Komakech presents ‘State of University’ It's thr time of the year again when To the administration Komakech conducive to our learning and administration, and some alumni school the survey showed that given the imaiihMt. governors and mayors said, “ So far we do not have a major creativity Humans are created with The survey was completed ui two the right problem the students will come out with their State of the ” complaint against the general admuv different perceptions and several months at the coat of about $4,000 and always participate accordingly He meaaagea and Bruno* Komakech. is Ira lion of IUPUI Needless to say. levels of understanding and perform presented to the board of trustees cited that, at the beginning of the president of the student body, has there are a lot of things that need to be ances Teacher should be patient •The SA went on a canned food survey, the SA was told that 30-30 followed suit Komakech s State of done or to be changed some are in the enough to identify these differences drive for the needy that was termed percent response would be good but the University Address details the process, others are not It is up to the in order to deal with them accord “ t u c c t f ul " The food was distrib­ that the SA received about » percent response in the telephone survey and activities the IUPUI Student Assoc la students to identify all the problem •ngly.” uted to families and individuals who over 70 percent in the mail survey tion took part in over the last year, areas and see if something can be Among the activities Komakech would have otherwise gone hungry on their hopes far the future and a roes done about them Some admimstra said the SA participated in were Thanksgiving Komakech concluded his address sage to the administration, faculty tors have shown a lot of senaitivity to •“ The Student Association pud saying. If we did a bad )ob. we hope •The SA sponsored the Sounds of and student body student needs But others have forgot ltshed the Apartment Guide A to do a good job next time If we did a Christmas program in December In hn address Komakech stated to ten that they are on this campus be­ Consumer Handbook This publics good job. we hope to do a better job the students “Each of you is power cause there are students going to tion not only served the students but •The Student Association/Student next time If we did not serve you per ful enough to direct most of your own IUPUI we are glad to say that even people in Body Dialogs were held to afford an socially we hope to serve you next destiny A few students have already “ I think such administrators should the community who were searching immediate access U (he Student time complained that some of the student stop using students as a mere tool for for an apartment or banking facilities Government “ Our motto is not yell because we found it extremely valuable " are deemed to do so- but to present leaders treat you paLemaiisUcally their survival They < students i should •A column appeared in the and discuss student problems with all That is true and nobody should be a! have some input in their personal sur •The SA participated in the Fall Sagamore in which life SA answered the parties concerned in order to lowed to treat others in that way In­ vival The business of a university ad 1177 Orientation and Registration questions put in the Bitch Boxes dividuals should be treated with re­ ministration is to serve students doing everything from helping stu­ reach a point of interest for the entire •Komakech s proposal for transpor spect Make your own choice of a Please make a better atmosphere dents fill out registration cards to university We will not. however, representative do not let anybody Maybe your children would also like referral counseling talion between lU P U I’s five cam stand by and watch the interests of the else impose him/herself upon you If to attend the same school •The SA held its annual retreat, the puses was accepted by the admims you cannot find anybody you would Komakech said of the faculty “ Our Student Leader s Workshop, and drew (ration with revisions Transporta students being infringed upon We like to repreaent you. consider rep­ maun reason for coming here is to 80 participants, twice as many as the tion will be available to students and hope to serve the students of IUPUI resenting yourself and others you others starting Jan 1$ learn and experience what others previous year to the best of our abilities and yet think share the same aspirations as experienced before us We expect the •The SA conducted a name change Regarding the name change preserve their pride individualism! you Komakech urged students to faculty to show us or share their ex survey that encompassed not only the survey. Komakech said that although attend the SA meetings penence with us in a manner students fayt also the faculty, press many believed there is apathy in the and integrity Student Association elections set for mid-March by Mike Gallaway were childish that is out “ He con met with the approval of the Student present when the ballots were counted acting like lame ducks and the ex At the Jan 8 meeting of the IUPUI turned, saying that it is too late to ad Court, the organization which rum the last year, said she was opposed to tra time wouldn t matter Student Aaaoication. it was decided vertiae the Student Association and election Paper ballots, used last psper ballots If I told some of the Student Body Vice-President that SA elections would be held in rather than promote itself, the SA will year, y ill not be used because the cost things 1 saw going on. I doubt that any Denise Booher said that she didn t mid-March and Student Body Preai work for the students Hu comments of counting them is high, and because of us <the SA) would be here, she want the elections to be held around dent Bruno Komakech addressed the came after he read hu State of the Un the ballots used last year were con said April Fools Day because the Sag al Senate, saying that the SA would be iversity address to the Senate fusing One senator pointed out that It took some discussion before the ways has a field day with that She different this semester Elections have been tentatively the use of voting machines also brings mid-March time for the elections was didn t elaborate on that comment Af Komakech said. “ Some of the planned to run the week of March 15 out a better voter turnout decided February was talked about ter more discussion the March lime things done < by the SA) last semester 18 and voting machines will be used if Senator Amy Robinson, who was as a convenient time, but one senator was decided said that would leave a long lame Persons interested in running for a duck' period before the new Senate position in the SA should register by took control Another replied that March 7 in the SA office Cavanaugh some of the senators were already Hall. Koomoni C SPEA/Business building to increase faculty, enrollment by Charles t.rtgsbv large Hasses this integration is im The new SPEA School of Business possible Currently there are ks» IUPUI will bring increases in faculty graduate students attending 33 and enrollment, according to Robert classes in 37 sections A tew new J Lewis dean of the School of Bus courses may be offered but there will mess-IUPUI The move to a new be no increased enrollment It is now building will also bring an increase in possible for a student to complete the school s budget work for an MBA degree here The school currently has 1.319 stu The school currently offers five con dents with enrollment increasing each centratiom-accounting, marketing semester a reflection of thr growing finance, management and admim popularity of the programs offered to Stratton, and personnel and industrial undergraduates relations According to Lewis, the According to R Ray Hawkins di school is exploring a small business rector of the IUPUI Placement Ser entrepreneurial studies program cur vice. 94 percent of last years class rently offered on the II cgjnpus with have been successfully placed in jobs an eye towards possibly instituting School of Business graduates have the program here been consistently successful in finding Even with the new facilities, there positions in their respective fields are no plans for increasing the MBA IUPUI graduates have an advantage It’s a lowg. c«M walk from the library to aaywbere wbeo tbe saow la oa tbe ground aad Ibe mercury dips below zero, program here Part of this program is in that most of them have had some (photo by DoaGormaa) career integrated and with overly job experience * Sagamore | /n /7 8 IUPU1 News Students to learn faculty teaching, grading techniques this semester hy Mlke<.alU»ay grading techniques Beckman said ise setting up the project Both aena Work has begun on a project that that Rutgers and Columbia have simi­ tort are asking for student help in the would evaluate lU P U l’s faculty from lar programs that are successful, and project and ask that interested stu­ a student's point of view, according to that he believes the service would be a George Beckman.
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