MARCH 2013 Affi liated with the National Wildlife Federation VOLUME 53, NUMBER 2 Camo-Coalition receiving a check from the SD Izaak Walton League Inside Chapter for their support in lobby- ing efforts (Lto R) Dave Nauman, this issue: Chris Hesla, SDWF President Rich Widman and SDIWL Trea- surer Lanny Thomas. Page 2 Thanks to the Members of the Dakota Sportsman Inc. Ikes for supporting SDWF-Camo- Sponsors kids fi shing Coalition Tournement Page 3 PRESIDENT COLUMN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S SDWF YOUTH CONSERVATION CAMP 50 YEARS UPDATE Wow, 50 years of camp and we are still going strong. Thousands servation Camp is a unique opportunity. Any student, girls Page 4-5 of young people over the years have attended and learned the or boys, in 9th, 10th or 11th grade is eligible to attend camp. lessons of conservation. The 50th annual SDWF Youth Con- CITIZENS SCIENCE Interested young people can apply directly to a local sports- servation Camp is now in the planning stage. The 2013 camp man’s club in their area or to their local Soil Conservation NOTEBOOK will run from June 2nd through June 8th. Young people from District offi ce. WINNING TICKET across South Dakota will be arriving at Camp Bob Marshall in the beautiful Black Hills. They will be learning about conserva- If you would like to view photos from the camp, join us on our Page 7 tion and striking up new friendships. The 2012 Conservation facebook page: SDWF Youth Conservation Camp. For more Camp was well attended and the programs were well received information about how you or someone you know can attend SPRING ARCHERY RESULTS by the campers. It is our hope to repeat or surpass the 2012 the SDWF Youth Conservation Camp, contact Camp Director, event this year. With the help of the South Dakota Department Mike McKernan, PO Box 246, Murdo, SD 57559, phone 605- WALLEY FISHING LIMITS of Game, Fish & Parks personal, a unique opportunity is being 669-2829, e-mail [email protected] or Chris Hesla, CHANGES TO SPECIAL planned for the young people of South Dakota. Executive Director, PO Box 7075, Pierre, SD 57501, phone BUCK LICENSES 605-224-7524. A camper application can be printed from the ROADKILL FOR DINNER If any of our readers know of young people who like the out Wildlife Federation website, go to: www.sdwf.org click on the of doors, hunting and fi shing, or are interested in learning the conservation camp section. Page 8 message of conservation professionals the SDWF Youth Con- MEXICAN MONARCH BUTTERFLY ND OIL IMPACT ON Grants Available for Habitat Project WILDLIFE Beginning this spring, grants will be available from SDWF to and by removing exotic species, planting native grasses, and cover direct costs in establishment of habitat and wetlands res- adding a pond, he created in our suburban Chicago home toration. Both individual homeowners and organizations are one of the National Wildlife Federation’s fi rst Certifi ed Back- eligible to apply. The funds are provided by the Evelyn & Bill yard Habitats@. He died in 2002 of Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Lohmann Conservation Fund, a permanently endowed donor It is natural to honor their memory with projects to beautify advised fund established with the South Dakota Community and conserve wildlife habitat. I am pleased to join the South Foundation. The purpose of the EBLCF is to support beautifi - Dakota Wildlife Federation in administration of the Evelyn & cation and natural area conservation projects in South Dakota, Bill Lohmann Conservation Fund grant-making program, and with a special emphasis on native wildfl ower plantings, songbird to support SDWF’s work on behalf of the wildlife of our state. habitat, and wetlands development and preservation. To apply for a grant, write or email to request an applica- The E&BLCF was endowed by the family and friends of Evelyn tion from [email protected] or Chris Hesla, PO Box 7075, and Bill Lohmann in their memory. Day Breitag of Pierre pro- Pierre, SD 57501. Grants will be awarded in the range of vided this statement: $250 to $1,000. The application deadline is May 1st, 2013 A In 1954, my mother caught polio, just two months before the committee of members of the SDWF Board of Directors will Salk vaccine went into general public use. From the time she consider all applications; funds will be awarded as available. contracted the disease until her death twelve years later, she The endowment currently contains approximately $26,000. Interest only will be used to make grants, and to support the LATS never again left her rocking bed or wheelchair. She breathed F with a respirator. She couldn’t sit up, turn, lift her arms or legs. operations of the SDWF. She was twenty-fi ve years old. Contributions may be made to add to the endowment by She had a great love of the wildfl owers and songbirds of her sending to: the South Dakota Community Foundation, P.O. native Midwest, and although her days of running through the Box 296, Pierre SD 57501, and specifying the Evelyn & Bill ARCODED fi elds and by the streams were done, she found joy and the Lohmann Conservation Fund. Gifts are tax-deductible. B strength to live a full life from the birds and fl owers she could - Day Breitag of Pierre is currently a development offi cer with see through her window. From her rocking bed she taught her the National Wildlife Federation. daughters the names of the species, the needs of habitat, the special beauty to be found in nature. Our father shared her love, Farmers- need a tax deduction this year? Consider donating some grain or land to the SDWF. You will get a tax break and your support of the SDWF will help protect the land and wildlife you love. Out Of Doors 2 March 2013 Dakota Sportsmen, Inc. - Watertown hosted kid’s fi shing tournament In February Dakota Sportsmen, Inc. from Watertown hosted our kid’s fi shing tournament, to say the least it went great! They had almost 200 kids show up. With about 50-60 kids have never fi shed before yesterday,(judging on the amount of poles we handed out to kids that didnt have any fi shing poles) we went through about 400 hot dogs and 12 cases of pop. we made sure every kid got a prize. we also had a photographer on the ice with the kids. which he got some great shots on the kids. His link to pictures http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Black- Stone-Photo/293901424013719. Dakota Sportsmen, thought the members of SDWF would enjoy the pictures of our future outdoorsmen in action. “The days a man spends fi shing or spends hunting should not be deducted from the time that he’s on earth. In other words, if I fi sh today, that should be added to the amount of time I get to live. That’s the way I look at recreation. That’s why I’ll be a big conservation, environmental President, because I plan to fi sh and hunt as much as I possibly can.” George Bush, quoted in Los Angeles Times, 30 December 1988 Mr. Chris Hesla Mr. Rieck Eske Mr. Charles Dieter Mr. Harvey Malon Mr. Mike McKernan Executive-Director (Hired) President SDWF Camo-Coalition Director District 6 Director-at-Large Youth Camp Director South Dakota Wildlife Federation P.O. Box 46 South Dakota Wildlife Federation South Dakota Wildlife Federation (Non-Board Member) P.O. Box 7075 Warner, South Dakota 57479 47135 203rd Street 635 Westwind Drive South Dakota Wildlife Federation Pierre, South Dakota 57501 Telephone: (605) 229-1743 - Home Brookings, South Dakota 57006 Rapid City, South Dakota 57701 612 S. Garfi eld Telephone: (605) 224-7524 - offi ce (605) 380-9569 - Cell Telephone: (605) 693-3123 - Home Telephone: (605) 343-2349 Murdo, South Dakota 57559 (605) 222-1002 - cell Email: [email protected] (605) 688-4555 - Work Email: [email protected] Telephone: (605) 669-2829 Fax: (605) 224-7524 (605) 690-6351 - Cell Email: [email protected] Email address: [email protected] Mr. Paul Vinatieri Email: [email protected] Ms. Maggie Engler Printed by Curt Merriman Printing, Inc., P.O. Director District 1 Director-at-Large Mr. David Dittloff Box 1046, 306 S. Coteau, Pierre, SD 57501 Mr. Rich Widman - President South Dakota Wildlife Federation Mr. Ross Jensen South Dakota Wildlife Federation NWF Regional Representative for SD Subscription Rate - $10.00 per year or with South Dakota Wildlife Federation 1995 Sammis Trail Director District 2111½ Monte Vista Drive National Wildlife Federation membership in SDWF Individual members 929 8th Avenue Rapid City, South Dakota 57702 South Dakota Wildlife Federation Rapid City, South Dakota 57702 240 N. Higgins devote approximately 40 cents of their annual Brookings, South Dakota 57006 Telephone: (605) 348-3846 - Home 605 Wisconsin Avenue N.W. Telephone: (605) 391-2511 Missoula, Montana 59802 dues for each copy of the newspaper. Telephone: (605) 692-7157 - Home (605) 391-8402 - Cell Huron, South Dakota 57350 Email: [email protected] Telephone: (406) 541-6732 - Offi ce Periodicals Postage Paid at Pierre, SD 57501. Email: Widmanfi [email protected] Email: [email protected] Telephone: (605) 350-6257 (406) 214-8109 - Cell Email: [email protected] Mr. Maurice Olsen Fax: (406) 721-6714 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Mr. Mark Widman Mr. Norman Buxcel Director-at-Large Email: [email protected] South Dakota Wildlife Federation, 1st Vice-President Director District 2 Mr. Jerry Lulewicz South Dakota Wildlife Federation 208 Linell, Pierre, SD 57501. South Dakota Wildlife Federation South Dakota Wildlife Federation Director District 8 4610 Carriage Hills Drive Mr.
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