July 17-23, 2015 Your Neighborhood — Your News® SERVING PARKCHESTER, HUNTS POINT, FORDHAM SOUTH, GRAND CONCOURSE, FORDHAM NORTH, BRONX NORTH, CO-OP CITY $$ GRAB AT GOLDEN EAGLE BY PATRICK ROCCHIO hitting anyone,” stated a po- auto theft. A brazen morning rob- lice source, and then fl ed the “Thank god for the 49th bery at a popular diner has scene. Precinct,” said Signorile. community leaders in Morris The investigation is ongo- “They are doing a wonderful Park and an elected offi cial ing as of press time, and so far job looking into this.” raising concerned. no arrests have been made. MPCA vice-president Al A man posing as a food The incident raised con- D’Angelo was concerned that inspector asked to see the cerns among community the incident could have an ad- basement at the Golden Ea- leaders in Morris Park. verse affect on Morris Park’s gle Restaurant at 745 Morris Morris Park Community reputation and desirability. Park Avenue and when taken Association president An- D’Angleo said that he be- downstairs, displayed a fi re- thony Singorile said that the lieves Morris Park is one of arm and demanded money MPCA would be monitoring the safest areas in the city, from the manager, according the situation and said that the but if people see changes for to police. community needs security the worse in terms of crime The robbery took place at cameras. and quality-of-life, middle around 7:20 a.m. on Friday, “It is getting out of hand,” class people with the means July 15, a police spokesperson said Signorile after the rob- to do so may decide to leave. said. bery. “Cameras are a must.” The MPCA vice-president After receiving the cash, Singorile called on elected said that he believes the de- the suspect fl ed, with some offi cials, to help address secu- cline in stop, question and of the diner’s employees in rity concerns in Morris Park. frisk is leading to more crimi- pursuit The robber pistol- Overall though, Signorile nals carrying guns. whipped one of his pursuers, said that police from the 49th Councilman James Vacca police said. Precinct are doing a good job, echoed that sentiment, indi “The suspect then let off a and chose to highlight their few rounds…thankfully not recent success in combating Continued on Page 45 Stateman’s legacy stamped BY ROBERT WIRSING Badillo. of New York and our country Fun With Bronx Defenders A trailblazing statesman Morrisania Post Offi ce is a as a whole, cannot be over- A water ballon drops on Danna Valerio’s head when her friends who valiantly fought for the historical federal building in- stated,” Congressman Crow- hit the target of a game at the Bronx Defenders’ community block south Bronx may soon have a cluded on the National Regis- ley expressed. “Renaming the local post offi ce named in his ter of Historic Places. Morrisania branch of the U.S. party on Wednesday, July 8. For more photos from the party, see honor. Badillo is remembered for Postal Service is a fi tting trib- page 32. On Thursday, July 9, U.S. becoming the fi rst Puerto Ri- ute for someone who was not senators Charles Schumer can city commissioner and only a trailblazer for the La- TOP BRONX NEWS STORIES and Kirsten Gillibrand along borough president in addition tino community, but a cham- RHOOD - The Bronx Times with congressmembers José to being the fi rst Congress- pion for vulnerable communi- BO YO Serrano, Charles Rangel and man to be born in Puerto ties everywhere.” IGH UR E N On-Line $-"44*'*&%4'035)&#30/9 N E Joseph Crowley announced Rico. Born in Caguas, Puerto R W U that both the Senate and the The bill will now be sent Rico on August 21, 1929, Ba- O S Your world is Y House of Representatives to President Obama and once dillo lost both of his parents ® 24/7... NOW have passed legislation to re- approved, Badillo’s name will to tuberculosis at an early so are we. name the Morrisania Post Of- be proudly displayed on the age when the epidemic swept fi ce in honor of the late for- building. through the island in 1934. ÜÜÜ°LÝÌiðV mer congressman and Bronx “Herman Badillo’s contri- Continued on Page 45 borough president, Herman butions to the Bronx, the City 5)&-"5&45#30/94103544$03&4 A CNG Publication • Vol. 21 No. 29 www.bxtimes.com '00%t)&"-5)t5&$)/0-0(: GoFor To More Our Blog Information To See Our Weekly Visit Specials!Us At VistVisit Our Our New www.bronxdentistny.comNEW Web-ite: Web-Site: www.reliablebronxdentist.com www.reliablebronxdentist.com GOT IMPLANTS DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT COME SEE US (718) 547-5280 2 BRONX TIMES REPORTER, JULY 17-23, 2015 BTR A rendering of an imagined waterfront space in Port Morris as part of the New York Restora- tion Project’s Haven Project, a master plan for improved waterfront access and green space in the area. Courtesy of New York Restoration Project NYRP has vision for Bronx waterfront BY JAIME WILLIAMS signed to protect the neighborhood and An ambitious master plan to in- industries from storm surge and foster crease access to open space in the south waterfront recreation Bronx was recently released. - Deployment of green infrastructure The New York Restoration Project and plantings, beginning with over 800 presented The Haven Project, a vision to new trees planted in Mott Haven in 2015 design, build, and fund a new network with two years of stewardship of connected open spaces including wa- - Community identity and engage- terfront access in the neighborhoods of ment through public art in a network Port Morris and Mott Haven. of trails The ultimate goal of the proposal is Though many of the ideas are part of to facilitate improvements in quality of a long-term vision, and are contingent life and deliver measurable health ben- on signifi cant funding, two short-term efi ts for south Bronx residents. projects are in the works. The low-income neighborhoods, NYRP is developing a ‘wayfi nder’ which are high in industrial infrastruc- system to direct people along the saf- ture and low in health measures, have est routes to the Randall Island Connec- a need for additional and improved tor when it opens later this year, and is public outdoor spaces, said NYRP di- funding a shuttle bus to provide trans- rector Deborah Marton, in addition to portation in the neighborhood to both untapped potential of underutilized wa- the connector and St. Mary’s Park. terfront. “We know big capital projects take a “It presents itself as the ideal place long time,” said Marton. “We wanted to to do this new network of open spaces,” make sure south Bronx residents bene- she said. fi ted from the project immediately.” NYRP partnered with a host of orga- In order to create the best conditions nizations including South Bronx Unite, for eventual funding of the projects, Civitas Inc., Montefi ore Medical Center, the master plan was rooted in data, she Columbia University, HealthxDesign, said. and Barretto Bay Strategies, in addition “What is the latest research showing to hosting three large community meet- us about the correlation between health ings to discuss ideas with residents and open spaces?” was the key question from the neighborhoods. that drove NYRP’s ideas, said Marton. “We believe deeply that the peo- That research includes evidence ple that know best what a community that the body mass index decreases needs and wants are the people on the near parks larger than six acres, but ground,” said Marton. not at smaller parks, which is why it’s so The master plan, available at NYRP. important to NYRP to provide access to org, proposes: large open spaces like Randall’s Island. - A waterfront park at 134th Street, Research also shows that air quality including the preservation of the his- is better on the waterfront, said Marton, toric gantry cranes creating a compelling reason to provide - Improved street crossings, bike and public space on the shoreline. pedestrian routes to the waterfront and If and when the components of the the Randall’s Island Connector, a NYC plan are realized, the Haven Project Economic Development Corporation could become a model for the develop- initiative to connect the south Bronx ment of open spaces in a low-income with Randall’s Island community, said Marton. - Continuous waterfront access “It could be one of the most extraor- from the Randall’s Island Connector up dinary networks of green spaces in the to a redeveloped pier at 132nd Street, de- city.” BTR BRONX TIMES REPORTER, JULY 17-23, 2015 3 around town Your Neighborhood — Your News by Patrick Rocchio Mail: Bronx Times 3604 E. Tremont Ave., BY PATRICK ROCCHIO Bronx, NY 10465 The Bronx Times Reporter To Subscribe: will publish your announce- (718) 260-4595 ments. Send announcements General Phone: along with photo, to: Bronx Josephine and Kenny (718) 597-1116 Times Reporter, 3604 E. Trem- ont Avenue, or e-mail Bronx- General Fax: (718) 518-0038 [email protected]. Please include of her son Kenny who suffered the people at Providence Rest a phone number or a way to con- from massive cerebral palsy and work 24-7 to assist the people News Phone: (718) 260-4597 tact you in case of questions. Henry Rodriguez passed away fi ve years ago. I who reside there. Senior’ Prom made sure I was at Providence Ford also thanked the so- News E-Mail: CenterLight held its 2015 Se- Naval Reserve Rest every day...and never a day cial workers and nurses Fay [email protected] nior Prom for senior citizens re- Petty Offi cer 3rd Class Mi- went by that I didn’t thank God and Marge, and Sr.
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