SPORTS I HWVS AS. Council at a Glance 2 I Opinion 4 Tritons win I ) Only the lonely ., ' I Letter to the Editor S l. iii .. ·, I! L t. Men's tennis wins I ' ~\ • ~ I t ~. af ~ . '\ '" ... .. ..--I'r',.. J.,.#N;. ....yv, ... \ ..~~,¥N:l.:-, ... •. , \. ; 'i I;, ~ . \it" " ';" 'J""r .J f i:l·~ Hiatus Calendar 11 California Invitational, Sa n Diego radio 94.9 FM is the r I' ~I. Thursday Coupons 12 which was held Feb. r, 14 to Feb. 16. page 20 lone voice of independence. page 7 Classifieds 16 'to THE UCSD ARI) ucs DIEGO Thursday, February 20, 2003 VOLUME 108, [ L'F I1f SEJ leads Worker Doctors protest dog labs Appreciation Week Med school students vivisect, euthanize dog Group circulate petitIOn advocating By GAELLE FAU RE United tates, \~hlch \\a~ published Associate News Editor In the I ovember 2002 ISSUC of living w ge ordinanc in an Diego American .\\edlcllle, 95 pcrcent of Protesters against the UC D schools don't kill Jnllluis In their chool of ,\1edicllle's use of dog labs pharmacolo!,'Y cour,es, Jnd 2 per­ gathered outside of the Ba IC cent don't k!ll anllnab III physlOlo­ SCience Bwldmg on Feb. 19, "lule b'Y. At most In~U ruUO!lS, Jl:cordlllf( freshman srudents Inside VlVlsccted to Hansen, the labs haH! bccn dogs in a half-day lab that ends in the replaced with computer slInula­ euthanizing of the animals. A total of nons. 24 dogs were ordered this yea r. "The best medical school, 111 Speakers i neluded Lawrence the cou ntry - 1 larvard, Stanford, I lansen, a professor of pathology Yale , Columbia - don't kill and neurosciences at the chool of dogs," Ilarrison Jill. "Why Medicine, and ancy r lamson, a should we'" pathologist at the Scripp lemorial Han en and I lam on formed Ilospltal m Chula Vista . Both doc­ Doctor agalll~t Dog LJbs and ~tan­ tors have been act1ve in the effort to Tyler Huffl CuordlOn ed a peooon that ha~ over I )Olg­ end the use of UC D's dog labs for DoctO(s orders: Drs. NallC( Hamson narures. Accordmg to their \\eb over five yea rs, conducong urveys and Larry Hansen lead the lab protest Site, the peonon mcludes 34 mem­ of medlcllle schools nationwide. bers of the UC D faculty, 13 School "We tried for five years to go options, but we hope that thiS pub­ of .\Iedicme graduate~, 10 UCSD through the appropriate commit­ hcity will calISe the school to thlllk resident fellows ,1I1d repre,cntauvcs Tyler Huff/GuorrflOn tees," Ilansen ald. "\ e didn't thiS over agall1." of 12 hospitals In San Diego counry Pissing nod: Students for Economic Justice thank campus workers on library want to resort to public pressure According to Hansen's survey of Walk; the group's posters served to 'put a face to the problem' of wage laborers. until we had exhausted other all 12 5 medical schools in the See DOGS, Page 7 By LINDA CHEU effort by the end of the week. Staff Writer The unions II1voh-ed in the wceklong campaign are the Students for Economic Justice Association of rudent Employees, U .S. plurality and UIllOllS in San Diego are hon­ American Federation of Teachers, Police's bike drive oring bOlh SD and an Dlcgo Univer ity Profe sional and voting system cOlJlmunity workers on Library 'lcchmcal Employees, Coalition of \Valk dUring the fir st annual University Employees, and the benefits children Worker's AppreCiation ,,,rec k from America n Federation of State, criticized by Feb. I H through 1 1. The event l, County and Murucl pal Employe~. Pri n r refurbi h abandon d prolJloters arc encouraging ~ tu ­ The ordinancc being pushed SF author dents to sign p c uti o n~ th at wlil be by the' Vorker's Awareness ' Veek UC D bicycle for needy chi ldr n !,T) \en to the CII coullcil III hopes o;'f(a ni 7ers will create a sc t wage 01CITJ tlll g a ll\'lng wage ordln.lIlcc for all workers SEJ and the ritici m c me By MELISSA BANIQUED fOi ,III \\orkers III thc CO Il1IllUnlt y. unions argue th,H thc wages of Staff Writer Proll1oter h'l\ e \et a gOJ I of gath­ while A. mull ering I O,U()() slg l1.ltur c~ for thc s('~ WORKERS. Page 8 lecti n r t rm By tran~pornng 79 abandoned bicycles to the Ri chard J . By THOMAS NEELEY Donova n Correcuonal Facill[\' In Otay .\Iesa, the UCSD Poli ce Associate News Editor DepJrtment and the DOllovan orrectlOIul Facility havc been Students must now .\r b'1l1n~ that votes 111 S. clec- gl\·.ng b.1ck to the' CO llllllUlllty 110m do not cnureh ,lifecr out­ C()llle~, au thor Stcven ·11111, dUring a ~mcc winter break of the 2001 report all MeATs t,llk Oil Feb. I ,advocated 1ll00lify­ chool ye'IL IIlg the .5. voong ~ telll , both to At the prison, IIlmates refur­ bi sh thc bikes by stripping thelll opcn Illore opp()rtullluc~ for third P Hey to b gin April 2003; parties and to promOte in reased for u able parts, re,IS cmbllllg the Rachel A. GarCla/CuordlOn voter parocipation. parts and rep.li nong the bikes. Ride on: Abandoned bKycies are From there, the pn on tli~tnbute AAMC adopts 'full disclo ure' 11111, who recently authored stored behind the UCSD police station "Fixmg Flccuons: Th~ failure of the newly renovated bicycl e to we work with someonc who can By DANA WE ST can stili be Withheld. Amenca' winner-take-all politics," an Diego-area nonprofit orgJIlJ ­ zauons that donatc them to local give something bJck to the com­ Senior Staff Writer "The change at hand i~ ignif­ ~poke to an audience 111 Center ICa nt, but only for certain popu­ 11.111 of about 50 pcople during hiS needy children. mUllity and help less fortun,ttc The American ASSOCiation of iJtions," said Albert hen, excc­ book slgnll1g, whl h was sponsored hief of Police rville KlI1g people?'" King sa id. "We dOIl·t said he anticipates contributing to get that man y chances herc Jt the Medical Colleges ha~ cha nged the utive director of graduate pro­ by the Campus Greens at C D. way students report their Mctlical grams at Kaplan, a company "The voting system that you've the program once a quarter. "The thought was, "Vhy don't Sec BI KES. Page 7 College Adll1i~sion ' Ics t scores to offeri ng exa lll preparation ser­ chosen to u e has a lot to do With the lIledlcal ~chools they are vice~ . "\ e've alwa ys aid th.1l who ge~ elected, who SIts at the appl yi ng to. Beginni ng with thc yO Il shouldn 't withhold a score fcet of policy making, has a lot 10 pnl 2003 teM , all scores will - you should do it oncc and do do with how campaigns arc con­ SURF automatically he reported to II nght." dueted, how much money It costs WEATHER SPOKEN mcdlcal schoob, and students Will Chen ~ald that many sllldent to run a c.lmp,lIgn - all thc~e -l' • REPORT no longer h,lve the oplion of III the P,lQ h,lvc u~cd their first thlllp arc drJIll.1t1cally affccted b , " '. ~ , ~ 'The best medical wllhholdlllg thelll. Me T CX,lItl as J sort of practice voting s),;rcllIs," he ~ald . '~r I • Feb. 20 The AAA1C Web ,lte tl·S t, knowlllg that they could S)'!>­ hoofs in the Illlcr the current Hltmg Feb. 20 Feb. 21 "'uxl rwv c1c\crlbcs thc d1.lnge In score alway~ Withhold that score and tem, whi ch Is famill,lr to mo~t H65 l49 H 71 t49 country ... Vvlnd "d'~, } 10 4 h rcporung J S ,I move to "lull dl'­ u'c ti1 Clr next eXJIl1 score for thclr AlI1cn e ln .. , th e candul.nc \\ ho don't S 1N14106h C~.tllllllce\ ,lppilr.llIoll , now ~ Iud c nts wdlnn! earll'> the largest pcn:ent,lgc of the "..}J.r ... ,1.4 do,ule, wherc In le,t­ -:1 . ... kill dogs. 11 Ill!; hl\lOry, r.Hher Ih,lII J speufic IlJve that lu,nIrY. vOle ,1 plur ailly and not lle ce~ 'Jr ­ -:l r -"> j , '>,t Feb. 21 ,ct of score" Will he reported." "Ah,olutcly ~ tudenl\ ~h()uld II )' ,I 1tI ,I)onty - wlm thc clectloll. - NarKy Hamson. Vvlnd N 10 NE Score, frolll tCAT tC'>lS !,Ik en Feb. 21 Feb. 21 ""nd"d\<~ 2ft btfnre the Api'll 200 I t e~ lIn g d,ltc See MCAT. Page 8 '~e VOTING, Page 8 H 71 lSI H 7Ol~ ~= S IINISl0 7 Z NEW ' THE UCSD GUARDIAN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2003 THURSDAY, FEBRUA RY ZO, Z003 THE UCSD GUARDIAN NEW~ BRIEFLY ETCETERA ••• Muslim youths urged to speak up Michigan lawyers MSA's American Muslim Week launched file brief in AA case UC Santa Cruz alumnus to Local scholars to present By CHRlmNE PAl University maintains race i serve as alumni regent research on San Diego Contributing Writer The Muslim Student Associati n necessary for student diver ity UC Santa Cruz graduate Gary Novack Outstanding scholars who have received presented a lecrure by Dr. jeffrey was selected to serve as one of two alum­ grants from the UCSD CiVIC Collaborative will Lang on Feh. 18 regarding the disil ­ By TOMISLAV LADIKA datcs of different raCial ba ck­ ni members to on the UC Board of Regents present summanes of their current research lusionment of American Muslim M;ch;gan Daily (U .
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