.k- q- G . / h k .Nv . / > / z*y. ' x,xo ï ) -. '- > N > e A >f a .e B . e T H E K E N Y A G A Z E T T E Pzehle ed by Autàority of the Republie ol Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at th: G.P.O.) Vol. LXVIX No. 25 NM ROBI, 5th M ay 1967 Price: Sh. 1/50 U ' CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZETTE No'rlcss-tctprlftf.l PAGE ZAGE The Forests Act-Notice of Intention 488 sankruptcy Jurisdiction 505 The Chiefs' Authority Act- Appointments 488 Th e Companies Act- W inding-up Notices, etc. 506 The Borstal lnstitutions Act- Appointments, etc. 488 The Societies Act- ltegistrations, etc. 5% The Courts Act- Appointments, etc. 489 The Co-operative Socioties AG lg6G-lnquiries . 507 Vacancie's 489 Local Government Notices 509 High Commission Stock 489 Change of ' Name 510 Kenya Stock 490 The W eights and Measures Act-Notiçe to Traders 490 Lost Policies Tenders 490 Dissolution of Partnership 510 Liquor Licensing 490 Transport Licensing 492 The Government Lands Act- Rotul'n of Land Grants . 495 SUPPLEMENT No. 34 The Trust Land Act- Return of Land Grants . 499 Legislative Supplement Trade M arks 500 LEGAL NoTlcs No. PAG: The National Assembly Eledions (Elections) Regulations lgM-polling Areas and Stations . 503 93-The W ild Animals Pfotedion Ad (Controlled Areas) (Changes in Fees) Order 1967 . Probate and Adzninistration . 504 94- The Wild Animals Protection Act (Amendment . The Trade Unions Act-Registration 505 of Schedules) Order 1967 . 135 (487 TH E CH IEFS' AUTHORITY ACT ( Cap . 1 2 8 ) APPOINTMENTS THE FORESTS ACT IN EXERCISE of the powers delegated to me under regulqtion 9 (f7) of the Public Service Commission of Kenya Regulatlons (Cap. 385) 1965, l hereby appoint the persons named in the Schedule annexed M Au NAROK FoREsT-28 DAYS' No.ncE hereto to b'e Chiefs of the areas nam ed therein. IN ACCORDANCE with the provisions of sectipn 4 (2) of the Forests Act, the M inister for Natural Resourcçs hereby N ORTH-EASTERN PROVINCE gives 28 days' notice, with esect from the date of this notice . Ejfective of his intention to declare that the area described in the Name date of Schedule hereto shall be a forest area. Appointment Scl-fEout.E SKirhadli fS Mheoikhha mFeadr ah . DOéggaoddeina . W aljir . 1-37-635 M au Ntyt?k Forest Abdile Iman . Ogaden . W ajir . 1..4-64 An area of approximately 1,970 acres, being ' Public Land Abdullahi Ahmed Ali . Dugodia . W ajir '' . 1-7-64 (L.R. No. 1316/4/R), situated aqproximately 20 miles south Ali Omar Shuria . ljara . Garissa . 1-5-64 of Njoro Town in the Nakuru Dlstrid, Rift Valley Province, the boundaries of which are more particularly delineated, RIFT VALLEY PltovlNcE edged green, on Botmdary Plan No. 175/ 127, whlch is sired, Jonathan Komen Sum- Lower Elgeyo/ sealed with the Seal of Survey of Kenya, and is deposited in beywo. lrong. M arakwet. the Survey Records Ofsce, Survey of Kenya, Nairobi, and a copy of which may be inspected at the oKce of the Divisional Dated this 26th day of April 1967. Forest Olcer, Forest Department, Elburgon. G. K . K ARIITHI, k Permanent Secretary, Dated this 26th day of April 1967. OAce of the Presidcnt. c M G. ARGW INGS KODHBK Minister 1or Natural Resources., QIAZBTTE èfoTlcE '4o. 1690 GAZET'I'E No'rlcE NO. 1692 THE CHIEFS' AUTHORITY ACT (Cap. 128) THE CHIEFS' AUTHORITY ACT APPOINTMSN'I'S (Cap. 128) IN EXERCISE of the powers delegated to me under qegulation 'APPOINTMENTS 9 (f8 of the Public Service Commissipn of Kenya Regulatlons 1965, I hereby lppoint the persons named ln the Schedule annexed hereto IN EXERCISE of the powers delegated to me under regulation to be Chlefs of the areas named therein. 9 (a) of the Public Service Commission of Kenya Regulations 1965, I hereby appoint the persons named in the Schedule annexed hereto to be Chiefs of the areas nam ed therein. RII'T VALLEY JaltovlxcE Efective Name Location District date of Appointment CENTRAL Paovlxcs Ekapolon Londunga Ngaisonyaka/ Turkana 1-1-63 Eyective . Lakuchar. District date of Lotiang Abwangor Ngisonyeka/ 1-4-56 Appointment Lwpkwamathing Mwiya Epukon Npnyapakuno/ 1-12-56 Solomon Ngure Muthuo Kinoo . Kiambu . 6-7-66 Kalspy. John Kuria H . Goko . Ndum beri Kiam bu . 6-7-66 Ebei Ekiru Ngikallk/ Erastus Gathua Muroki Muguga . Kiambu . 9-8-66 Chqkuchok. Robert Kabnri . Limuru . Kiambu . 27-9-66 Naro Nanda Ngatelia/ 1-11-62 Karanja M wlchigi . Ngecha . Kiambu . 1.-11-66 Lakichoggia. Herpdan Githaiga Muita Naru M oru. Nyeri . 1-8-66. Merimuk Mekede Ngusetou/ 10-12-62 W illlam Kirogo W anjohi Kipipiri . Nyandarua 20-6-66 K oteka. Kuria Muniu . Ndaragwa/ Nyandarua 20-6-66 Ingolol Aleperr Ngikapptuk/ 1-1-65 Leshau Loglnam a. Rubia Achangani . Dundori . Nyandarua 25-1-67 Lochodo Ngimamong/ 1-1-48 Joel Njenga Gachiengo . Kakuzi . Murang'a 1-1-59 Lochukume Njpalu. Ethuron Thomas Ngislger/ 1-1-65 Dated this 28th day of April 1967. M achuch. Lonugumu. Katir Erupe Ngawyqkwara/ 1-12-64 G. K.. K ARIITHI, Laklrtama. Permanent Secretary, PMaurrsearuot i OO1e Ngui Keakpotzntlyeol kie Kajiad,o, 12-18-4585 OAce of the Pres ident. Lomoiko. Maora Lolpisia Lpdlkelyni 1-W-61 ' Pu1 Sski Slghlrarl 1-7-63 Payial Somoire Ukisongo, Orok- ' 18-2-67 K eyeny Subuko. Gazsl'rs N o'rlcE No. 1693 Salaach Kanponyi Darobo Leroghi Samburu 12-1-61 (28/5,/17A/Vo1. 111) Leperen Lekllçme Legpppi ,, 1-12-62 M akalan Lolklnyâti 11 Plslglshu ,, 1-1-67 Daudi Cheptorus Lembus Baringo 25-4-66 THE BORSTAL INSTITUTIONS ACT Samuel C . Cheptoo Loboi ,, 1-2-66 Cherop C.hepsongol Kaboskei ,, 1-5-63 (Cap. 92) Thomas Lokwari Karessi ,, 11-1-66 Chebet Kipkemei Endolpis ,, 10-12-62 APPOINTMENT AND CANCELLATION UF APPOINTMENT GeoFrey Kupkut Subotl Trans-Nzoia 3-10-64 lo BOARD ob' VISITORS Chebu sl Kirongis O1e M aune M au Narpk 1-6-66 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 20 of the Clluma Arap Ruta Turbo Uasln-Gishu 1-10-64 Borstal Institutions Act, the Permanent Secretary, Viceœ resident's Kipksoske Slrma M oiben ,, 1-2-61 OEce and Ministry of Home Affairs*, hereby appoints- W BSTERN PltovlNcE MosEs M UsI AKOLA Charles Muga Tiriki Kakamega 23-2-67 and cancels the appointmentç' of- EASTERN PRovlxcE JOHN SPENCER BoR M oham ed D uale lsiolo Township Isiolo 1-1-66 Jam . as M embers of the Board of Visitors to the Borstal Institution Simeon M utuku Donyo Sabuk M achakos 17-2-66 at Shikusa in the Kakamega District, W estern Province. Jonah Kiamba Mukaa ,, 6-9-66 M angaya. N orman M wania M bitini 28-10-66 Dated this 26th day of April 1967. Mueke NAIROBI ARF;A A. J. OMANGA, Kam au K ariuki Kassarani N airobi Area 20-3-67 Permanent s'ccrefcry, Dated this 24th day of April 1967. Vice-presldent's OFce and . G . K. KARIITH I, Permanent Secretary, Minâfry ol Home a4fcH . Ox'ce of the Pres ident. *L.N. 692/63. I'G.N. 4757/66. / 5th M ay 1967 TH E K EN YA GAZETTE 489 GAZET'I'E NOTICE No. 1694 Accouluant Grade I1, Ministry oj Lands and Settlement (.No. 148/67) THE COURTS ACT (C Salary Jcc!t'.-f850 to f 1,060. ap. 10) Applicants must be civil servânts with at least three years' No'FIcE satisfadory 'accounting experience in a responsible posltion. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 of the They should have successfully complçted an Advanced Accounts course at the Kenya Institute of Administration. A thorough Courts Act, the Chief Justice hereby grants to- knowledée of Government Regulations, Financial Orders and KANTILAL KARSANDAS CHOHAN the Exchequer System is essential as is ability to control staf a M agistrate empowered to hold a Subordinate Court* of the and conduct correspondence. first class, full jurisdiction over all persons in al1 dvil matters in which the value of the subject matter in dispute does not Senior Producer, Ministry oj Injormation and Broadcasting exceed three thousand shillings. , (No. 149/67) Dated this 26th day of April 1967. Salary .5cJ/c.-f850 to f1,060. PENSIONABLE or AGREE- A. J. AINLEY, MENT. ' Chiej Justice. Applicants should be graduates with an approved degre,e in Arts, Social Sciences, Literature or Journalism, or alternatively should have not less than iive years' exm rience in education, journalisnz, communications or allied professional fields. Fluency GAZETTE No'rlcs N o. 1695 in both oral and written English and Swahili is essential. Appll- cants must be able to develop ideas for programme.s and carry THE COURTS ACT them through to completion, performing the nccessary research scripting, interviewing and presentation. Knowledge of musio (Cap. 10) and drama would be helpful and experience in the organization APPOINTMENT OF M &GISTRA.TE and expression .of ideas and information is essential. They must be personable and able to associato freely and easily with IN EXBRCISE of the powers conferred by section 3 of the all types of pcople, must possess initiative, imagination and Courts Act and delejated by the Judicial Service Commission vision and be able to work independently with little or no in writing under sectlon 185 (2) of the Constitution of Kenya, supervision. Their interests must be broad and they must have the Chairman hereby appoints- a healthy curiosiq about the world and its environment. Pre- Nlcllol-As KIPCHUMBA MBBRIA vious experience ln broadcasting is not necessaq but there who is a District Assistant in the Laikipia District, to be a must be willingness to learn and master certain mlnimal tech- magistrate with power to hold a subordinate court of the third niques in 1he operation and use of broadcast equipment.
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