Appendix 5: Housing Site Appraisals DUA Site 1: Boulton Moor Description: Sites lie on the south east edge of the built up area of Derby, to the east of Chellaston and south of Alvaston, extending south and west This broad location consists of one site within the City and two sites in South Derbyshire. The City site lies on the north-eastern edge of Chellaston and is made up of land within the Boulton Moor Green Wedge. The SDDC site (S0072) is an extension of a site with planning permission (conjoined enquiry site) for 1,058 dwellings to the north of site S0162, and would deliver around 700 homes. There is also a small area of land to the north of the A6 (also within the greenbelt); all the sites are currently agricultural fields with hedgerow and tree field boundaries. Sustainability Appraisal Notes on site Detailed considerations Yes/No Comments Objective based mitigation Will it conserve and enhance - Site S0072 is located around 1km from Boulton Moor Site of Scientific Interest but would affect the internationally nationally important Yes integrity of the site wildlife sites? To avoid damage to Will it conserve and enhance designated sites and locally important (non-statutory Yes - There are no wildlife sites with any of the identified sites in South Derbyshire species (including UK and wildlife sites)? - Ensure habitat Could development affect creation on site to Local BAP Priority Habitat - Potential for a number of protected species on site or within 500m including Breeding Birds, Bats, Badger, protected species or BAP priority Possibly enhance GCN. and Species) and enhance species? biodiversity interest biodiversity and Will it provide tree planting or other of sites. habitat creation on site including geodiversity across the Yes - There is potential for biodiversity gain on all sites. National Forest Planting (where District relevant)? Will it protect sites of geological Yes - There are no regionally important geological sites in this area importance? Will it reduce the number of - Site would contribute towards the delivery of homes which could be used to place people identified as households waiting for Yes homeless within the DUA accommodation? Will it increase the range and affordability of housing for all social Yes - Site would be expected to deliver up to 40% affordable housing with the remainder market housing. groups? To provide decent and Will it improve the suitability of new affordable homes that homes for older and/disabled No - No specific provision known on any identified sites. - None identified meet local needs groups? Will it provide sufficient housing to Yes - The site could contribute to overall housing need in combination with other developments in the DUA and meet existing and future need? Derby City Will it reduce the number of unfit or No - All sites are greenfield urban extensions and are unlikely to reduce unfit or empty homes through site empty homes? development Will it meet the needs of travelling No - No show people? 154 Will it improve people’s health Yes - Will provide new open space and affordable housing in line with local requirements or wellbeing? Will it improve accessibility too - Existing healthcare facilities are located at Meadowfields Practice Chellaston, or Alveston Medical Centre. healthcare for existing Both practices currently have capacity to take on new patients, but would not be able to accommodate To improve the health and residents and provide Possibly growth at all identified sites. well-being of the additional facilities for new - There may be potential to deliver new healthcare facilities on site, given the potential growth which could - population residents? come forward in this broad location (including that already committed). - Could improve locally available leisure opportunities including sports pitch provision associated with the Will it promote healthy Yes existing Boulton Moor Consent lifestyles? - Could connect to an existing PROW network including to networks around the Elvaston Castle Historic Park and Garden to the east of the A6. Will it reduce crime and fear of To improve community No - No known issues with crime and antisocial behaviour across the site crime safety and reduce crime - Will it reduce the number of - Insufficient data and fear of crime people involved in accidents -- Will it improve educational - The sites cut across the secondary school catchment areas of Noel Baker and Chellaston School. attainment amongst young Chellaston School is already over capacity and has no potential to extend, whilst Noel Baker has limited ? capacity. However, there would still be a significant supply shortfall if all sites were developed. - Continue liaison To improve educational people? - A new primary school will be delivered as part of the Boulton Moor Conjoined Inquiry site. will local Schools achievement and improve Will it reduce the number of and LEA to the District’s skills base working age residents who No - Not applicable establish impact have no or lower level qualifications? To promote social inclusion and reduce Will it narrow the inequality gap between the richest and Yes - New housing would increase access to market and affordable housing for Derby and South Derbyshire None identified inequalities associated residents in an area which is relatively affordable. - with deprivation across the poorest in the District District - The sites are located within reasonable proximity to the existing urban area, but not within easy access of To improve local a range of facilities. - A park and ride scheme is proposed to the north of the existing Boulton Moor proposal site, and proposed accessibility to healthcare, Will it make access easier for development could help fund the delivery of this site this. Once built a Park and Ride site would improve education, employment, those households who do not Possibly access to facilities in Derby City Centre. - Requirements food shopping facilities, have a car? - There are employment opportunities accessible from this general location. for Travel Plans, and recreational resources - Existing pedestrian, cycle and public transport infrastructure are located in this area, and the previous or other Boulton Moor Scheme makes provision for walking and cycling routes to allow permeability through the measures to (including open spaces site. secure non-car and sports facilities) and Will it help deliver new or - There are some local facilities (including shops and a primary school, sports provision) to be provided in travel promote healthy and protect existing local services the permitted Boulton Moor and it is expected that these will be enhance to take account the extension to sustainable travel or non- and facilities and promote the Yes the consented site. travel choices provision of new facilities and - A park and ride scheme is proposed to the north of the existing Boulton Moor proposal site, and this could public transport provision? further improve access to facilities in Derby City Centre. Will it minimise the impact of - Development of all the sites may impact on the A52 to Nottingham, and smaller local roads that access traffic congestion on the the A52 (e.g. Borrowash Road and Victoria Road). Possibly strategic and local road - Local road junctions could be negatively affected by large scale growth and may require capacity network? enhancements To make best use of - Existing pedestrian, cycle and public transport infrastructure are located in this area, and the previous existing infrastructure and - Requirements Will it increase the proportion Boulton Moor Scheme has walking and cycling routes to allow permeability through the site. reduce the need to travel - The conjoined enquiry site (Boulton Moor Phase 1) will be served by a bus service it may be possible to for Travel of journeys using modes other Possibly Plans, or other and increase opportunities extend into the other sites. than cars? - A park and ride scheme is proposed to the north of the existing Boulton Moor proposal site, and this could measures to for non-car travel (public further improve access to facilities in Derby City Centre. secure non-car transport walking and travel cycling) Will it make the best use of Yes - The provision of the proposed Park and Ride site will be supported by large scale growth in this area. other infrastructure? Demand management could help to increase capacity on local road networks 155 Will it encourage the creation of new businesses - Could support construction industry and other businesses involved in marketing, selling new homes. Would also provide locally accessible labour to the neighbouring Global Technology Cluster and Derby or existing businesses to Yes To achieve stable and Commercial Park in Derby City sustainable levels of grow? Will it reduce - None identified. economic growth and unemployment rates and - N/A maintain economic disparities across the -- competitiveness district? Will it encourage economic - N/A diversification? -- Will it improve average - N/A incomes in the District? -- Will it ensure the provision of an adequate supply of To diversify and strengthen - Provision of new housing sites could help reduce employment land losses by ensuring sufficient housing employment land and Possibly supply (indirect effect) - None identified. local urban and rural protect existing viable economies employment sites? Will it help support and encourage the growth of -- - N/A the Rural Economy? - Ensure good To enhance the vitality and connectivity and Will it improve existing - There is no District Centre in Boulton, the closest is in Allenton. permeability Yes - Large-scale development in this area could support the delivery Local Centre on the consented Boulton viability of existing town and shopping facilities? across any Moor site. village centres development sites in this area Will it improve the quality of Possibly - Sites are not previously developed so it will not help regenerate existing built up areas, but could reinforce new development? local design and character. To improve the quality of new development and the Will it provide potential to - None identified existing built environment use locally available Possibly - Dependent on design and implementation.
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