1/2016 Magazine for graduates of všb-tuo LEGAL DOPING Graduate support for development of the region North Moravia-Silesia A place of great potential Tomáš Buchwaldek Addicted to subsidies The graduate card is full of benefits And waiting for you to pick it up! COLOURS_2016_VSB_205x94_KVETEN.indd 1 10.05.16 16:13 MYŠLENKY BEZ HRANIC IDEAS WITHOUT BORDERS MEZINÁRODNÍ FÓRUM / INTERNATIONAL FORUM 10 SCÉN 100 HOSTŮ 19 ZEMÍ / 10 STAGES 100 SPEAKERS 19 COUNTRIES DOLNÍ VÍTKOVICE, OSTRAVA 12/7 – 13/7 MELTINGPOT SCIENCE & ACADEMY @ HLUBINA 14/7 – 17/7 GLOBAL FORUM @ COLOURS OF OSTRAVA Bjørn LomBorg / Chris hedges Leonard mLodinow / TimoThy snyder roBerT FuLghum / CLemens KuBy / dan sheChTman 8–9/7/2016 OSTRAVA CENTRUM POZOR! JAROSLAV UHLÍŘ / VOXEL LETOS NOVĚ JUMPING DRUMS / PAVEL CALLTA O VÍKENDU GENERÁLNÍ PARTNER: MANON MEURT / KALLE / DALEKKO / MICHAL ŠEPS ASTRONAUTALIS [USA] THE FREEBORN BROTHERS [PL] HLAVNÍ PARTNEŘI: A DALŠÍ UMĚLCI Z KOREJE, ALŽÍRSKA, FRANCIE, USA A ŠPANĚLSKA VSTUP DIVADLA / WORKSHOPY / HRY / GEOCACHING / SPORT ZA PODPORY: ZDARMA! STÁNKY / AKTIVITY PRO RODINY S DĚTMI PARTNER: MEDIÁLNÍ PARTNEŘI: ZA PODPORY: OFICIÁLNÍ TISKÁRNA: www.festivalvulicich.cz inzerce VŠB - Alumni, 205 x 28093 mm mm - -3.indd celá strana.indd 1 1 13.11. 5. 2016 10:21:0017:35:01 Alumni 1/2016 Magazine for graduates VŠB-TU Ostrava Vice-rector‘s Published by: VSB - Technical editorial University of Ostrava Department of Vice-Rector for Inter- national Relations and Social Affairs ALUMNI – care of graduates 17 November 15/2172 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba Phone: +420 597 324 398 Email: [email protected] Web: alumni.vsb.cz Editor in chief Lucie Holešinská‘09 Editorial staff Lucie Holešinská ‘09 Petra Polesová‘16 Karolína Ondrušková ‘15 Language editing Simon Johnson Dear graduates, dear readers, Having the card means I identify my- Graphic design and production: self more with the university, but even Ivana Kunová hey, I’m going to let you know what I without it I shall always be a patriot have in my wallet. When I went to put of the university and everything con- Printing my new card in it, I was surprised to nected with it. After all, how could I OPTYS, spol. s r.o. find that there were already nine in not be! I am sorry to say that not eve- there. So it must be a premium card. ryone around us working and studying Published in June 2016, As a poet might say, such a card is a here thinks the same way. It’s a shame, 5000 copies printed mighty thing to behold! Why?, you ask. but there’s not much I can do about it. issued 2x a year Well, it’s the card for graduates of the However, I would like to recommend not for sale Technical University, our university. them to be inspired by interesting sto- And it’s worth making room for it in ries in the magazine Alumni, such as Homepage your wallet. Of course, we’ve all got all one about an initiative of our gradu- Photo: Denisa Vlková kinds of cards, which we carry around ates, Patriots of the Region. I really with us in our pockets in special pack- like their activities, I give my support aging and we don’t give them a second and I hope to see more and more pa- thought. They’re just a means of pay- triots in the future and not only from ment, entry, discounts or whatever to our university and that the destiny of us. But to me the Graduate Card seems the region in which we live remains an different, something special. I am important issue. proud as well as happy to have it. Not only because it gives me advantages, I hope you enjoy reading and wish you but also because I had “sacrificed” my a wonderful summer! time to study, do oral and written ex- ams, and that I am a member of the elite club of graduates of the third oldest university in the country. And with me many classmates, professors, and members of my family, people I respect and honor. That’s why I have prof. Ing. Jaromír Gottvald, CSc.‘92 given it a thoroughly deserved place vice-rector for international relations of honor in my wallet. And by the way, and social affairs have you got it too? Foreword 3 Career corner Content 4 Career Week 34 Legal doping for the region 5 Start your career in shared business 35 Fragments of faculties services! The Elites of Moravia-Silesia talked 6 to students about the future The Mining and Geological Faculty’s 17 Interview: campaign was a big hit Miroslav Šmíd: Songs are an 36 The Faculty of Metallurgy 18 indispensable part of entertainment and Materials Engineering managed and education to sell a patent Invitation card The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 19 showed off the second prototype of VŠB-TUO to have their own stage 38 their student formula at Street Festival as well as Colours of Ostrava HR Academy courses at the Faculty 20 of Economics FEE’s Extracurricular Activities 21 FAST put on this year’s Míchačka 22 Students of FBI practised crisis 23 management University campaign: Doc. Vlákno to attract young 24 people to study technical disciplines The Moravian-Silesian Region has 7 Interview: a strong base of Patriots Vladimír Skórka: Ostrava needs to 26 Interview: work on selling itself Tomáš Buchwaldek: Subsidies are like 8 Have fun with Alumni a drug Inter-generational get-together 28 What is happening at the university The Graduate card is full of benefits 30 What is going on behind the scenes 12 at the university? 5 Legal doping for the region There are activities and initiatives organized by students and Graduates of the Technical University contributing to the region’s development and up-beat mood. They don’t have to have celebrities, our students and graduates, not in the be spectacular events for thousands of form of spinach, but in the form of edu- visitors or events of enormous propor- cated professionals, full of energy, ideas tions, though these are undoubtedly and enthusiasm. This is the case with good and necessary. But it’s mostly stuff people and projects, which you can read on a small scale, yet significant, the ef- about in the summer issue of our maga- forts of a person or group determined to zine. You may say it’s spitting against change things, to promote and improve the wind, but it‘s often the little things things for themselves and for others. that make the difference and details They don’t do it for fame and fortune, that enhance and complete the whole they do it out of a desire for a better life, picture. We can only wish all enthusi- a new beginning, change or out of love asts every success. or nostalgia. The Moravian-Silesian region is thus TEXT: Lucie Holešinská‘09 getting regular doses of doping from PHOTO: Denisa Vlková 6 LEGAL DOPING FOR THE REGION 2016 The elite of Moravia-Silesia talked to students about their future The beloved Student Club Vrtule on the Poruba campus is not only a place for wild parties. These days the club now and again transforms into a place to meet interesting people from vari- ous disciplines. This was definitely the case on Tuesday, March 8 when the major representatives of the Moravi- an-Silesian region got together on a make-shift stage to discuss its future. Moravian-Silesian Regional Council representative Miroslav Novák, Mayor of Ostrava Tomas Macura, the rectors of all three public universities in the re- gion all took the opportunity to discuss the burning issues facing Ostrava today with the young generation. The Rector plans to cooperate with the Chartered added value and thus greater benefits of VSB - Technical University Ostrava City of Ostrava on two projects that aim for the region than a mere assembly Ivo Vondrák‘83, a senior official from the to change the image of Ostrava both plant. Mayor Tomáš Macura also com- University of Ostrava, Jan Lata and Rec- within the Czech Republic and abroad mented on the fact that the heads of tor Silesian University in Opava Pavel from that of an industrial city to a uni- companies in all Fields constantly com- Tuleja all accepted their invitations. versity one, which is much closer to re- plain of the lack of workers. According “sacrificed” ality,” said the rector of the University to the Mayor the real problem of un- The main item on the agenda of the of Ostrava, Jan Lata, who is the only rec- employment is actually the ‘voluntar- discussion ended up being emigration tor that isn’t originally from the Mora- ily unemployed’, i.e. those who are not from the region and how to combat it. via-Silesia region, on the topic. actively looking for work. According to the rector of the largest of the regional universities, Ivo Vondrák, Pavel Tuleja complained of declining The Mayor was also heard to comment, the ‘brain drain’ represents the biggest involvement of students, with his uni- however, on a more positive note. The problem, in other words the exodus of versity’s Business Faculty in Karvina highest representative of the city said people with a degree from one of the even having to deal with a persistent that Ostrava had been announced as the local universities who then proceed lack of interest in membership of the ninth most attractive city throughout to move away from the region. “We’ve once-elite student organizations such Europe for investors. Ivo Vondrák also got to do everything possible to make as AIESEC.
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