s o m o r> H m o —Sen-ing the Town Since 1890 — m 31 r a a i> o £ tn -a o -0 I O •0 O ISPStttM OUR 14 Thursday, October 10,1991 wy Tiwniajr 232-4407 FORTY CENTS PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS WOULD PROVIDE FUNDING FOR REVITALIZATION Three Presentation Speakers Advocate Special Improvement District Program Increase in Downtown Business and Property Values Could Result If Proposal Is Given Approval for Westfield's Shopping Area By SARAH KRIMSKI ings, creating efficient parking poli- Spttiall) Wnllrn/er The WeslfteU Under the program implemented that not The Chairman of the Chamber of cies and painting and cleaning enough business would be generated Commerce Special Improvement Several Westfield merchants und bu ilding facades were all elements of to make up Ihe monetary difference. property owners gathered on District Committee, Robert Newell, Cranford's improvement program, Other business owners, such as thanked the audience for their atten- Wednesday night in the Municipal she said. Joseph Specter of the Leader Store, Building to listen to three speakers dance and questions. Several Westfield merchants at- asked local merchants to keep an "We need information and feed- who explained a New Jersey town tended ihe meeting. open mind and carefully listen to the revitalization plan called "Special back, and if you are interested please Concemscemered around fear that proposals. let us know," he said. Improvement District." once an assessment was. made and Patrick Henry, who helped imple- ment the program in 1984 inTrcnton, and Peter Borrorio, who established Englewood's Special Improvement Mayor Bagger Names Members District plan, as well as Mrs. Meryl Layton, who is the former head of the Downtown Improvement Group in Cranford and owns the Quimby Street Of Board to Review Insurance Book Shop in Westfield, all spoke on By ROHERT R. FASZCZEWSKI thisyear;Mr.Quinn and Mr. Locascio whom he said, was not beholding to the benefits of utilizing the program. Specialty Written ft» The WetlfielJ Ijeader next year, Mr, Firestone in 1993. any faction in thetown.forhis interest After hosting a speaker last June Another step in the town's plan to All five were members of the in- in insurance matters. from the New Jersey Main Slieet change the methods through which il surance Advisory Committee which In another action, the council program, the Westfield Area Cham- procures insurance was taken at recommended the insurance reform adopted an ordinance extending Ihe ber of Commerce decided to look Tuesday night's Town Council procedures which currently arc being no parking zone around the driveway into other possibilities for downtown meeting wilh the announcement by implemented. of the Duncan Hill apartment complex revitalization. Mayor Richard H. Bagger of the ap- The MayornotedTuesday that none on Central Avenue from 60 to 88 feet Mr. Henry told the audience the SALE KICKOFF...A1cxander Opoulus.righMhe national director of lh« ABC pointment of an Insurance Review of the five will be seeking contracts and prohibiting parking in an area of division of Inlerbcke Foods, Inc., signs a contract to supply cookies for the Special Improvement District pro- Board. • for insurance from the town this year. the street across from the complex Washington Rock Girl Scout Council's annual cookie sale while Mrs. Joan K. gram was more complete than the Undernew insurance procurement On a related matter, Anthony between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. Corbet, Ihe President of (he council's Beard of Directors, approves the contract Main Street program because, unlike procedures, approved by the council LaPorta, the member of the Insurance The parking changes were made to with the Elizabeth-based bakery. Please see a story on Page 22. Main Street, the Special Improvement in July, the committee will participate Advisory Committee who disagreed allow for safer exit from the complex, District has funding to support it. in theseIcctionoflhree broker/agents with the majority recommendation Councilman MacRitchie noted. Mr. Henry explained the downtown who will provide sealed quotes onull that the closed quote system of pro- A similar reason was given by the High School Band Wins could be managed and funding could the coverages which lend themselves curement be used und endorsed an Councilman for the introduction of be possible through an annual revenue to this system. open, competitive bidding system, an ordinance lo prohibit parking on source based on a property assessment After reviewing the three quotes asked if Ihe council would act on his Grove Street near Floral Court. tobe approved by the Town Council. with members of the town adminis- recommendation to forbid anyone The parking measure adopted Group Crown in Union Assessment fees waulci be paid to tration, the committee will recom- with town or county political con- Tuesday also will add a two-hour IPLCASC SEE A PICTURE ON FAOE 3) a group of volunteer business owners mend at the beginning of next year nections from being involved in'the parking zone on Park Street between The Westfield High School Blue The opening ceremonies will begin who then would establish an annual one insurance producer to procure insurance procurement process. Carleton Road and Boulevard and Devil MarchingBand participated in at 12:30 p.m., and there will be 12 budget. these coverages for the town. Council Finance Chairman Wil- will allow for commuter permit its first competition Saturday, at area bands that will be competing for "My estimate is by the end of 1 ')92 Appointed to thelnsurance Review liam JubbCorbet, Jr. replied hiscom- parking in th<*o-called Shell mu- Union High School, and for the sec- trophies in various divisions. we will have 20 Special Improvement Board Tuesday by the Mayor were: mittee wou Id be meeting the week of nicipal parking lot on North Avenue Districts operating. We now have! 0. < Keith Ffjtttone, a Democni and An At- ond year in a row earned a first-place Westfield also will perform in ex- lomey, and tha Vice Freildent and Genital October 22 and Mr. LaPorta's rec- until Ihe demand for in-town em- CP overall for Group No. 2. hibition. There may be more movement to Counsel ol Iha Commercial Life Inaurance ommendation would be discussed at ployee parking makes it necessary to JjJ The band also came in first for creating the districts in New Jersey Company. again ban commuler permit parking Aftei a month of intense practice, - William A. Qulnn, an Insurance Brolcei lor that time. marching, music, second for drum than any other East Coast slate," Mr. Curoon A Black. Fourth.Ward Councilman James in the lot. A the band entertains fans at all the high ~ majors and third for percussion. school football games and in addition Henry said. • Michael P. Locaacio, a Mcenwd Iniuunce Hely said, however, there was little In a bir of good news related at != Mr. Borrorio explained a combi- Plod uc«r and th«BrolceroiRBCordforFanwood. ' This year the band consists of 43 lo this, it competesagainstother bands • Donald J. LeahJck, an Underwriting Su- support for Mr, LaPorta's recom- Tuesday's meeting, the Mayor said jg musicians and 10 colorguurd mem- in the tri-slate area who are members nation of both the Special Improve- pervisor torCNA Inaurance Company. mendation on the council because the town this week was raled first in ment District and MinStreet programs - John J, Kioul, a Partner In Bladea, C£> beis, which is a new addition to the , of the Cadets Marching Band Coop- Macaulay, Grout & Mayan, Rlfk Man«aom«u insurance procurement never has been Union County in fiscal management ""* group. erative. has increased business by 92 per cent Conaultanu. political in the town. in a private study by Municipal The drum majors are Maisha The cooperative is under the aus- inEnglewood. The terms of Mr. Crout and Mr. Third Ward Councilman Kennelh Analysis Services Inc. of Austin, Easton, Owen Evans and Debbie pices of the Cadets of Beigen County. A concentration on management Lcshick will expire Dccember3l of L. MacRitchie thanked Mr. LaPorta, Pianko. During the competitions bands arc and "making sure everybody pays The band is under the direction of judged and awarded points for their and everyone is on the team. This is Miss Linda King, who is assisted by music, marching and overall effect. key to making this work," he said. James Beil.andlhe guard is under Ihe The season ends with the finals in Mrs. Layton, who headed Planning Board Denies Subdivision direction of Miss Laurie Heinbach. November, which are held at Giant Cranford's Downtown Management Therepertoire is ajazzshow, which Stadium in East Rutherford. Committee, expressed several posi- consists of Caravan,St.Thomas.Sing, tive as well as negative aspects of During the 1990 season, the Blue Cranford improvement efforts. Sing, Sing and Like a Lover. Devils earned an overall first place in Of Fire-Damaged House Property The drill, written by Larry their division at the competition held She explained Cranford shoppers were going elsewhere and that a Hv SARAH KRIMSKI property currently listed by Ihe town Flynn, Monday asked the board to Ambrosio, consists of mun intricate in Union, as well as best music and Specially Written far Thr Wnlfietd Leader moves which must be executed while Special Improvement District pro- as one continuous lot. approve the application and indicated first-place drum majors. Mr. and Mrs. William Clark once The board, concerned with the the musicians are playing and the At the finals last year they again gram needed to be looked into. Ihe fire-damaged slruclurc on the guard is working. again came before Ihe Westfield neglected condition of the properly, property at 346 Soulh Avenue would earned first-place overall in their di- "Business.people were very skep- Planning Board on Monday asking agreed to postpone approval and also The Wcstficld High School Band vision, and also were awarded a first tical," Mrs.
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