COMING UP SPORTS INSIDE Ff.)rn,er gov. 8ruce King, Buzz Bizzell teaches. State is asking for •ei\5 tQ .. be llono.Jed. generations of children $ 1 million for lease of 1 - :·&ee '"What's Happening... to swim in Ruidoso. - Fort Stanton. Page 7A Page 4A Page -3A •• MONDAY, jUNE 5, 1995 No.8 IN OUR 49TH YEAR 50 CENTS l --~~~ ·- -----------· Local leaders No news yet on nuclear partners support Domenici Although some of the original 33 utilities have dropped out, enough have signed up to move ahead with grazing proposal a plan to store their nuclear waste on the Mescalero Apache reserva­ by DIANNE STALLINGS grazing with tougher management tion, said the project manager for Ruidoso News StaH Writer requirements, higher fees and the lead utility. Two prominent Lincoln County government ownership of improve­ Scott Northard of Northern ranchers support the Livestock ments. States said he was unprepared Fri­ Grazing Act of 1995, a bill just in­ These groups contend grazing is day to release specifics about the troduced by U.S. Sen. Pete damaging public land and is being number of partners or details of the Domenici (R-N .M). subsidized by the federal govern­ agreement. He said some infonna­ The bill is meant as an alterna­ ment. tion may be released in a week or tive to controversial Rangeland Ranchers counter that they build two. The deadline for signing on as Refonn measures initiated by Inte­ and repair most of the improve­ a partner piUised May 19 .. rior Secretary Bruce Babbitt. ments on the land and they pay Northern is a stockholder-owned "I think it's a real big improve­ taxes on it, justifying lower fees public utility. ment," said Arabella rancher John than private land leasing, where Cooper, head of the Upper Hondo the owner is responsible for those More forest land Valley Soil and Water Conservation obligations. With proper grazing District. rotation over the past two decades, protected for owl -~ Cooper and fellow rancher Sti~' the land is in better shape than it ........ _........ -.. __ ...... An extra 240,190 acres of the ing Spencer, a Lincoln County com­ has been since grazing began, they _ Lincoln National Forest has been missioner, didn't even criticize the argue. designated as critical habitat for proposed slight increase in grazing the endangered Mexican spotted fee fonnulas. Committee to review owL The bill would: Most ofthe acres (216,7!57) are alloav ranchers to retain Spencer said he hasn't seen the in the Sacramento District of the ownership of improvements on final version of the bill, but lung Wha Youn/Ruidoso News forest. The rest, 23,433 acres, are in leased government land, based on reviewed a 92-page draft. Fishing is fun! the Smokey Bear District. their proportionate share of the cost "A group of various people got Because of the designation, the and labor; together and made a request for Richard Vacirca, local wildlife assistant for the U.S. Forest Service, teaches Tim Martin-Finley, 8, Forest Service must consult with - subject the federal govern­ about four pages of corrective and Richard Cordova. 7. the fundamentals of fishing at Cedar Creek near Ruidoso. Children ages the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service be­ ment to state water rights law; changes (to that draft)," he said. "If seven to 11 got to fish free Friday during National Fishing Week. fore allowing activities that could - carry slightly higher federal those changes have been in­ disturb the habitat. Land uses land leasing fees; corporated in there, and a lot of it is could be limited to protect the - and localize management definition, I feel very comfortable species. plans. with the bill," he said. 'Phe designation came after a ' When he submitted the bill May That comfort should not indicate State regulations could force U.S. district judge ruled that more 25, Domenici said he hoped the that he thought there was anything areas can be protected. Fish & measure would end the "so-called significantly wrong with the exist­ Wildlife officials contended they War of the West." ing fonnula and management plan, local preschool out of business couldn't designate more land be­ "We have worked to resolve the Spencer said. cause Congress passed a most egregious aspects of Secretary "If the final request for changes moratorium this year on any new Babbitt's plans for the West," on those four pages has been in­ by DON HIXON day and asked to see our day care serve meals, although we do offer protections under the Endangered Domenici said. "Having done this, corporated, then the administration Ruidoso News Staff Writer license and I told them we are not a snacks as part of the learning expe­ Species Act. those who by law are permitted to of those lands will be in the best in­ Owners of a unique Ruidoso pre­ day care." rience." use our western public lands should terests of the public of the United school say state regulations may The Culls are concerned ahout Montessori schools operate News hires be able to operate their businesses States (without going into some force them out of business. wording in the regulations that will throughout the nation. The name in an environment that is not kind of confrontation over range State officials want to classify not allow the school exemption Montessori comes from an educa­ summer intern eternally quaking from the threat land reform)." Starlite Montessori school as a day from CYFLB control. This concern tional method developed by Maria of regulatory changes from Wash­ Domenici's bill will be referred care center. comes from a paragraph that says Montessori, the first woman to at­ Jung Wha Yoon will be a sum­ ington. for consideration in June and July New Mexico Children, Youth, if children under five are being ac­ mer intern at The Ruidoso News tend medical school and become a "In essence, we are calling for an to the Senate Energy and Natural and Family Licensing Bureau cepted, the establishment must Doctor of Medicine in Italy. Montes­ through the second week in August. end to the battle and the realiza· Resources Committee. Domenici is ( CYFLB) regulations may cause the conform to day care licensing Yoon is a journalism major at sori, who was born in 1870, worked tion of a stability that will allow a a member of that committee. 12-year-old Montessori school to be­ regulations. with handicapped and socially New Mexico State University. She historic way of life to continue to Congressman Joe Skeen <R·N ew come classified lUI a day care center, Regarding exemptions from the is an international student frmn deprived children and eventually flourish in this modern world. Mexico), who owns a ranch in Lin­ accept children no younger than developed her Montessori Method South Korea who is in her junior "We also move toward the use of coln County, last week added his five years old, or cease operations. year at NMSU at Las Cruces. ..owe are stunned and of teaching. more scientific knowledge and name to the list of co-sponsors to a Currently, Starlite Montessori Starlite's brochure indicates that Yoon hopes to write for a news­ away from arbitrary whims of fed­ companion measure introduced in offers its educational curriculum to feel that this is absurd paper or newsmagazine when she Dr. Montessori believed that from eral managers," Domenici said. the House by Congressman Wes children from three to six years old. and a violation of our birth to about five or six years old, graduates. The establishment is classified as a Babbitt has been under pressure Cooley of Oregon. Included among rights and the rights of children possess what she called Yoon will be handling the sportlr from eastern congressmen and en­ the 12 Senate sponsors were Bob preschool by the American Montes­ reporting beat for the next few parents.99 the "Absorbent Mind," where chil­ vironmental groups to curtail the Dole of Kansas and Orrin Hatch of sori Society in New York City. It dren absorb skills from their en­ weeks while Laura Clymer assists also hiUI an occupancy license from leasing of public lands for livestock Utah. vironment. at the WorldWest company's sister a state building inspector classify­ DICK CULL "In the Montessori class, the newspaper in Payson, Ariz. ing it as a preschool. SlARLm: MomESsoru SCHOOL little ones benefit greatly by their Starlite Montessori has been in· continuous contact with the high formed by the CYFLB that because controls, the regulations state, level of learning and control going INSIDE Major features of it teaches children under the age of "These regulations do not apply to on among the older children, and 5 years, it must have a day care li­ private schools accredited or recog­ they often unconsciously absorb Bu slness •••.•••••••..•.•.... 6A cense and not be considered a pre­ nized by the New Mexico Depart­ these skills," the brochure says. aasslfteds .................. 28 grazing proposal school, said Dick Cull, who operates ment of Education, operated for ed­ "Since each child works at their crossword ................. 7A the school with his wife Shaula. ucational purposes only for children own rate, the older children are not Legals ................... BA48 One of the features Lincoln vantage of the land and the pub­ "We are stunned and feel that age five years or older." held back by the younger ones. The Olfldar Records .......... 7A County Commi88ioner Stirling lic to have it more locally scruti­ this is absurd and a violation of our "All we want to do is change the older children learn patil'lnce, kind­ Spencer likes in Sen. Pete nized." rights and the rights of parents," paragraph wording from five years ness, and understanding in dealing Obituaries .................
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