East Anglian Cigarette Card Club Saturday 18th April 2020 LOT DESCRIPTION Cond. Cat. Est. Value Price 1 Part set 90/100 Micro Machines VG ???? £18 - 20 2 Godfrey Philips set 50 Motor Cars at a Glance AbtVG £225 £55 - 60 3 Godfrey Philips set 50 International Caps VG £110 £20 - 22 4 Godfrey Philips set 54 In the Public Eye AbtVG £25 £6 - 8 5 Godfrey Philips set 25 How to make your own Wireless set AbtVG £70 £15 - 18 6 Godfrey Philips set 25 How to build a two valve set VG £70 £15 - 18 7 Godfrey Philips set 50 Film Stars VG £38 £7 - 9 8 Godfrey Philips set 50 Famous Minors VG £10 £3 - 5 9 Godfrey Philips set 36 Famous Love Scenes AbtVG £18 £3 - 5 10 BAT set 40 World Famous Cinema Artistes VG £40 £10 - 12 11 BAT set 50 Eagle Bird Siamese Alphabet GD/GD+ £100 £30 - 33 12 BAT set 50 Ships and Shipping AbtVG £75 £20 - 22 13 BAT set 25 Prehistoric Animals VG £100 £25 - 30 14 BAT Large set 36 Modern Beauties Fifth series VG £45 £8 - 10 15 BAT Large set 36 Modern Beauties Sixth series VG £36 £8 - 10 16 BAT Large set 36 Modern Beauties Seventh series VG £36 £8 - 10 17 J.Millhoff set 50 What the Stars say AbtVG £45 £10 - 12 18 J.Millhoff Large set 56 The Homeland series VG £10 £2 - 4 19 RS Challis & Co set 36 Wild Birds at Home (Baldric cig.) AbtVG £25 £5 - 7 20 Charles & Austin type Beauties Old Chums GOOD £35 £10 - 12 21 PJ Carroll set 25 Birds VG £25 £7 - 9 22 Bucktrout set 20 Inventor Series (Overstamped with Number) GOOD+ £30 £6 - 8 23 Alexander Boguslavsky Turf Sports Records (1 – 25) AbtVG £75 £20 - 25 24 Alexander Boguslavsky Turf Sports Records 2nd series (26 – 50)) AbtVG £75 £20 - 25 25 Alexander Boguslavsky Turf set 25 Mythological Gods and Goddesses AbtVG £75 £20 - 24 26 10 Bewlay War series – various series GD/GD+ £150 £40 - 45 27 Richard Benson set 24 Old Bristol Series (Re – issue) AbtVG £36 £6 - 8 28 2 J&F Bell types Scottish Clans series 7 & 23 VG £40 £8 - 10 29 2 A.Baker Actress 3 sizes Large Dorothy Usner Misses Dene & Benusan GOOD+ £130 £30 - 35 30 Seven A,Baker types Actresses (6), Royal Family GD/GD+ £290 £60 - 65 31 Complete set Baker Beauties of all Nations (14 A Baker,11 Albert) GD/GD+ £550 £150 - 160 32 Phillip Allman Pin Up Girls 1st series (unnumbered,ask for Allman) VG £60 £12 - 15 33 Phillip Allman Pin Up Girls 1st series (unnumbered,for men only) VG £60 £12 - 15 34 Philip Allman set 50 Coronation series VG £50 £10 - 12 35 1926 African Tobacco set 48 National Costumes VG £190 £40 - 45 36 Godfrey Philips set 30 Flower Studies VG £5 £1 - 3 37 Godfrey Philips set 25 Fish AbtVG £87 £18 - 20 38 Godfrey Philips set 25 Famous Crowns AbtVG £8 £ 2 - 4 39 Godfrey Philips set 25 Famous Boys AbtVG £70 £15 - 18 40 Part set 21/50 Godfrey Phillips Evolution of the British Navy GOOD+ £30 £8 - 10 41 Godfrey Philips set 36 Coronation of their Majesties VG £6 £2 - 4 42 1975 set 16 Shell Animals 3D VG £10 £3 - 5 43 1972 set 20 Shell Great Britains VG £16 £3 - 5 44 Shell Australia set Shell, Fish and Coral (61 – 120) VG £36 £8 - 10 45 Shell Australia set Birds (121 – 180) GD/VG £42 £8 - 10 46 Shell Australia set Butterflies and Moths (181 – 240) VG £60 £12 - 15 47 Shell Australia set Beetle series (301 – 360) VG £36 £8 -- 10 48 Shell Australia set Meteorolgy series (361 – 420) VG £30 £7 - 9 49 1924 set 25 Societe Job Orders of Chivalry 1st series AbtVG £110 £25 - 28 50 1927 set 25 Soci+B3:E53ete Job Orders of Chivalry 2nd series AbtVG £110 £25 - 28 51 3 Societe Job Orders of Chivalry Unnumbered Abt VG £30 £4 - 6 52 4 Hignett types – Military,Building,VC Heroes (Engleheart) GOOD+ £100 £25 - 28 53 2 Hudden types - Types of Smoker,Beauties (Orangeback) GOOD+ £115 £25 - 30 54 Part set 23/25 Hignett Flags & Cap Badges 1st series ( - 1 &23) GD/VG £110 £25 - 30 55 Part set 22/25 Hignett Flags and Cap Badges 2nd series ( - 3 9 14 ) Abt VG £105 £25 - 28 56 Hignett Bros set 25 Turnpikes Abt VG £62 £16 - 18 57 Taddy type Actresses with Flowers Miss Hilda Antony Abt VG £90 £20 - 22 58 Taddy type Natives of the World Chinaman Abt VG £80 £20 - 22 59 3 Taddy types South African Football 1906-7 – Miller,Hirsh,Burger Abt VG £90 £22 - 25 60 6 Taddy types Honours & Ribbons – 1 5 13 21 23 25 GD/VG £180 £40 - 45 61 8 Taddy types Coronation (3) Autographs,Thames, Actresses,Jockey GOOD+ £200 £60 - 65 62 13 Taddy types VC Heroes Boer War 47 53 91 56 43 93 54 52 77 42 87 78 46 GD/VG £350 £80 - 85 63 8 Taddy types Admirals and Generals 31 16 47 42 2 15 43 12 Abt VG £160 £40 - 45 64 Complete set Taddy Royalty series Abt VG £550 £125 - 130 65 5 Taddy Orders of Chivalry 19 16 12 22 9 GOOD+ £125 £35 - 40 66 6 Taddy types Heraldry 4 17 25 3 14 18 Abt VG £120 £35 - 40 67 Part set 24/50 Taddy British Medals and Ribbons GOOD+ £360 £80 - 85 68 Taddy set 50 British Medals & Decorations series 2 (Steel Blue back ?) Abt VG £750 £200 - 220 69 Taddy reprint set Motor Cars EX £10 £2 - 4 70 Part set FJ Smith War Incidents A series 13/25 GOOD+ £130 £30 - 35 71 Part set FJ Smith War Incidents 2nd series 18/25 GD/VG £180 £40 - 45 72 Complete set 25 FJ Smith set Holiday Resorts Abt VG £200 £80 - 85 73 Part set 18/50 FJ Smith Famous Explorers GOOD+ £360 £100 - 110 74 Part set 14/50 FJ Smith Derby Winners GD/VG £220 £65 - 70 75 9 FJ Smith types – Cricketers (7) Holiday Resort,Nations GD/VG £190 £55 - 60 76 3 FJ Smith types Battlefields of Great Britain 38/39 (Orchestra),40 (Albion) GOOD+ £60 £12 - 15 77 Complete set 50 FJ Smith A tour round the World (Descriptive,multibacked) GD/VG £600 £180 - 200 78 4 Singleton & Cole Boer War period Celebrities GOOD+ £100 £20 - 25 79 6 Singleton & Cole type, Bonzo,Wallace Jones (3) Officer,Maxim GD/VG £130 £30 - 35 80 5 types Singleton & Cole Kings and Queens GD/VG £125 £25 - 30 81 3 John Sinclair types – Coinage,Pictures & Film Star GD/VG £56 £12 - 15 82 John Sinclair set 50 Well Known Footballers North East Abt VG £75 £18 - 20 83 John Sinclair set 54 Radio Favourites Abt VG £75 £18 - 20 84 John Sinclair set 54 Film Stars (series of real photos) Abt VG £108 £20 - 25 85 6 Kellogs sets, Famous First,Locomotives,Navy Motor Cars etc etc Abt VG £40 £8 - 10 86 Kelloggs set 12 The Story of the Bicycle Abt VG £30 £6 - 8 87 Kelloggs set 40 Motor Cars Coloured Abt VG £270 £75 - 80 88 Kelloggs set 12 International Soccer Stars Abt VG £30 £5 - 7 89 Kelloggs set 16 A History of British Military Aircraft Abt VG £24 £4 - 6 90 Set 16 Kelloggs Lost in Space 3D 1998 VG ?? £8 - 10 91 Complete set 100 WD & HO Wills Australia Famous Film Stars GD/VG £150 £35 - 40 92 Carreras set 50 Film Stars by Desmond Abt VG £40 £7 - 9 93 The School Friend set 6 Famous Film Stars VG £72 £15 - 18 94 18 Stollwerck Chocolate cards – various series GD/VG ?? £18 - 20 95 Set of 18 Guerin Boutron Chocolate Medailles Les Expositions Abt VG ?? £18 - 20 96 100 + Kelloggs Giveaways - various series, nice assortment GD/VG ?? £22 - 25 97 Goodies set 25 Wildlife Abt VG £37 £7 - 9 98 Gossage set 48 Butterflies and Moths Abt VG £144 £55 - 60 99 Gossage part set 36/48 British Birds and their Eggs GD/VG £130 £35 - 40 100 Complete set 25 Gowers & Burgons British Birds and their Nests VG £10 £3 - 5 101 3 Wills sets 50 all Wild Flowers Abt VG £41 £5 - 7 102 Wills large set 40 Trees Abt VG £48 £7 - 9 103 Wills set 50 Time and Money in different countries Abt VG £75 £12 - 15 104 Part set 83/126 Wills Overseas Flags and Emblems GD/VG £120 £30 - 35 105 10 Wills Australia Horses of Today Vice Regal (6) Capstan (3) + 1 GOOD+ £32 £10 - 12 106 Wills Australia set 50 Fish of Australia (Capstan) Abt VG £75 £20 - 22 107 John Player set 25 Counties and their Industries (Unnumbered) Abt VG £62 £7 - 9 108 Part set 39/50 John Player Old Englanders Defenders GOOD+ £900 £200 - 220 109 John Player Large set 25 Old Sporting Prints Abt VG £115 £222 - 25 110 Part set 26/50 John Player Gallery of Beauty (thick) GD/VG £600 £125 - 130 111 Part set 6/50 John Player Gallery of Beauty (thin) Abt VG £150 £30 - 35 112 19 Wills Solders of the World (Ltd back) Abt VG £190 £40 - 45 113 2 Wills Sailor Advertising cards – 1 small, 1 Large Abt VG ?? £6- 8 114 5 Thos H.Hall (USA) Between the Acts Abt VG £120 £25 - 30 115 John Player Bookmark Sir Walter Besant Abt VG £65 £18 - 20 116 2 Adkin & Sons Pretty Girls types Actresses (one trimmed - o/w) Abt VG £150 £35 - 40 117 Molassine set 50 Puppies Abt VG £50 £15 - 18 118 Part set 72/100 Gallaher Footballers 22(1-50),50(51-100) Abt VG £280 £60 - 65 119 Gallaher set 50 Regimental Colours & Standards (nos 151 – 200) Abt VG £450 £100 - 110 120 20 Silk Cut Advertisements VG ?? £10 - 12 121 Wills set 25 The Worlds Dreadnoughts Abt VG £75 £20 - 22 122 Wills Large set 25 Arms of the British Empire 1st series Abt VG £30 £6 - 8 123 Wills Large set 25 Arms of the British Empire 2nd series Abt VG £30 £6 - 8 124 Wills set 50 Arms of the British Empire Abt VG £25 £5 - 7 125 Wills Large set 25 Arms of Public Schools 1st series Abt VG £37 £6 - 8 126 Wills Large set 25 Arms of Public Schools 2nd series Abt VG £37 £6 - 8 127 Wills set 50 Arms of the Bishopric Abt VG £25 £5 - 7 128 Wills large set 42 Arms of Oxford & Cambridge Colleges Abt VG £42 £8 - 10 129 Wills set 50 Arms of Foreign Cities Abt VG £25 £4 - 6 130 Wills set 50 Arms of Companies Abt VG £25 £4 - 6 131 Wills Large set 25 Animals and their Furs VG £50 £8 - 10 132 Wills set 50 Alpine Flowers GOOD+ £40 £7 - 9 133 Wills set 50 Allied Army Leaders + 3 Abt VG £90 £15 - 18 134 Wills set 50 Air Raid Precautions Abt VG £40 £6 - 8 135 Large box Trade cards - Harry Potter,Turtles etc etc GD/VG ?? £12 - 15 136 160 + SETS Grandee Cigar – duplication obviously VG £200 £18 - 20 137 Box Battle of Hastings 1066 Stamps sets – lots of them (100's
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