WHEN ONE STOPS ENDEAVOR TO BE LEARNING, HE STOPS WHAT YOU DESIRE LIVING. HE CAR OIL ECORD TO APPEAR. VOL.56 No. 39 TANEYTOWN, MARYLAND4FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1950 $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE PAPER COLLECTION VFW ELECTS OFFICERS THIS 'N' THAT COMMUNITY LOCALS L - - HEALTH OFFICER . SOUTHERN STATES AS (Your Chatty Column) This column is not for use in advertis- ing any money-making program, fair, sap- Boy Scouts Will Gather annnrr Reynolds Heads Post in With all my heart, I wish yot. every per, party or. sale. it is intended for Paper Saturday Harney morning news, personalS, and such matters as may SEEN BY REV. OWEN A smile be of community interest. 311 - that inshallshall last until the next. All communications for this department Boy Scouts of three patrols of A large majority of the members day's dawning. must be signed by the author; not for I wish you health—life's greatest publication, but as an evidence that the •Troop 348, Taneytown, will again Maryland Day Will Be Observed of the ikonocacy Valley Memorial An Account of Recent Trip Items contributed are legitimate and cor- solicit your contributions of rags,iron Post No. 6918 attended a meeting on wealth! rect. Items based on mere rumor, or such and paper In a townwide collection Friday, March 17 for the election of wish you always near so that I may as are likely to give offense, are not want- by Kiwanians Made by Minister and Family help to cheer ed. which will be made tomorrow, Satur- new post officers. The post was hon- day, March 25th, assisted by Petry's ored at this meeting by a visit from Each future day and in some way— The recently appointed deputy XII help to bring you happiness! Miss Charlotte Lookingbill gradu- truck from Westminster. Funds thus Mr. Roy Gamber, 7th District Com- state health officer for Carroll County of • ated this week from the Baltimore obtained will promote activities of the mander and Mr. Ben Higgs, both SV)rANkANOA Snow has just fallen and the and also towards spoke on the topic of "Public,Health the V. F. W. Post in Westminster. ground Business College. patrols involved The recent installments of this is covered with a thin coat of white sending three representatives from Today and Tomorrow" at the regular Mr. Gamber was very much pleas- travelogue have attempted Kiwanis to describe adding a most picturesque scene to Mrs. Roy Garner' and family call- the Troop to the National Jamboree meeting of the Taneytown ed with the attendance at the meet- some of the national religious cen- the Clab held last Wednesday evening at vast country sides! How can any- ed on Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Mackley at Valley Forge, June 30-July 6th. ing and also of the willingness in ters which we visited in The Land of one say they don't like Taney Inn. the members accepted their snow? and family, Baltimore, Sunday. Leaders of the groups and their as- which the Sky. It was surprising to find Calling all school teachers! Flying Eagle Patrol, President Lewis Crurnpacker pre- Mr. Roy Overholtzer was sistants are: nomination. that so many were located there. Four young man was very dull in arithme- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ehrhart,1Mill Francis McNair and John Perry;Fox sided and after the usual festivities the only declining nominee and that five which we Al- out of the visited were tic when he was a youngster in facts Ave. who lived in Mrs. Sarah Patrol, Philip Lawyer and Frederick Wallace Reindollar, chairman of the was because his present position located in the Swannanoa Valley near house, and cared for her un- Music Committee, led the group in the entire family quite concerned baugh's Markle; Raccoon Patrol, Robert Bow- would not permit his regular attend- Asheville. Three of these have al- it til her death, moved to Littlestown, singing familiar songs. The program about all. Now, that same little ers and Larry Eck-ard. ance at the meetings. ready been mentioned, namely,. The boy is head 'Monday. for the evening was in charge of the bookkeeper for a very big Meeting activities will include in- The election was as follows: Com- Southern Baptist Capitol at Ridge- concern in the big city! contests in the Public Relations Committee, Kiwan- Reykold1; Sr. My Son! struetion practice and mander, Raymond crest, The Southern Presbyterian at Thinking of school teachers, Your Miss Estelle Hess, Baltimore, spent International Morse code far the next ian Al Baldwin, chairman. Vice-Commander, Raymond Cla- the week-end at home with her par- Mont-i-eat, and the Southern Y. M. C. Observer visited an excellent one several weeks, with emphasis on the Dr. Cameron, who was born in Can- baugh; Jr. Vice-Commander, Elwood A. at Blue Ridge. Here is also ho- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Hess. Mrs. ada and migrated to this county after around our town who teaches the sound system by means of a buzzer. Strickhouser. Suartermaster Robert cated what might be called the south- first George Head and son, John, spent graduating from medical school, has 3- grade. As I gently opened the The opening contest among patrols Reck. Chaplain, Elwood Koontz; ern capitol of the nothern Presby- door of the class Sunday with them. had wide experience in the field of Post room about noon was won by the Raccoons. This event year Trustee, Fred Spangler; terian Church. This center is locat- time—such quietness camporee at public health. He was health officer of Haines; Post 'Sur- prevailed! Every iMrs. Thornton Sboemaloer spent anticipates the district Aclvocato, Francis ed at Swannanoa, 15 miles from Ashe- precious little head was resting on Deep Run Scouting Reservation in Washington County, Md, for a period geon, Francis Snider. from Sunday until Wednesday eve- service ville. his desk! Obedience in the atmos- May, where water boiling, flycasting, of 10 years and saw 4 years A committee with Robert Reck as of Asheville, the tourists ning with her brother-in-law and with the U. S. Army during World The City phere! Betcha, the 2nd grade teacher. Henry Schuoler, direction finding, first aid, nature chairman was appointed to make capitol of the Land of the Sky, a sister, Mr. and Mrs. War II. Since that time until- his re- will feel she is lucky when she gets Braddock Heights. study, and a relay will test the met- plans for an Easter Egg hunt for the widely known health resort. in topog- those pupils. It is a at cent appointment to his new position held positive fact that - - tle of Carroll District Troops. children of the community to be raphy, reminds the tourists of the a first grade teacher can do more good Dinner guests of Mrs. Harry Mob- These events will provide meeting as health officer for Carroll County, he on Easter Sunday. spokes De- big hub of a great wheel. The or harm than she realizes for all the ney on Wednesday evening were Mrs. themes between now and the May 20 saw service with the State Health -o valleys that reach back partment working out of Baltimore are the long following years. Your Observer did George Newcomer, Mrs. Edgar Essig, camporee date it was decided at a LADIES' AUXILIARY OF THE in almost every direction toward the not regret being a teacher until I Miss Mary Lou and Bobby Essig, Green-Bar Council leaders' session City. ' TANEYTOWN VOL. FIRE CO. the hugh rim of Health, as Dr. Cameron sees mounatins forming stood right there in that class room Ms. George Harman and daughter, held last Sunday afternoon and eve- Public wheel. One of these valleys is it, dates back to antiquity, approxi- Tan- the remembering then how all the old- Martha. ning at Natural Dam, where ten The Ladies Auxiliary of the called :Swannanoa. It extends back mapped the mately 5,000 years ago. He traced reg- sters out a teaching profes- troop leaders were guests of eytown Vol. Fire Co., held their eastward toward the top of the Blue sion for me in life which I cast aside. Mrs. Elizabeth Crebs is confined to Scoutmaster, Wilbur 0. Thomas. The the progress of this movement thru ular meeting March 16, Mrs. Ruth during the Ridge, the jumping off place to the Take a tip from Your Observer, girls the Hanover Hospital with a broken council was presided over by Andrew the early Biblical days, Baumgardner, . presiding, with 23 is a beau- fell through the early Piedmon't area below. This and boys for the oldsters see much hip after having fallen when she Alexander, senior patrol leader and time of Moses, members present. A very interesting historic valley rich in legend herself on a chair. period of the Christian era, on into tiful and more through their experienced eyes! in trying to sit president of the council and the offi- meeting was held. The first white settlers came 95 years old and her ,many the heyday of the Roman Empire, Mrs. and lore. Many times I have been •provoked She is ces of secretary and treasurer were Mrs. Ruth 'Baumgardner, to this area as the choicest place of with parents who rave about their friends wish her well. conferred upon Philip Lawyer and and carried on to the period of the David Smith and Mrs. Harry Clingan leading to during which period the all. 'Through the valley, off-spring having such a high I. Q. - --- A'ssistant Scoutmaster, Stanley F. Renaissance will attend an executive dinner meet- the picturesque There will be a candlelight service discovery of America occurred, it is Asheville, flows My daughter has always had a very Frock, respectively, with Fern Bach- ing in Westminster, March 29th.
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