
October 21, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7061 of the Bureau of the Census, including such tional Institute of Standards and Technology The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the procedures that have been implemented since (NIST) Special Publication 800–37r1. All of bill is considered read the first time. the data breaches of systems of the Office of the FISMA reportable systems supporting The gentleman from Utah (Mr. Personnel Management were announced in 2015. the Census Bureau are continually assessed CHAFFETZ) and the gentlewoman from (b) REPORT.— per this guidance and all have a current Au- the District of Columbia (Ms. NORTON) (1) REQUIREMENT.—Not later than 90 days thorization to Operate. In addition, the Cen- after the date of the enactment of this Act, the sus Bureau is currently behind a Managed each will control 30 minutes. Secretary of Commerce shall submit to the Com- Trusted Internet Protocol Service (MTIPS) The Chair recognizes the gentleman mittee on Homeland Security and Governmental provider and is protected by the Department from Utah. Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on of Homeland Security (DHS) Einstein 1 and Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Chairman, I Oversight and Government Reform of the House 2, which looks at network flow information yield myself such time as I may con- of Representatives a report on the review re- and network intrusion detection. The Census sume. quired by subsection (a). Bureau is engaged with DHS and MTIPS pro- Mr. Chairman, I rise today in support (2) CONTENTS.—The report required by para- vider to move behind Einstein 3 Accelerated of H.R. 10, the Scholarships for Oppor- graph (1) shall— (E3A) as soon as the DHS and our MTIPS say (A) identify all information systems of the Bu- they are ready. This will give us the added tunity and Results, or SOAR, Reau- reau of the Census that contain sensitive infor- cybersecurity analysis, situational aware- thorization Act. mation; ness and security response capabilities for The SOAR Reauthorization Act con- (B) described any actions carried out by the DHS to augment our efforts. tinues the three-sector approach to Secretary of Commerce or the Director of the The Census Bureau also is actively engaged education within the District of Co- Bureau of the Census to secure sensitive infor- with the Department of Commerce to imple- lumbia. This approach gives equal mation that have been implemented since the ment Phase 2C of the Continuous funding to D.C. Public Schools, D.C. data breaches of systems of the Office of Per- Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program Public Charter Schools, and the Oppor- sonnel Management were announced in 2015; by the end of calendar year 2016. This will tunity Scholarship Program, often re- (C) identify any known data breaches of in- provide us the capability to identify cyberse- formation systems of the Bureau of the Census curity risks more efficiently and prioritize ferred to as the OSP. that contain sensitive information; and the risks based on potential impacts. The The OSP gives scholarships to chil- (D) identify whether the Bureau of the Cen- initial meeting with DHS and the service dren in low-income families to attend a sus stores any information that, if combined provider took place on October 15. 2015. The private school so that those children with other such information, would comprise Census Bureau reports regularly on this and can experience a quality education. classified information. other aspects of its cybersecurity program to The average OSP family makes less Mr. CHAFFETZ (during the reading). the Department of Commerce, Office of Man- than $22,000 per year. These scholar- Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous con- agement and Budget, and DHS. ships allow families to place their chil- Please know that the security of our re- sent to dispense with the reading. spondents’ information is paramount at the dren in learning-rich environments. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Census Bureau. We take seriously our re- District of Columbia Public Schools objection to the request of the gen- sponsibility to honor privacy and protect rank at the top in spending per stu- tleman from Utah? confidentiality. We will continue to work dent, but are near the bottom in aca- There was no objection. with the Department of Commerce and DHS demic performance. The Opportunity The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there to implement effective data security proce- Scholarship Program gives these stu- objection to the original request of the dures and ensure compliance with FISMA re- dents the education they deserve so gentleman from Utah? quirements. they can pursue the American Dream. Thank you. There was no objection. Mr. Chairman, H.R. 10 works not only JOHN H. THOMPSON, A motion to reconsider was laid on Director. to provide scholarships to students who the table. need them the most, but also to im- f GENERAL LEAVE prove the current state of public school Mr. CHAFFETZ. Madam Speaker, I SCHOLARSHIPS FOR OPPORTUNITY and public charter school education. ask unanimous consent to submit for AND RESULTS REAUTHORIZA- This bill authorizes equal funding for TION ACT the RECORD a letter from John Thomp- D.C. Public Schools and for D.C. Public son, Director of the Census Bureau, to GENERAL LEAVE Charter Schools in addition to the Op- Chairman MCCAUL, myself, and others, Mr. CHAFFETZ. Madam Speaker, I portunity scholarships. indicating the Bureau will comply with ask unanimous consent that all Mem- My friends across the aisle claim FISMA when developing the report re- bers may have 5 legislative days within that the SOAR Act takes money away quired by H.R. 3116 and will continue to which to revise and extend their re- from public education. However, that is work with the Secretary of Homeland marks and include extraneous mate- quite the opposite. The SOAR Act in- Security and others to secure the Bu- rials on H.R. 10. creases funding for public education in reau’s network. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the District of Columbia. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gen- In fact, since the three-sector ap- objection to the request of the gen- tleman from Utah? proach has been in effect, D.C. Public tleman from Utah? There was no objection. Schools and D.C. Public Charter There was no objection. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Schools have received a combined $435 million in Federal funding for school UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ant to House Resolution 480 and rule COMMERCE, ECONOMICS AND STA- XVIII, the Chair declares the House in improvement. TISTICS ADMINISTRATION, U.S. the Committee of the Whole House on Mr. Chairman, the District of Colum- CENSUS BUREAU, the state of the Union for the consider- bia schools would not have received Washington, DC, October 20, 2015. ation of the bill, H.R. 10. these funds had it not been for the OSP Hon. MICHAEL MCCAUL, The Chair appoints the gentleman and this three-sector approach. Now we Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security, from North Carolina (Mr. HOLDING) to are debating reauthorizing this ap- House of Representatives, preside over the Committee of the proach and giving $20 million annually Washington, DC. to each sector for 5 years, $300 million DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: This correspondence Whole. across 5 years for D.C. education. is regarding the U.S. Census Bureau’s com- b 1552 pliance with the Federal Information Secu- It is hard to imagine how anyone who rity Management Act (FISMA) and the pro- IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE advocates for public education would visions of Senate Amendment (S. Admt.) 2710 Accordingly, the House resolved oppose such an approach that has to H.R. 3116. The Census Bureau is compliant itself into the Committee of the Whole poured millions of dollars into the D.C. at this time with the requirements of House on the state of the Union for the public education system, particularly FISMA, and is working with the Secretary of consideration of the bill (H.R. 10) to re- since the OSP is getting a great return Commerce and the Secretary of Homeland authorize the Scholarships for Oppor- on its investment and is producing re- Security to provide information on the data security procedures required by S. Admt. tunity and Results Act, and for other sults. The OSP produces $2.62 in bene- 2710. purposes, with Mr. HOLDING in the fits for every dollar spent on the pro- We have implemented a formal risk man- chair. gram, according to a study conducted agement program in accordance with the Na- The Clerk read the title of the bill. by one of the program’s evaluators. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:03 Oct 22, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21OC7.026 H21OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 21, 2015 Mr. Chairman, you would be hard House, our friend and colleague, for au- nificant impact on overall student achieve- pressed to find another government thoring this legislation. He has poured ment in math or reading, or for students program that generates this sort of re- his heart and soul out, trying to do from schools in need of improvement. sult and bang for your buck. We are what he can do to help these young We have serious concerns about using gov- ernment funds to send our students to pri- talking about a 162 percent return on children. It has had a very positive ef- vate schools that do not have to adhere to investment here, an investment that fect on so many lives and in future gen- the same standards and accountability as do has not taken one dime from public erations.
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