Standard Times Report

Standard Times Report

Procedure Standard Time as of: 2021-04-06 Site: ACH Procedure Cat: 25 Selected Show Procedures: ALL Duration Procedure Cat / Standard Standard Site Proc Cd Fixed Standard Procedure Description Std BK Skin To Skin/ Total Setup/Teardown Proc Case ANA ACH Anesthesia Awake Intubation ANAWKINTB 10 10 / 10 = 20 30 ACH Anesthesia Block in PACU Pre OR Admission ANABKRR 10 5 / 10 = 15 25 ACH Anesthesia Blood Patch ANABLDPT 10 5 / 5 = 10 20 ACH Anesthesia Epidural Steroid+/-Analgesia Inject SS ANAEPINJ 10 10 / 10 = 20 30 ACH Anesthesia for XRay ANAXRAY 15 10 / 10 = 20 35 ACH Anesthesia Insert Long Line IV<1 Year ANALINE<1 25 15 / 15 = 30 55 ACH Anesthesia Insert Long Line IV>1 Year ANALINE>1 25 15 / 15 = 30 55 ACH Anesthesia Intubate Only OR ANAINTB / = ACH Anesthesia Intubate Only PACU ANAINTBRR 10 5 / 5 = 10 20 ACH Anesthesia Local+/-Regional Block State Type ANABKOR 30 15 / 15 = 30 60 ACH Anesthesia Post Op Readmit to PACU ANARADMRR 10 10 / 10 = 20 30 ACH Anesthesia Pseudocholinesterase Deficiency ANAPSURR 10 10 / 10 = 20 30 ACH Anesthesia Spinal Block ANASPBK 10 10 / 10 = 20 30 ACH Anesthesia Spine Facet Injection ANASPINJ 10 10 / 10 = 20 30 ACH Lumbar Puncture LUPUNC 10 25 / 15 = 40 50 CAR ACH Cardiac Catheterization & Balloon Angioplasty HRCARCBANG 90 20 / 20 = 40 130 ACH Cardiac Catheterization w Full Biopsy HRCARCBX 90 40 / 30 = 70 160 ACH Cardiac Catheterization w Partial Biopsy HRCARCBXP 40 20 / 20 = 40 80 ACH Cardiac Catheterization+/-Valvoplasty HRCARCVL 90 40 / 30 = 70 160 ACH Catheter Insertion Aphoresis CAINAPHP 20 15 / 10 = 25 45 ACH Heart Cardioversion HRCARDVS 15 20 / 15 = 35 50 ACH Heart Echocardiogram HRECHO 10 15 / 15 = 30 40 ACH Heart Echocardiogram Transesophageal HRECHOTE 15 10 / 10 = 20 35 ACH Heart Electrophysiology Study+/-Ablation HREPSA 30 15 / 15 = 30 60 ACH Heart ICD Extract Gen/Lead/Drain Infec+/-Temp Pace HRICEXDRI 120 45 / 30 = 75 195 ACH Heart ICD Insert Dual Chamber HRICDDC / = ACH Heart ICD Insert Dual Chamber Groin Approach HRICDDCGA / = ACH Heart ICD Insert Single Chamber HRICDSC / = ACH Heart ICD Insert Single Chamber Groin Approach HRICDSCGA / = ACH Heart ICD Insert Single Chamber Subcutaneous HRICDSCS / = ACH Heart ICD Insert w CRT HRICDCRT 120 60 / 30 = 90 210 ACH Heart ICD Insert w CRT Endocardial Transeptal HRICDCREND / = ACH Heart ICD Revision Generator Replace w Lead Insert HRICDRVGLD / = ACH Heart ICD Revision Generator Replacement HRICDRVG 45 45 / 10 = 55 100 ACH Heart ICD Revision Lead Extr+/-Replac+/-Gen Replac HRICDRVLG / = ACH Heart ICD Revision Lead Extrac Las wReplac for CRT HRICDRVLZC / = ACH Heart ICD Revision Lead Extract w Replace for CRT HRICDRVLXC 0 0 / 0 = 0 0 ACH Heart ICD Revision Lead Reposition HRICDRVL 45 15 / 10 = 25 70 ACH Heart ICD Revision LV Lead Upgrade CRT+/-Gen Chng HRICDRVCRT 0 0 / 0 = 0 0 ACH Heart Loop Recorder Insertion HRLOOPRI 20 20 / 15 = 35 55 ACH Heart Loop Recorder Removal HRLOOPRR 10 15 / 15 = 30 40 ACH Pacemaker Extraction Gen+/-Lead/Drain Infec+/-Temp HRPMEXDRI 0 0 / 0 = 0 0 ACH Pacemaker Insert Dual Chamber HRPMDC 70 35 / 20 = 55 125 ACH Pacemaker Insert Dual Chamber Groin Approach HRPMDCGA 0 0 / 0 = 0 0 Generated: 2021-04-06 11:02 Source: CAL ORIS medsurg Internal: proc_std_time 1 of 57 v.20191007 Disclaimer: This report is confidential. If received in error, notify AHS CAL ORIS via [email protected] Procedure Standard Time as of: 2021-04-06 Site: ACH Procedure Cat: 25 Selected Show Procedures: ALL Duration Procedure Cat / Standard Standard Site Proc Cd Fixed Standard Procedure Description Std BK Skin To Skin/ Total Setup/Teardown Proc Case ACH Pacemaker Insert Single Chamber HRPMSC 30 20 / 15 = 35 65 ACH Pacemaker Insert Single Chamber Groin Approach HRPMSCGA 0 0 / 0 = 0 0 ACH Pacemaker Insert Temporary HRPMINTP 45 35 / 20 = 55 100 ACH Pacemaker Insert w CRT HRPMCRT 45 15 / 10 = 25 70 ACH Pacemaker Insert w CRT Endocardial Transeptal HRPMCRTEND / = ACH Pacemaker Insert w His Bundle Pacing HRPMHISBP / = ACH Pacemaker Insert/Extraction Leadless HRPMLDLS / = ACH Pacemaker Revision Gen & Lead Upgrade to ICD HRPMRVICD 0 0 / 0 = 0 0 ACH Pacemaker Revision Gen & Lead Upgrade to ICD w CRT HRPMRVICDC 0 0 / 0 = 0 0 ACH Pacemaker Revision Generator Replace w Lead Insert HRPMRVGLEA / = ACH Pacemaker Revision Generator Replacement HRPMRVG 45 20 / 10 = 30 75 ACH Pacemaker Revision Lead Extr Laser wReplac for CRT HRPMRVLZC 0 0 / 0 = 0 0 ACH Pacemaker Revision Lead Extr+/-Replac+/-Gen Replac HRPMRVLG 45 15 / 10 = 25 70 ACH Pacemaker Revision Lead Extrac w Replace for CRT HRPMRVLCRT / = ACH Pacemaker Revision Lead Reposition HRPMRVL 0 0 / 0 = 0 0 ACH Pacemaker Revision LV LeadUpgrade forCRT+/-GenChg HRPMRVCRT 45 15 / 10 = 25 70 ACH Pacemaker/ICD Ext Laser Gen+/-Lead/Drain Inf+/-Tem HRPMICEXLZ 0 0 / 0 = 0 0 ACH Pacemaker/ICD Generator Removal HRPMICDGRE 45 15 / 10 = 25 70 ACH Pacemaker/ICD Pocket Rev+/-Hematoma/Capsu/Scar Rev HRPMICDPK 0 0 / 0 = 0 0 ACH Thoracotomy Heart Epicardial Lead Insertion THOEPCARLI / = COH ACH Aorta Ascend Arch Repl Endo Thor AA Stent+/-Hybrid HRAOARENDH / = ACH Aorta Coarctation w Graft HRCOAOGF / = ACH Aortic Coarctation Repair w/o Graft HRCOAORP / = ACH Aortic Root Dissection+/-Graft HRAORTGF / = ACH CABG Multiple Primary HRCABGMP / = ACH CABG Multiple Primary w Ablation RF HRCABGMPRF / = ACH CABG Multiple Redo HRCABGMR / = ACH CABG w Aortic Root Repair/Repl HRCABGARR / = ACH CABG w Aortic Root Repair/Repl Redo HRCABGARTR / = ACH CABG w Ascending Hemiarch Replace HRCABASHR / = ACH CABG w Valve Aortic Pulmonary Replace HRVLPUBY / = ACH CABG w Valve Repair/Repl Aortic HRCABGVA / = ACH CABG w Valve Repair/Repl Aortic Ablation RF HRCABGVARF / = ACH CABG w Valve Repair/Repl Aortic Mitral+/-Tric Redo HRCABGVRR / = ACH CABG w Valve Repair/Repl Aortic Mitral+/-Tricusp HRCABGVR / = ACH CABG w Valve Repair/Repl Aortic Redo HRCABGVARR / = ACH CABG w Valve Repair/Repl Mitral Ablation RF HRCABGVMRF / = ACH CABG w Valve Repair/Repl Mitral+/-Tricuspid HRCABGVMTR / = ACH CABG w Valve Repair/Repl Mitral+/-Tricuspid Redo HRCABGVMRR / = ACH Cardiopulmonary Bypass for Hypothermia HRBYHYPO / = ACH ECMO HRBYECMO / = ACH ECMO Line Repositioning HRBYECMOLR 50 10 / 10 = 20 70 ACH Heart Aneurysm Repair Bypass HRANRPBY / = ACH Heart Aortic Valve Implant Transcath Apical TAVI HRTAVIA / = ACH Heart Aortic Valve Implant Transcath Axillary TAVI HRTAVIAX / = Generated: 2021-04-06 11:02 Source: CAL ORIS medsurg Internal: proc_std_time 2 of 57 v.20191007 Disclaimer: This report is confidential. If received in error, notify AHS CAL ORIS via [email protected] Procedure Standard Time as of: 2021-04-06 Site: ACH Procedure Cat: 25 Selected Show Procedures: ALL Duration Procedure Cat / Standard Standard Site Proc Cd Fixed Standard Procedure Description Std BK Skin To Skin/ Total Setup/Teardown Proc Case ACH Heart Aortic Valve Implant Transcath Direct TAVI HRTAVID / = ACH Heart Aortic Valve Implant Transcath Femoral TAVI HRTAVIF / = ACH Heart Atrial Septal Defect Repair Bypass HRASDRPBY / = ACH Heart Heartmate Insertion HRHMTIN / = ACH Heart Impella Insertion HRIMPELLIN 0 0 / 0 = 0 0 ACH Heart Patent Ductus Arteriosis HRPDAN 90 30 / 20 = 50 140 ACH Heart Pericardial Centesis HRPRICNP 30 20 / 10 = 30 60 ACH Heart Tumour Excision w Bypass HRTUEX / = ACH Heart Ventral Septal Defect Repair Bypass HRVENSDRP / = ACH Heart Ventricular Assist Device Insertion HRVADIN / = ACH Heart Ventricular Assist Device Insertion MIS HRVADINMIS / = ACH Heart Ventricular Assist Device Removal HRVADRM / = ACH Post Open Heart Reopen Bleed HRPSOHRBL / = ACH Post Open Heart Reopen Low Flow HRPSOHRLF / = ACH Post Open Heart Sternal Closure HRPSOHSCL / = ACH Post Open Heart Sternal Plating HRPSOHSFX / = ACH Pulmonary Embolectomy w Bypass HRPUEMBBY / = ACH Sternal Debridement Post Open Heart STDBPSOH 45 60 / 20 = 80 125 ACH Sternal Rewiring STREWIR 30 30 / 30 = 60 90 ACH Sternal Wire Removal STWIRRM 15 30 / 10 = 40 55 ACH Sternotomy Pericardectomy STPCEC 120 75 / 30 = 105 225 ACH Thoracic Aneurysm Dissection+/-Replace w Bypass HRTXANBY / = ACH Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair w Bypass HRTAARBY / = ACH Valve Aortic & Ascending Hemiarch Replacement HRVLASHEMR / = ACH Valve Aortic & Mitral Repair/ Replace+/-Tricuspid HRVLAMRRT / = ACH Valve Aortic & Mitral Repair/Replace+/-Tricus Redo HRVLAMRTR 195 75 / 30 = 105 300 ACH Valve Aortic Repl Ross Proc+/-Allograft+/-Homograf HRVLARPAH / = ACH Valve Aortic Replacement Hemisternotomy HRVLAOHST / = ACH Valve Aortic Replacement Primary Ablation RF HRVLAORF / = ACH Valve Aortic Replacement Primary Prosthesis HRVLAOPR / = ACH Valve Aortic Replacement Primary Tissue HRVLAOTS / = ACH Valve Aortic Replacement Redo Prosthesis HRVLAOPRRD / = ACH Valve Aortic Replacement Redo Tissue HRVLAOTSRD / = ACH Valve Aortic Replacement Thoracotomy HRVLAOTHO / = ACH Valve Aortic Replacement w Homograft HRVLAOHG / = ACH Valve Aortic Sparing Aortic Root Replacement HRVLASARR / = ACH Valve Mitral Clip Repair HRVLMICPR / = ACH Valve Mitral Commissurotomy HRVLMICOM / = ACH Valve Mitral Repair HRVLMIRP / = ACH Valve Mitral Repair/Replace+/-Tricuspid HRVLMIRRT / = ACH Valve Mitral Repair/Replace+/-Tricuspid Redo HRVLMIRRTR / = ACH Valve Mitral Replacement Minimally Invasive MIVS HRVLMRMI / = ACH Valve Mitral Replacement Primary Ablation RF HRVLMIRF / = ACH Valve Mitral Replacement Primary Prosthesis HRVLMIPR / = ACH Valve Mitral Replacement Primary Tissue HRVLMITS / = ACH Valve Mitral Replacement Redo Prosthesis HRVLMIPRRD / = Generated: 2021-04-06 11:02 Source: CAL ORIS medsurg Internal: proc_std_time 3 of 57 v.20191007 Disclaimer: This report is confidential. If received in error,

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