Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today Church of the Nazarene 8-1-1993 Herald of Holiness Volume 82 Number 08 (1993) Wesley D. Tracy (Editor) Nazarene Publishing House Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Practical Theology Commons Recommended Citation Tracy, Wesley D. (Editor), "Herald of Holiness Volume 82 Number 08 (1993)" (1993). Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today. 68. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh/68 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Church of the Nazarene at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Nazarene Higher Education . A w orld o f Influence As the Church of the Nazarene gathers for the General Assembly this summer, one stunning observation is the worldwide impact of our colleges, universities, and theological semi­ nary. Many of our missionaries—doctors, nurses, administrators, preachers, and teach­ ers—are living witnesses to the value and influence of Nazarene higher education. From the earliest days of the Church of the Nazarene there has been a great partnership be­ tween evangelism and education. These twin thrusts from the Great Commission continue to be expressed through the work of our schools. Nazarene colleges, universities, and theological seminary are inseparably linked to the church in this vital partnership of ministry. Take an active role in supporting our schools by • Praying regularly for your regional college, Nazarene Bible College, and Nazarene Theological Seminary; • Encouraging our young people to attend; and • Continuing the strong financial support provided by educational budgets and special gifts. NAZARENE INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, AND GREAT BRITAIN Canadian Nazarene College Nazarene Theological Seminary Eastern Nazarene College Northwest Nazarene College MidAmerica Nazarene College Olivet Nazarene University Mount Vernon Nazarene College Point Loma Nazarene College Nazarene Bible College Southern Nazarene University Nazarene Theological College Trevecca Nazarene College (Manchester, England) DID YOU KNOW.., O Nazarene pastors in developing countries often receive a salary of little more than $35.00-$50.00 a month? O Public education in many countries is not free and often includes expenses such as tuition, school uniforms, textbooks, and supplies? O Many Nazarene pastors' children are in need of financial assistance in order to pay for their education expenses? HOW YOU CAN HELP... O For $18.00 a month, you can sponsor a Nazarene pastor’s child and help send him to school. O Your support will lift a great burden from Nazarene pastors and their families in developing world areas who desperately need this help. O You will receive a picture and biographical profile of the child you are sponsoring, as well as the opportunity to correspond with and pray for your child. O Your local church will receive 10% Mission Special credit. H THE PASEO KANSAS CITY, MO 64131 816-333-7000 EXT. 2530 Yes! I want to make a difference! APPROVED 10% MISSION SPECIAI □Please begin my sponsorship today o f Nazarene pastors' children at $18.00 Mail check and application to: U.S. ($22.50 Canadian) a month per child. Nazarene Compassionate Ministries □ I am unable to make a monthly commitment at this time, but I am enclosing a World Mission Division one-time gift of $___________ 6401 The Paseo Kansas City, MO 64131 Individual/Group Name:. Street Address:_______ In Canada: Church of the Nazarene Canada City:________________ No. 7,3800-19th St N.E. Local Church:. Calgary, AB T2E6V2 Contents AUGUST 1993 VOLUME 82, NO. 8 FEATURES 8 Passing the Torch EUGENE L. STOWE RAYMOND W. HURN 13 WORSHIP 14 Called to Worship MORRIS A. W EIG ELT 19 EVANGELISM ■ ■ ■ 20 The Now Look of Evangelism JEANETTE GARDNER 24 Meet My New Friends JIM DIEHL 29 NURTURE 30 Called to Christian Nurture SUBMITTED BY IRVING LAIRD 37 se r v ic e 38 Vignettes of Four Nazarene Volunteers SUBMITTED BY JOHN HAY, JR. DEPARTMENTS 3 When You Pray E . D e e F r e f .b o r n 4 Editor’s Choice W e s l e y D . T r a c y 7 Nazarene Roots 42 Dave’s Corner D a v f . A n d e r s o n 45 Observer at Large J o h n C . B o w l i n g 47 Marked Copy M a r k G r a h a m A CELEBRATION OF OUR HERITAGE AND HOPE COVER PHOTO Special Report from the International Headquarters of Comstock the Church of the Nazarene When Y ou Pray Relinquishment agonized over the cup He was to drink, finally bowed to His Father’s will . and still faced the Cross. Sometimes we will receive that for or Resignation? which we pray, sometimes not. That is not the issue. What is important is and in quiet meditation, read those to know that what may not be given passages again. Walk back into the us now, will be returned resurrected! scene, sense the Savior’s struggle. God is always for us. Jesus did not His questioning, see the physical get the answer He prayed for. but stress and strain. Hear His prayer, grace and power have flowed from “My Father, if it is possible, may this His cross and the empty tomb ever cup be taken from me. Yet not as I since! w ill, but as you will" (Matthew I have a suggestion. For the next 26:39, NIV, italics added). two months, include a consistent time That’s the issue, isn’t it? It’s a mat­ of reading Psalm 37:3-7 in your quiet E. Dee Freeborn teaches practical theol­ ter of His will or mine. Not hard to time with the Lord. Let the words ogy and spiritual formation at Nazarene write about, pretty easy to discuss sink deep. Memorize it and take it Theological Seminary. and debate, but a different ball game with you through your day. In your when it comes to living it! What it reading, concentrate on the words comes down to is self-surrender. It Commit, Trust, Delight, Rest (KJV) “I g iv e u p .” With a sigh that sounded means struggle, not just giving up. or Be still (NIV). like a Kansas windstorm. I resigned This prayer is Christian through and What would it mean to truly com­ myself that day to never being free through, not a bowing to fatalism or mit your situation to a loving God? from daily headache pain of one kind determinism. We will identify with Are you trusting Him, confident in or another. That three-word prayer Abraham and his son on the mountain His resurrection power, for your (so to speak), sounded and felt very and with Jesus in the Garden. dilemma? What would happen if much like “Forget it" or “What's the The battle, however, leads to glori­ you began to delight in His grace, use.” A prayer of resignation maybe, ous freedom, a freedom from the steadfast love, and shepherd’s care but not a prayer of relinquishment. tyranny of the self-life. My will gives even before there was an answer? The two ways of praying, arising way to G od’s will, it is put out of life’s struggles and disappoint­ on the Cross, but be­ ments, are very different and lead to cause of the Resurrec­ vastly different answers. How we tion it is raised anew. long to find a rest in the midst of As Richard Foster foreboding world events. The turmoil says, “We are dealing Jesus did not get the answer He and confusion seem to seep their way with the crucifixion of prayed for, but grace and power into our systems, tainting our daily the will, not the oblit­ living with anxiety and fretfulness. eration of the will . have flowed from His cross and How do we find that rest so eloquent­ In the crucifixion of tomb ever since! ly promised the people of God in He­ the will we are enabled brews 4:9-11 ? to let go of our tight- I believe the prayer of relinquish­ fisted hold on life and ment can be the way in. You won’t follow our best find it easy to pray this way, rather it prayers” (Prayer: Finding the Heart's Wouldn't this be enough to bring rest will be a struggle— but a struggle of True H om e, Harper, 1992, p. 52). to your soul, to find the raging storms immense significance. Relinquish­ My sojourns into relinquishment quieted by His presence? ment was not easy for Moses, Abra­ prayer will reveal potential hazards Try praying this portion of the ham. or David. Paul battled it out and dangers. If I am not alert, I will psalm back to God. It might go some­ over his thorn in his side until he re­ find that I have carelessly fallen for thing like, “O God, I do commit this linquished it to the grace of God. another “formula trap" or gimmick. situation to You today. I will trust in We learn best, however, from the In other words, if I really, really relin­ Your sovereign grace” and so on. lessons of the Garden. It was in Geth- quish this issue to God, then my May you know the powerful presence semane that the model relinquishment prayer will be answered.
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