\ to - MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Aug. 24, 1984 NOTICE TO CREOITOR8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ton Sales 69 Cars/Trucks for Sale 71 Motorcycles/BIcycles 72 Rec Vehicles E S TA TE OF E S T A T E OF 7 3 WILLIA/IA J. KLIAAAS, GEORGE PORTERFIELD, CALI deceased. deceased. The Hon. William E. Flti- The Hon. William E. Fitz­ TAG ^L E — Come to 1979 IM P A LA , V-8 — BOY'S 20 " SEAR'S bike. 1981 JET SKI — Hardly Gerald, Judge, of the Court Gerald, Judge, of the Court Excellent condition. of Probate, District of Man­ of Probate, District of Man­ Cooper Hill plant seen Reagan administration MACC market our best sale of the year. Fully equipped. Good used. With or without chester at o hearing held on chester at a hearlno held on Baby Items, crotts, condition. Call 643-6010. Blue. $25. Call 643-1228. trailer. 1981 A.T.C. (2). August 21, 1984 ordered thot August 21, 1984 ordered that household and more. Sot- Call 875-1497. 647-9946 dll claims must be presented oM claims must be presented as temporary shelter site urdoy, August 2Sth, 10am- CAMARO, 1976 — V-8, 22 " BOY'S BIKE — Good to the fiduciary on or before to the fiduciary on or before cuts oil leasing plans gets a visit condition. $25. Coll 649- ovember 21, 1984 or be November 21, 1984 or be 4pm. Rain Date: Sunday. power steering, power TO SUBSCRIBE orred as by law provided. barred as by law provided. 126 B o lto n S tre e t, brakes, manual trans­ 0083. MIsc. Automotive 76 Dianne E. Vuslnas, Dianne E. Yusinas, ... page 3 page 5 ... page 11 Manchester. mission, AM/FM, 8 Ass't. Clerk Ass't. Clerk YAM AH A XS400, 1979 — The fiduciary Is: The fiduciary Is: track. Low miles. Call T O D A Y Ii Diane H. Morrison The Connecticut Bonk & HOUSEPLANTS, after 5pm, 871-7181. Runs well. $450. Call 647- SIX TIR ES — 750-16, spilt 30 Adelaide Road Trust Co., N.A. GLASSW ARE and mis­ 7792. rims, tubes and tires. $40 Manchester, C T 06040 One Constitution Plaza CORDOBA, 1977 — 63,000 052-0B Hartford, Ct. 06115- cellaneous. Saturday, each. Call 643-9633 or Attention; R. J. Monahan 9am to 3pm, August 25th, miles, air conditioning, 649-2708 after 6pm. Your assurance of quick KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE "’by Larry Wright 053-08 power seats, radlals. Rec Vehicles 7 3 20 Fulton Road. response when you ad­ Must sell, going Into ser­ PLACING AN AD In clas­ vice. $2500 or best offer. vertise In Classified is INVITATION TO BID TA G SALE — August sified is 0 very eosv, that our reoders are Sealed bids will be received W arm today Manchester, Conn. 2Sth, 10-4. 539 Bush HIM After 4pm, 528-8234. 1970 BETHANY POP UP In the Office of the Director simple process. Just dial ready to buy when they W MTT6N CfHHieti'S HAHDBooK Road, Manchester. Col­ CAMPER — Sleeps, ex­ of General Services, 41 Cen­ Saturday, Aug. 25, 1984 643-2711. We'll help you turn to the little adS; l-ti easy to but yeo ^Kould ter Street, Manchester, Con­ and S unday lectibles, beds, desks, 1972 CHEVY PANEL V* cellent condition. $1000. word your ad for maxi­ 643-2711. VieVBtr put tuna bekivl instead necticut, until September 10, Single copy: 254 chairs, new and used TON — V-8. Exchanged Call 647-8902. mum response. (A pevfowe betoye a big nijkt out. 19B4 at 11:00 p.m. for the fol­ — See page 2 clothing, electric fire­ 28.000 miles. Automatic. lowing: place and miscellaneous. Heavy duty springs, (1) PURCHASE OF ONE (1) 1985 15,000* C O M BINATIO N HanrhpBlpr HrralJi shocks, new tires and CELEBRITY CIPHER LOADER/BACKHOE WITH TOYS, GAMES, CUR­ paint (2500 miles), spe­ CBfDrtty Ciptttr cryptogrtm* ar* cr— tad from quotattona by famoua paopia. paat and praaant. TWO (2) TRADE-IN UNITS TAIN S, household Items cial built racks with Each latlar lo tba dphar Manda tor anomar. fodlay'a ctoa.- R aouate L ■ (2) PURCHASE OF ONE (1) NEW 1985 COMBINATION and much more! 112 In­ rollers for contractors by CONNIE WIENER VACUUM CATCH BASIN dian Hill Trail, Glaston­ staging. Call 6 to 6:30pm, CLEANER AND HIGH bury. Saturday, August 649-4730. “AZALMUKA NARRC 8A O’ZA WEP CIFW EK PRESSURE SEWER 25th, 9om to 1pm. CLEANER WITH TRADE-IN The Town of Manchester is E B s trik e 1977 CELIC A G T — Good OKNALACNOKD ROHA, Q IN CU8AN08AC O on equal opportunity em­ FLEA MARKET — Man­ condition. 5 speed. Indian jetliner ployer, and requires an affir­ chester Grange Hall. Sep- AM /FM stereo. $2950. NWOKV ON’C OAAK KUNWOKD QIN mative action policy for oil of tember 15th. Space its Contractors ond Vendors leaves bad Call 646-2092. os o condition ot doing busi­ available. Call 649-9294. ness with the Town, os per 1976 AMC PACER — 6 CNUSEFW POCNILGEKFAC EKP CARH- Federal Order 11246. 2 TA G SALE — Saturday, cylinder, automatic, air, Bid Forms, plans and specltl- f i l i n g s 2 August 25th, 10am to 4pm. 76.000 original miles. FUKFALK.” — FELM DLEKN. odtlons are available at the hijacked with General Services Office, 41 158 Grandview Street. Looks good, runs good, PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "Every time I take a step today, I'm reminded of my Center Street, Manchester, GROTON (UPI) - A new Some antiques, yard very dependable. $995 for baseball career. My body aches all over trom all It look to play the game." — Connecticut. TOWN OF MANCHESTER, three-year contract putting 500 equipment. "Something quick sale. Call 649-6039. Joe DIMagglo for Everyone!" CONNECTICUT draftsmen out of work indefinitely ROBERT B. WEISS, went into effect F'riday ending iW VOLKSWAGON, Type 3 GENERAL MANAGER e 1SS4 by NEA. Inc. 2S1 051-08 93 on board longest strike in the hi.story of Ihe^ TA G SALE — On Lillian wagon, 1971 — Fuel Inlec- Street, off Oakland tlon. Runs. Needs some r -' Navy’s prime builder of nuclear Street. Saturday, August work. $450 or best offer. submarines. 4 25th, 10 to ? Call 647-7792. Cors/Trucks for Sole 71 cors/Trucks for Sole 71 Cors/Trucks for Sole 71 Cors/Trucks for Sole 71 Cors/Trucks for Sole 71 Can/Trucks for Sole 71 KARACHI, Pakistan (UPI) — Lahore, where they claimed) to Leaders of the Marine Drafts­ 5 Sikh terrorists demanding to go to have enough explosives to bloi/up men’s Association acknoVledged AU G U ST 25th 8. 26th. 1979 PONTIAC STATION the United States seized an Indian the plane and threatened to/exe- their displeasure with the new Childrens clothes, mis­ WAGON — ■ Grand Le jetiiner with 93 peopie aboard cute a passenger every 15 mihutes conlracl but accepted it because cellaneous. 30 Westfield Mans, automatic, power Friday, forced it to iand in unless the plane was refpeled, they were worried about what Sfreet. 9am to 4pm. steering, air condition­ Pakistan and then ordered it to the Pakistani officials said. would happen if the 14-month-long ing. New brakes, shocks, strike continued. Persian Guif after threatening to At one point, a hijacker atltacked TAG SALE CLEARANCE exhaust. $2300. Call 646- "No one will attempt to try to — August 25th. Rain 4519. execute their hostages. co-pilot B.L. Ghai with a pe p knife, defend the package,” said E. Roy Date: August 26th,9am to y The plane, commandeered dur­ but he suffered only minorinjuries Colville, president of the associa­ 4pm. 85 Brookfield FOR SALE: 1972 PLY­ ing a domestic flight in India, set and no other passengers were hurt, tion. " It’s very bad.” Street. We have: Desks, MOUTH FURY — Auto­ off for the Gulf state of Bahrain Pakistani officials said. assorted rugs, tables, matic, 360. $650 or best Of the 1,000 votes cast Thursday clocks, chairs, curtain offer. Call 647-9696. after refueling stops in Lahore and Indian aviation officiafk said night. 68.5 percent accepted the rods, lamps, Venetian Karachi in Pakistan, where they there were 87 passengers and six contract. blinds, makeup mirrors, 1979 C U T L A S S S U ­ released seven passengers, offi­ crew members aboard when the The vote ends the longest strike hair dryers, tape re­ P R E M E — Many options. cials said. plane left the Indian state of in the history of the General Dynamics subsidiary and the corders, electric broom, Excellent condition. A control tower official in Punjab, which militant members house paint, dishes. In- second -prolonged strike by the $4900. Call 644-8217 after I Manama. Bahrain, said a telex of the Sikh religion want to turn fant/toddler furniture 5pm. draftsmen in five years. and winter clothing and from Karachi said the plane would into an independent country About 900 draftsmen returned lo men's and women's clo­ 1952 PLYMOUTH CON­ land in Bahrain at about 7; 10 p.m. named Khalistan. work during the strike. thing plus lots more! VERTIBLE ■— Good run­ E D T after a flight of some two The hijackers released five Of the 1,150 remaining strikers, Come pay us a visit, there ning condition. $1950. hours, but he added that by 7:30 passengers in Lahore, where au­ about 150 will return to work within Is something for 742-9600, keep trying. iv J p.m. the plane had not arrived thorities allowed the plane to be the next three weeks. An additional everyone! The terrorists — numbering at refueled and take off with 88 people 500 are expected to return before 4 the end of the year.
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