THE WATERVLIET RECORD VOLUME 61 WATERVLIET, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1943 NUMBER 44 1 1 The Michigan The Business Phase of War Maroon Cage -"V •} '"l" s Aged Woman NEWS OF OUR Mirror...Non- Lessons of Ptst Are Forgotten Season Opens MENwWOMEN Kiiled At Main Partisan Facts Congress Tries to Call Halt Next Week IN UNIFORM Street Crossing (BY DON F. COCHRANE) Written By Gene Alleman, The Business Phase of War half billion dollar tax bill and sub- Local Squad Will Play The Bluejacket Robert L. Bachman, Earl Sprague, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrt. Alice Shorey Meets No war ever was run on a busi- stitute a two billion dollar increase. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bach- Arthur Sprague, has successfully MPA Correspondent, ness basis. But the courts would That reticence was diverted into a Decatur Yellow jackets man, was included in a group of completed his preliminary tests, Tragic Death When At Lansing. quickly grind to dissolution any bus- demand for further reduction when Friday, Dec. 3. 187 men who recently graduated and is now a member of the enlist- Struck By Train. iness enterprise operated as loosely the army refunded thirteen billion from the Naval Training School ed reserve of the Array Air Corps.] RETAILERS: Because of the ser- as are the financial phases of Amer- dollars of its appropriation and the Now that the perilous season of (electrical) on the Purdue Univers- He was formally sworn in Novem-1 Some $525.35 was found secreted ious shortage of manpower, the ne- ica's current war eflort. Its execu- navy five billion, with explanation football is over, the sports-minded ity campus in Lafayette, Ind. This ber 19th, at Fort Custer. Earl will around the South Main street cessity oi transportation priorities tives might even lose their liberty. that the peak of production had been people ol every community are Bluejacket, now striking for the be called to acUve duty shortly living quarters of Mrs. Alice Shorey. for war suppiise, and the growing A margin of waste in war is inevit- passed and military needs are well turning their thoughts to the great petty officer rating of electrician's after his eighteenth birthday, and age 89. by Mayor O. D. Price and supplied. It was further intensified scarcity of merchandise, Michigan able. Men who direct the ghastly winter spurt—basketball. The snow mate third class, is awaiting active will then start the twelve to four- i thosc assisting him in the search on snoppers who wait until mid-Decem- business of crushing our enemies are by revelation that the government has 1 alien and the gridirons are de- duty orders which will take him to teen month educational course, pro-1 Saturday, following Mrs. Shorey's ber to buy and mail Christmas gifts impelled by such factors as time and through conflicting agencies has scried, but inside the gymnasiums a ship or to a shore station as a vlded by the Air Corps at an esti- ! death on Thursday evening when are due lor abrupt awakening and results, and they are not restrained been purchasing real estate until it fireman second class. mated cost of $25,000. Successful j^e was struck and killed by a west now owns one-fifth of the land In the sound ol bouncing basketballs tearful disappointments. This warn- by considerations of solvency that ecno as many school teams rehearse • • • completion of this course will en- bound Pere Marquette passenger ing comes irom the Michigan Retail executives of corporate enterprises the United States, exactly how title him to wear the much coveted much no one seems to know. for their '43-'44 debuts. Watervliet Norman Rottler returned to his train at 5:45 o'clock at the Main Institute at Lansing this week, and must observe. makes its initial appearance of the wings of the pilot, bombardier, or street crossing. The aged woman, a it is supported by official statements Operation of the United States These are the considerations back base at San Pedro, Cal., last Friday, season at Decatur on Friday, Dec. 3, following a leave of six days spent navigator, and will graduate him in resident of Watervliet for the past from Postmaster General Frank C. government is normally the largest of the coalition program in congress the status of a commissioned officer to further investigate all appropria- against the state champion Yellow- at the home of his parents, Mr. and dozen years or more, was returning Walker, Chairman Paul V. McNutt and most complicated business in the in the U. S. Army. to her apartment following a visit of the war manpower commission, world, and when war is taken on tions and find means of enforcing a jackets. Mrs. Fred Rottler, at Paw Paw Lake. and Joseph B. Eastman, director of the magnitude of its financial ac- real policy of governmental econo- Ol the eighteen boys who are • • • at the N. E. Tiilison home on Pleas- the Office of Defense Transportation. tivities becomes all but incompre- my. With that policy, irrespective practicing lor both first and second ant street. Eye witnesses asserted teams, live have had first team ex- Pvt. Charles F. Mishler of Camp that she seemingly stepped in front Facts: Michigan retailers are in a hensible. That sheer magnitude of its political reflexes, the Ameri- Wallace, Texas, has recently been jam. They lack adequate labor to would seem to require observance can people are in unequivocal ac- perience. Gordon Walker, Jerry WAC Recruiting of the train thinking that she had cord. It is time that the govern- Wurn, and Earl Sprague make up selected to attend an Enlisted Spe- time to effect a crossing when ap- handle the normal December buying of proven business methods, but it cialist School, under War Depart- rush. Many types of merchandise are doesn't. Such methods are not only ment's financial operations made the senior contingent of veterans; parently she stumbled and fell di- better semblance of sense, and that Mel Thar, a junior, has seen active ment direction, to pursue a para- rectly in the path of the oncoming not available or cannot be replaced ignored but are supplanted by end- troopers course. Committee Named readily when present supplies are less and costly red tape that impedes program makes sense. service with the first team, as has train. depleted. Postal service is badly Gus Scheid, a sophomore. John • • • Mayor Price communicated with a efficiency and obscures the major Clipping Wings of Bureaucrats bogged down. Trains are jammed frailties of the system itself. Krieger, another senior with experi- Capt. and Mrs. Lumon Willmeng Mrs. John Brule, whose husband niece in Washington, D. C., and was wiin war supplies, and gifts cannot That is not all that the coalition instructed to be on the lookout for Comparisons Are Misleading ence, is expected out in a few days. have moved from Gainesville, Tex- is with Uncle Sam's fighting forces be permitted to interfere with trans- forces in congress have set about to The team lost Jack Long and as. to Many, La., where Capt. Will- somewhere in the South Pacific, has currency which might be hidden portation of arms and supplies to our That is why congressional investi- do. They are seeking to stimulate George Hartmann when they walk- meng will be out on maneuvers for about her home. He accordingly gation of lend-lease aroused resent- petroleum production and end the just been named by Orin D. Price lighting forces. Packages mailed af- ed away with their graduation di- the next three months. as executive chairman of the local caused a guard to be placed on the ter the first week of December are ment both here and in England and gasoline and fuel oil shortages, to premises until such time as a search plomas lost June. Their departure # • • WAC recruiting campaign which is not assured of delivery before was met with befogging statistics. It close the "kangaroo" courts set up left the Marpon basketball defense could be made. Cnristmas — even if then. Moral: if was asserted that Britain is devoting by bureaucrats and provide citizens without a guard of experience. This Chaplain A. M. Lusk arrived here Mrs. Shorey had been to the Tiili- you want to avoid disappointments 10 per cent of her total war expen- with appeals to established courts Tuesday morning from St. Augus- son home in the afternoon and, ar- ditures to lend-lease as against 12 is Coach Hackett's chief problem of tine, Fla., to spend Thanksgiving lor yourself and tor others, buy and from autocratic administrative or- the moment. riving at her own quarters in the mail your Christmas gifts NOW. per cent in the United States. In ders. The indiscriminate halting of with his family. Mirs. Lusk and basement of the Frank Green build- percentages the disparity is not great, Michigan deer hunters as potential Promising players of last year's children are returning to St. Au- This is not commercial ballyhoo. second team are available this year ing, South Main street, discovered We're at war. but British war expenditures in the gasoline violators is a case in point. gustine with Chaplain Lusk today that her key was missing. She ac- current year are estimated at 19 bil- Exceeding all authority granted by 'I his group includes Allan Krieger, (Friday). Dick Fox, Bruce Dwiggins, Jack cordingly retraced her steps to. the INFLATION. Purchase of other lion 600 million while the United congress, the maze of administrative * • • Van Drasek, Donald Lindemann and Tiilison residence and was success- than essential merchandise by States will have spent 200 billion.
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