Ration Calendar III hold • PROCESSED 1'000 ~wmps ft, II and T expire Sept. Cooler 20; FUEL OIL coupons & expire Sepl. 30; MEAT otampa land~ ! , X. Y and Z and A meal mmps lri book 3 expire Oct. 21 PROCESSED U, V W ex· Ih SChOol rOODS swmp. .114 IILP.h. j \ plre Ocl. 10; SUGA~ .tamp I4 and bome eonnJn. DAILY IOWAN Iowa: Cool, wba_ ZI 10 31 The tea ,tamp. 15, 18 expire 31; !'VIL OIL Per. 1 coupon•• THE oct. Iclal roolll '61 .. '". expire Jan. 3. f«. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper Iiss Ellta. I advl~r TBI A.ioo~TIO raIl I IOWA CITY, IOWATUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1943 TBII AIIOCIATID PUll VOLUME XLm NUMBER 294 ,, • iCH lthe~ e eSbyteriall he ChUtcil 1:30 P'III !cede Ih' devOtlol\a~ rs. Ellller Ie aua eling WiJI lum., },frs l Zitll\er' C. BotileU * * * * * * * * * *** *** *** I. , • It)' Of IIit ill sPonSOr e • Salerno District .'1 at 2:30 ors. },fra " ,---=--~~~--~---------------------------~--~~~~--~------~ Emerso~ .ALLIED AND NAZI GAINS IN ITALY Eng1elllan Americans Meet StUt Defense Legislative Leaders of Fleeing Japanese Forces Sealed; ~ ' Fa'e 24' Urge Draft Showdown As ~ritish Air Forces Aid in Tightening Pincers on Lae lSK Race to (lose ·Trap As ' C~ngress Reopens I By NOLAND NORGAARD . Sinate Majority Head ALLlED HEADQ ARTER HEADQUARTERS NORTH AFRICA (AP)­ • T. ALLIED IN have captured Salamaua New General Uac- The mOl!t violent battle of the whole Mediterranean campaign Wants Armed Forces Arthur Ilnnounc d today. rage.d llL~t night around the American bridgchead at Salerno )111- To State Demands , alamaua, on an i. thmu joined to a cape extending into the Huon gulf, h a u bl a. within 15 miles of Mount Vesuvius, while in .extreme southern anchorag'e in , amoa harbor. Italy [h'c British captured Crotone after a 30·mile advance and By THE ASSOClATED P&E5S Eighterll mil. abo\'e alamaua, tll pincers 0 n Lae was tighten d, aid d by air blow . belt up the Adriatic coast from Brindisi toward Bari. WASHINGTON-A quick show- ON AU ied bombers. makinu R roundtrip flight o[ m ore than 2,000 miles, heavily bombed the water­ In a dispatch filed at 6 p. m., (12 noon eastern war time) R~y. down on the army's manpower fronl and barrack at Maka ar, Dutch Cel bes. ,ds Packard, representing the combined United States press, needs was urged by legislative leaders last night on the eve of 1 n fI nig-ht attack, Liberators dropped 27 ton 0 f expl08iv and incendiari .. Firt'S raged among !lid that the American Fifth army had pusbed forward several building-!! Itnd war('hou near the Juliana and 'W ilheLmina wharv , in an oil torag tank area and Ins: llilea on the southern sector of the Salerno front and parried a the . reconvening of congress after insur. in the center of military barracks as well 8 at t he Mandai airdrom. ne Liberator lail d to )meone (Jerman counter·nttack at tne center in which the Nazis suffered its . longest holiday in four years. retul'll. Ion by the heaviest 10 seg they had yet sustained in Italy. With ' the drafting of fathers Below ,'alamaua, ,Tapane,'(\ divebombfors attacked th(' harbor of alli d·h Id l\fo ro be, N w Gui­ e was "The allies also consolidated both their northern and southern shaping up as one of the hottest nrn, but today'!! communique said the raiderR caused only minor damage. dent in flanks," the dispatch said. issues ·of the impending session, Thr Japanese abandon d • alamaua, leaving b hind much equipm nt as tlley fled north. nly The Germans were credited Senate Majority Leader Barkeley n good frail I ads from the roperty fith temporarily regaining a of Kentucky urged that army and captur d b toward La . ted by portion of the Salerno ~ulf L prop- na vy chieftains be called to tell But ven IIould th('y ucceed ~way which had changed Duc~ Heads , "what Jl},~y need) how much' they in reaching Lae, their fate ap· biDds seVeral times, but only at Red Army Besieges I ~hort need -and. why they need it." par ntly i a\ d beeause tho IItIvy coat. Allied planes and ~ra in· '.His proposal was .backed up by entire area from Salamaua to Lae Daval guns backed the ground Goyernment. senator Taft (R-Ohio) and-, in is tightly ~elrcle<L lroQps •. , Bryansk Stronghold "We have captured 8 ..18- part, by House Minority Leader ID . Both sides were throwing tanks Nazi Announcement mau.. ," the communique said. I'l10. lid rilnlorcements prodigally into Martin of Massachusetts, who ad­ LbNDON. Tuesday (AP)-The Aside from the heavy German "Our lOutbUD foro.,. are In !be crucial Salerno combat, de­ Climaxes Descriplton vqcatedcongreSSiOnal review of 1 Red army has laid siege to the reveries south of Bakhmach and elo.e punuU of remn';nts of the on . Jel'ibed in latest frontline dis­ Of Musso'.. Rescue t~e entire manpower problem to ancient citadel of Bryansk on the before Bryansk, the Russillns said enemy'. dl Intunt.... troo.,.. ~hes as hotter than any fought "see just' what we have and w~at we t bank of the, Desnll river after their troops overhauled and cut "Our northeastern and western Ii the African or SicllJan cam­ we , need.~' . plunging over the bodies of 2,000 down 1,500 of the enemy soldiers forces (at Lae) are gradually in­ piltDs. The combat rounded out By WILLIAM SMlTR ,~ .:'1 don't think the public would I Street Germans to reach the east bank fleeing from the Donets basin creasing their pressure. Our heaVy ~ day and both sides had LONDON, Tuesday (AP)-The object to the induction of fathers 1 ruth and cut four of the five trunk west of Salina, and killed hundreds bombers In direct .upport al­ ..uered heavy casualties. Berlin radio said earlY today that if.the'. need for them·was proven," railways feeding that axis strong­ more In other sectors. tacked enemy defense Installa­ TIie Germans were ensconced in a Fascist national government had said Martin. hold early today. Blrh Point tions with 49 tona of explosIves, ~ g r 0 u n d commanding the Rep. Kilday (D-Tex) asserted been founded In the name of Ben- the ' manpower' review ought to A Soviet communique telling of But the frontal assault on Bry­ c..... lng extensIve dama,e at wDo1e allied bridgehead with their the smash through the ltlil)e-flLled a'ns~, pIvot of Germany's bat­ Emern and Dlddymahl. A bridge IrllUery. ito Mus50lirti and now was un~er 1take up the question of the army's forest east of aryansk foreshad­ tered central and southern fronts, on the main valley road was de­ , The Americans with their Bri­ MUSljolini', direct comtnlUld. alze ,to determine whether its (ie- cowed the eariy capture ot that was the high point of the RWislan stroyed and several ,un batteries tiIh units not only beld doggedly This an~ouncerpent served as a ml\nds tor men "are reasonbie and OPPOSING POlleES in Italy are moving last to gain I.dvantsgeous posI­ pivot of the ax is central and communique. The succeSsfullunlie silenced." tions lor the corning, large-scale battle for th.t eountry. The Nazi Ie their hard-won brIdgehead 20 clmax to a day-long series of re- necessary." Kilday, however, ex- s(Juthern fronts. (See RUSSIAN, page 5) In the Solomons, American airline miles below the great me­ . pressed reluctance to put a con- agency DNa said that tToops under Marshat Rommel had seized (1) "Our troops have come right up Citations yesterday on the serlo- gressional celling on the strength Genoa, Spezia, Bologna, Verona, Trieste, and Milan. Berlin radio an­ bombers started fir and explo­ Iropolis of Naples, but managed to the lown of Bryansk," said the sIons In a new raid on the Isolated Ie push into the mountains. Much comic thriller-"the rescue and of the armed forces because it nounced the seizure of Rome (2). U. S. IJ1d BrItish forces (3) are communique recorded by the · So­ liberation of Benito Mussolini"- might affect the army's strategy. battling their way Inland near Naples. British troop. nccupied the naval Japanese air base of Vila, Kolom­ fiJhtlng was 4.000 feet above the viet monitor. bangara. .' The enemy was pushing re- which was told, re-told and heav­ With the deadline for the draft­ base (4) at Taranto. A Swiss dispatch reported Allied landings at Lower Prices Brindisi (5). Allied' Headquarters said tba ~ a number of Italian war· Railway Network The pattern lollowed by the al­ Itrvee toward the battle area de- ily embroidered by tbe German ing of fathers only three weeks away, Senator Wheeler (D-Mont) ships had arrived lafely at (6) the island ot Malta. (lnte1'714tio7l41) The bulletin added that Gen. M. Ues thus far in their reconquest 1pi\e day and night pummeling radio. M. Popov's troops had overrun the tr,m sky-ruling alUed air fleets, already has srved notice that he ot New Guinea W88 disclosed to tihich were challenged by large 'The station had shifted with will press for immediate action to vital nilway network on the east­ On Groceries newsmen today by Gen, SIr 1 postpone their induction until Jan. ern side of the Desna moat, seiz­ Thomas Blarney. German plane formations. Despite delight to this subject after weeks ing prisoners and equipment the lilt m.ounting fut'Y of the fight, its of labored explanations of Nazi I. The ,.eDenl traced tbe Plt­ Barkeley, however, expressed Italian!Fleet Mystery Germans were unable to take with tern of reconquest on a map and climax was not in sight.
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