Bold type in purple indicates congregational response. (Blue text indicates online links.) PRELUDE: “We Gotta Pray” (Alicia Keys) (video) OPENING PRAYER God of Grace, for so long, we have been warned of a divine love that punishes. This teaching has taken hold around us and within us at great cost. We shun and shame. We fear accountability. We close off possibilities for transformation. As we confront the sins of our own era, help us to break this pattern and learn new ways of living out love and justice together. Amen. OPENING HYMN: “We Are Called” FS 2172 WELCOME STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY AND CONNECTION (Please check in on Facebook and/or on Twitter @ChicagoBUMC. We have an online Friendship Pad! Click here to record your presence.) Welcome to worship, God’s beloved! YES, I Am Welcome! Bienvenidas y bienvenidos! ANNOUNCEMENTS A PRAYER POEM: “Who Knows?” by Safiyah Fosua Who knows what signal, what internal sentry, prodded Rosa to sit when the bus driver said: “Get up and move.” Was it her aching feet as some have said? Was it her pounding head that could not wrap itself around the concept of such inequality? Or was it her aching heart, bruised from years of injury compounded with interest? Perhaps, it was just impossible for her to walk any longer with the spiny pebble of injustice in her shoe, in her life, in her spirit. Only God knows the signal, the sentry, the prod required for each of us. Oh God, let there be enough feeling left in me to feel your nudging when it comes. Amen. (Africana Liturgical Resources for Black History Month, Safiyah Fosua, ed.) SCRIPTURE READING: Matthew 8:1-4, 16-17 (Inclusive Bible) When Jesus came down from the mountain, large crowds followed. Suddenly a person with leprosy came forward, knelt down and said, “Rabbi, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out and touched the person. “I am willing. Be clean!” Immediately the leprosy disappeared. Jesus then said, “See to it that you tell no one. Go and show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded. That should be the proof they need.”…As evening drew near, they brought many to Jesus who were possessed. He expelled the spirits with a word and healed all who were ill, thereby fulfilling what had been said through Isaiah the prophet: “You took on our infirmities and endured our sufferings.” This is the Word of God for all of God’s people. Thanks be to God. LENTEN RITUAL ACTION TIME FOR PRAYER PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE PASTORAL PRAYER THE PRAYER OF JESUS [You are invited to say this prayer in the language of your heart.] Our God in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kindom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kindom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. SCRIPTURE READING: Genesis 9:8-17 (Inclusive Bible) God then said to Noah and his family, “I hereby establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you, and with every living creature that is with you—birds, cattle, and the earth’s wildlife—everything that came out of the ark, everything that lives on the earth. I hereby establish my covenant with you: All flesh will never again be swept away by the waters of the flood; never again will a flood destroy all the earth.” God said, “Here is the sign off the covenant between me and you and every living creature for ageless generations: I set my bow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I bring clouds over the earth, my bow will appear in the clouds. Then I will remember the covenant that is between me and you and every kind of living creature, and never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all flesh. Whenever my bow appears in the clouds I will see it, and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature on the earth.” God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all living things on the earth.” This is the Word of God for all of God’s people. Thanks be to God. MESSAGE [DeShawn Barrett] THE INVITATION TO OFFERING [Broadway is committed to the financial support of its identity, vision and ministry by tithing. Consider making an offering this morning of 10 percent of your income from this past week.] During the season of Lent, we pay particular attention to the gifts of repentance and accountability. Where evil has led us astray, God makes known an alternative route. A way of justice. A way of joy. A way that deepens our connections to each other. With gratitude, let us bring our offerings together. God is inviting you to specific ministry of sharing your resources. Please be as generous as you can in your giving. To give online, visit us at BroadwayChurchChicago.com/ give or scan the QR code. Thank you for your commitment to God’s purposes through our faith community! WAYS TO GIVE: Mail a check (3338 N. Broadway St., Chicago, IL 60657), drop off a check in our mailbox, set up recurring giving or make a one-time contribution through your bank account or credit card through Vanco here or by scanning the QR code above, Zelle (send to [email protected]), or text the amount you wish to donate to 833-990-2149. PRAYER OF DEDICATION Liberating One, we grieve the ways justice has been distorted. Those who do the most harm are not held accountable while those who suffer are treated with contempt. The world is so weary with this betrayal. May your presence be near to all who are working to bring relief and restoration. For your grace that makes it possible, we pray with thanks. Amen. CLOSING HYMN: “Glory, Glory, Hallelujah (Since I Laid My Burdens Down)” AAHH 500 BENEDICTION In a culture where punishment and vindictiveness are substitutes for justice, and safety is sought through surveillance and security, may we be creative and courageous in community. Holding each other accountable for harm, welcoming the accountability of others, and accompanying one another with truth and grace, we turn from domination and control towards love that protects and transforms. With assurance of God’s steadfast companionship, may it be so among us. Amen. POSTLUDE: “Holds Us Together” (H.E.R.) (video) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liturgy adapted from enfleshed.com. Worship series design and original music ©Worship Design Studio, used with permission. www.worshipdesignstudio.com/vessels BROADWAY UMC ANNOUNCEMENTS Interested in more announcements? Sign up for our weekly eNews here (or on our website). Quick Links for Worship If you are willing to assist in worship by reading our Centering Words, Opening Prayer, Offering Invitation/Prayer, or Scripture, please sign up here. February Book Study: Me and White Supremacy Have you read this book? YES!!! Good! What did you think? Want to share/ discuss? NO!!! That's OK! Start with us as we read it together and discuss! This book study is for the white folk who are ready to do the work of anti-racism. This study is for the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) who want to have honest conversations. ‘Me and White Supremacy’ is written by Layla Saad who invites us into a 28 day journey to prepare and plan our actions/participation in the work of anti-racism. The study will be led by Victor Poncé and Emily McConnell (members of the Broadway community) and will meet on Sundays in February from 3:30-5:00pm. You are strongly encouraged to join in the study. It may be hard to commit to church activities on Sunday evenings, but the work is important, and the study commitment is short! You can buy the book on Kindle for less than $5, however, you are encouraged to have a hard copy if possible—it is less than $20. Click here to join Book Study by video. Or call 312-626-6799; Meeting ID: 837 2921 1880; Passcode: 481057. February Mission Minute: Brave Space Alliance Chicago streets can be a dangerous place for trans individuals, especially those of color. Brave Space Alliance is an organization created to address issues of trans life. It is the first Black-led, trans- led LGBTQ+ Center located on the South Side of Chicago. It is dedicated to creating and providing affirming, culturally competent, for-us by-us resources, programming, and services for LGBTQ+ individuals on the South and West sides of the city. They strive to empower, embolden, and educate through mutual aid, knowledge-sharing, and the creation of community-sourced resources as they build toward the liberation of all oppressed peoples. Some of the programs supporting their mission are: Mutual Aid Programs, Crisis Pantry Network, Support Groups, LGBTQ+ BIPOC Job Board, HIV testing, Workshops & Training, Trans Resource Directory, and a Transitional Housing Program for BIPOC trans individuals (in development). #BeBrave with Brave Space Alliance; bravespacealliance.org. Please visit Broadway's donation page to read more about our Mission Minutes and how to give. Chicago Youth Mutual Aid The Chicago Youth Mutual Aid, best known as CYMA, is an effort born from the collaboration of five Black and Brown grassroots led organizations in Chicago serving youth and their families: Assata's Daughters, Chicago Freedom School, Circles and Cyphers, Street Youth Rise Up and Youth Empowerment Performance Project.
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