CILANTRO1, Jalan Bunga Pudak MAGNUS 11200 Tanjung Bungah,TRADING Penang H/P: 016 421 9870 Fax: 04 890 9870 Email: [email protected]/[email protected] PRICELIST ( HORECA ) Effective 1/3/2020 DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE ( RM ) FRESH MIX SALAD Mesclun / Mix Baby Salads ( Ready to Eat - RTE ) 250gm/pkt 9.50 Mixed Salad 7 leafs ( Unwashed ) 200gm/pkt 8.00 FRESH SALADS / LETTUCES Butterhead Green kg 7.50 Butterhead Red kg 12.00 Baby Romaine kg 7.50 Curly Crisp / Crispy kg 14.00 Red Coral / Lollo Rossa kg 10.50 Green Coral / Lollo Bionda kg 8.50 Frisee Endive / Yellow Frisee kg 14.00 Frisee Tango kg 14.00 Radichio / Red Chicory kg 12.00 Red Oak Leaf kg 12.00 Iceberg Lettuce kg 6.00 FRESH HERBS Rocket / Arugula 100gm 5.00 Sweet Basil 100gm 5.00 Rosemary 100gm 5.00 Thyme 100gm 5.00 Dill 100gm 6.00 Italian Parsley 100gm 6.00 Sage 100gm 7.00 Chives 100gm 7.00 Oregano 100gm 7.00 Tarragon 100gm 7.00 Chervil 100gm 7.00 Mizuna ( Advance order 3 days ) 100gm 10.00 English Parsley kg 10.00 FRESH POTTED HERBS ( 5 days advance order - fresh from farm ) Basil Sweet pot 10.00 Basil Purple pot 10.00 Italian Parsley pot 10.00 English Parsley pot 10.00 Mint pepper / Cat Mint / Pudina pot 10.00 Lavender pot 10.00 Sage pot 10.00 Chives pot 10.00 Taragon pot 10.00 Chervil pot 10.00 Oregano pot 10.00 Dill pot 10.00 Rosemary pot 10.00 Thyme pot 10.00 Aloe Vera pot 10.00 FRESH MICRO HERBS / EDIBLE FLOWERS / MICRO VEGETABLES Microgreens - Cilantro / Coriander precut 20gm/pkt 10.00 Microgreens - Assorted Cress ( subject to availability ) cup 10.00 Butterfly Pea Flower / Blue Flower 10gm/pkt 8.00 Fennel Flower ( Advance order 3 days ) 10gm/pkt 10.00 Nasturtium Leaf ( Advance order 3 days ) 10gm/pkt 12.00 Nasturtium Flower ( Advance order 3 days ) 10gm/pkt 12.00 Baby Cucumber with Flowers ( Advance order 3 days ) 20gm/pkt 8.00 Edible Flower Mixed tray 20.00 Zucchini Flower ( Advance order 3 days ) 15pcs / pkt 10.00 Baby Zucchini Mix ( Yellow & Green ) kg 35.00 Baby turnip with leaves ( Advanced order 10 days ) 5 kg / ctn 500.00 Baby Beetroot Medley kg 32.00 FRESH FRUITS (Prices for fruits are according to market price depending on the sizes / seasonality) Apple Red Fuji nos 1.30 Apple Red Washington ( big ) nos 1.30 Apple Green (L) nos 1.30 Avocado AUS nos 6.00 Banana kg 6.50 Blackberry (Limited) 170gm/ pkt N/A Blueberry 125gm/ pkt 10.00 Cherry 5kg/ctn 350.00 Figs - 10 Days Advanced Order nos 4.00 Guava kg 5.00 Gooseberry 100gm/ pkt 13.00 Grapefruit pink nos 2.00 Grapes Seedless Red / Black kg 23.00 Honeydew kg 5.50 Kiwi Green nos 1.70 Lemon (L) nos 1.50 Lime kg 7.50 Mandarin Orange ( baby ) kg N/A Mango kg 13.00 Orange nos 1.30 Orange Sunkist L Size nos 1.50 Passion fruits kg 12.00 Papaya kg 4.50 Pear - Packham (Green) / William ( Red ) nos 2.00 Pineapple Bali kg 7.00 Pineapple local nos 4.00 Plum kg 19.00 Pomegranate kg 20.00 Raspberry (Limited) 170gm/ pkt tba Rockmelon kg 14.00 Sunmelon local kg 8.00 Strawberry Cameron kg 26.00 Watermelon seedless Grade A kg 4.00 FROZEN ( IQF ) FRUITS & VEGETABLES Origin Apricot 1 kg 35.00 France Blackberry 1 kg 35.00 France Blackcurrant 1 kg 30.00 France Blueberry 1 kg 39.00 France Chestnut peeled 1 kg 40.00 France Cranberry 1 kg 38.00 France Morello Cherry 1 kg 28.00 France Plum 1 kg 30.00 France Raspberry 1 kg 42.00 France Redcurrant 1 kg 30.00 France Rhubarb 1 kg 30.00 France Strawberry 1 kg 36.00 France Blueberry 1 kg 38.00 Morocco Raspberry 1 kg 35.00 Morocco Strawberry 1 kg 28.00 Morocco Red Rhubard 1 kg 24.00 Morocco Yuzu Zest / Kizami Yuzu 100gm/pkt 40.00 Spinach Leaf Frozen 1 kg/pkt 19.00 Fava Beans Frozen 1 kg/pkt 25.00 Romanesco Spears Frozen 2.5kg/pkt 60.00 Watties Corn Kernel 1 kg/pkt 13.00 Watties Broad Beans 500gm/pkt 10.00 Watties Baby Peas 750gm/pkt 13.50 Watties Garden Peas 500gm/pkt 5.00 Watties Garden Peas 2 kg/pkt 20.00 Watties Mix Vegetables 500gm/pkt 6.00 Watties Mix Vegetables 2 kg/pkt 20.00 Watties Baby Carrots 500gm/pkt 10.00 Guacamole / Avocado Pulp 1.36kg/pkt 65.00 FROZEN FRUITS PUREE Apricot 1 kg 32.00 Banana 1 kg 32.00 Blackberry 1 kg 40.00 Blackcurrant 1 kg 40.00 Blueberry 1 kg 47.00 Calamansi 1 kg 45.00 Chestnut 1 kg 42.00 Coconut 1 kg 42.00 Green Apple 1 kg 28.00 Guava 1 kg 32.00 Kiwi 1 kg 40.00 Lychee 1 kg 42.00 Mango 1 kg 38.00 Morello Cherry 1 kg 38.00 Orange 1 kg 35.00 Passion fruits 1 kg 43.00 Pear 1 kg 30.00 Raspberry 1 kg 42.00 Redcurrant 1 kg 35.00 Strawberry 1 kg 35.00 White Peach 1 kg 32.00 Yellow Lemon 1 kg 35.00 Yuzu 1 kg 210.00 FRESH MUSHROOMS Enoki 100gm 1.20 White Button kg 28.00 Portobello BBQ 250gm 10.50 Swiss Brown 150gm 6.00 Bunapi - Shimeji Brown 150gm 2.50 Bunapi - Shimeji White 150gm 2.50 King Oyster/Eryngii (Korea) 400gm 9.00 Shitake kg 38.00 Abalone kg 24.00 Black Fungus, Fresh 200gm/pkt 5.00 FROZEN PREMIUM MUSHROOMS Cepes 4/6 (Whole) kg 120.00 Chanterelles 1/3cm kg 120.00 DRIED PREMIUM MUSHROOMS Cepes kg 350.00 Boletus kg 250.00 Trompettes kg 500.00 Chanterelles kg 750.00 Morels kg 2000.00 FRESH TOMATOES ( Chemical Free ) Tomato Red ( Over Ripened ) kg 5.50 Tomato Silky Pink kg 18.00 Tomato Momotaro/Peach Tomato kg 12.00 Tomato Roma/Plum kg 12.00 Tomato Truss Vine Ripened ( min 4 pcs ) kg 15.00 FRESH CHERRY TOMATOES ( Chemical Free ) Tomato Cherry/Cocktail On Vine ( Truss ) kg 24.00 Tomato Cherry Round / Plum with Calyx kg 9.00 Tomato Cherry Heirloom / Garden Medley kg 18.00 Tomato Cherry Plum Yellow ( no calyx ) kg 9.50 Tomato Cherry Plum Red ( no calyx ) kg 8.50 Tomato Cherry Round Red ( no calyx ) kg 8.50 FRESH POTATOES Potato Idaho/Russet kg 6.50 Potato Idaho/Russet (ctn) 22.5kg/ctn 115.00 Potato Chat White kg 7.00 Potato Chat Blue kg 7.00 Potato Chat Red kg 7.00 Potato Fingerling kg 7.00 Potato Baby/Cocktail kg 8.00 FRESH IMPORTED VEGETABLES Alfalfa Sprouts 125gm/pkt 6.00 Asparagus Green Jumbo ( Australia ) 5 kg 350.00 Asparagus White 5 kg 550.00 Baby Carrot with Leaf kg 55.00 Baby Red Radish kg 24.00 Baby Spinach Leaf Fresh kg 50.00 Broccolini ( Limited ) 2.5kg/ctn 150.00 Brussels Sprouts kg 45.00 Celeriac kg 30.00 Fennel Bulb kg 12.00 Jalapeno Peppers kg 30.00 Habanero Peppers kg N/A Kale green kg 35.00 Sweet Palermo Pepper kg N/A Mini Bell Peppers/Baby Capsicum (3 colours) ( Limited ) kg N/A Parsnip kg 25.00 Pumpkin Butternut kg 15.00 Swede/Rutabaga kg 30.00 Zuchini Green kg 7.50 Zuchini Yellow ( Limited stock ) kg 9.00 FRESH LOCAL VEGETABLES (Prices for local vegetables are according to market price ) Asparagus Thai kg Angle Gourd / Ketola kg Beetroot kg Brinjal / Aubergine / Terung kg Bitter Gourd / Peria kg Broccoli kg Cabbage round / Kobis Bulat Cameron kg Cabbage Chinese / Long kg Cabbage Red kg Calamansi / Limau Kasturi kg Capsicum Green kg Capsicum Red kg Capsicum Yellow kg Carrot China kg Carrot Australia kg Cauliflower / Kobis Bunga kg Celery Australia kg Celery China kg Cherry tomato red / yellow kg Chili Green kg Chili Padi Green kg Chili Padi Red ( Vietnam ) 80gm/pkt Chili Red kg Chives Flower / Ku Chye kg Chye Sim / Sawi kg Coriander Thai kg Corn Baby pkt Corn Sweet / Jagung Manis nos Cucumber Local / Timun kg Cucumber Japanese / Kyuri kg French Bean kg Galanghal / Lengkuas kg Garlic, Whole kg Garlic, Peeled kg Ginger Flower / Bunga Kantan kg Ginger Old kg Ginger Tumeric kg Ginger Young kg Gingko Nuts pkt Gobo kg FRESH LOCAL VEGETABLES (Prices for local vegetables are according to market price) Kai Lan kg Kai Lan Hong Kong kg Kangkung kg Ladyfinger / Okra kg Leaf Banana / Daun Pisang kg Leaf Curry / Daun Kari kg Leaf Mint / Daun Pudina kg Leaf Kesum / Daun Kesum kg Leaf Kafir Lime / Daun Limau Purut kg Leaf Ginger / Daun Kunyit pce Leaf Pandan / Daun Pandan kg Leaf Basil Thai kg Leek kg Lemongrass kg Long Bean kg Lotus Root Local kg Lotus Root China kg Mango Green / Unripe kg Nai Pai kg Onion Red kg Onion Yellow kg Onion Yellow 8kg/bag Parsley English kg Parsley Chinese / Local celery kg Peas Sweet pkt Poh Choy / Poi Leng / Horenso kg Potato Holland kg Pumpkin kg Radish White / Lobak Putih kg Shallot, Whole kg Shallot, Peeled kg Siew Pak Choy kg Spinach Local / Bayam kg Spring onion kg Sweet Potato Orange kg Sweet Potato Purple kg Tomato local kg Tou Miow / Pea Sprout kg Turnip White / Jicama / Sengkuang kg Watercress kg Wintermelon kg Yam kg Yaw Mak kg WET ITEMS ( FRESH ) ( 1 day advance for wet item ) Bean Sprouts / Taugeh kg 3.30 Bean Curd / Tau Kua nos 0.80 Bean Curd / Tau Kua Teowchew nos 0.90 Tauhu Pok kg 12.00 Tofu Box pkt 1.10 Yellow Noodle kg 3.30 Kuey Tiaw kg 3.50 Laksa Noodle kg 3.80 Fishball kg 12.00 Fishcake pce 0.80 Coconut Milk Fresh 200gm/pkt 4.00 Coconut Flakes Fresh kg 12.00 Salted vegetables ( loose ) kg 14.00 Salted vegetables 280gm/pkt 2.50 EGGS ( according to market price ) Eggs Grade AA 30nos/tray 11.40 Eggs Grade B 30nos/tray 10.80 Eggs Sandy ( Kampung ) 30nos/tray 16.50 Egg Omega 10nos/tray 5.50 Egg Salted nos 1.00 Egg Century nos 1.40 Egg Quail nos 0.30 DRIED HERBS Dried Bayleaf kg 100.00 Dried Basil kg 85.00 Dried Mixed Herbs kg 100.00 Dried Oregano kg 80.00 Dried Rosemary kg 75.00 Dried Sage kg 120.00 Dried Thyme kg 70.00 Dried Chili Flakes kg 45.00 Dried Chili Ground - Cayenne kg 85.00 Dried Parsley kg 95.00 Dried Juniper Berries kg 100.00 DRIED SPICES All Spice Powder 453gm/tub 85.00 Cajun Spice USA 624gm/tub 85.00 Cajun Spice kg 60.00 Cinnamon Bark/Kayu Manis kg 30.00 Cinnamon Powder kg 30.00 Cloves Whole/Bunga Cengkih kg 70.00 Coriander Seed kg 16.00 Coriander Powder 230gm/pkt 4.50 Garlic Powder kg 50.00 Ginger Powder kg 60.00 Mustard Seed kg 12.00 Nutmeg powder kg 100.00 Onion Powder kg 60.00 Star Anise/Bunga Rawang kg 30.00 Cumin Seed/Jintan Putih kg 35.00 Cumin Powder 100gm/pkt 3.50 Fennel Seed/Jintan
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