center at Pittsburgh will be a fountain spreading peace, mutual understanding and loving kindness over the continent. May the Buddha Dhamma pervade over America giving warmth to a serene surrounding and mindfulness to all human beings. 7 MESSAGE FROM NEW YORK BUDDHIST VIHARA, NY Ven. Kurunegoda Piyatissa Nayaka Maha Thero New York Buddhist Vihara 214-22 Spencer Ave. Parkside Hills New York 11427 - 1821 The advice of the Awakened One for the monks was to go about the four corners of the country and propagate the Dhamma for the benefit of the vast majority of people. In faithful obedience with this advice, his disciple monks engaged themselves in the task with extreme enthusiasm. The lay devotees took up the cue from the monks with equal zeal, amply supported by the rulers of the day. It is worth mentioning here the yeoman services rendered to Buddhism by devotees of the nature of Anatha Pindika, Visakha and many other lay people and also Kings such as Bimbisara, Kosala, Ajatasattu and Emperor Asoka of ancient India. Almost all our ancient rulers particularly the Kings Dutugemunu, Vattagamini Abhaya and Parakramabahu, ruled the country, always having at the top of their mind, the best interests of the religion. This is because, unless the people were religious enough, both their present and future spiritual advancement would certainly be in jeopardy. Following the tradition, the venture initiated by Ven. Nehinne Ariyagnana by way of a Buddhist Centre in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania is highly commendable and needless to say, immensely meritorious. Launching an establishment of this nature primarily serves the purpose of educating the people in the ways of the Dhamma. Furthermore, this kind of effort enables both the divine and the human beings to benefit as long as the institution lasts and even beyond, through the enormous amount of merit accruable in the process.
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