~Sfff;ft!~?- ~~<~~THE$ ~~ ~ . '"'q,(;';$PW~ • • ~~ ~ h. ............. -!.~...?. VOL. 2, NO.7 Published Exlusively in the Interest of the Personnel of Drew Field Friday, April 23, 1943 Cistern Twins Reunited New.Legi$laUon Provides for National Jeffrey Lynn, Now Service huura~ce Wiih@Mf Medica~ Exam AShavefail, Checks The ECHOES is calling to the used in making Class A Allot­ attention of Drew Field military ments from pay for premiums. In At Drew Field personnel the fact that new legis- Applications should specify insur- T he tall, handsome blue-eyed lation provides any person in ac- ance and AGO Form 29 should be shavetail, not long out of the Of­ tive servic eshall be granted Na- used in m aking Class N Allot- ficers Candidate School, Fort tiona] Service Life Insurance m ents from pay . for premiums. Monmouth, N. J., did not vary without medical examination and Applications should sp'ecify ins·ur- much in appearance from any of without medical history sl atement a nee is to be effective immediate- the countless second lieutenants upon application made in writing ly , and be mailed directly to Chief who check in at Drew Field. The within 120 days from April 12, of Finance, War Department, new officer registered for assign- 1943. upon payment of the prem- Washington. D. C. ment in the Army's aircraft warn­ iums. All military personnel who have ing training units at the large This right. accorciing to the War less than $10,000 Government Army air base. Department, can be exercised not- Life Insurance will be informed Tru2, he was a bit older than: withsta.nding rejection of any immediately of their current right the average shavetail, being 34; prior application for such insur- to apply without statement of j and the name that ..he · penned on e>.nce on any ~ound wha1ev:er. Ii' health or physical .. examination the personnel register . was· a bit covers increases in amounts of 1 and be urged to take out maxi- uncommon, having a Swedish existing insurance as well as pro- mum insurance and be furnished sound about it--Second Lt. Rag­ curement of\{1-ew insurance. I every assis-tance and facility nee- nar G. Lind. However, the name Insurance Form 350 should be essary. was not tagged with urominence. In fact, there was- little that stood out sharply on his personal Camero-· Ci·ub, to Be S~ldiers Receive history record except · the · part­ News Doily where he stated his occupational Oper.o.ted· .By USO War background. He was born in Au-. Mce' ing each Wednesday night Un-to-the-minute news accounts in of burn, Mass., w-ent to school at 8:30, a camera' club sponsored of the rapidly changing picture Worcester where a large Scan­ by Mrs. Karl B. Cuesta, well the World War is now provided dinavian c o 1 o n y resides, he known photographer, held its first for all men of Drew Field as a was a graduate of Bates College, s-ession at 214 N. Boulevard in daily feature of the Special Serv­ he had been a half-miler on the Tampa on April 14. Service men ice Division, Washington, D. C.· college track team . Even his oc­ from Benjamin Field, MacDill Drew Field is being supplied cupational experience just after Field, Plant Field and Drew Field daily with 1000-word summaries graduating from college was not were present. which are copied and distributed out of the ordinary, for he spent A darkroom is not yet ready, to all units stationed here. the first two years selling tele­ but the equipment is available Information is kept current phone s-ervice. He wasn't particu­ and will be set up when it is through the , efforts of competent larly fond of that job, so he gave demonstrated to those in charge newspapermen, together with the it up and on advice from his that enough service rpen will use cooperation of r egular news former college professor of Eng­ tne darkruum tu maKe Its opera- wurces such as Associated Press, lish, he accepted a job as an Eng­ tion worthwhile. United Press, International News lish teacher in a high school in Because of frequent shifting of Service and Transradio News. Lisbon, Maine. no officers will More facts, about such things miliiary personnel Did Not Like Schooi Teaching The "cistern twins"-Pvt. Wm. First news of his sister upset be elected. The club's activities as terrain of the fighting fronts to and tactics of the forces involved, There was nothing glamorous Allen Hamilton blue-eyed blond Hamilton and he refused to be-l will be planned from week either, so s-ubject and will be given than usually ap­ about school teaching, soldier stationed at a sub-base of lieve it because until that time week w ith a _program Lind gave it up for something that Drew Field, and Mrs. Bettie Jayne he thought he was the real son Iprograrr~ chairman to be selected pears in the average civilian pub- , he had had his heart set on for a Catron, blue-eyed, blonde, Twin of his foster parents, Mr. and Mrs a week m advance. licat ions. his wlll be laid Drew Field soldiers· a-re urged long time-the theater. During Falls, Ia., housewife-were reu- Allen Hamilton of Omaha. · .Particular stress high school days the theater- bug nited last Friday after a separa- . ' . on fundamental knowledge of to utilize this more realistic sum- I_n arrangmg their photography and all beginners are mary of events for their own in- had bitten him and from then on tion of n early 23 years. DI~ficulty he took part in Little Theater ac­ With a conventional "I'm happy meetmg contmued ~ven after mvited to attend Wednesday terest and education. convmced Mrs. night's meeting and to bring their ------------~---­ tivities during his spare hours. to meet you" and an awkward, Hamilton w~s And so he penned in alongside simple handshake, they were in- C<;ttron was his Sister. Mrs. Catron cameras. Attention will also be siastic fti>llow fans to show your on her given to advanced photographers pictures to and to talk with about the space reserved for occupation troduced in a Bradenton hotel wired her brother she \yas -"Contract player, motion pic­ room by Lt. A. G . Thompson, way. The t~legram was s:nt to \:rho will gain much from compe- your hobby. and from The club's prime need, in order tures." Drew Field ass-istant public rela- Drew FI~ld mstead of_ to Braden- t1i!on With each other and some­ meantime Hamil- h eloing beginners. to insure its permanence, is a That was the pay-off, tions officer. ton and m t~e body in the office who has se-en . · ton had obtamed a furlough and The club will offer a safe star- flock of members to attend the his sister not to come since age place for cameras floodlights next meeting at the N. Boulevard him in a number of fiJ.ms.-.:."Four h · N~~ ~mce 6heyh were ~ursed to wired "Four Wives," ea1 man ma a hospital near- he was on his way to Omaha to for taking pictures at 'meetin.,.s· a USO, near Plant Field, at 8:30 Daughters" and 1Y 23 years ago had they seen meet her there d k f d 1 · do ' " · with the Lane Sisters and John each other. In fact Hamilton did · . ar _room or eve opmg an en- Nednesday mght. Can you make Garfield -recognized the former not even know h~ had a sister !-'as-t Thu~sday the soldier left largmg .mstructwn, and enthu- , 1t? film player, Jeffrey Lynn. Before until Mrs. Catron's desire to find Bradenton m an Army truck ~n the day was far advanced, the her twin led her on a 3 000-m"l ro_ute to Tam.l?a to c~tch a tr.am. word spread like wildfire through­ . h . ' I e His commandmg offrcer, advised Drew Field Observes Palm SLindoy rozrsseyd w h IC ended m Braden- that Mrs. Catron had left for out the field: "Jeffrey Lynn, the movie star, · • · d . Florida already, overtook the T. he com e 1y sis·,er arnve In A k · · · is here." Tan1pa with her foster mother rmy true m a _Jeep dnver: by And so Lt. Lind, the former . ' an MP and convmced Hamilton M rs. A rc h S h_ungar, Rockp_ort , to return to await his sister's Warner Bros. featured player, Mo. Army officers, who warted arrival. J effrey Lynn, was introduced to patiently for three hours until Drew Field, one of the largest the arrive! of their train, took Mrs. Catron h ad persuaded her Army air bases in the Southeast. them in a staff car to Bradenton. husband to let her take the fam­ Became Officer :the Hard Way "We hope you don't think we're ly savings and go to Omaha to The formerefilm star was com­ ner'e' tor make<troubl e for you," ~ inrl ~ orn e trace of him. Contact­ missioned a second lieutenant in · Mrs. Shuri.,.ar said in meeting ing his adopted parents, she traced the Signal Corps after spending lamilton. "We just had to come. mm to Camp Crowder, Mo., then more than a year in the Army as 'ttie Jayne has dreamed of fo Drew Field and then to Camp an enlisted man. After induction and Mrs. Shuriger J,eeting ~' OLI for 14 years and this Bradenton. She at Fort MacArthur, Calif., in Feb­ meeting is the biggest thing in borrowed money from the Rock­ ruary, 1942, he was sent to Camp her life." port band to complete their journ­ Crowder, Missouri, where he re­ The shy soldier said he knew ey here.
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