University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-11-1917 Tucumcari News Times, 10-11-1917 The ucT umcari Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The ucT umcari Print. Co.. "Tucumcari News Times, 10-11-1917." (1917). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MS & t V t Largest Circulation of Any $ Advertisers K , Where to Paper in Quay County iTic Views Place Thv da 9 tucumcari IMHHMIM6 AND TUCUMCARI TIMES VOL. XVI TUCUMCARI, QUAY COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1917 NO. 3 HIGH SCHOOL LYCEUM COURSE NEW YORK WINS 5 TO Tho first number of the High School GAMBLING CASES 10 Lyceum Course will bo given nt the "Four Points" Auditorium on Monday, 0 TODAY TYING CHI- evening, October 15. The opening en- BE INTERESTING-ON- LY tertainment will be furnished by Mon-truvil- le Wood, one of America's fore- IN most scientists und inventors. CAGO BIG GAMES The program will be found both FEW OTHER GASES practical and entcrtuinlng. In Wood the Rcdpath Hurenu presents an Amer- ican genius who is equally successful The base linll fans were to In the four cases of vs. treated on the stage und in the laboratory. Statu Frank n Smith, one vs. real surprise today when the New His gyroscope and each State James York Giants demonstrations of the Ooykin, vs. Chas. trimmed the Chicago and its application to the airplane, the Statu Mccks, and White Sox to the tune of 5 to 0. At State vs. James Hall, ull were dis- mono-ra- il cor and the submarine tor- no time did Sox bo in missed from the seem to the pedo are unique nnd fascinating. His trial. game and their only good luck wn In the case State vs. Towndrow, a revelation of the ultra-viol- et ray and in being keep murder trinl Col- able to the score down scientific wonders cannot fail to brought here from to five opponents. other fax county, the for their and defendnnt who was This imakes two games interest entertain. found guilty of mun slaughter each have The ure many sur- ut the wone, Chicago winning fuct thut there term here spring, wus ul lowed the first two prises and plenty of humor in the last to and New York winning the two. appeal his case to the Supremo Court. last Wood demonstrations does not detract This makes the contest one of tiie most His bond was pluced ut $12,500 which from their educational vuluc. In the hu gave to interesting ever witnesesd nnd it is hundreds of American cities where he the satisfnetion of thu court n good In the vs. Jen- bet cither way. New York has nppcarcd the deepest im. case of Stute Archie has gained Chicago one of kins, charged with lurccny confidence and has pressions has been regarding the scicn of cuttle, had some of the self-conce- it kocked tho case was temporarily dismissed on ability to crowd a wealth of in- out of them. Now the fifth gume will tists account of Jenkins being in thu struction into two hours he is on drafted big news- that National Army. draw tho scare heads on the the platform. papers Friduy when is Case of vs. the result made Prof. Wood is the inventor of the State Chas. Mceks und known. Nathan Mccks, charged with "hearing torpedo" about which so much assault wns thought for n time Chi- on the person of M. W. Bntcs Lo- It that has appeared news- at cago would win games in magazines nnd gon was Saturduy four straight papers. submarine tried and tho jury most Chicago plnyers This instrument did not verdict and of the were is noted humane possibilities return n until Monday opinion. betting for its morning. of that The has been and its almost human intelligence. The Nuthun was found guilty strongly in Chicago's favor ever since as charged but Chas. was dismissed. inventor fully nnd ex- game. Now nil things being demonstrates In the the first plains to his audience the principles cuse where the Stute wus even Fridny's game will be awaited plaintiff charging Thos. Goodrich de involved in this, one of his most re- with "fear nnd trembling" by every fendant, charging him with assault cent inventions an invention which ...... , 11. base ball fan in nenrly every town or many believe is destined enpon' h wn" fUn1 hamlet in the United nuthorities jury. States. to revolutionize and humanize submn i,00 1 rtintoLTiiHn ..i 'it. u sample or Itnly The case of giant upruiu which bus been sent to the United States from and rino Stato vs. Chas. Mecks which cnrrliw passengers - President Irlgoyen of Argentina, who Is trying to urruiigc united action of "THE BARRIER" warfare. charging him with larceny of Thero is nothing dry, stale or com- cattle, I.ntlii-Aui'Tl.'N- nations itL'iiliist Germany. H Tim Pcronne, to by it From the showing of "The Bar- Mceks wus Chateau of reduced ruins continuous first mon ubout Montravillu Wood's splen- found guilty by tho jury hj the Germans. I V.'.A. Ilolnuiii, prime minister of New South Wales, photographed In New York rier," by Rex Reach, from his famous morning being nil night. did program. Wo can absolutely guar- .this after out he mU'd ti of thu club. novel, the Broudway Theatre, in The took up Where ntti luncheon Overseas at you will get money's court the case of Stato New York, this wonderful picture hns antee that "your vs. B. Ycaklcy, worth." J. charging him with proved an nmnzing success. It cap- unlawfully destroying fence, but up b'ratu Yon llthdctihurgTs birthday, an and" Season tickets for the entire course Hew across dropped their loads of tured the big audience nt the very be- to time of going to press the decision was Intimated, to plans do-- i of five excellent numbers may be had but discuss for bombs, killing n few civilians nnd ginning. It held them breathless thru of tho court has not been learned. NEWS REVIEW OF up muni- ' for only two dollars and fifty cents speeding Ihc production of Ing sonic damage to property. Not scene after scene of swift, stirring Immediately after this case has been tions. Probably It wns necessary, also, many of the deadly missiles fell on for ndults nnd one dollar and twenty-fiv- e nction. It culled forth waves of se finished u number of gambling cases to take steps to appease the workmen London, anti-aircra- guns put cents for children. These tickets for the as the thrilling climaxes wero will be taken up. These will be in- WEEK of Essen and wives, who a nre nnd may bo reserved THE PAST their held up a barrage fire that ringed the city. reached. And nil becnuse "The Bar- transferable teresting and will no doubt draw lurgo riotous uicottr.g recently, demanding for the entire course. The plat will These raids roused the people and rier" is u great picture greatly pro- attendance at the sessions Friday us pence nnd better food. be open reservntion nt Sands Dor-se- y press of England to renewed demands duced tho highest development of the for it is thought a solution has been found ', In Frankfort, too, an Immense peac" (reprisals, and the government Drug Compnny store on Friday British Again Smash Germans for, photo-drum- to stop gambling. All that is needed meeting was held on Sunday, but that ' seeivif to be ready nt lust to yield to morning, October 12. ' A unique phnse of the New York is the necessary proof that tho boys of Ypres wns engineered by political groups, Lloyd-Georg- e If you ca'n possibly do so, buy a sea- East and Capture the demand, for Premier run is that the press has been abso- or men were found "running u game" and therefore may not have been so to poor people In son ticket; you will save money by so Important Positions. said a crowd of the lutely unanimous in praise of "The by participating in same. Indicative of the sentiment of the peo- southwest district of London who doing. The "Four Points" auditorium Barrle'r.'; The Grand Jury found 1C true bills ple. revenge: "We will give will scat fivo hundre'd people comfort-nbl-y, clnmored for The entire production wus made un- and 10 no true bills, und made n fa- It to them, nnd we will give It and many more could bo taken Czernln Warns the Allies. all hack der the direct supervision of Mr. Beach vorable report on the wuy the court ENEMY'S MORALE IS BREAKING soon. We bomb Germany cure of in nn emergency. Three hun- In the way of pence movements, the to them shall himself, who organized the Rex Bench houBe nnd jail is being kept. compound Interest." The Ger-sin- dred nnd fifty six of the best scuta in most Important event of the week was with Pictures Co., to produce in moving nre expecting re- the Auditorium have been reserved the speech of Count Czernln, Alistro- - ' themselves pictures his mnny popular novels. Austria's Warning to the Allies R to those who bought their IIOLLOMAN PUTS LID ON THE Hungarian minister of foreign affairs, prisals and are removing pluces of "The Barrier" will be seen ut the nnd platted for on London Final- tickets early.
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