(For Official use only) APPROVED SEVENTH FIVE YEAR PLAN 1985-90 AND ANNUAL PLAN 1985-86 & 1986-87 NIEPA DC GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1986 ' ' V A 0 v" n ‘ ‘ ' i h - ^ M . Systems UnH^ Instirute of - S ' ■*' n:iri%’^nt;ion X7 I ‘JoAu.l fj.- ;■■ ^:.-Uw4i0ttf D--: CONTENTS CHAPTERS Pages SECTION 1—Review and the Plan in outline f .r Review of Sixth Five Year Plan 1—9 I .Z ^ e n t h Five Year Plan in Outline 10— 15 t Women and Development 16-21 SECTION 2—Sectoral Plrogrammes 2. t Agriculture Research and Education (H.A.U.) 25—26 %Zj Crop Husbandry (Asricoltiire Department) 2 7 -3 5 2 .3 Soil and Water Conservatioo 36—39 2^,4 Animal Husbaodry 40—48 2.5 Dairy Develo|imcnt 49—5! ‘ 2 .6 Fisheries 5 2 -5 9 2 .7 Forests (Including Wild Life Preservation) 6 0 -6 5 2.8 Investment in Agricultural Financial Institutions 66—67 2 .9 Storage and Warehousing 68 -69 2.10 Special Programmes for Rural Development 70 ^72 (i) Integrated Rural Development Programme (I.R.D.P.) (ii) Drought Prone Area Programme (D.P.A.P.) (iii) Desert Development Programme (D.D.P.) (iv) Financial Assistance to Assignees of Land Declared Su^lus as a Result of Imposition of Ceiling • I I * . (v) Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (D.W.C.R.A.) (vi) National Rural Employmi^nt Programme (N.R.E.P.) 2 .it Community Development n ^ l o 2^12 Panchayats 77 - 78 , 2.11 Land Refonns 79—80 2.14 Mewat Development Board 81—82 2.15 Cooperation S3—98 2^16 Major and Medium Irrigation 99-^03 (H) Page 2.17 Minor Irrigation (i) Agriculture Departmcffit 104-105 (ii) Irrigation Department "105 (Ui) M.I.T.C. ‘ 105-106 2.18 Command Area Development Authority 107-^109 2.19 Flood Control n o ^ m 2.20 Power (aS.E.B.) 112-116 2.21 Industries 117-129 2.22 Civil Aviation 130-131 2.23 Roads and Bridges (P.W.D. B&R) / 1 3 2 - m 2.24 Road Transport • 135-137 2.25 Tourism .....138-142 i ^ • 2.26 Scicitific Services & Research ($cienc^ s^nd feclinology) 143-146 2.27 Environmental Planning 147--149 t 2.28 General Education 150-160 2.29 Art and CuUwe 161—162 2.30 Technical Education 163-169 2.31 Medical Education 170-^172 2.32 Health 173—180 2.33 Ayurveda 181—182 2.34 Employees State Insurance 183 • 2.35 Water Supply and Sewerage 184—185 2.36 Housing (Including Police Hou&img) 186—188 189 2.37 Urban Development V 190—193 2.38 Information and Publicity / 194— 196 2.39 Labour and Labour Welfare 2.40 Employment Exchanges 197w-198 ' 2.41* Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes 199_204 ♦ 2.42 Social Welfare 205—210 k ' 2.43 Nutrition 211 2.44 Sports 212—215 2v4$ Industrial Training &nd Vocstiona^l Education 216-217 (u i) 2.46 Haryana Institute of Public Admiaistratioa 218 2.47 Strengthening of Planning Machinery 219 ¥ 2.48 Economic Advice and Statistics 220—222 2.49 Printing and Stationery 223-224 2.50 General Administration (Public Works) 225% STATEMENTS ^Statement GN 1 Consolidated Statement— 1—5 Outlay and Expenditure Statement GN 2 Schematic Details- 9—95 Outlay and Expenditure Statement GN 3 : Selected Physical Targets 99— 113 and Achievements Statement GN 4 Minimum Needs Programme 117— 120 Outlay and Expenditure Statement GN 5 Minimum Needs Programme— 123— 124 Physical Targets and Achievements Statement GN 6 Centrally Sponsored Schemes— 127— 137 Outlay and Expenditure -----------------4*------ a ;..'., ------ ■ “ fjiu SBGTIOM I Review and the Plan in outline CHAPTER 1.1 REVIEW OF SIXTH FIVE YEAR PLAN The foUewing objectives were adopted for Haryana’s Sixtfi Five Year Plan: (i) A diversified and dynamic. economy capable of a minimum rate of growth of over 6% (as against the National projected growth rate of 5%). (ii) Substantial increase in per capita income; reducation'in the incidence of poverty by assisting weaker sections especially Scheduled Ca’ste families in their economic efforts thereby help­ ing -them to., gross the ppverty line; (iii) To provide additional employment opportunities especially in rural areas; (iv)' Universal education for 6—11 age group; and . (v) Significant improvements in the quality of life, particularly in the rural areas, m of vjforking conditions, housing, levels of nutrition, education, health, sanitation and welfare, ^yic.-aa4.ciUtur^l^ra6iitifis.et,Ct ► Strategy The basic development strategy of the State Government lias been to accelerate the pacc of developttient and create opportunities for all sections of the people. The main features of our economic policy have been to develop agriculture, increase farm production through a judicious mix of incentives to the farmefs with an access to improved agricultural practices in a package form, to strengthen the infrastructure and the base of the economy by increasing the irrigation and power potential and providing a net work of village link roads and comprehensive road transport system, to develop cottage and small industries in the rural areas, to attract investment in medium and large scale industry through incentives ^nd to bring improvement in health, edu­ cation and other social services to improve the living standard of the people in general and weaker sections of the society in particular and to reorient the educational and vocational pro­ grammes towards more effective development and utilisation of human resources. The achieve­ ments during the Sixth Plan, are as follows. ;— Financial In order to achieve the above objectives an outlay of Rs, 1800.00 crores was provided for the 6th. Five Year Plan of the State. TJie actual expenditure during 6th plan period (1980-85) I was Rs. 1595.47: crores. The Major head-wise details of plan outlays and ‘actual expsnditure incurred are set out below ;— Major Head-wise Gdtlay & Expenditure in the 6th Plan (1989-85) (Rs. in crores) S. Head of the Approved Expenditure Total No. Development Outlay Expenditure 1980-85 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1980-85 1 ■, 2 ■ ^ . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 r » 1. - Agriculture and Allied Services ^ - 118.83 %14.21 18.51 2132 25.95 38.81 120.80 2. Rural Development 51.18 7.20 ^ 13.14 12.37 11.03 11.88 55.62 3; Co-operation > 76.80 ^ 5.57 5.73- 9.73 8.09 7.'62 36.74 t . - • ’ • r' I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4. Irrigation & Flooii Control 564M 78.34? 84.57 95.29 79.58 103.90 441.618 5. Power 545. oa 65.68 84.77 121.47 123.12 96.58% 491.6i2 6/ Industry ■& Minerals 30.92 6.51 5.63 5.69 6.36 7.07 31.26 7. Transport and Communication 1*69:50 27.06 27.98, 27.13 23.54 27,45 133.16 • 8. Scientific Service and Research 0.07 cr.29 0.56 • 9. Social and Community Services 211.47 S7.53 47.16^ 5a.07 58.9Z 77.72 271.40 10. Economic Services 0.84 O.IO 0.13 0^.13 O .ll 0.21 0.7 5 11. General Services 15.4S 1.85 2 .6 ^ 2.29 2 . 0 • 13-OS Grand Total 1800.00 244.05 290.31 347.49 338.94 374.68 1595.47 The expenditure has c3^c5j5sili<5d the original outlay/ itt such vital* sectors as Agriculture ’ and Allied including Rural D^Vcldpmwit, Cd‘-opemtion smd Industry. In the case of Irrigation and Flood Control the shortfall is mainly due to less provision for Sutlej^ Yamuna Link Project due to very slow pace of woilc in Punjab; The shortfell in ttfe Transport and Communicatiobs sec­ tors has been due to les^ patovision? fbr ftoads. In the casff of other sectors the shortfall^ is only marginal. The achi^emcaits in physical terms aftr m follows Economic Growth Despite infavourable weather conditions in some stretehes^ and some other advet«er fkcttars, the State domestic prodbcf registered'' satisfactory growth during the Sixtfe Plato period. The liatfest estimates reveal that the Stiate domestic product at cortst^t prices f 1970-71 prices) rose ff<3ia Rs. 1199.7 crores in 1979-80 to Rs. 1562.3 crores in 1984-85 (Quick Estimates) registering ag increase of 30.2 percent. Similarly, the State domestic product at current prices rose fr<m Rs. 2422.7 crores in 1979-80 to Rs. 4635,6 crores in 1984-85 (Quick Estimates). The sectoral analysis reveal that the State domestic product at constant prices in priiiwwry sector rose from Rs. 581,2 crores in 1979^80 to Rs. 771.8 crores, secondary seietor f¥om Rs. 254v6 cror-es in 1979-80 to Rs. 308.1 cr«or«s aiid io tho t^tiary iSocto? fr< ^ Rs*. 36!^.9 crores in 1979^-80 to Rs. 482.4 crores in 1984-85. Agriculture Agriculttire still occupies the most prominent position in the economy of our State. Out of the total State income ctf Rs. 1562 crores (Quick Estimates), the total net income from Agri­ culture and Animal Husbandly in Hatyana during 1984-85 was Rs. 764 crores. Of the total gross income derived from agriculture proper during 1984-85 (Quick Estimates), more than 66.2 per cent oame from foodgrains 2tfid the remaining from- non-f<5odgrains and by-products. Among the focdgrains, wheat alofl<& accounted for 42.7 per cent rice 15.0 per cent of gross income from agriculture. Among non-foodgrains, cotton and sugartane contributed 9.7 per cent and 4.7 per cent respectively.
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