'Cross-Country Running £> Trotting & Soccer & Bowling £> Comment ** Trap Shooting ** Golf BALMY WEATHER NAMES SCHEDULE BOARD' BROOKLYNS AGA1N Comment and Gossip Nathan Straus Buys Fair Oov. Tcner Reappoints Ebbets BRINGS OUT 'CROSS- to Committee on Dates. WIN IN CUP TIE on of the of Fame PreHdeiit John K. Ten-i nf th. Na- Speedway the Sports Day lacreaeed COUNTRY Maiden, tionai League neamberehtp SQUADS of ih<- league'fl acbedule commlttee bj the In aome cloao an.1 hard feughl atruggl*- api'oihtment ..f charlea H. Ebbeta, of the Humble the Clan McDonalo Side of John K. Te- Hunt $2,000 for i The tine weather yaaterday brought Happy There i- a. methlng to bo i-aid then for the Pays Irving of the Rnad Drlvera' Hrooklyn club, an.i John Heydler, aacre- at.-md Govcr Shows to Field [man* membera ot Team in of ner, New President of the tak.-n l>\ ;t nunih.-i of captalna of Way Bip; Trotter. of Her taaocUttion of New Vork an.i their tary th- league, to-day Replay th. Champion |)r-4 fu.xs. of the Pittsb;ir.h leading Baatern tnlveratUea nn.i by in Invitation Run of St. for Irtal The track was llarne.4 Soccer Fixture. Th.- Class Last Season. horaeo oul Bpina tn.. nf th- com- National League. Harvard Alumnl Bulletin." Itahowa and heavy, bowever. Among theaa Iclub, 44II1 remaln at head that the is lhal the Anselm's Club. Imudd) mittee ns the OOl eriiors perOOnal r«|>re- leaven worklni aad OUI w.-re: Willlam 0*Netll, who piloted ci usa.i. t-. coi- In Mr. Ebbeta to long ini|.i ove tho moralo of tiiH paoer Huerta to a vtetor) over aentatlve, raaujapotntlng am a TRACK after an aboence SIDE lego athletlca is bearlng frull MANY BRUSHES ON Irving V*. Huat'a Clever Patch; 11 B. ih- aehedeie oommlttae, MAN FROM EACH CHANCE FOR TINKER titm on ROTH WINS SCRATCH tii- aame of aeveral tbe Oov* i.n.-v.T in profeeetonal ooachlng, KROM vs 111, ( ..iu i'-r and \\ iiiiam 'from yeara, 11 ii ke, Bo). the Hrook¬ ORDERED OFF FIELD TO CUT SOME COUPONS th.- theorj thal the heal teachen are auro Sc.tt, aith Loulae i" Theea furntahed erner glvea full recognltlon te t<> k Patch «-i ii ii 4.iine aad lontr ex- gel the beal reaulta bul ihia no rea Jones Gentry Beats Clover aome taitereetlng competltlona. lyn preetdent'a son wh) the puplla ahould conae'nl t«. ko Defcals Forty Contcstants in the perlen4*e aa an -xpcrt s. hednl tnaker. After Two Heats ,)..,. i.h h Murray, tha a Into tho flnal t.-st on leading Btringa, ae to Lively ptofeeelonal Celtics Eliminate Holly¬ Be in Four-Mile Race of the bad Jonea Oentry, :.(»..'«. a Orand Brooklyn Superbas Likely To Fight apeak, and madi t" feel denendenl on a W ins Last Inches. driver, by Clrcuil oul en the .iii..-, and wood Eleven in Contest - A. porformer, for Pennant, and More. Too, I"horae" In t..kiti»; aa "The Bulletin" ig> Bronxdale C. bruehea Mi GOULLET LOST SIX al thelr nal examlnatlon Nathan fftraui added ¦ chamidon trot« after aeveral challenged for n.int and his lovei Patch. -i"i Qei Trophy. by Looks of Things. - Thi balnt) areatbei ><r yeeterda) t,, i,. hbt Bta le when a i'"" baaed "In t.. Ihe d. mand of V*. Ilunl ti. eaptured tho honora ln twp atralahl POUNDS IN RACE thelr tie cano iea|**nae brought out an aaceptlonall] large num- l*aii llalden. i". from Irving Bepkaylng eup game, Herbert. more llian probablc that tha foi *.:."." Palr Maldcn aa heata bul only aftei an azcltlng battla bj the American Pootbell AaaerleUon ba By siaiieis in runa ot yeatcrda) aill b. In ber ol ibe Invitation duritiK ln fact, tho PJnlah ol tho aecond hruah eauae »o th- a dea.i. long llve the kl f.' playera numbered the Btaaon tne cliHinlnon <>f her divlsn.l. tho Clark. Kramcr and Europeans Get of aatfaglatered ptayer, klng <>f imi' s.i the 4.-iii<iiis riiiiis. Bl Anaelm'a Ath .-.t v..,-. bo eloac thal it looked to many of < lub mual have heen Ihe of manj aaya vValtei Camp, "f YaAe, Tba paai aeaaon, arlnnlng tbe point cup eleven af tbe Brooklyn Peethall feellttf in his the like a dead beal to Sail for Long defeal to the ||| t'ans laal weeh who WOTO loyal rtvlea of thi aeaaon In "Coltlere" ii tlc dub, of The Bronx, had th> prlaa Ihe april c aummer and fall mallaeea Bpectatora Ready once more a4mlnlatered I of I >..-. ni'.. j.» (in. bo a war in the '¦lan af Bvooklyn, bg a acore ..'eat national k..iik Thotn.ts .1 ma) pardoned pacll nf the day, f«>t ntw athletea 44.1t Mi. m mn boughl "air llalden oj.ing bruah Jonea Oentry Grind in Paris. IfeDonalda, f'H Baylna: Al thlng* come to Ihoae who f..r .!/.... and when Mr. Btraua .et a stlff fOI his opponent. At of I aoala te I before two thouaand per aaa releaaed *^ prealdenl of tiie th.- coutai ago pace Ja.-kle <lark, wbo Btarted .<* fa4.,nt- In T reform long In this over three-and-a quarter*mlle the gum tha the Clover Patch be- p ,,t tte Oval yeaterda) aft< r- National League. it *s tht ktndeal word urged offered t>- pa) hlm double quarter-mlle poal »-»*..¦ arlll bave an llarqui .. of Boaton the Oardeti alx-day eoluinn gol good i"i>ti...i.i ihia s.uson Wllllam Gover, fortnerl) f..i iii.-i Kali llalden -aweead gan lo fall back, bul Mr. Hunl urged III...M ,vhi.!: -..i' i.<- uaed Oovernor John K accepted oiher at a long neai monCh, aa and ..ill be ael omed ln fulneaa noa Ihe Brona Church tr) grlnd ware avea m the tlral half er was elected greatei rcpreaentlng Mi St;.. ..- faal trotl.-i DeOVOI ln his -harge on, and although picklng the i'anv race, llonore ol Peiina)lvanla ;. he aigned i" compete Ih II. a! Houae, broke tbe arorated arlnner after race weeka agu. and ai* ui. n. i. h ground wa- defeated bj half a --ai! a. i> team Bcortng a goal bul the ot tho National Leaaue. r*rorn Uie aeveral which atarta on Fanuary1 II He wlll :i hi.-.i battle. Qover M>e.i over the fln .¦. \4.1s ao of the 44. .. i f oa .. thi mare waa b atea her length on keen thal two playera tho lub aera hana< .- ..> tho'iah for the Pranee, Attentloi been called .< >:-t.ik. lah i<s^ 1h1.11 thlrt) yarda ln advance of The Beeond he.it aaa one of the moal Burope vVedneadaj ordered off the ftetd one l m 1 ach aldi >...s ncrraaar). and th* change waajnade formanre Impreaaed him. Ooullet, arbo alao haa a rnaih in thla column a week ago In John foM.ii... .1 dubmate. John Koukup Been on the drlva when Alfred .so that there arere twentj men, m .-¦ ln Btraua on lha Harleu thrllllng engagementa i>e a onl) i:.\s there la nu Bentlmenl aaying R ik< m araa onl. Mi appcared contract f..> the Parii eonteat, wlll beaten by ..f the VomiK Men'a Catbollc Lyceum, ef r H. > this aummer. The Murray gekllng araa atead of to contlnue thi aa end <«f baaeball anj more " Bpei Iwaj aith hla nea Irotti Kun.pean twenty-two, Prlnceton and thi Arm) alao ;. lik- .listance follow paaaenger. Th- aii ln thi Wesleyan College Point, araa thlrd, lhal he boughl al Ihi re preaeed hard ali the aay, bul managod Kr.mk atraggle In the aecond petiod. aflller, the an) Bentlmenl defi tited and bt .. 4- ore ol '." McKlnney, ridera and Ihe American champion, Uulgera i.. hlnd i>i.. to wln Inchea. Owing to tha condltlona inaaao rlght had been muel lleaa oratl. m. it mattered nol ,-,.,,t Olorj -ali In aladlaon Bquare b) 4veii as Prank aflhlon an<l Brooklyna' .;... .¦. 44..i- he onlj one that kepl pai of th" tr.uk no time wn-- taken of the Krami r, aa Ho\ie. half for the Tom .'. n< h aaa .¦¦.. at, fi ¦¦ '. bi .n.; .;..I. foi li.-"1 The geldlna ahowed A^^- haraaaad by righl w n ii the fio-.i MaeFarland, bothCycleRaemg i Jimmy Fllagerald, Bngllafa pro In Beveral ol Iho bruahi clanamen, untll the backing goi on bli n tht admlnlati al Ion of h The midsl ipim n al \ nnapolia ela teil a ¦pred -.1 alao «'" k" on tn* reaaional, 44h.. led Ihe field The Ihree latlon offlciala, aervee. ftttller then Btarted in to chaatbi ti.-liil nfll. lle 'lld H"t till the le.iUII. fool ba \. ho a aforan, captain, |>t a< licall) wa leadera kepl bunched fm three mllee,then -am- boat -I-.- Pogler, Jlmmle wlthoul Bral coneultlng the v ,.| i. ,- i-i loua ond i ipei crltlcai luti 'i thla >.-.i-,.i ^isi \ear tha Pred mn Hoyte, ;,,\, ¦ .. .1 ln api Intlng ;i4v;i4 rrom Eddle Root, Reggle McNamara, referee That ofBclal flent both i.e owed bla poaitlon, and cadeta al Weal Point elected Benn) Hoge. bul In BOWLING RECORDS FULL SCORES FOR ,,,.,i ufred Orenda may nuw h'- wi,n ,h'' hla rlvala Coatello gave ehaae, io the Blde linea v. arlttei .- Thi who failed lo atarl agalnai Ihe Navy. 4;iin party ahot tbe goa mual i.ali/e ..li tlns Moal Tho istlfled and no durlng tbe Brooklyn winntng The autnmaiv folloa 1 LARCHMONT GUNS i inst abo :t Ma pounda n A h irrk ane ".
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