Islam in der Gesellschaft Mario Peucker Rauf Ceylan Editors Muslim Community Organizations in the West History, Developments and Future Perspectives Islam in der Gesellschaft Herausgegeben von R. Ceylan, Osnabrück, Deutschland N. Foroutan, Berlin, Deutschland A. Zick, Bielefeld, Deutschland Die neue Reihe Islam in der Gesellschaft publiziert theoretische wie empirische Forschungsarbeiten zu einem international wie national aktuellem Gegenstand. Der Islam als heterogene und vielfältige Religion, wie aber auch kulturelle und soziale Organisationsform, ist ein bedeutsamer Bestandteil von modernen Gesell- schaften. Er beeinflusst Gesellschaft, wird zum prägenden Moment und erzeugt Konflikte. Zugleich reagieren Gesellschaften auf den Islam und Menschen, die im angehören bzw. auf das, was sie unter dem Islam und Muslimen verstehen. Der Islam prägt Gesellschaft und Gesellschaft prägt Islam, weil und wenn er in Gesellschaft ist. Die damit verbundenen gesellschaftlichen Phänomene und Pro­ zesse der Veränderungen sind nicht nur ein zentraler Aspekt der Integrations- und Migrationsforschung. Viele Studien und wissenschaftliche Diskurse versuchen, den Islam in der Gesellschaft zu verorten und zu beschreiben. Diese Forschung soll in der Reihe Islam in der Gesellschaft zu Wort und Schrift kommen, sei es in Herausgeberbänden oder Monografien, in Konferenzbänden oder herausragenden Qualifikationsarbeiten. Die Beiträge richten sich an unterschiedliche Disziplinen, die zu einer inter- wie transdisziplinären Perspektive beitragen können: - Sozial wissenschaften, Soziologie - Islamwissenschaft - Inte gration- und Migrationsforschung - Bildungswissenschaft - Sozialpsychologie - Kulturwissenschaften - Geschichtswissenschaft und - weitere Wissenschaften, die Forschungsbeiträge zum Thema aufweisen. Weitere Bände in dieser Reihe http://www.springer.com/series/14772 Mario Peucker · Rauf Ceylan (Eds.) Muslim Community Organizations in the West History, Developments and Future Perspectives Editors Mario Peucker Rauf Ceylan Melbourne, Australia Osnabrück, Germany Islam in der Gesellschaft ISBN 978-3-658-13888-2 ISBN 978-3-658-13889-9 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-13889-9 Library of Congress Control Number: 2017938805 Springer VS © Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH 2017 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Lektorat: Cori A. Mackrodt Printed on acid-free paper This Springer VS imprint is published by Springer Nature The registered company is Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH The registered company address is: Abraham-Lincoln-Str. 46, 65189 Wiesbaden, Germany Foreword T e current book on Muslim community organisations in the West: History, De- velopments and Future Perspectives, which is edited by Mario Peucker and Rauf Ceylan, is the second issue of the new series on Muslims in society. T e f rst edited book by Peter Antes and Rauf Ceylan focused on Muslims in Germany (Muslime in Deutschland: Historische Bestandsaufnahme, aktuelle Entwicklungen und zukünf ige Forschungsfragen). We are very thankful that the editors and authors of the current book on Muslim communities contributed to this new book series, and especially we are very happy to open the series for the international scientif c community. T e authors excellently of er new perspectives on the position and situation of Muslim communities. In chapter one Mario Peucker opens the gate to the book by stressing that Islam and Muslims are phenomena which attracted signif cantly multiple scientif c studies, but still several questions remain unanswered. T e most prominent question is about the living conditions or everyday life and practices of Muslims in Western societies. T erefore the book opens the focus on Muslim life in Canada, UK, France, Australia, and Germany. T e f ve countries in three continents dif er historically and socially, but the framing question also documents similarities in a globalized world. Eleven authors from dif erent disciplines contributed to this outstanding approach to shed a specif c and comparative perspective on Islam in diaspora (part 1), the history and development of Muslim communities (part 2), recent debates in Britain, Canada and Australia (part 3) as well future challenges (part 4). T e book perfectly represents our new book series. We want to reinforcedisci- plinary and interdisciplinary research, studies, theoretical debates and discourses on the status, position and perspectives of Muslims in dif erent societies. T e book series wants to give space and opportunity for scientif c questions on the living conditions of Muslims and the status of Islam in society, since many researchers V VI Foreword demanded several challenging questions. Whichposition and status has Islam in modern societies? Which perspectives do Muslims have in Western societies, which perspectives are still undetected or not given? Which societal conditions and processes cause a change of modern Islam and Muslim communities? How do the interpretations of Islam by Muslim difer from non-Muslim interpretations? What is recognized and/or disrespected to be ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islam’ in society and why do Muslim still sufer from stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination? Tese ques- tions link diferent disciplines and open the analyses beyond religious discourses. We understand Islam as a heterogeneous and diverse religion with specifc cultural and social patterns of organization. Te book series embeds Islam and Muslim communities, groups and individuals within society, and it tries to bridge disciplines like social science, sociology, Islam science, integration and migration research, educational science, psychology, history and cultural science. We hope that scientists from these various disciplines read the current book. If we read it carefully many more questions appear. Readers are welcome to suggest more books in this new book series on Muslims in society. Tanks to Mario Peucker and Rauf Ceylan, who is also editor of this book series, we are sure that the series is a good place for a new debate on Muslims in society. Andreas Zick and Naika Foroutan Contents Notes on contributors . IX Acknoledgements . XIII 1 Muslim community organisations – crucial but underexplored facets of Muslim lives in the West . 1 Mario Peucker Part 1 Islam and Diaspora 2 Reckoning with the Minority Status: On Fiqh al-aqalliyyat al-Muslema (Jurisprudence of Muslim Minorities) . 13 Abdolmohammad Kazemipur 3 Muslim community organisations as agents of social inclusion, cohesion and active citizenship? A cross-national overview . 35 Mario Peucker Part II Historical perspectives 4 T e Emergence and Establishment of British Muslim Organisations . 61 Sadek Hamid 5 From guest workers to Muslim immigrants: T e history of Muslims and their organizations in Germany . 75 Rauf Ceylan VII VIII Contents 6 “We’re serving the community, in whichever form it may be” Muslim Community Building in Australia . 93 Nora Amath 7 Between Orient and Occident? Te Colonial Legacy at the Grand Mosque of Paris . 125 Ricarda Stegmann Part III Contemporary discussions and future perspectives 8 Misrecognition and political agency. Te case of British Muslim organizations at a General Election . 159 Jan Dobbernack, Nasar Meer and Tariq Modood 9 To Make a Diference: Oral Histories of Two Canadian Muslim Women and their Organisational Lives . 183 Katherine Bullock 10 Islam and Community Organisation in Australia . 205 Hadi Sohrabi 11 Futures of Islam in France . 219 Leyla Arslan 12 Future prospects for Islam in Germany: Between secularization, anti-Muslim racism and a new religious consciousness . 245 Rauf Ceylan Notes on contributors Nora Amath (PhD) is a sociologist whose research focuses on religion and in- ter-community relations. She is the author of Te Phenomenology of Community Activism: Muslim Civil Society Organisations in Australia, and has published several book chapters and peer-reviewed journal articles. Highly active in the Australian Muslim community, Nora is also a consultant for various Australian government departments and agencies on Islamic and Muslim issues. Leyla Arslan is an Arabist and holds a PhD in political science (Sciences Po, Pa- ris). She has conducted and published several qualitative studies on low income neighbourhoods and on immigration and Islam in France. Her publications include Enfants d’Islam et de Marianne: des banlieues à l’Université (Presses Universitaires
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