508 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JANUARY·25, ... By Mr. CATCHINGS: Papers in claim of John B. Brabston, .By Mr. OATES: Papers in the claim of Henry C. Russell, of of Warren County, Mississippi-to the Committee on War Claims. Barbour County, Ala.-to the Committee on War Claims. By Mr. CHEATHAM: Papers in claim of Peter Andrews, of By Mr. O'NEILL of Missouri: Petition of Labor Assembly Jones County, North Carolina-totheCommitteeon War Claims. 2389, Knights of Labor, of Washington, D. C., asking for passage ·- By Mr. COOLIDGE: Petitionofcitizens representing the First of bill to have investigation in regard to slums of cities of over Congregational Church, of Greenfield, Mass., against the open­ 200,000 inhabitants; of No. 3837, of same organization, inthesame ing of the Columbian Exposition on the Lord's Day-to theSe­ city; of No. 5549, of same organization, of the same city; of No. lect Committee on the Columbian Exposition. 1798, of the same organization, of the same cityf, or the same pur­ By Mr. COVERT: Petition of H; W. Prince and others, for the pose-to the Committee on Labor. improvementof Southold Harbor, New York-to the Committee By Mr. O'NEILL of Pennsylvania: Papers to accompany bill on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.. for the relief of the owners of schooner Walter B. Chester-to By Mr. CROSBY: Report relating to House bill 1084, for the the Committee on Claims. relief of Michael Keefe-to the Committee on Military Affairs. ByMr. PARRETT: Petition of P.H. Carroll, recording sec­ By Mr. ELLIS: Affidavits and proof to accom.l?any bill tore­ retary of District Assembly No. 58, Evansville, Ind., requesting - move charge of desertion against William ---to the Com­ the passage of a bill authorizing the collection of statistics rela­ mittee on Military Affairs. tive to the "slums" of cities containing over 200,000 inhabitants­ By Mr. EVERETT: Papers in the claim of William M. James, to the Committee on Labor. Walker County, Ga.; of Martha A. E. Rice, widow of. Fleming By Mr. PEEL: Papers in the claim of Gilbert Cohee, of Wash­ Rice, of Floyd County; of William P. Hackney, of Whitefield ingtonCounty, Ark.; of Obad C.Cate, of HarrietT. Simpson, and County, and of Lindsey Ashworth, of the same county and State­ of Martha J. Pyeatt, of the same county and State-to the Com­ to the Committee on War Claims. mittee on War Claims. By Mr. GEARY: Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of By Mr. RAYNER: Memorial of the East Baltimore Business Eureka,Cal.,fortheimprovementof HumboldtBay-totheCom­ Mens Association, to pass a bill for the transfer of the Revenue mittee on Rivers and H~bors. Cutter Service to the naval establishment-to the Committeeon By Mr. GILLESPIE: Petition of members of Baptist, Presby­ Interstate and Foreign Commerce. ~ terian, and Congregational Churches of Sharon, Pa., asking that By Mr. RICHARDSON: Papers in the claim of Giles Huds­ the Columbian Exposition may be closed on the Sabbath day­ peth,ofLimestoneCounty,Ala.-totheCommitteeonWarClaims. to the Select Committee on the Columbian Exposition. By Mr. SANFORD: Petition of Woman's Christian Temper­ By Mr. GRADY: Papers in the claim of William Rose, of ance Union (Department of Sabbath Observance), signed by 80 Wayne County, N. C.; of Benjamin J. Futerill, of the same citizens of Sarato~a Springs, N.Y., asking that no exposition or county; <5f James Williams, of Matthew M. Jones, sr., and of exhibition for which appropriations are made by Congress shall Epsie Jackson, of the same county; of Flora I. Campbell, of Har­ be open on Sundays-to the Select Committee on the Columbian nett County; of Daniel L. Smith, of Cumberland County, and of Exposition. Malcom McAuthur, of the same county an State-to the Commit- By Mr. SPERRY: Petition of citizens of North Bloomfield, tee on War Claims. · Conn., in favor of free delivery of mails in the country districts; By Mr. HAYES: Petition of Walter I. Hayes, for allowance of also, three petitions from citizens of Tolland County; also, ten pe­ one year's salary to estate of Alexander Clark, deceased, late titions from citizens of Hartford County, in the same State, for minister to Liberia-to the Committee on Appropriations. the same purpose-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ Also, two petitions and other papers accompanying, to be filed Roads. with bill to mcrease the pension of George Shackelford-to the By Mr. STOCKDALE: Papers in the claim of Gotleib Linder­ Committee on Invalid Pensions. myer-to the Committee on War Claims. By Mr. HOAR: Papers including evidence, copies of docu­ By Mr. TERRY: Papers in the claim of William Barnes, of Se­ ments to accompanying House bill4111, to correct the record of bastian County, Ark.; of Rebecca McCraw, of the same State; of E. E. Rankin-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Christian Roesch, of Pulaski County; ofW. W. Adams an~ others, Also, petition, evidence, etc., to accompany House bill1443, for administrators.of Henry Keatts; of F. T. Gibson, administrator the relie~ of Eliza J. Mead-to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ of Maria E. The"bault, of the same county and State-to the Com­ sions. mittee on War Claims. Also, papers to accompany House billl446, to correct the record By Mr. TURPIN: Papers in the claim of William H. Linam, of William F. Peck-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. of Wilcox County, Ala.-to the Committee on War Claims. By M:r_. HUFF: Petition of the Presbyterian Church Synod By Mr. WAUGH: Papers to accompany House bill1262, to cor­ representing Pennsylvania and West Virginia, requesting that rect the military record of George A. Marks-to the Committee the Columbian Exposition be not opened on Sunday, and protest­ on Military Affairs. mg against any appropriation of money for its encouragement if By Mr. WILLIAMS of illinois: Affidavit for the relief of. their request is not complied with-to the Select Committee on James K. Rainey-to the Committee on Military Affairs. the Columbian Exposition. By Mr. WILSON of Missouri: Petition of the president and By Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio: Petition of 25 citizens of Cleve­ secretary of the National Association of Veterans of the Mexican land, Ohio, praying for the relief of the Kaweah colony-to the War, praying for an amendment to the general pension law (ap­ Committee on the Public Lands. proved June 27, 1890), extending the provisions of said law to the By Mr. LESTER of Virginia: Petition of citizens of Danville, survivors and widows of the Mexican war veterans in all respects Va., for amendment to the law governing the manufacture and from date of it~ passage-to the Committee on Pensions. sale of tobacco-to the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. McRAE: Papers in the claim of Oliver P. Lister and Martha Harrison, of Garland County, Ark.-to the Committee on WarClaims. SENATE. By Mr. MARTIN: Papers to accompany House billl690, for the 1\IONDAY, January 25, 1892. , relief of Lewis Deems-to the Committee on War Claims. Also, papers to accompany House billl693, for the relief of Elias Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. D. Pierce-to the Committee on Claims. The Journal of the proceedings of Thursday last was read and Also, papers to accompany House bill1691, for the relief of Elias approved. D. Pierce-to tbe Committee on Claims. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS. By Mr. MANSUR: Petition to accompany House bill 4371, for The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ the reli.ef of William J. Ford-to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ tion from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of Maj. E. sions. M. Coates, Nineteenth Infantry, on the condition of the Mackinac By Mr. MEYER: Papers in claim of Charles T. Reeder, of National Park, in Michigan, for the year ending December 31, Orleans Parish, La.; of William Hennessy, of Algiers, in the 1891; which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to the same State-to the Committee on War Claims. Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. By Mr. MILLIKEN: Petition of James T. Carr, for removal of He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Sec­ record of desertion-to the Committee on Military Affairs. retary of the Treasury, stating that in response to directions con­ Also, proofs in the case of Mathew A. Oullnan-to the Com­ tained in the second paragraph of chapter 549, second session, mittee on Invalid Pensions. Fifty-first Congress, page 1083, United States Statutes at Large, Also, petition of H. M. Savage for relief-to the Committee on volume 26, referring to amendments to sections 4488 and 4489, Claims. Revised Statutes, relating to "line-carrying projectiles and the · By Mr. MORSE: Petition of Miss AgnesL. Sherman and other means of propelling them," he had issued, in writing, directions · members of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, to convene the Board of Supervising Inspectors in extra session of North Marshfield, Mass., praying for the suppression of the in this city, to aid the Secretary in carrying out the act of Con­ alcoholi~ liquor traffic-to the Select Committee on the Alcoholic gress; which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Liquor Traffic. Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. 1892. - CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 509 . REPORT OF BRIGHTWOOD RAILWAY COMPANY. praying that boai,ds of arbitration may be prov1d~d for the set­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the annual tlement of all difficulties within our borders or with other nations; report of the Brightwood Railway Company of the District of which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.
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