MTS Cargo Rates

MTS Cargo Rates

Marine Transportation Services 2021 Cargo Rates General Cargo Ship to Hay River Lutsel K'e Tulita Norman Wells Fort Good Hope Inuvik Aklavik Tuktoyaktuk Sachs Harbour Paulatuk Ulukhaktok Kugluktuk Hay River $356 $287 $287 $344 $411 $435 $462 $524 $524 $524 $551 Lutsel K'e $231 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Tulita $187 N/A $124 $181 $248 $272 $299 $438 $438 $438 $456 Norman Wells $187 N/A $81 $181 $248 $272 $299 $438 $438 $438 $456 Fort Good Hope $187 N/A $117 $117 $191 $217 $243 $426 $426 $426 $445 Inuvik $268 N/A $161 $161 $124 $182 $119 $398 $398 $398 $417 Aklavik $284 N/A $177 $177 $141 $119 $150 $420 $420 $420 $438 Tuktoyaktuk $300 N/A $195 $195 $158 $77 $99 $319 $319 $319 $333 Sachs Harbour $341 N/A $285 $285 $277 $259 $272 $206 Call Call Call Paulatuk $341 N/A $285 $285 $277 $259 $272 $206 Call Call Call Ulukhaktok $341 N/A $285 $285 $277 $259 $272 $206 Call Call Call Ship From Ship Kugluktuk $359 N/A $298 $298 $289 $271 $285 $217 Call Call Call 1. Rates presented are in metric: One revenue tonne will apply per metric tonne (1000 kilograms) of gross weight OR per 2.5 cubic meters which ever produces the highest revenue per piece. 2. All shipments are subject to a minimum charge equal to 0.5 revenue ton at the above applicable rates. 3. The extreme overall dimensions (length, width and height) of each piece shall be utilized to determine the volume. 4. Oversize or overweight shipments requiring special handling may be subject to additional charges. 5. Large volume shipments will be priced on a case by case basis. 6. Dangerous Goods: A surcharge of 20% will be applied to all dangerous goods. 7. Lateral moves depend upon routing and will be priced individually. 8. Marine Insurance: To be purchased separately. 9. Taxes: All prices are exclusive of GST. Containerized Pallet Ship To Hay River Lutsel K'e Tulita Norman Wells Fort Good Hope Inuvik Aklavik Tuktoyaktuk Sachs Harbour Paulatuk Ulukhaktok Kugluktuk Hay River $381 $307 $307 $366 $438 $487 $493 $522 $522 $522 $526 Lutsel K'e $248 Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Tulita $199 Call Call Call $252 $305 $307 Call Call Call Call Norman Wells $199 Call Call Call Call $275 Call Call Call Call Call Fort Good Hope $238 Call Call Call $192 $275 $248 Call Call Call Call Inuvik $285 Call Call Call Call $275 $115 $387 $387 $387 $405 Aklavik $316 Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Tuktoyaktuk $320 Call Call Call Call $75 Call $310 $310 $310 $324 Sachs Harbour $340 Call Call Call Call $251 Call $202 Call Call Call Ship From Ship Paulatuk $340 Call Call Call Call $251 Call $202 Call Call Call Ulukhaktok $340 Call Call Call Call $251 Call $202 Call Call Call Kugluktuk $343 Call Call Call Call $264 Call $212 Call Call Call 1. Rates applicable to standard sized pallets that require containerization. 2. Pallets to be of standard size, maximum 48" long by 40" wide and 66" high, total weight not to exceed 2,000 lbs. 3. Oversize or overweight shipments requiring special handling may be subject to additional charges. 4. Dangerous Goods: A surcharge of 20% will be applied to all dangerous goods. 5. Lateral moves depend upon routing and will be priced individually. 6. Marine Insurance: To be purchased separately. 7. Taxes: All prices are exclusive of GST. Containers Ship To Hay River Lutsel K'e Tulita Norman Wells Fort Good Hope Inuvik Aklavik Tuktoyaktuk Sachs Harbour Paulatuk Ulukhaktok Kugluktuk Hay River $5,228 $4,232 $4,232 $5,042 $6,037 $6,411 $6,784 $7,718 $7,718 $7,718 $8,091 Lutsel K'e $3,422 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Tulita $2,738 N/A $1,867 $2,676 $3,672 $4,045 $4,419 $6,411 $6,411 $6,411 $6,722 Norman Wells $2,738 N/A $1,245 $2,676 $3,672 $4,045 $4,419 $6,411 $6,411 $6,411 $6,722 Fort Good Hope $3,298 N/A $1,742 $1,742 $2,865 $3,174 $3,610 $6,286 $6,286 $6,286 $6,535 Inuvik $3,921 N/A $2,365 $2,365 $1,867 $2,676 $1,742 $5,850 $5,850 $5,850 $6,161 Aklavik $4,170 N/A $2,614 $2,614 $2,117 $1,742 $2,241 $6,161 $6,161 $6,161 $6,411 Tuktoyaktuk $4,419 N/A $2,863 $2,863 $2,365 $1,183 $1,494 $4,667 $4,667 $4,667 $4,917 Sachs Harbour $5,042 N/A $4,170 $4,170 $4,108 $3,797 $4,045 $3,049 Call Call Call Ship From Ship Paulatuk $5,042 N/A $4,170 $4,170 $4,108 $3,797 $4,045 $3,049 Call Call Call Ulukhaktok $5,042 N/A $4,170 $4,170 $4,108 $3,797 $4,045 $3,049 Call Call Call Call Kugluktuk $5,290 N/A $4,356 $4,356 $4,232 $3,983 $4,170 $3,174 Call Call Call 1. Rates presented are per 20' standard shipping container with dimensions of 20' x 8' x 8.5' (length x width x height) with a maximum gross weight of 29,000 lbs. 2. All shipments are subject to a minimum charge equal to 0.5 revenue ton at the above applicable rates. 3. The extreme overall dimensions (length, width and height) of each piece shall be utilized to determine the volume. 4. Oversize or overweight shipments requiring special handling may be subject to additional charges. 5. Large volume shipments will be priced on a case by case basis. 6. Dangerous Goods: A surcharge of 20% will be applied to all dangerous goods. 7. Lateral moves depend upon routing and will be priced individually. 8. Marine Insurance: To be purchased separately 9. Taxes: All prices are exclusive of GST ATV Ship To Hay River Lutsel K'e Tulita Norman Wells Fort Good Hope Inuvik Aklavik Tuktoyaktuk Sachs Harbour Paulatuk Ulukhaktok Kugluktuk Hay River $560 $435 $435 $497 $622 $622 $684 $747 $747 $747 $810 Lutsel K'e $373 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Tulita $311 N/A $187 $311 $373 $435 $435 $622 $622 $622 $684 Norman Wells $311 N/A $124 $311 $373 $435 $435 $622 $622 $622 $684 Fort Good Hope $373 N/A $187 $187 $311 $311 $373 $622 $622 $622 $684 Inuvik $435 N/A $249 $249 $187 $187 $187 $560 $560 $560 $622 Aklavik $435 N/A $249 $249 $249 $124 $249 $622 $622 $622 $622 Tuktoyaktuk $435 N/A $311 $311 $249 $124 $187 $497 $497 $497 $497 Sachs Harbour $497 N/A $435 $435 $435 $373 $435 $311 Call Call Call Ship From Ship Paulatuk $497 N/A $435 $435 $435 $373 $435 $311 Call Call Call Ulukhaktok $497 N/A $435 $435 $435 $373 $435 $311 Call Call Call Call Kugluktuk $560 N/A $435 $435 $435 $435 $435 $311 Call Call Call Call 1. Rates applicable to standard ATV's. 2. All motorized vehicles need to be operable and must be delivered with two keys. Any service calls required due to inoperable vehicles will be billed back to the customer. 3. Does not include "Side by Side" style ATV units. 4. Oversize or overweight shipments requiring special handling may be subject to additional charges. 5. Lateral moves depend upon routing and will be priced individually. 6. Marine Insurance: To be purchased separately. 7. Taxes: All prices are exclusive of GST. Snowmobiles Ship To Hay River Lutsel K'e Tulita Norman Wells Fort Good Hope Inuvik Aklavik Tuktoyaktuk Sachs Harbour Paulatuk Ulukhaktok Kugluktuk Hay River $684 $560 $560 $684 $810 $872 $934 $1,058 $1,058 $1,058 $1,058 Lutsel K'e $497 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Tulita $373 N/A $249 $373 $497 $560 $622 $872 $872 $872 $934 Norman Wells $373 N/A $187 $373 $497 $560 $622 $872 $872 $872 $934 Fort Good Hope $435 N/A $249 $249 $373 $435 $497 $872 $872 $872 $872 Inuvik $560 N/A $311 $311 $249 $249 $249 $810 $810 $810 $810 Aklavik $560 N/A $373 $373 $311 $187 $311 $810 $810 $810 $872 Tuktoyaktuk $622 N/A $373 $373 $311 $187 $249 $622 $622 $622 $684 Sachs Harbour $684 N/A $560 $560 $560 $497 $560 $435 Call Call Call Ship From Ship Paulatuk $684 N/A $560 $560 $560 $497 $560 $435 Call Call Call Ulukhaktok $684 N/A $560 $560 $560 $497 $560 $435 Call Call Call Call Kugluktuk $747 N/A $622 $622 $560 $560 $560 $435 Call Call Call Call 1. Rates applicable to standard snowmobiles 2. Oversize or overweight shipments requiring special handling may be subject to additional charges 3. Lateral moves depend upon routing and will be priced individually. 4. Marine Insurance: To be purchased separately. 5. Taxes: All prices are exclusive of GST. Car, Crossover & SUV Ship To Hay River Lutsel K'e Tulita Norman Wells Fort Good Hope Inuvik Aklavik Tuktoyaktuk Sachs Harbour Paulatuk Ulukhaktok Kugluktuk Hay River $1,929 $1,556 $1,556 $1,867 $2,241 $2,365 $2,490 $2,801 $2,801 $2,801 $2,987 Lutsel K'e $1,245 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Tulita $996 N/A $684 $996 $1,369 $1,494 $1,618 $2,365 $2,365 $2,365 $2,428 Norman Wells $996 N/A $435 $996 $1,369 $1,494 $1,618 $2,365 $2,365 $2,365 $2,428 Fort Good Hope $1,245 N/A $622 $622 $1,058 $1,183 $1,307 $2,303 $2,303 $2,303 $2,365 Inuvik $1,431 N/A $872 $872 $684 $622 $622 $2,117 $2,117 $2,117 $2,241 Aklavik $1,556 N/A $996 $996 $810 $435 $622 $2,241 $2,241 $2,241 $2,365 Tuktoyaktuk $1,618 N/A $1,058 $1,058 $872 $435 $560 $1,742 $1,742 $1,742 $1,805 Sachs Harbour $1,867 N/A $1,556 $1,556 $1,494 $1,431 $1,494 $1,120 Call Call Call Ship From Ship Paulatuk $1,867 N/A $1,556 $1,556 $1,494 $1,431 $1,494 $1,120 Call Call Call Ulukhaktok $1,867 N/A $1,556 $1,556 $1,494 $1,431 $1,494 $1,120 Call Call Call Call Kugluktuk $1,929 N/A $1,618 $1,618 $1,556 $1,494 $1,556 $1,183 Call Call Call Call 1.

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