domestic broadcasting survey 2nd Edition 2000 Edited by Anker Petersen ISSN 0106 - 1968 Dance by Johannesburg Goldmine workers wearing rubber boots and their girls Courtesy by Anker Petersen 6?'k'4&['!' "J'y" r'l[N!'b'l[ 41")A'k"ii" ! «l[t' ?( '! '[""'%""' , 1 ' -a v, ,,?'a ('l i- }'?'? l i , l " ? -l"' ": l" 3:-l-,:,='r,,-:',,'-,',:=::i:'- .,i'=l,,,-,,- ,..,?,.:,,'(,,;,..-? l't i'll?] Yl, li )y1 :.Il??'l!'l + l:i1 , k }l'1111l i !?,, i . ,li,,( l l . ,i ! il The 43 years old DSWCI which counts about 350 experienced DX-ers in 4) countries all over the world, is hereby publishing its arinual Tropical Bands Survey for the 28fö year in a row. Since most of our members are devoting most of their DX-ing on the exciting, domestic broadcasting stations, not only on the tropical bands (120, 90 and 60 mb), but also on the higher shortwave bands, the Club has decided again this year to expand this Survey to the fiill spectmm of 2200 - 30000 kHz I has focus on stations broadcasting to a domestic audience or relaying such broadcasts to expatriates abroad. In this issue active Clandestine stations are also included for the first time. This survey is based upon many official sources and DX-bulletins. In order to make the DBS reliable, each station frequency has been confirrned on the air by our own monitors around the world and is marked with an A or B in the list. To make this DBS up-to-date, frequencies which have not been reported heard during the past year are deleted. Depending on this worldwide monitoring effort throughout the period May 1999 - April 2000, each entry is classified using the following codes for their appearance on the frequencies mentioned: A: Regular. B: Sporadic. C: Likely inactive. S: Seasonal changes. Another new feature is the coloumn called LOG which show the last month and year before DBS deadline when the particular station was reported logged by a DX-er somevvhere in the world. This is another way of indicating the audibility of the station. {n a few cases PPPPP is used at entries which broadcast during local daylight only and normally cannot be heard outside a range of about 1000 kilometres. Thank you very much to all DX-ers who have provided the DSWCI with valuable assistance to make this publication possible! This has been done in the right DSWCI spirit in order to help DX-ers at other locations. The Shortwave Broadcasting Scene is changing every day and your updates are always welcome to the DSWCI, Tavleager 31, DK-2670 Greve, Denmark or via FAX to (+45) 43 90 29 00, or directly to the Editor by e-mail: [email protected] Abbreviations used: A: Arabic fq: frequency n: nominal frequency S: Spanish alt: aiternative FS: Foreign Service Nat: National Sce' Service C' Chinese (Mandarin) G: German nx: news sl: slogan(s) ck: check h: hours occ: occasional(ly) SS: Saturday/Sunday d: drifts, drifting Hol: Holidays P: Portuguese tx: transmitter D: Daily HS: Home Service PBS:People'sBrc. Station v: variable DST:Daylight Sav. Time irid: including px: programme(ing) Vn: Vernacular(s) E: English Int: International r: reported W: Weekday: Mo-Sa ex: formerly irr: irregular R: Radio WS: World Service XXX:Clandestine exc: except L: Local proyamme(s) Reg: Regional F: French MF: Monday-Friday rlg: religious //: parallel frequency *. FPI: Fufüre Plans MS: Minority Service Ru: Russian * : signsign on on & & sign sign offoff Times are in UTC. Days of the week are abbreviated with the first two letters and they refer to local time rather than UTC. Months of the year are abbreviated by their first three letters. Powers are in kilowatts. Muslim stations ofien have extended schedules during Ramadan. 2 This survey contains all ACTIVE broadcasts on shortwave of Domestic services or relays to expatriates abroad. External services, pirates and harrnonics are normally not included. CODEKHZ KW ITU STATIONNAME,LOCATION TRANSM[SSIONTIMESIN{JTC&OTHERINFORMATION LOG Begin of 120 mdxes Tropical Broadcast Band A 2310 50 AUS VL8A, A?lice Springs 0830-2130 Norföem Territory Sce, incl ABC & CAAMA R px Aboriginal APROO languages. Alt fq: 3230 , ck 4835 A 2325 50 AUS VL8T, Temiant Creek 0830-2130 Norföem Territory Sce, incl ABC & CAAMA R px Aboriginal FEBOO languages. Alt fq: 3315 , ck 4910 B 2340 10 CHN Fujian PBS, Fuzhou Nxpx:2130-23]5 1030-1600 C(Fuzhou dialect) at tirnes // 4975 5040 DEC99 B 2360 0.5 GTM R Maya de Barillas, Huehuetenango ?030-1400 2230-0330 // 3325 K'anjobal, Chuj, Ixil and very occasionally S APROO B 2371 BLR R Mayak via Minsk 0230-0400 1800v-2400 Ru (LSB), ck 3346 454 1. Sum one h earlier MAROO B 2380 0.25 B R Educadora, Limeira 24 h rlg px AJ'ROO B 2390.1 0.5 MEX R Huayacocotla, Veracruz W 1200-1600 2100-OlOOv S, Otomf, Tepehua & Nahuat, also IL)s: "Radio APROO Huaya, la Voz de los Campesinos" B 24]0 10 PNG R Enga, Wabag Provincial Sce: 0700-1300 Pidgin E. IDs: "Karai bilong Miok? MAROO B 2415 l CHN Zhejiang PBS, Wemhou r 1058-1330 , OCT99 B 2460 l B R Alvorada, Rio Branco, Acre 0900-1400 2200-0300, it also IDs: "Süper R Afüorada? FEBOO A 2485 50 AUS VL8K, Kaföerföe 0830-2130 Northem Territory Sce, incl ABC & CAAMA R px Aboriginal FEBOO languages. Alt fq: 3370 , ck 5025 B 2490 0.25 B R 8(Oito)de Setembro, Descalvado, 0900-2300, relays 98 FM. Sl: "A Voz da Radio" FEBOO Säo Paulo End of 120 mekres Tropical Broadcast Band C 2695v INS RPDT2 Ende, LE 2145-2300 0930-1455 MAY 9 9 A 2850 50 KRE KCBSPyongyang 2000-1800, ID:"Chosong Chungmi@ Bangsong ]!rmüda? // 3250 3320 3959. 7 DHC99 6398.8 A 2889.lv 0.5 INS RPDT2 Ngada, Bajawa, LE 0900-1355 (n 2904), relays RRI Jaka rta nx 1200, d 2899-2912 OCT99 A 2960.2v 0.3 INS RPDT2 Manggarai, Ruteng, 2145-2300 0900-1425 FEBOO Flores, LE B 3025.4 KRE Frontline Soliers R Chanciel2: 1150-2100 J)EC99 B 3155'V 0.5 INSRSPDT2HalmaherahTengah, 2300-03000830-1430,Nxrelay:RR?TematellOO,RR?Jakartal200l300. FEBOO. Soasio,MM d3121-3159.Badmodula(ion B 3172.7 PRU R Miu'iicipal, Cangallo, Ayacucho r 0849-1055 & 0000-0440 AUG99 B 3189 BO?RLaVozdeLCampesino,SipeSipe,rl030-?IOOS,ID:"Ensucordialsintonia,RadioLaVozdelCampesföo,Voz MAROO Cochabamba y Pensamiento de los Trabajadores del %ro, en el Departemento de Cochabamba" Beg'm of 90 mehes Tropical Broadcast Band A 3200 25 SWZ TWR, Mpangela Ranch 0300-0330Ndebele,0400G,0430-0500E'l630-1700Gl700-1715WSoföo/ APROO Tswana, SuPedi, 1715-2015 E B 3200.3 1.2 ARG R Armonia, Tres de Febrero 24 h. Harrnonic of 1600 regularlv heard outside SAm AUG99 B 3200.4 0.5 BOLR9(Nueve)deAbril,Pukacayo, 0930-12002330-€)230v.RelaysnxandpxjromRNacionaldeHuanuniinföe JUL99 Potos{ mornings; Off Su nights B 3205 l B RfüberäoPreto,RiberFioPreto,SP 0700-0400 JANOO B 3205 10 PNG R West Sepik, Vanirno Pro vincial Sce: 0700-1200, Pidgin E ID: "R Sandain'i" (= Sunset!). Relays Port MAROO Moresby 4890 at times B 3210 10 MOZ Emissäo Nacional, Maputo 0250-0510 1600-2210 P // 6110.7: tx is often off föe air APROO A 3214.8 10 INS RRI Manado, CN 2100-0200 & 0800-1515, 1400 local nx.Ramadan extended sch. MAROO A 3215 25 MDG AWR, Talata Volonondry 0230-0300 1530-1600 F, 0300-0330 1600-1630 Malagasy MAROO B 3220 io EQA HCJB, Pifo Regional Service 0830-1400 2100-0300 Quichua // 6080 FEBOO 3 B 3220V KRE KCBS, Hamhung Ban@song HS 1 :]958-1800 (incl Reg Sce W 0500-0600), ck 2850, 3959.7. Relays PBS SEP99 1800-2000. B 3220 10 PNG R Morobe, Lae Provincial Sce: 0700-1200 Pidgin E, ID: "Maus bilong Kundu" MARO( B 3222 10 TGO Rdif Togolaise, Kam 0525-0905 1625-2305 F/Vn, also [): ?Rdif Kara?, ck 6155 OCT99 A 3223 50 ?ND A?RShimla Norföern Sce: 0045-0200 1300-1 740 Eföindi/Sanskrit, E nx 1530, ck 6020 MARO( B 3224.8 10 föS RRI Tanjung Pinang, SR 1000-1230v//4920 OCT99 BS 3229.8 5 NPL R Nepal, Pokhara Oct-Mar: HS Nepali Su-Fr: 0015-0515 0715-1015 1145-1 715; MARO( Sa: 0015-1715 // 5005v . E nx 0215 0720(Fr/SufMo) 1415. ID ?Yo R. Nepal Ho?. Apr-Sep: On 7165 B 3230.5 l PRU EI Sol de los Andes, Juliaca, Puno 0900-1200 2200-0200 S, Quechoa and some Aymara beamed to Bolivian APROO listeners in Copacabana & förderline areas. C 3231.9 10 INS RRI Bukittinggi, SW 2200-0300 & 1030-1705 NOV9S A 3234.8 ] PRU R Luz y Sonido, Huanüco W 1000-1500 2100-0230 S/Quechoa. Rlg px APROO B 3235 10 PNG R West New Britain, Kimbe Provincial Sce: 1900-2200 0700-1200 Pidgin E, ID: "Maus bilong Tavur? MARO( A 3240 25 SWZ TWR, Mpangela Ranch 0300-0345 Shona, 1800 Ndebele, 1830 Shona, 1900-1915 Ndau. MARO( B 3245 10 PNG R (mlf, Kerama Proiaincial Service: 0700-1200, also IDs as föe "Voice of föe Seagull'l MARO( All Night during festivals. A 3245.1 1 B R Clube, Vargmha, Minas Gerais 24 h; sl:" Urna emissora para voce" AJ'ROO B 3249.7v l HNDRLuzyVida,SanLuis,Santa 1230-18002200-0400SexceptSSO300-0400E.v3249.5-3520.0. APROO Bärbara Transrnitterproblems noted April - November 1999 C 3249.8 20 INS RRI Banjarmasin, E 2100-0300 0900-1500 OCT99 B 3250 50 KRE PBS, Pyongyang }IS: 2100-2300 0 ?OO-0700 1500-2030 Korean // 2850 6250; also FS Feeder FEBOO A 3250.8 5 PRURComasTV,Huaquillay,Lima 1000-0500(n3250) APROO B 3255 1 B R Dif.
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