Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1973-1974 Student Newspapers 2-14-1974 Pundit Vol. 59 No. 1 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1973_1974 Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "Pundit Vol. 59 No. 1" (1974). 1973-1974. 10. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1973_1974/10 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1973-1974 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. s New student health plan has only one full-time doctor unable to deal effectively with ita seven days a week, if she lasts. specialists will not be available by Carin Gordon trained to diagnose and dispense until 'Ibe daytime iotracacies. " This semester lor the first time non "eek. 'Ibe plan to "supplement the With only one full time treatments for certain illnesses portion of the program will be and injuries. The paramedic .is transportation will be provided to physician, instead of , physician at the infirmary this and from the emergency room bY ''permanent and develo~g, if it instructed and given slanding works," stated Dr. Hall. dupllcating," is one "hich had semester, the college has in- the Security car. JI'l'viously been colJlidered, "but stituted a new student health orders by Dr. Hall. Conn Dr. Hall also believed that it presently bas one paramedic, Dispensary nurses will still be whose time bas come," said Dr. program featuring the increased approachable for aspirin, ban- "wid not be beneficial to hire "a Lois M. Hatfield, R.N. Another is moonlighting doctor, whose fees Hall. "Il "85 put in abruptly and use of paramedics and part time dages or cold medicine. will have its bugs and rough specialists. The program may being trained. woold be too high and who would An appointment will be needed This new program goes into spots." become permanent. effect immediately, although be a stranger to the college, J This new program was in- to see a paramedic who will be in constant communication with Dr. >. stituted when a physician who • had been hired by Conn to replace Hall. Specialists from New London Dr. Ronald L. Fishman decided will be available for two hours • not to_ come and informed the once a week. An orihopedist will • school of that on January 21. By be in the infinnary on Tuesdays; that time, according to Dr. Hall, also available will be a "it was already too late to get psychiatrist and a dermatologist, • someone else." Dr. Fishman, time and days to be announced. whose contract terminated at the I .\ These doctors will be by ap- end of last semester, was not pointment only after relerral by February 14, 1974No. 1 Vol. 53 rehired. either Dr. Hall or a paramedic. Connecticut College Under this new system as Students may expect longer explained by Dr. Mary N. Hall, delays in gelling appointments. director of the Student Health When the specialist is seen at Service, Ha doctor will be Conn, there will be no charge. Seven untenured teachers fired available through a paramedic's "The weak link. in too chain," he terminated are Robert A. prolessor 01 Hispanic Studies (in discretion, not a student's. It is no by Bernie ZeUlcb 1914); J. Mark Speyer, instructor longer possible to see a doctor by according to Dr. Hall, is the Brookes, instructor in astronomy medical service offered on nights Seven untenured faculty in English (in 1915) and Allen A. just saying, 'I want to see a members have been told in the and physics (in 1915); Liliane M. and weekends. The emergency Greene, assistant professor of Zimmerman, instructor in doctor." room at Lawrence and Memorial last year that they will no longer Chinese (in 1914.) A student must first see a have their jobs after June, 1974, French (in 1915); Frances H. • Hospital will be used more. The Jacobs, assistant prolessor of Technically, the tenninations paramedic. "A paramedic serves or June, 1975. 01 Ms. Greene, Mr. Morillo and students who need medical at- problem is only one doctor will be sociology and anthropology (in on call. She will be Dr. Hall who According to Charles E. Shain, Mr. Speyer are 1Il0lficiai until .L tention, but not a doctor," said 1914); Antonio Morillo, assistant .' I will be on call 24 hoors a day, president 01the College, those to the Board 01 Trustees acts on it, • Dr. Hall. A paramedic is a nurse bit that group is expected to rubber stamp the ad- ministration's staUing recom- Student raped in north dormitory room mendltions. The teachers can there have been only two rapes on responded, "All we can do is try appeal. the administration's , discuss the incident. "It will be campus in recent years, about to persuade people to protect decision by April 1. 1. by Lynn Cole better lor the College if the lour or live people are assaulted themselves by the proper use 01 The President also announced matter is dropped, Il he said. Late last term a Connecticut on the campus and in the ss- keys they are given and by asking the retirements of Ruth S. College student was raped in the Although the woman could not boretum a semester. "No one them to accept responsibility lor Ferguson, associate prolessor 01 privacy 01her own room. It is the possitively identify her assailant, should go into the Arboretum the salety of others by the kind 01 \Xlysical education and chair- second such attack that has investigation after the incident alone day or night," she warned. basic consideration that people person 01 her department; and occurred on the campus proper in occurred indicated that the man Connecticut students have also living in a group must always Ruby T. Morris, part time a little over a year, ac cording to knew the student, said Mr. Shain. been assaulted and raped in have for one another." Lucretia L. Allyn prolessor "The first thing he said upon Dr. Mary N. Hall, Director of downtown New London and on Mr. Shain himself said that this emeritus of economics Rita entering the room was ask 'Are answer "Will seem to Student Health Services. the grounds 01 the Coast Guard many Terras, full-time assistant you so and so,' " he continued. people inellectual". prolessor 01 German, will be An unidentified man entered It is "possible but improbable" Academy. In answer to the question The woman did not report the made a part time teacherfor next the North Dormitory Complex that the attacker was a Conn an "What will be to prevent incident to the New London year only. through one 01 12 possible ac- student. Pointing to the lact that oone cesses, found his victim's room this from reoccuring:' Mr. Sain Police. camille S. Jordan, instructor in the man knew the woman's English, has resigned and will not unlocked, and sexually assulted name, Mr. Shain bas suggested her about 2:30 a.m. December 6, be back next year. Switched Irom that it was "someone who comes part to full time teachers next 1973. upto the College looking lor girls. The woman was threatened year will be James R. Crabtree, Someone perhaps who moves with physical violence and did assistant prolessor 01theater and from dormitory to dormitory." co-director of theater studies not scream out, according to Evidences does snggest he was Charles E. Shain, president 01the program; Marijan Despalatovic, looking lor a particular girl. "It instructor in Russian; and College. also seems probable that he had Because the student was a Thomas A. Stoner, assistant been in her room belore and that professor of music. December graduate, she lelt he hoped in the darkness that he school and was unavailable for Permanency 01 employment, " would not be identilied," added or tenure, is given at ~Conn comment. Mr. Shain. teachers who have been here lull Francis P. O'Grady, Chief 01 Dr. Hall reported that although College Securitv has refused to time for six years. After a teacher has been here for two years, she or he must be National food shortage (Continued On Page 7) means no campus menus Student elections by frann axelrad - and she hopes to alleviate th.is trawna by not posting a rigid open "As 01 Monday, February 11, w~~k1Ysch~ule. menus will no longer be posted 10 We don t want to create a Students may Dom.lnate dormitories," stated Miss E. feeling of any more .ur:tce~nt~ lbemselves for the posil1ons of Voorhees, Director of Residence than we are already hVmg.wIth, president and vice president of Halls She attributed this cut- explained the ReSidence stadent government, as well as back 'to the unreliability 01 lond Director. "Since we have to play chairman of Judlciary Boatil deliveries due to the truckers' day-to-day, it's better lor the beginning tomorrow, February strike and over,a1110nd shortage students not to come to the dinmg 15 at 9 a.m. in the SllJdent .. rooms and find that what was on Government Office, room %10, cnsis, h 't th r " Cro. Self-oomlnal1on wllI IHl kept This does not mean that the t e menu JS~ e e. meals will be haphazardly "TItere ~lll, how~~er, always open through Monday; Febl:UlUY thrown together, but rather that be somethmg there, she added. IS at 5 p.m. tue stalf will have sufficient MISS Voorhees speculated Speeebes by candldates will be leeway to improvise upon menus optmustlCaily that there would be presented Tuesday, February 2& if the planned supplies do not no Significant change m.
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