AN ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY A i ^/^JLiXtiLnJ** fay* ZuL ju *~x s*~ ~f"'/^/^^%& / Printers in the Kitchen and Other Recent Discoveries: G. E. Bentley, Jr.'s Annual Checklist VOLUME 39 NUMBER 1 SUMMER 2005 £%Uae AN ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY www.blakequarterly.org VOLUME 39 NUMBER 1 SUMMER 2005 CONTENTS Article Blake's Proverbs of Hell: St. Paul and the Nakedness of Woman William Blake and His Circle: By Howard Jacobson 48 A Checklist of Publications and Discoveries in 2004 By G. E. Bentley, Jr. Review Minute Particulars Joyce H. Townsend, ed., William Blake: The Painter at Work Reviewed by Alexander Gourlay 49 Blake's Four ... "Zoa's"? By Justin Van Kleeck 38 Poem William Blake's A Pastoral Figure: Some Newly Revealed Verso Sketches Cold Colloquy By Robert N. Essick 44 By Warren Stevenson 54 "Great and Singular Genius": Further References to Blake (and Cromek) in the Scots Magazine By David Groves 47 ADVISORY BOARD G. E. Bentley, Jr., University of Toronto, retired Nelson Hilton, University of Georgia Martin Butlin, London Anne K. Mellor, University of California, Los Angeles Detlef W Dorrbecker, University of Trier Joseph Viscomi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Robert N. Essick, University of California, Riverside David Worrall, The Nottingham Trent University Angela Esterhammer, University of Western Ontario CONTRIBUTORS G. E. Bentley, Jr., 246 Macpherson Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4V 1A2 Canada G. E. BENTLEY, JR., writes on Blake's bibliography, biography, Nelson Hilton, Department of English, University of texts—and copperplates (in press). Georgia, Athens GA 30602 Email: [email protected] JUSTIN VAN KLEECK is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Virginia currently working on a dissertation on the history David Worrall, Faculty of Humanities, The Nottingham of editions of the Four Zoas manuscript. He is also the proj• Trent University, Clifton Lane, Nottingham NG11 8NS U.K. ect manager for the William Blake Archive. When not slaving Email: [email protected] away on Blake in some form or another, he is also a poet. ROBERT N. ESSICK is professor emeritus of English at the Uni• versity of California, Riverside, and a research scholar at the INFORMATION Huntington Library. His hobby is collecting and writing about Blake. BLAKE/AN ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY is published under the sponsorship Dr. DAVID GROVES edited volumes five and six of the new Works of the Department of English, University of Rochester. Subscrip• of Thomas De Quincey, and has an article on De Quincey's tions are S60 for institutions, $30 for individuals. All subscriptions journalism in Studies in Bibliography (volume 55). are by the volume (1 year, 4 issues) and begin with the summer is• sue. Addresses outside the U.S., Canada, and Mexico require a $15 per volume postal surcharge for surface delivery, or $20 for airmail. HOWARD JACOBSON is professor emeritus of classics and com• Credit card payment is available. Make checks payable to Blake/An parative literature at the University of Illinois, Urbana. Illustrated Quarterly. Address all subscription orders and related communications to Sarah Jones, Blake, Department of English, ALEXANDER GOURLAY teaches at the Rhode Island School of De• University of Rochester, Rochester NY 14627-0451. Back issues are sign. available; address Sarah Jones for information on issues and prices, or consult the web site. WARREN STEVENSON, whose third book of poems, Serpent Hu• manized, has been revised and reissued in a new format, is MANUSCRIPTS are welcome in either hard copy or electronic form. also the author of Romanticism and the Androgynous Sublime Send two copies, typed and documented according to forms sug• and A Study of Coleridge's Three Great Poems. He and his wife gested in the MLA Style Manual, and with pages numbered, to either of the editors: Morris Eaves, Dept. of English, University of recently took a post-retirement cruise around Patagonia. Rochester, Rochester NY 14627-0451; Morton D. Paley, Dept. of English, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720-1030. No articles will be returned unless accompanied by a stamped self- addressed envelope. For electronic submissions, you may send a EDITORS diskette, or send your article as an attachment to an email mes• sage; please number the pages of electronic submissions. The pre• ferred file format is RTF; other formats are usually acceptable. EDITORS: Morris Eaves and Morton D. Paley BIBLIOGRAPHER: G. E. Bentley, Jr. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD SERIAL NUMBER: 0160-628x. Blake/An Illus• KI VIEW EDITOR: Nelson Hilton trated Quarterly is indexed in the Modern Language Association's ASSOCIATE EDITOR FOR GREAT BRITAIN: David Worrall International Bibliography, the Modern Humanities Research Association's Annual Bibliography of English Language and Lit• PRODUCTION OFFICE: Department of English, Morey 410, erature, American Humanities Index, Arts and Humanities Cita• tion Index, Current Contents and the Bibliography of the History University of Rochester, Rochester NY 14627-0451 of Art. MANAGING EDITOR: Sarah Jones [email protected] 1111 PI [ONE 585/275-3820 FAX: 585/442-5769 Morris Eaves, Department of English, University of © 2005 Copyright Morris Eaves and Morton D. Paley Rochester, Rochester NY 14627-0451 Email: [email protected] Cover: Recto of Blake's newly discovered letter to John Linnell of 25 November 1825, detail (reproduced by permission of the John Morton D. Paley, Department of English, University of Murray Archive). The reference to Blake printing in his kitchen is California, Berkeley CA 94720-1030 fascinating, and the reference to his brother-in-law Mr. Banes is Email: [email protected] unique in his writings. ARTICLE 185fn.); Maria Denman, sister-in-law of John Flaxman, friend of Blake; Sir Edward Denny, patron of Blake; Mrs. Enoch, Blake's neighbor in South Molton Street (BR [2] 750); James Ferguson (1791-1871), artist, patron of Blake's widow (BR [2] William Blake and His Circle: 481fn., 496 and fn., 497); John Giles, Samuel Palmer's cousin, disciple of Blake (BR [2] 404); Samuel Greatheed, patron of A Checklist of Publications and Blake; Dr. William Guy, Hayley's physician (BR [2] 126, 183); Discoveries in 2004 Joseph Hogarth (fl. 1860-78), print dealer; Major George Hulton, dragoon, who preferred charges of sedition against Blake in 1803 (BR [2] 164-67); Elizabeth Iremonger, collec• BY G. E. BENTLEY, JR. tor (BR [2] 298 and fn., 299, 601fn.); Joan Linnell Ivimy, cus• todian of the Linnell family papers; Richard Charles Jackson (1851-1923), wishful collector of Blake (BR [2] 320fh., 745fh., WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF HIKARI SATO 747fn., 877); James Lahee, copperplate printer of Blake's Job FOR JAPANESE PUBLICATIONS (1826); James Linnell, framemaker, father of John; Herschel M. Margoliouth, scholar; Edward Garrard Marsh (1783- Blake Publications and Discoveries in 2004 1862), poet, friend of Blake; Rev. Anthony Stephen Mathew (1733-1824), patron of Blake, and his wife Harriet and son The most massive and impressive scholarly publishing Henry; John Peachey (1752-1830), JP at Blake's trials in 1803 event of 2004 was the appearance of the revised Dictionary of and 1804 (BR [2] 167, 179); R. Pontifex, printseller (BR [2] National Biography, entitled the Oxford Dictionary of National 345fn., 823); Henrietta Poole (d. 1827), friend of Hayley and Biography, in Association with the British Academy, from the Blake; John Quantock (1740-1820), JP at Blake's trials in 1803 Earliest Times to the Year 2000, ed. H. C. G. Matthew and and 1804; William Saunders, picture dealer (BR [2] 178 and Brian Harrison (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004), hard fn., 188,194); Private John Scholfield (Scolfield), perjured ac• copy and online, in 61 volumes all published simultaneously cuser of Blake of sedition; Joseph Seagrave, Chichester printer, on 23 September 2004. Most of the hundred-some biogra• defender of Blake; Thomas Siv[e] wright, of Meggetland, Blake phies I looked at were newly written, not merely revisions of collector (BR [2] 344fn., 864); John Clark Strange (b. 1826), those in the DNB. corn chandler, biographer of Blake (BR [2] 707-32); Arthur I have stalked individuals who, though often very minor, Tatham (1809-74), brother of Frederick; Frederick Tatham played a significant role in the life of William Blake as they (1805-78), artist, biographer of Blake (BR [2] 661-91); Rev. appear first in Blake Records, Second Edition (2004) and then Joseph Thomas, rector of Epsom, Blake's patron; and James in the ODNB. Vine, patron of Blake. Most of those in the ODNB earned their place because they Most of these omitted individuals are pretty minor, but made a mark in the great world—generals, politicians, bank• then some pretty minor characters are included in the ODNB, ers, and the like. It is telling that there is a standard section for such as Thomas Hayley (1780-1800), who was merely the wealth at death. Of those connected with Blake, a dispropor• natural son of Thomas Hayley and who did not even outlive tionate number arc men of power and influence, his patrons, his apprenticeship, and Catherine Blake (1762-1831), who is rather than mere friends or fellow artists and engravers. important to no one but William Blake and his admirers. She The ODNB is especially good on archives. is doubtless included to fulfill the mandate of including more The ODNB omits separate entries on Elizabeth Aders (b. women than in the DNB. The entries which I found contain• 1785), patroness of Blake, and her husband Charles; Thomas ing new information include: Blake's biographer
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