THAILAND 2016 COMPETITIVE EXHIBIT Ll ST (BY CLASS) Exhi bit Name of Exhi bitor SP/FE L Frame N o Countr y Title of Exh ibit Total M edal Remarks N o. Last Name First Name GP Cl ass 1 ・FIAP Champ ions hip C la ss WWI ISurc harges of the Chinese 1001 1001 000 1 -0008 Chen Yu-An Chin 巴se Ta ip巴l Repub lic 1002 1002 0510-0517 Ho Mic hae l Chines 巴丁目 Ipel N icaragua Posta lStationery Pre-ad hesive Posta lHi sto ry of Macau 1 003 0017-0024 Choi Cheo ng-too Hong Kong 1797 1797 -1 864 t. Uni t. Basic a nd Sil ve r Yuan Sta mp s of 1 004 0025-0032 Choy Pa tri ck Sin ga p ore Chin a Siam Siam 1899-1910: Th 巴Gi 巴secke and 1 005 0033-0040 Ekombatchai Prasatporn Thai l and Devr ient Pri 円t1n gs Class Class 2.1 Tradil ional P hilately (Tha il an d) 2101 2101 0041-0048 Iwasak i Zenta J apan Siam Class ic 86 LV Th ail a nd :K in gB hu m ibol Firs tto 2102 2102 0049-0053 Pibul Sayr is Tha iland 85 LV Fo urt h Defi ni t ive Iss u es Chun dasutatha Tha il and: Th巴1976 and 1977 21 03 0054-0058 Tattabongkot Thailand 85 LV nakul nakul Commemorative Issues Siam Siam (T ha il and) :King Rama VII and 21 04 0059-0066 Eksombatchai Suwan na Thailand 88 LV SP Kin g Rama V III 21 05 0067-0074 Kri shn am ara Ay ut h Thai land S iam unt il1 900 96 LG SP/GPN Siam Siam : King Chul alongko rn 21 06 0075 - 0082 Kri shn am ara Ay uth Tha il and 90 G (1887-1910) (1887-1910) Thailand Thailand :King Bhumibo l' s 5th and 6t h 21 07 0083-0087 Utensute Ukris Thai l and 83 V Def intiv 巴 Issues Class Class 2.2 Tradiliona lPhilately (Asia and Auslralasia) 2201 2201 0088-0092 G ibson J ohn Austra li a New Herbr ides to 1941 78 LS New Zealand The Pe nn y Uni ve rsa l 2202 2202 0093-0097 We ll s Pe nn y Aust ral旧 85 LV 190 1-1 908 New Zealand Postage Dues 1899-1951 2203 2203 0098-0 1 05 Shaw James (Jim) Au st ralia 90 G t. 1s t. 2nd+3rd S巴円巴 5 Brunei Brunei Definitiv 巴 Brunei Riv巴rView 2204 2204 0106-0110 Berudin Baka r Brune i 72 5 Stamp Stamp 1907-1951 Dr Dr Sun Yat ・Sen Issue of ShanghaiDa h 2205 2205 0111 -0 11 5 Luo Q in gmin g Chin a 80 V T un g Pr in t of Chin a C hun ghwa Post Dr Sun ShanghaiDa h 2206 2206 011 6-0 1 20 H ao Wensh eng Chi na 78 LS Tu ng Pr int The The Ma 悶yrs Issue of Peking and Hong 2207 2207 012 1- 0125 Zhong Weicheng China 82 V Kong Kong Print Surcha r ged reg ul ar stamps in New 2208 2208 0126-0 1 30 Rui Yo u bin Chi na 83 V Chin a T he 1897 Red Reve nu eS ur c harges of 2209 2209 013 1・0138 Ding Ji nsong Chi na 96 LG SP/GP IC Chin a Dr .SYS Centra lTr ust Iss u巴16 cents 2210 2210 0139-0143 Chen H ung-Yu Chinese Taipei 85 LV Surcharg 巴d and its Overprint The The Defi nitive Issue of Japan from 2211 2211 0144 ・0148 Huang Chir トChu Chinese Taipei 70 S 187 1-195 1 The Coil ing Drago n and It's Overp rints 22 12 0149-0156 Li n Tz u-M u C hi nese Ta ipei 95 LG . 1897- 1912 Ch ina: Dr Su n Yat-Sen Issue ,New 2213 2213 0157-0164 Ya ng Hsiu -C hu an Chi 円ese Taipei 88 LV York York Print H ong Kong Designs ,Proofs , 2214 2214 0 165-0172 Kwan William Hong Kong Spec imens and Other Archiva l 95 LG Mater ials Dr.S un Yat-Sen Issue Centra Tl r ust 22 15 0173-0 1 77 Mak Kwok-p ui H ong Ko ng 85 LV Pr in t( 1942-19 45) 22 16 0178-0 1 82 Met ha Dhi rubhai In dia Morvi 1931 ・1948 65 SB Exhibit Exhibit Name of Exhibitor SP/FEL Frame No Country Title of Exhibit Total Medal Remarks No . Last Name First Name GP 2217 2217 0183-0187 Kakkeri Um 巴sh India Portuguese India upto W .w. 1,(1914) 81 V 2218 2218 0188 ・0195 Itoh Sumihide Japan Japan: Showa Series ,1937-46 88 LV 2219 2219 0196-0200 Koo Sangbon Korea New "Won" Definitive Stamps 01 Korea 75 LS 2220 2220 0201-0205 Goh Kien Boon Ma laysia Kingdom 01 Perlis 1894 - 1957 85 LV Li ndsay Ne w Zea land 's First Stamp Issue , The 2222 2222 0214 - 0218 Chitty Ne w Zea l and 87 LV Graham Full F ace Queens 2223 2223 0219-0226 Beach Tim New Zea l and 1960 Pictorials-New Zea l and 82 V 2224 2224 0227 心231 Mandviw 日11 日 Azeem Hakim Pakistan The First Adh 巴slve 79 LS 2225 2225 0232-0236 N 呂町巴巴 Alza lHussain Pakistan Bhopa11876-1938 73 5 Afghanistan Afghanistan in the Reign of Ami r Abdul 2226 2226 0237 - 0244 Isani Usman Ali Pakistan 85 LV Rahman (1880 ・1901) Sarah Sarah Saud Saudi Arabia 1925 - 1926 The N句d 2227 2227 0245 ・0249 A I-Thani Qatar 80 V Mohd tako ver 01 Hリaz Straits Straits Settlement s Stamp Issues 1867 2228 2228 0250-0254 Tan Ah Ee Sing apore 91 G SP to to 1899 2229 2229 0255-0262 Yau lくhai Weng Singapore Qu 巴ensland Classics 95 LG Kingdom Kingdom Of Laos :King Sisavang- 2230 2230 0263 - 0267 Theppornchai Chirawit Thailand 85 LV Vong's Vong's Reign 2231 2231 0268-0272 Sinchawla Santpa l Thailand Classic India Us ed lrom Burma 95 LG Ahmad Bin 2232 2232 0273-0280 AISerka l UAE Abu Dhabi Stamps 1963-1973 90 G Eisa Eisa C l ass 2.3T radition alPhila te ly (Th e Res to f t he World ) The British on penny stamp (1840 - 230 1 0281 - 0285 Huang Yusheng China 82 V 1879) 1879) Bolivia Bolivia : The 19th Century American 2302 2302 0009 - 0016 Ho Michael Chinese Taipei 95 LG Banknot 巴 Postalls sues Cla ss 3.1 Po staHl ist ory (Tha iland) Siamese Siamese Lett 巴rRate s :F rom the 3101 3101 0286 - 0293 Karnasuta Charnchai Thailand beginning in 1883 to the 1909 currency 93 G SP con verslon Th e Siamese Railroad Post Off ices 3102 3102 0294-0301 Karnasuta Charn chai Thailand 93 G SP (1896-1941) (1896-1941) The The Olficia lMoney Order Mai lfrom 3103 3103 301A -0301 Kos hp ashrin Choon Tha il and 95 LG Siam to Ch in a Cl ass 3.2 Po sta lHi story (A sia and Australasia) International International Airmail Service of Chinese 3201 3201 0302-0306 Cao Yongjin China 78 LS Postal Postal Service (1947 -1949) 3202 3202 0307 ・0311 Fan Li ging China Suzhou Postal History 1865 - 1949 83 V Postage Postage in Go ld Yuan Period of 3203 3203 0312-0316 Ren Hairong China 80 V Chin ese Postal Se rvice 1948 - 1949 Postsl Postsl History 01 Dongchuan 3204 3204 0317 -0321 Zili Wang China 78 LS (1923-1949) (1923-1949) Chinese Chinese Machine Cancels 3205 3205 0322-0326 Yan An China 83 V (1909 -1949) Military Military Post 01 the Chinese People's 3206 3206 0327-0331 Sun Zhiyan China 78 LS beration Li beration Army Postage Postage Markings of the C hing Dynasty 3207 3207 0332 - 0336 Huang Ming Jeng Chinese Taipei 86 LV (1834-1911) (1834-1911) Stamps Stamps and Cancellations shortiy 3208 3208 0337 句 0341 L ee Kung Chinese Taipei before and after the Retrocession 01 62 B Taiwan Taiwan China China 1948 : The Maturity Stage of 3209 3209 0342 - 0346 Mak Kwok-pui Hong Kong Value-Declar 巴 d Registered Mai l. a New 72 S Postal Postal Service 辺一 Exhibit Exhibit Name of Exhibitor SP/FEL Frame No Country Title of Exhibit Total Medal Remarks No Last Name First Name GP 32 10 0347-0351 Wo ng Kin -chi , Danny Ho ng Kong Ta iwa n Postal Hi stor y 80 V British British T r eaty Port Post Ollices in 32 11 0352 -0 359 Che ung And rew Hong Kong 92 G SP China China 32 12 0360-0367 Chand ak Kis h or India Hand-struck Postage Stamp 01 India 86 LV 32 13 0368-0372 K.5 Mo han Indi a Posta Hl is tor y 01 丁目 va nco r巴 75 LS Postal Postal Ma rk et ing 01 Tokyo Tama 32 14 0373-0377 Chikats uji Kiichi Japan 77 LS County County 1872- 1 909 ,恥 Fo r巴ign Ma il in Nagasak i. Japan1 875- 32 15 0378-0385 Itoh Sumihid e Japan 86 LV 1 905 32 16 0386-0390 Han Ch ung Eon Korea Korean M ilit ary Ma il 78 LS Postal Postal Hi sto rt y0 1 G reat Josu 円& 32 17 039 1 -0398 Kim Yo ungkil Korea 85 LV Imp er ial Daehan (1884 -190 5) Iraq ,Postal Age ncies 01 British Indi a 32 18 0399-0403 Hu ssain Syed Abid Pakistan 73 5 (1868- 1 919) Postal Postal Hi stor y 01 Palestine 32 19 0404-0408 Hu ssain Sye d Imti a Pakistan 73 S (1882 (1882 -19 48) 3220 3220 0409-0416 R司jab Ali Qatar Kuwait Posta l Hi story 86 LV 322 1 0417-0424 Jassim Ali Qa tar Ir a q in Occupation Era 85 LV Wahab 3222 3222 0425 - 0432 Ma rd yya Qa tar Bahrain Postal Hi story 。 ABS ENT Hu ssain Early Early Hotel Ma il 01 Singapore 1883 - 3223 3223 0433 - 0437 Wo ng Han Min Singapo re 81 V 194 1 Postal Postal Hi story 01 the Ch in a Gold/Silver 3224 3224 0438 - 0445 Choy Patrick Singapore 91 G SP Yuan Yuan in the Li be rated Ar eas The The Ch in eseMa il to S.E .Asia 3225 3225 0446-0450 Koshpsaha rin Sat ham Thail and 86 LV 1940-1950 1940-1950 Dutch Dutch East Indi es Th eC hin a 3226 3226 0451 ・0455 Kos hp saharin Choon Thailand 85 LV Connect ion1 818- 1945 Mail Mail Betw 巴en Ch in a and South East 3227 3227 0456 - 0463 Koshpasharin Choon Thailand 95 LG FEL Asia Asia Nasser Nasser Bin 3228 3228 0464-0468 AISerka l UAE Shadah Postal History 75 LS Ahmad 3229 3229 0469-0473 Iyer Sudhir UAE Coch in Postmarks and Cance ll ations 。 ABSENT Development Development 01 Postal Se rvice in 3230 3230 0474-0481 Johan sen Thomas UAE 87 LV Bahrain Bahrain 1884- 1 948 Kedah , Malay Peninsula State - The 323 1 t48 1A-04 81 Ong Kuee Hong Ma lays ia 95 LG Postal Postal Hi story From 1887 Till1 940s Class Class 3.3 Postal History (T he Rest 01 the World) 3301 3301 0482 ・0489 Sh oda Yuk ihi ro Japan Postal Hi story 01 Brazi I1 795-1877 96 LG SP/GP IC Class Class 4 Postal Stationery 4001 4001 0490-0494 Brown Gary Austra li a Posta lStatio 口ery 0 1 Natal 90 G Mo hammed Postal Stationery 0 1 Bangladesh to 4002 4002 0495-0499 Isalam Bangladesh 76 LS Monirul Monirul 1999 Macau Postal Station 巴r y Postal Ca rd s 4003 4003 0500 - 0504 Li u Yil eng Ch in a 83 V 1886-1900 1886-1900 4004 4004 0505 - 0509 Li Zhile i(Fr 日nk) China Alb ani an Po s tal Stationery 1913-1944 85 LV 4006 4006 05 1 8-0522 Kedia Om Prakash Indi a Postal Sta ti on 巴n巴5 01 Gwa li or State 78 LS Neth 巴rlands Indi es Postal Ca rd 1874- 4007 4007 0523 - 0527 H arsono Suw ito Indonesia 90 G 1929 1929 The The Neth 巴rland Indies Postal 4008 4008 0528-0532 Zon Fadli Indon esia 83 V Stat ionery 1874- 1 942 Ex h ib it Name of Ex hibit or SP /FEl Fr am e No.
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