THECPTB10BT, 1689, BT THE SPOBTINO LlIE I'l BL1SHIKO CO. SPORTING LIFE.AT PHIU. Pon Ornci At gicann CIASS MATTM. VOLUME 13, NO. <>!. PHILADELPHIA, PA., AUGUST 28, 1889. PRICE, FIVE (JENT8. Adrian M. Jones, first played ball In Washington with roved himself a most valuable man for ua. I wish Nick Young and Charley Soyder years ago. S im aucoeaa wherever he may he. Tbe same size hat Some of tbe boys managed to put away snug sums in fits him tbe aeajon through DO matter how good Ins LATE NEWS. work. FOREIGN NEWS. bank this sutnmeV, while oilier*, with less foresight, will have to hustle the coming winter. A game tarred In by our pretty pitcher, Jack Works will go borne lo Illinois on a short vialr, and Horuer, afraiLBt Hartford last week will and should go then return to work in the Santa Fe Railway offices' on record a? one uf the moat remarkable ever pitched A New Catcher Scooped for the winter. In a championship geriea. Twenty-tight men only First Game Ever Played Huaton, Tuohey, O'Rourke, Went* and Work* have were at bat, but one man got aa far as aecood buee, all promised to play here next year. where he was left, and be WHS the only mau left on in by Columbus. Thu League average* will be ready for publication base; two single hits, one base on balls the first man Between Britons. n two weeks. Works still leada the baiters that 10 at bat aud no wild pi ch, with t me of game sixty- official. eight minutes, rauks, I think, iu front of anything Grand Rapids wants Proeaer for box work . He will ever known in (he national game. A Ball Player in Jail Players probably go there. J. C. N. In appreciation of the excellent work of onr own Tom Insular Prejudices Being Over­ Cahlll, his willingness to go In when called upon, and AUBURN AT THE TOP. hia thorough reliability in all cases, tbe management Signed and Released increased bin salary fifty dollara per month. Tom was come The Game in Leonard's Team "Winner of the New York agreeably surprised when be was notified of the above, General News. State League Championship Jacob*' Bad and that he is deserving of the recognition no one who Hawaii. has seen him at work will dicpute. Break, Etc. As Gallfgan was not hitting the ball hard enough T.QUISVILLE OUTWITTED. AVBVRM, N. Y., Aug. 21. Editor SPORTING LIVE: be waa given hia release la*t week. He remained Idle The agony and suspense is over. Auburu has practi­ one day, when he and Swuiback joined the Norwalka. LONDON, En?., Ang. 10. Editor SPORTING* cally won the pennant, and we are happy in conse­ LIFE: Since I last wrote base ball has made ft Columbus Scoop* in Canton's Crack They are both doing well. McKee bns taken Q*IU- quence. The Elmiraa fought hard, but we plajed the gan's place, and although he Is batting hardtr. baa notable advance in England. A regular match Catcher, Doyle. better ball ai-d are at Hie top ot the heap. The latt uot fielded quite so well. He id a very good base- between two cities haa been played, and the con­ Bpecial to SPORTIMO Lira. two Auburu-Eluiira games were played at tlmira Aujr. runner, quick at heels and head. testing nines were, for the most part, made up Lomsviu.E, Aug. 24. Doyle, the catcher of It) und 17, aud when Elunr* captured the first one and Tom Corcoran muat have a hard heart. He la steal­ reduced Auburn's lead to three percentage poinW Au­ of Englishmen. This ifl the first occasion in the the Canton, 0., Club, came here Thursday after ing one or two base hits In every game, and we think buru enthusiasts felt tad, very tad. Bin Manager it quite tbe proper thing to see him pick up grounders world's history of a base ball match between agreeing to sign with Louisville. He was ac­ Leooftr.1 had a surprise lu atore for tbe Atibnriitaus, between first and second and get his man. As the kids Englishmen on English Boil. It was played at companied by Manager Harrington, of the Cun- and the next day found ua with H. L. Oberlaotfer, say: "He's a dinkey." H, V., ia the box. With the aBaisUoce of the rest of Leyton, a suburb in the east end of London, on ton CJub. On tho way down Doyle fell in com­ If Manager Laug, of Hartford, is looking out for the the beautiful grounds of thy Auburu team tie adminislotea a dose of gooiie epg* dollars, a word of udvice to hia men when playing hero the Essex County pany with the Columbus Club's team and told to the E:mir* boys and won the game. The Auburus Cricket Club, between the Leytons and the them what he was about to do. It seems to be would profit him. Dela>a many and long are the rule, ecuced tut eevt-u hits oft Uoach, la to of NViikeobarre, aud people are about disgusted with the actions of Richmond nines. The nines were helped out by accepted that everything is fair in base ball, and hut theso, coupled with eirors, were sufficient to give Fonier and Henry, who unreasonably and unnecessa­ Auburn three rum ami the game. On Ibeii return the American collegians now here, but the brunt the officials of that club at once set about to rily delaj the game. Talk to them, Lang. of the work was done by Englishmen. [The full outdo Louisville for his services. A Bgure was home the pla>ora w«re met at tue depot by a crowd of Regarding the Southern atid California trip of a GOO or 700 admirer* and a drum curps aud escorted to score, together with characteristic comment named for his falary, which was in excess ol team managed by Burdock and comprising several of the hotel. Aug. Ifl, with "Oby" again In the box, the New Haven team, which was telegraphed yuu last thereon from the London $portiny Life, was the price he had agreed to come to Louisville Cnnandaigvm was defeated by a score of 10 to 2. week, drive a nail in tbe statement tbat it will not ma­ published in our last issue. En.] Will White and his Buffalo aggregation came down for. Mr. Doyle's head commenced to swell terialize. C. The number of innings is not given, but I rapidly. Wben be landed in Lounvitle lie fancied here yesterday aud expected to hare a picnic with the know that seven were played and that the large that he waa tlie $renteat back stop in the bnaineaa, ami Auburua. They had a picnic, too at least the out- A CROOK ABOCT. by the time he reached Secretary Batman's office hii cra­ flt-lderd hud one, pulling b«Ha off of the fences for audience present seemed to enjoy the game o.nd the nium had assumed such proponloas that he demanded Auburus hit "His Sjn-cUclus" very hard, aud but An Expelled Professional Masquerading as quite comprehended it. At least this mu:h has double the original terms. It so nappeneU for the support he received, we wouldn't have stopped been accomplished by the presence of the col­ that jn?t a tew houra be'ore Secretary B«t- scoring yet. He was hit for eight bases, while Mc- an Amateur Vnder an Alias. ttan had received a tetegrara from Jack Duroiott held the Bisons down to fix, but these and Ontfielder Ben Cake and pitcher Hart, of the Rlver- lege boygj they have taught a good many people Chapman fctfcfclr recommending a battery which h« very yellow umpiring gave them the game; score, 3 tous, had quite an unusual experience a week ago. what the game means and how it is played. In had made all arrangements to sina, and which was to to 1. These two well-known and popular amateurs were in­ the game referred to the pitchers were local playera, be had without release money. -Mr. Chapman had George Over and bis Ullca team came very near vited to make up a team to represent Penuington, N. and they caught on to the kicking with wonderful recommended Doyle, bnt In his tete^iviai he gave his Biting trie rag to Elmira by defeating Auburu in the J.. lu a contest against the Flemington Club. When faculty. Mr. Pracys "Wu-a-t?" when what he new finti the preference. Therefore, when Mr. Doyle Iset two games. I said early In the season that if they arrived at the latter'a ground, where tbe game thought was a tall over the plate was called a "ball" demanded an exangcrAted aaliirv Mr, Batman was George and hia pots couldn't get tbe pennant for was to be played, they recognized among (he Flem- quite took me back home iigalu. The pitchers knew* able to place bim*«lf in a very Independent attitude. Utica th«y would have something to say about where The New Third Baseman of the Kansas City Club. Injrfon pUyera the notorious Al KIcbols, who waa nothing of curving, hut they both showed good speed fcoy!« at -first decited that ho fcad agreed to come here it would go. L'lica hacaome good men iu Foul It rod, blacklisted years ago along with Devlin aud Hall by and great accuracy. The Imttiug was the feature of «t the price Btut«d, but Ma?ra«cr Harrington was Bogy, titono, Mouuey and BUtiop.
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