TextileTextile andand clothingclothing industryindustry facingfacing thethe EUEU ““acquisacquis ”” inin thethe EnterpriseEnterprise andand IndustryIndustry areasareas FrancescoFrancesco MarchiMarchi –– DirectorDirector ofof EconomicEconomic AffairsAffairs IKVIKV SeminarSeminar -- 14th14th JuneJune 20072007 -- IstanbulIstanbul EURATEX'sEURATEX's mainmain objectiveobjective PromotePromote thethe interestsinterests ofof TCTC IndustryIndustry ActsActs onon behalfbehalf ofof thethe industryindustry withwith EuropeanEuropean andand InternationalInternational institutionsinstitutions CoordinatesCoordinates thethe strategiesstrategies toto supportsupport thethe industry'sindustry's performanceperformance StrengthenStrengthen thethe internationalinternational competitivenesscompetitiveness ofof thethe industryindustry EURATEXEURATEX MEMBERSMEMBERS •AUSTRIA •PORTUGAL •BELGIUM •RUSSIA EUROPEAN •BULGARIA •SERBIA BRANCHES •CROATIA •SLOVAKIA •CZECH •SLOVENIA •AIUFFASS REPUBLIK •GERMANY •SPAIN •C.E.L.C. DENMARK •GREECE •SWEDEN •CELIBRIDE •EGYPT •HUNGARY •SWITZERLAND •CIRFS •ESTONIA •IRELAND •TURKEY •CRIET •FINLAND •ITALY •UNITED •EATP •FRANCE •LATVIA KINGDOM •ECRA •LITHUANIA •EDANA •MOROCCO •EUROCORD •NETHERLANDS •EUROCOTON •NORWAY •F.I.F. •POLAND •INTERLAINE TheThe EUEU --2727 andand TurkishTurkish TextileTextile && ClothingClothing industriesindustries inin 20072007 200000 Millions € 5000 Millions € 150000 4000 3000 100000 2000 50000 1000 0 0 Investment Turnover Value Added-e EU-25 Bulgaria-Romania Turkey e 2000000 200000 1500000 150000 1000000 100000 500000 50000 0 0 Employment Companies-e CompetencesCompetencesEnvironmentEnvironment AffairsAffairs betweenbetween SocialSocial LinksLinks PropertyProperty TradeTrade Intellectual IInnnnoovvaattiioonn,, RR&&DD Intellectual EfficientEfficient representationrepresentation European Parliament National Assoc. EuratexEuratex Commission Council EU level BranchBranch AssocAssoc .. Technical/Political expertise, Information flow and Coherence, Neworking & marketing techniques TheThe EuropeanEuropean EnterpriseEnterprise andand IndustryIndustry policypolicy CommissionCommission policypolicy isis bakedbaked byby MemberMember StatesStates TheThe «« UU »» turnturn ofof thethe centurycentury ClearerClearer interinter --linkagelinkage withwith otherother policiespolicies TheThe textiletextile HighHigh LevelLevel GroupGroup influenceinfluence TheThe OctoberOctober 20052005 CommunicationCommunication TargetsTargets :: StructuralStructural adjustmentadjustment managementmanagement ImpovingImpoving innovationinnovation andand R&DR&D IntellectualIntellectual PropertyProperty RightsRights SkillsSkills andand trainingtraining EnvironmentEnvironment BetterBetter marketmarket accessaccess onon thirdthird marketsmarkets ManagingManaging structuralstructural changechange BetterBetter anticipateanticipate industrialindustrial changeschanges throughthrough bestbest practicespractices andand networkingnetworking Innovation,Innovation, R&DR&D ImproveImprove ,, speedspeed --upup EuropeanEuropean TechnologyTechnology PlatformsPlatforms StrategicStrategic ResearchResearch AgendaAgenda RevisionRevision ofof statestate aidsaids schemesschemes toto allowallow supportingsupporting :: techologicaltechological && nonnon --technologicaltechnological innovationinnovation IntellectualIntellectual PropertyProperty RightsRights andand skillsskills MeetMeet thethe needsneeds ofof rapidrapid technologicaltechnological developmentsdevelopments StimulateStimulate innovationinnovation EncourageEncourage SMEsSMEs toto protectprotect themselvesthemselves IdentifyIdentify skillskill shortagesshortages && requirementsrequirements EnvironmentEnvironment EnvironmentEnvironment isis alsoalso relatedrelated to:to: SafetySafety ,, HealthHealth ,, ConsumersConsumers protection,protection, ClimateClimate change,change, EnergyEnergy NeedNeed «« EarlyEarly WarningWarning systemssystems »,», CoherentCoherent impactimpact assessmentassessment && KnowledgeKnowledge WARNINGWARNING CoherenceCoherence isis neededneeded betweenbetween thethe EUEU policiespolicies andand thethe NationalNational plansplans CentralCentral rolerole forfor AssociationsAssociations butbut AvoidAvoid illegalillegal statestate supportsupport schemesschemes CloselyClosely followfollow EUEU horizontalhorizontal acceptedaccepted supportssupports frameworkframework SocialSocial PolicyPolicy TheThe EuratexEuratex codecode ofof conductconduct onon corecore labourlabour standardsstandards SkillSkill ,, training,training, educationeducation PublicPublic ProcurementProcurement GuideGuide CriteriaCriteria :: Environmental,Environmental, Social,Social, ReliabilityReliability ofof supply,supply, EnduringEnduring qualityquality ofof thethe productproduct required,required, PricePrice FullFull transparencytransparency EnsuringEnsuring levellevel playingplaying fieldfield ROLEROLE OFOF REGULATIONSREGULATIONS ANDAND DIRECTIVESDIRECTIVES ININ IPRIPR MATTERSMATTERS Harmonisation of national IPR substantial law Creation of European IPR law (Community Trademark & Community Design) Harmonisation of IPR enforcement procedures and measures Combat counterfeiting and piracy at EU´s external borders NATIONALNATIONAL INTELLECTUALINTELLECTUAL PROPERTYPROPERTY LAWSLAWS TrademarksTrademarks lawslaws Ex:Ex: HugoHugo Boss,Boss, ,, oror BurberryBurberry DesignsDesigns LawsLaws Ex:Ex: oror CopyrightCopyright LawsLaws Ex:Ex: artart likelike oror anyany otherother creationscreations dependingdepending onon thethe nationalnational conceptconcept ofof “copyright”“copyright” PatentPatent LawsLaws Ex:Ex: somesome technicaltechnical textilestextiles oror fabricsfabrics TheThe CommunityCommunity DesignDesign PROTECTIONPROTECTION REQUIREMENTSREQUIREMENTS Novelty:Novelty: IfIf nono identicalidentical designdesign hashas beenbeen mademade availableavailable toto thethe publicpublic DesignDesign areare deemeddeemed toto bebe identicalidentical ifif theirtheir featuresfeatures differdiffer onlyonly inin materialmaterial detailsdetails IndividualIndividual Character:Character: IfIf thethe overalloverall impressionimpression producedproduced onon thethe informedinformed useruser differsdiffers fromfrom thethe overalloverall impressionimpression ofof designsdesigns mademade availableavailable toto thethe publicpublic earlierearlier THETHE UNREGISTEREDUNREGISTERED DESIGNDESIGN Advantages : No costs No formalities Protection from the date of disclosure of the design to the public within the Community for a duration of three years BUT many uncertainties : Non EU disclosure, protection not available because no grace period Uncertainty as to disclosure & existence of right Problems of proof (date, extent, first disclosure, etc.) Right only against copy Limited term to 3 years EnvironmentEnvironment refinmentsrefinments waste management, REAChREACh :: water directive, high financial and human emissions to soil and resources air, strong assistance in the eco -label implementation new chemical policy REACh , invest today to avoid nanotechnologies etc. painful adaptations R&DR&D && InnovationInnovation Non -technological More active innovation into participation of national transparent companies to EU & provisions national technology Strategic Research platforms. Agenda set by Euratex More dissemination of in May 2006 the possibilities European Technology offered. Platform on Textiles Translate in “normal & words” the content of the calls for tender National Technology Platform on Textiles Not limited to big companies or groups ThankThank YouYou veryvery muchmuch.
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