Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 12-4-1964 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1964). Winona Daily News. 539. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/539 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Mostly Fair, : ALVWJ REM) Continued Cold mmmtLwr /A*** Through Saturday 18 Arrested for Civil Rights Slayings Sheriff, Deputy Apportionment Illegal Seized by FBI MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - The The decision came In a salt In their ruling, the three judg- enacted in 1959, the first reap- present apportionment of the brought by nine persons from es said: portionment since 1913. Minnesota Legislature was held the Twin Cities area, demand- "We have every confidence The decision was signed by Invalid today by a panel of three Minnesota Legislature In Mississippi ing that apportionment be made that the U.S. District Judges Edward J. WASHINGTON (AP) federal judges. on a basis that will provide will fulfill its constitutional obli- Devitt of St. Paul and Gunnar — The But the judges said they would more legislators for heavily pop- gations and, at the forthcoming Nordbye of Minneapolis , and by FBI arrested 16 men in Missis- withhold further action until the ulated aieas. The plaintiffs in- 1965 regular session, will enact Circuit Judge Harry Blackmun sippi today in connection with 1965 legislative session has a cluded Rep. Clark MacGregor, appropriate r e apportionment of Rochester. the midsummer murders of " chance to act on drawing new R-Minn., and State Sen, Richard legislation... The decision throws an extra three civil rights workers at boundary lines for legislative , opponents in the 1964 3rd The present apportionment is burden on the 1965 legislative Parish Philadelphia, districts. District Congressional race. based on the 1950 census. It was session, already faced with Miss. mountainous problems of financ- FBI Director J. Edgar Hoov- ing for education, welfare and er said 21 men have been named other state programs. in criminal charges in connec- Already at work on the prob- tion with the slayings of James Role Beauty Played lem is a governor's reapportion- Chaney, Andrew Goodman and ment commission, headed by Franklin Rogers, Mankato Michael Schwerner last June newspaper editor. 22. The Minnesota constitution Nineteen , he said, were In Baker Case Asked calls for reapportionment at the charged with conspiring to in- WASHINGTON (AP) - Sena- financial interests or dealings first legislative session after terfere with federal rights. Two tors investigating an alleged with government officials , gov- each federal census, but this others were charged with "mis- political payoff shift sights to- ernment contracts , and others. had been ignored until the 1959 prision of a felony ." day to question a witness Re- He could have been asked re-mapping. In general , rural Misprision means being an publicans once wanted to ask what interests Baker had , or areas oppose reapportionment about the role a German beauty sought to acquire for himself or because they would lose repre- accessory after the fact of a played in the Bobby Baker case. others, in housing, gambling sentatives and senators to more crime. Paul Aguirre, who has busi- concessions, and other enter- thickly - populated areas, such Hoover said the FBI will make ness interests in Puerto Rico , prises in the Caribbean area. " as Twin Cities suburbs. its information available to was scheduled among the open- Mrs. Rometsch is the former Defendants in the action were state authorities for possible ing witnesses on what could be wife of a soldier once attached Secretary of State Joseph Dono- murder warrants. the windup day of this round of to the West German Embassy van and county auditors rl Those arrested include Sher- the Senate Rules Committee here. She was a hostess in a Ramsey, Hennepin, Anoka and iff Lawrence A. Rainey, of Ne- investigation. luncheon club in which Baker Dakota counties. shoba County, and his deputy. In a minority report filed aft- was interested. She has re- Cecil Price, who was the last to er the committee's first hear- turned to Europe. Interveners were State Sens. acknowledge seeing the three ings into the outside business Donald Sinclair of Stephen and young men alive last June. activities of Baker, former sec- Seven other witnesses were Rudolph Hanson of Albert Lea, Hoover gave this account of retary to Senate Democrats, the scheduled today, Including Mil- and others, including the county the crime, as pieced together by Republican members said : ton L. Hauft, who once made auditors of Kittson, Marshall , an intensive FBI investigation: "The minority unsuccessfully out income tax returns for Bak- Roseau, Pennington, Folk and Late in the morning of June fought to have Mr. Paul Aguirre er and Don B. Reynolds. Red Lake counties — all lightly- 21, the three victims left Merid- called as a witness. Reynolds has testified he was populated areas of northwestern ian in a 1963 station wagon for the "bag man" for Baker and Minnesota. "Aguirre could have been the purpose of investigating the Ellen Rometsch Philadelphia contractor Mat- The judges noted that present June 16 burning of a Negro asked what part Ellen Rom- thew H. McCloskey in a deal to House districts range from a What' s Her Role in etsch, or other like individuals, SHERIFF RAINEY ARRESTED .. Nes- courthouse is in background. This photo was church near Philadelphia. siphon $25 ,000 into the 1960 population of 56,076 in the 43rd- hoba County Sheriff Lawrence Rainey, cen- taken by AP staff photographer Jack Thor- Baker Case ? had in the promotion of Baker's Democratic campaign fund north in Ramsey County to only ter, was ushered into an FBI car by two nell after a bystander threatened him with a About 4 p.m. Chaney was ar- from the McCloskey firm's con- 8 , rested for speeding at Philadel- 343 in the 67th District of Kitt- (AP tract to build the District of son County, a ratio of 7-to-l. federal agents. The Philadelphia, Miss., knife. Photofax) phia. Price, who arrested him, Columbia stadium. Senate districts range front also held Goodman and Schwer- McCloskey, former ambassa- the 30th in suburban Hennepin ner for investigation. About six Radicals Blamed dor to Ireland and Democratic —twice as large as the state- hours later Chaney posted $20 fund raiser, testified he knew wide average—td the 38th in bond and the three were re- nothing about such a deal. Minneapolis, less than half the Staley Re-elected Johnson Yields leased. average population of a Senate The trio's station wagon was Testimony Thursday was In- district. In California terrupted by a shouting match found two days later, burned BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) - perse peacefully by campus between Lennox P. McLendon, In their directive to the Legis- To Demand for and abandoned on a dirt road President Clark Kerr of the Uni- Chancellor Edward Strong. special committee counsel, and lature, the judges said county 10th Tim e by NFO 13 miles northeast of Philadel- versity of California" , says the Mario Savio lines might have to be phia. , 21, a philosophy Sen. John J. Williams, R-Del. less- MINNEAPOLIS (AP) student Free Speech Move- major who moved Williams triggered this round of strictly respected in drawing - Put- er from Rea, Mo., was renamed An intensive search by FBI to California ting away the last minute chal- as he laid in a hospital bed re- ment's chaotic sit-in demonstra- from New York City, led the the Baker investigation by new boundaries. The judges said NATO Changes agents, Mississippi state troop- lenge of a Minnesotan, Oren Lee covering from an appendectomy personnel ended tion on campus Thursday demonstrators in their demands charging last September in a new boundaries should be drawn WASHINGTON (AP ) ers and Navy Staley was returned Thursday earlier this week. He will be re- - Presi- agents dug amounted to "anarchy by a for unrestricted freedom to re- Senate speech there had been a "without gerrymandering." dent Johnson evidently is Aug. 4 when FBI willful minority of radical stu- political payoff. night to his 10th consecutive leased from the hospital Sunday. into a new earthen dam near cruit members and collect funds Included was this warning: term as president of the Nation- Staley was nominated by Er- prepared to agree to extensive dents." anywhere on campus for After Thursday's flareup, Philadelphia and discovered the .off- Wil- " ... If the legislature fails al Farmers Organization. hard Pfingsten , the NFO vice changes in U.S. plans for a An army of police dragged campus political activities. liams stalked out of the hear- to fulfill its constitutional reap- NATO nuclear missile force in three bodies. Sole opposition came when presiden t from Sergeant Bluff , said the FBI, in nar- rag-limp students out of the lit- ings and said he wouldn't be portionment duty at its 1965 reg- Icwa an effort to secure British par- Hoover "Seizure of the building had Lynn Bowe , Elk River, Minn., , who called the president massive field of pos- tered corridors of the adminis- back. ular session, then more direct "terrific leader." ticipation . rowing the tration building on the Berkeley nothing to do with free speech , won a surprise nomination frorn sible suspects, directed its at- and the F.S.M. knew it, " Kerr judicial relief may become ap- Pfingsten himself was nomi- He also intends to handle the campus, and hauled them to Goodfellows Fund propriate " the convention floor only shortly tention primarily toward known said.
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