i t n e l l e i t P S COPTlCMt l«I»' M»»« V« ox ■ ldaho^$ Largestr Evening Newspapper . ..Twin Falls. Idaho, K _______- ______ . 7 2 n d - Y o.ar, a r No.-172— -------- - - - Mbnday;.March£'l,;i97Z .IJ --------------------- .- 115* H ■ r. M e :5 iid u <e b r o > a d e i! e f i t s ■ X .' WASHINGTON IUPD t i Inn nnat a c tio n b rin g in g se v e ra l billiontns in .retirement benefits lo menn Uic pending lowsuils. opplicot;icotions have been wife. A womanan in o ilke situation would e d a y ■ iS^ciai Security relircmcnt.benccncfits to thousands who .were nolot taken inlo account in a 1972n accepted by local offices for som idmelimc. benetltswiUiohout such proof. more men, Uic Supreme Courturt ruled today Uial amendment nmaking colculolions of average;e About 5.745 men ore owoltlnjIting payment. Tlie FourjusticcIces found In tlic March 2 bpinlc . federal law has been {pconstltistitullonaily applied monUily wogcje s UlC sa m e for boUi sexes'. ' e s tim a te d firsty c a r cost IslSOODominion. n Uils systlhiTl discriminated ogolnst v to iiusbands as well as widowersk'crs. F e d e ra l offlficials'liave estimated that aboulJl Under Uie formula enocleded by Congress, o workers, wliolio pold inlo thc Social Sccurit; . W eather Ttie brief orders In severalal a p p e a ls h a d been S20.000 h u sb ainds n and widowers con collect neww man applying fof retirementnl benefits on Uie over mony yearsy but ochicved less prot cxpected'as a followup to UieIC majorn decision In ' or greoter Socc IqI Security payments a sre su ltIt basis of his wife's earnings mustmu show that he . (orlheirspouilu sc s Uion m en .. Uie widowers' case on March|2. 2.. .. of actions taketen Morch 2 and today. In view of)f wos receiving at least half hisils sus p p o rt from lils (OooUooedaap.l) ___ At th e sa m e tim e . In a w p anfate ra t cose. Uie court _ • rovers^ a decision thot woiwould hove meont j)^i^th.a.f®:ShOT/OT;ii : ^t’^!^iiotthen^-i in o tih ta l^ \?>psiature^InlheSOs.w Pocatcello I Forecast, page 16 Ma^icVallIley- " . tria l dlue ■ „ B E ^ FIRElCi .ft :•, Fepy,aaan«dles> whf (iii^ f e d in ] ;' It-Jkrase;-;' ■ v.'i'J' Cordei ^ . B _ _ _ M U R T JI VICTIMf e ^ g ^ a K M l i i ’ ~ I _ — — ByBOBZUCKBRA!»HAN ;^.i:37 w iw k ola’carfuUlot's^lorcitizena;;;. < , * Timeft-NewBwrlt '■ Storyr p a g e l 5 TWIN FALLS - SixUi Dislrlstrict Judge Arthur Oliver today ordered Twin FailRails County Sheriff : Q?HA tJWYED :.. O w ners: of luiUdlngs . ■ Paul Corder to face a'trail Inin Pocatello on a charge of mishandling publicpul funds bul, recently l)tt byjnajcior jilres.'dispute OSHA o i d ism isse d c h a rg e s lh a l Uie! sheriffsh committed ^lalms tfiat the, feedei^il jagencys rules p e rju ry . ^-^>^wduld bayepreventecid (lie loss The decision came more thanIhi a week after storyI p a ^ l Corder's arraignment here2 whenw defense.at- I tomey Lloyd WfiBBNMuesledlied oil charges be . dismissed and speciarptQscfuicfutor Leon Smllh re q u e ste d th e tria l be m ovedI.to to onoU< icr location. _ c ^-Natl&nal Webb argued oil charges shouldsh( be dropped .............. DEADLY GASESs: The Pentagon has because Insufficient evideiidence had been ■ chemical ■warfare . presented to show Uie sheriffIff hadI committed a crim e. SmlUi argued Uie trialiol ishould be moved > to another district because publ>ubllcily had m ade 11 ' . - s t o r y 1 pfigps impossible for an impartial1 JuryJui lo be selected ---------- K a l H ' ^ ft ^ h e re . s biw m en an Arizona In his brief order, tho Judgedge said "surflclenl |B |^ H evidence” has been presentedted for.him .to order - > KW ftSSM gylyji^f^ C o rd e r lo fac e a tria l on Uie chargech« oHaliurelo keep and pay overpubllc money At the same time, the JudgeJu ruled "Uie evidence at the preliminaryry hearing was so wHnBI cxculpatdry in nature Uiat'I' 11It failed to show ' y ‘ probable cause Uidt.. .(perjuerjury was) com- milted by the defendant and,md, Uierefore. said counts should be dismissed." Iart^^yes:eapturestiie>' .i Tlie special prosecutor lotod d a y te rm e d Uic at strokes with & Judge's decision "wcll-reasoncaned” ond said he ^ S m ijsl^'A ^ \ J, was not disappointed Uiatal Uie Judge had . ^ p a ^ l V d ism isse d Uie five "b ac k -u p "'perjury pe counts. Corder said hc could'not comrimmcntonthecase. ' w T - - H is a tto rn e y w a s un av ailab lec forfoi commcnt. - ' LaAdHg Lasl Oclober. former Twit[Vin Falls County K iS n -prosccuior-wniiannrolIirFclifield c h o rg c d “ Uie--------- la^College of Southetn'iM' slieriff wlUi falling lo keep ondand turn over on a J |s Arst Indoor In- q u a rte rly b a sis ab o u t $1,700D asai Is required by > s la te la w . ilsw eek ^ Tli6 money was collected ssa! fees for use of p a g e u siieriff's office copying machin:hines during a nine- H SH H I yearperiod, according to the2 cb'complaint. County auditors' recordss showsl the sheriff •i tttntoeBflDeerJota turned In aboul J l j ^ In copyinlying m a c h in e funds T«ml, left, and iDopbjriielitIt LMsbert DotpUo 1 ^ 5 for Uie first time m July, 197G197G. SUUsUcs com- use sofiblsUcsted peoDd peam r t n t t n g r e d ir to •S American families . piled by an Independent oudiliidllor sliowed obout T r e a s n r e 1h i i n t e i ^ ____ . examioeapoMiblecoCnaoetiitsaciveni(nNew 11.700 w as colleclod-aa feesa for-usefi in copies , ---------- M eilctf I VIetocto Peek beliefevedtoboldbaUoa . made on sherlfrs office copierslers during the nine .' to»W .(UPI) —yearrthe sherjff was inofftcer- —' T iie r o u ^ l y $500 still m issirisslng hos not been i^lrfcewDTetunediraninfHanol . found. During a proiimlnarv hearintrin g In Ulft ffnsi* Inst - - ________ ■ 1_ y^f'Sioiy iP a g « « _____ -- --------------- December. Uie prosecutor addeidded th c c h a rg e thol Corder falsely signed oaths' sayingsaj he'd turned elues- I- In oii fees fron^ his officc atI UieUii end of five dif- ferent quarters. ANDS, N.M. (UPI) ~ It had been'In 1 6 . th e y sa w a tre a s u re spottedJ b>by Mlilon E. "Doc" - ReportsDf of the treasure date back to th "*■ 6b«uoriM ,2.- Thc prosccutor present^ areo was .visited by S ^ni “"tk l. S ‘!i" i FIcge was Inside o loreirg c N oss In 1937. S colt h a s beenn hihired by iseverol o( when thc Victorio Peak seorehlng. forF a uie claimants to condiicl'ml*mls lu-ooy scareii, conqutsioaor[ores iravciing nonhwai-U fees collected In thc slierifrs oi ■sofncc't.rT.J fS a-iV ’Old tre a su re . w hich e n d s M areh 28. Mcxico. ArrImong the ' inore recent a --'-'quarters had been turned in. 1^ to th e co v e S u nday, b u t ho didndn't . After digging with shovels:1s onds crow bors for ' discovererss of Utc gold w ere N oss ai i ■ The defense attomcyTirgucd s of gold bars hesaid hc saw.Uiereeon o four hours Sundoy. Flege, JeiJerry Loe nnd Jock Newman off E1 l P aso , T ex., who sol{l h e knew'.', the statements did not r his lost visit.I. ' ' . X Hull crowlcd Uii^ugh thc entrin tro n c e o f a fa u lt fo r U ie c a v e mIn In 1974. office coping machlnc funds. s one of Uiree pien, part of o scareireh a 4imlnute seoreh Just beforerenlghtfall. r Noss,■who^0 w as shot an d killed In 1949, lu 'In I>ecembcr, Magistrate Ji ' R»>»rt G- ■■ o S id “)sy Norman' Scott, who crawledI oon L ee , a 's p e lu n k c r wlUi SScott's o Expeditions heaccidental^liy seoled Uic cavern while tr N ew hoiise ru le d enougli evidenclence w o s p rese n te d es and backs” 320 feet into a domeTied Unlimited, said someone hadad (done 0 lot of work clearsomeofof the rocks awoy with dynnml at thc preliminary hearing loB or order Uie sh e riff to the^m oli desert peak. inthccovc. ' widow. O va.i. 80,i iso lo n g o n th esc p reh . facc all cliarges In Uib dlstriclin c . court. OllWT’. Id rw treasure, but enougli cluess Ilo "There’s even a campsite:c irin Uicre with a leo Newman saids on his 1974 visit tic nnd M i s s i o n cc o m p l e t e decision overrules Ncwhouse's r 0 continue Uio search wllh heavavy ketUe, a No. 5 con Uiat wass usused os a fire piocc oUier man sneakedsn inside Uie range adci A dole for the trial has nol t: to cook canncd food — peas,.beans—and be one No. Hc uid h(s(s coippanlons were dlscovei vlcted of mishondllng public3ilc funds, Corder S..i, r(.niif patrol bul he Ijid inside a co' HONOLULU (UPI) - A Whihlle House mission sccldng In- irely different," Flege sold.
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