The Planck Survey Early Release SZ sky Etienne Pointecouteau (IRAP Toulouse, France) on behalf of the Planck Collaboration 189 Planck sources in the early release SZ sample ■ Planck Early Results: The all-sky Early Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster sample ! (arXiv:1101.2024) ■ Planck early results: XMM-Newton follow-up for validation of Planck cluster candidates ! (arXiv:1101.2025) ■ Planck early results: statistical analysis of SZ scaling relations for X-ray galaxy clusters ! (arXiv:1101.2043) ■ Planck Early Results: Cluster SZ-Optical Scaling Relations ! (arXiv:1101.2027) ■ Planck Early Results: Calibration of the local galaxy cluster Sunyaev-Zeldovich scaling relations ! (arXiv:1101.2026) Planck2011a The all-sky Early Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster sample Planck Collaboration Corresponding author: M. Douspis ([email protected]) Introduction Construction and Validation of the Planck cluster sample Gallery of ESZ clusters A- Detection of SZ candidates Thanks to its all-sky coverage and to its frequency range spanning the Sunyaev- Zeldovich (SZ) decrement and increment, Planck was specifically designed to measure the SZ effect [2]. It provides us with the very first all-sky signal-to-noise (S/N) The ESZ sample is the result of a blind multi-frequency search in the six all-sky selected sample of clusters detected blindly through the SZ effect [1]. Planck-HFI maps. No prior positional information on detected known clusters was used as input to the algorithm. The ESZ sample is produced by running an all-sky This Early SZ (ESZ) sample of 189 high-reliability SZ candidates (S/N from 6 to 29) extension of the matched multi-frequency filter algorithm, MMF3 [3]. In order to was constructed using a matched multi-filter detection technique over the six highest enhance the SZ contrast over the contaminating signals, MMF3 incorporates prior frequencies of Planck. assumptions on the cluster signal, its spectral and spatial [i.e., the shape of the Intra- The ESZ high reliability (purity above 95%) is further insured by an extensive Cluster Medium pressure profile] characteristics. The baseline pressure profile used is validation process based on Planck-internal quality assessment, cross-identification the standard `universal' profile [4] and the SZ spectrum is the non-relativistic one. with external X-ray and optical data, and a multi-frequency follow-up programme for For each of the 504 overlapping 10°x10° patches, the position and the scale radius confirmation relying mostly on XMM-Newton snapshot observations. (chosen to be 5!R500) of the cluster profile are varied to maximise the S/N of each With the ESZ, Planck provides the first measurement of SZ signal for about 80% of detection. The algorithm hence assigns to each detected source a position, an the 169 ESZ known clusters. Planck releases in total 30 candidate new clusters. estimated cluster size, 5!" , and an integrated Compton parameter, Y . Twenty of them are within the ESZ with eleven confirmed as new clusters using XMM- 500 5R500 Newton observations. (Ten candidates with S/N<6 confirmed by XMM-Newton are released separately). The ESZ clusters are mostly at moderate redshifts, 86% of them with z below 0.3. They span over a decade in mass, up to the rarest and most massive galaxy clusters 14 with masses above 10 ! 10 Msol Fig. 1 Planck reconstructed y- map of Coma on a ~3°x3° patch Fig. 6 Illustrations of reconstructed y-maps (1.5°x1.5°, smoothed to 13 arcmin) for clusters spanning S/N from 29 to 6, from the upper left to the lower right. Fig. 3 Planck observation of A2256 (S/N~29). The upper panel shows the raw Construction and Validation of the Planck cluster sample (1°x1°) maps at 100, 143, 217, 353, and 545GHz. The lower panel shows the B- Validation process corresponding cleaned maps. The filtering by MMF3 optimises cluster detection but is not immune to contamination by false, non-SZ detections. To ensure that the ESZ is a high reliability sample an Summary extensive validation process is performed: ESZ sample properties ! Internal validation steps based on Planck data: ! The S/N of the ESZ clusters range between 6 and 29 with a median of about 8. Six " The high-purity (above 95%) ESZ sample comprises 189 candidates, of which 20 ! search for and rejection of associations with Solar System objects and artifacts; clusters, including A2163 with S/N = 26 and Coma with S/N = 22, are in the tail of the are candidate new clusters. Twelve candidate clusters have already been confirmed. ! rejection of sources with rising spectral energy distribution in the high HFI bands; distribution with S/N>20. One candidate was confirmed by AMI and WISE. Eleven were confirmed by XMM- ! cross-check with other Planck source catalogues to reject candidates identified Newton, including two candidates found to be double clusters on the sky. with cold cores [5] and other Galactic sources ! Planck provides us with measures of the integrated Compton parameter within a 5!R sphere, 5!Y , for 189 clusters. For about 80% of the known clusters in the " ! redundant detections of the candidates by two methods other than MMF3. 500 500 The remaining 169 ESZ candidates have X-ray or optical counterparts. Of these, 162 ESZ, this is the very first SZ measure performed in their direction. The SZ signal of the ! Candidate identification steps based on ancillary data: were observed in X-ray. Planck provides for the first time SZ observations for about whole sample extends over about two orders of magnitude from ~ 1.5 ! 10-3 to 117 ! ! identification of SZ candidates with known clusters from existing X-ray [6], optical 80% of the known ESZ clusters and hence homogeneously measured SZ signal. [7], SZ catalogues and lists [8] 10-4 arcmin2 ! search in NED and SIMBAD databases. " A significant fraction of the ESZ clusters have good archival data. The ESZ should motivate follow-up efforts. The ESZ will hence serve as a valuable reference for ! Follow-up programmes for verification and confirmation of SZ candidates relying studies of cluster physics at moderate redshifts (e.g., galaxy properties versus intra- mostly on observations with XMM-Newton making use of Director Discretionary Time cluster gas physics, metallicities, dynamical state and its evolution, etc). These [9]. studies will require multi-wavelength observations including further SZ observations at higher spatial resolution and observations in X-rays (with XMM-Newton, Chandra, and The ESZ sample, distributed over the whole sky, contains 189 clusters and cluster Suzaku), in the optical (imaging and spectroscopy), and in the radio (e.g., with candidates: 169 known clusters (blue) and 20 candidate new clusters, including 12 LOFAR). confirmed (11 by XMM-Newton, 1 by AMI/WISE) clusters (green), and 8 yet to be confirmed (red). " The clusters in the ESZ sample are mostly at moderate redshifts lying between z=0.01 and z=0.55, with 86% of them below z=0.3. The ESZ-cluster masses span over a decade from 0.9 to 15 ! 1014 M , i.e. up to the highest masses. Fig.4 Distribution of the S/N and integrated Compton parameter values for the ESZ sol clusters and candidate new clusters " Thanks to its all-sky coverage, Planck has a unique capability to detect the rarest ! and most massive clusters in the exponential tail of the mass function. As a matter of Using X-ray derived mass-proxies, we estimate masses, M500, for 167 clusters out of the 189 of the ESZ clusters. The masses of the ESZ clusters span over a decade fact, two of the newly-discovered clusters in the ESZ and confirmed by XMM-Newton 15 14 have estimated total masses larger than 10 Msol. ranging from 0.9 to 15 ! 10 Msol. In surveying the whole sky, Planck has a unique capability to detect rarest and most massive clusters. Among the 21 newly discovered 14 " clusters confirmed by XMM-Newton in total 3 have total masses of 10 ! 10 Msol or Planck is detecting new clusters, in a region of the mass-z plane that is sparsely- 14 populated by the RASS catalogues. Furthermore, as indicated by XMM-Newton, most larger. The ESZ clusters with masses above M > 9 ! 10 Msol represent 90% of the RASS clusters. of the new clusters have low luminosity and a disturbed morphology, suggestive of a complex dynamical state. Planck may have started to reveal a non-negligible Using the redshift information (compiled in the MCXC, retrieved from NED/SIMBAD population of massive dynamically perturbed objects, that is under-represented in X- and estimated from XMM-Newton follow-up observations), we gather the redshifts for ray surveys. Fig.2 Distribution of ESZ clusters and candidate clusters on the sky 175 clusters of the ESZ sample. They are distributed in the range of small to moderate (Galactic projection). redshifts with a median z of 0.15 (86% of the ESZ clusters are lying below z=0.3). Bibliography " [1] Planck Collaboration 2011e, Planck Early Results: The all-sky Early Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster sample " [2] Aghanim, N., de Luca, A., Bouchet, F. R., Gispert, R., & Puget, J. L. 1997, A&A, 325, 9 " [3] Melin, J., Bartlett, J. G., & Delabrouille, J. 2006, A&A, 459, 341 " [4] Arnaud, M., Pratt, G. W., Piffaretti, R., et al. 2010, A&A, 517, A92 " [5] Planck Collaboration. 2011w, Planck Early Results: The Galactic Cold Core Population revealed by the Planck first all sky survey " [6] Piffaretti, R., Arnaud, M., Pratt, G. W., Pointecouteau, E., & Melin, J. 2010, arXiv:1007.1916 Fig.5 Distribution of the ESZ clusters and candidate new clusters in mass and in the " [7] Abell, G. O.
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