HENDON RESIDENTS’ FORUM 12 March 2008 held at Broadfields Primary School, Broadfields Avenue, Edgware HA8 Forum Officers’ Action Notes Chairman: Councillor Brian Gordon Vice-Chairman: Councillor John Hart Issue Raised Response Update 1. Inaccuracy in the action To note. Noted. sheet for the meeting held on 13 November 2007 at Pursley Road, Mill Hill: The action sheet in paragraph 2 of issue 1 was inaccurate as the Recreation, Leisure and Arts Committee approved the former south site of Copthall Girls School to open space and did not respond any feasibility study for the area. 2. Petition requesting the The Council had been in discussions LB Harrow have advised provision a pedestrian with LB Harrow. It was likely that that housing development crossing near the Royal Section 106 money from the housing on the site is not now likely National Orthopaedic development on part of the hospital to be coming forward in the Hospital, Stanmore main site will be used to fund highway foreseeable future. The gates. improvement measures such as a no Council is therefore looking right turn out of the hospital and a at possible alternative pedestrian crossing. funding sources in order to provide safe crossing facilities, and other associated traffic management measures. It is envisaged that a scheme will be designed over the coming few months. 3. Request for an official bus The Environment and Transport For a considerable period of stand at Edgware Bus directorate to respond. time during 2007 the bus Station for the coach to the station at Edgware has Royal National Orthopaedic been undergoing major Hospital, Stanmore. rebuilding works. Now that work has finished it is possible to make such a request. However it is known that the bus station is extremely busy and indeed there is one bus route already that does not use the bus station. 1 Issue Raised Response Update The Council will liaise with London Buses about the Hospital coach and its request for a standing and possible publicity for its location. The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital is served by local bus 107 from Edgware Station. Single decker buses are scheduled but quite often double decker buses are used. The Council has suggested that at the next contract renewal, the base frequency is either made every 12 minutes or else double decker buses are used at all times. The latter would be the easiest improvement to make to the bus service connection to Edgware Station. The new contract for bus 107 is due to start in October 2009. London Buses have not yet indicated how the new contract will be structured and it would not be expected until Autumn 2008. Diverting bus 107 into the hospital in one direction has been considered in the past, but because the number of through passengers far exceeds the number requiring the hospital, coupled with the difficulty of procuring a satisfactory turn round space close by Brockley Hill, London Buses has not felt it possible to undertake this feature within the bus route. However, Officers will raise this possibility again with London Buses. 2 Issue Raised Response Update 4. Petitions requesting the The sentiment of the petitions had Scheme revisions are being Council not to proceed with been noted and would be included considered as a result of a controlled parking zone in with all other comments and/or the consultation returns. Burnt Oak objections received relating to the scheme for consideration before a decision was made on whether or not to proceed with the proposals, with or without modification. Should the scheme proceed the operational aspects will be reconsidered in light of issues such as those raised in these petitions that could include for example a longer stay on pay and display bays being provided. The Council was aware of congestion issues that can occur in the area and were progressing some remedial measures in the form of waiting restrictions designed to address these problems. 5. The following comments These issues were noted and most were raised about the Burnt would be responded by Council Oak Controlled Parking Officers in the update sheet for the Zone (CPZ): next Forum. • unhappy that some Officers are not in a position Councillors and the local to comment on the views of MP were in favour with Councillors or MPs. the proposed CPZ; • consultation response When consulting on a time of three weeks was proposal to introduce a too short; controlled parking zone or other similar measure, the Council are required by law to follow certain processes including that of giving a 21 day period allowing anyone opportunity to object or comment proposals. Experience shows that the majority who wish to, advise the Council of their views within the first two weeks of consultation. However, representation received after the three week period is not excluded and would be considered up to the point of a decision being made on the future of the scheme. • consultation was difficult Every effort is made to to understand; ensure that consultation documents and materials 3 Issue Raised Response Update are as easy to understand as possible so that individuals can make an informed decision. Officers are not aware of a significant level of miscomprehension regarding the proposals. • these proposals could kill The original audit of opinion the town centre; on parking related matters in the Burnt Oak area carried out last summer showed that parking was an issue that affected many aspects of daily activity in Burnt Oak, including the ability to trade. The careful consideration of appropriate measures to enable a turnover of parking space can help to improve custom. There is no evidence that the introduction of a CPZ detrimentally impacts on the viability of Town Centres. • local schools had not All schools within the been consulted; proposed areas were included in the consultation. • parking problems Parking problems do occur occurred mainly in the in some areas outside of evenings; the hours of control being proposed. Where this results in safety or traffic management concerns at junctions for example, waiting restrictions would be proposed irrespective of whether that location falls within a CPZ or not. Where a CPZ is proposed, it is designed to give more opportunity and give more protection to residents as opposed to other motorists who generally would not be in the area outside of normal working hours. • requested that parking It is not considered that charges in Watling car removing the charges park be halted for three would result in more 4 Issue Raised Response Update months to see whether parking being available as parking problem ceased; charges help to manage the area. The absence of charges would inevitably result in more vehicles coming to the area. • requested that a hourly Consideration of the most CPZ be introduced appropriate times that the around the tube station CPZ might operate is part i,e. 10-11am; of the consultation process and a lesser time of restriction is one option that may be considered. • requested that proper The Council will always enforcement be taken seek to ensure that all against parking at bus restrictions are adequately stops; enforced. If residents are aware of areas that do not appear to be sufficiently patrolled thay are encouraged to contact the Council accordingly so that appropriate action can be taken. • request for further The Council will consider if consultation on a further consultation on ‘sensible’ scheme; measures is appropriate once it has given due consideration to all comments and objections received to the current proposals. • the Council should The Council will always respond the provision of seek to introduce a CPZ on a street-by- restrictions only where it is street basis; considered necessary for the better management of the public highway. However, depending on overall demand and associated problems it is not always possible to exclude a road even though the majority may not wish for restrictions to be introduced. • many problems The introduction of associated to those who restrictions would give used their cars for short better protection for those journeys; and residents who use their vehicles for short periods. 5 Issue Raised Response Update • residents had a right to There is no right to park on park outside their homes the highway. However, in a designated parking whilst the introduction of a space. CPZ would not guarantee that a resident could always park directly outside their homes, it would give more opportunity within a reasonable distance of their homes. 6. What is the outcome of the Detailed analysis of the responses No decision has yet been proposed CPZ in the Burnt received to the proposals is ongoing made and Officers are still Oak Area? and therefore at this stage there is no discussing possible options outcome to report. Once analysis is with local ward councillors. complete the findings will be discussed with local ward members with a view to establishing how or if the scheme should proceed. This is expected to take place over the coming month or so. 7. Can the Council comment The design of the CPZ will consider No further comment. on the fact that the proposed the demands from various sectors of Burnt Oak CPZ will give an the community and where possible insufficient amount of provision will be incorporated into the designated parking spaces scheme to try and cater for those for parents collecting and demands. However, it must be delivering their children, remembered that one of the primary visitors and staff to the reasons for proposing to introduce a school? CPZ is that there is competing demand for parking that outweighs the number of places where it is safe to park resulting in congestion and safety issues.
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