;iiatuatra tiiitur VoL. 13 _ KINGSTON, JAMAICA, AUGUST, 1938. No. 7 THE CHRISTIAN'S' HOPE The coming of the Lord has been in all REPORTS OF FURTHER PROCESS BY MRS. E. G. WHITE ages the hope of His true followers. Writing under date of July -11-PaStior The Saviour's parting promise upon Stockhausen reporiS, co4Ceiengi the ta- When the Saviour was aboht to be Olivet, that He would come again, lighted bernacle meetings at FalniOilth: "We are separated from His disciples, He comfort- up the future for His disciples, filling planning- to bind off (kite 'effoq,:he're== atis ed them in their sorrow with the assur- their hearts with joy and hope that week Wednesday night;anclil ance that He would come again: "Let not sorrows could not quench nor trials dim. for Montego Bay after ,that- -meeting. I your heart be troubled In My Amid suffering and persecution, "the think that Brother Robertson and Miss Father's house are many mansions appearing of the great God and our Sangster can look after ,things here from I go to prepare a place for you,. And if Saviour Jesus Christ" was the "blessed now on. We had an- attendance of forty I go and prepare a place for you, will hope." When the Thessalonian Christians last Sabbath with nineteen, ' enrolled .'in come .again; and receive you unto My- 'the baptismal claSs." - self." "The Son of man shall come in His glory,, arid all the holy Angels with Pastor H. Fletcher reports the organi- Him. Then shall He sit upon the throne zation of two more Sabbath schools in St. of His glory: and before Him be gathered Catherine as follows: "Yesterday I was in all nations." _ e the Mt. James and Mt. Airy regions:up'in the high hills to' the north-east of Stony The angels Who lingered upon Olivet Hill, and last night started what we have after Christ's ascension, repeated to the planned to be an effort in a meeting-house disciples the promise of Hisreturn, "This just erected at Lawrence Tavern. First same Jesus, which was taken up from let me report the organization of the you into heaven." And' the apostle Paul, Aberdeen Sabbath school which was speaking by the spirit of inspiration, tes- effected on Sabbath, June 25,"With a mem- tified: "The Lord Himself shall descend bership of fifty-three. This is--the result from heaven- with • a'-- shout, with the so far of the effort we started in that dis- voice of the Archangel, and with the trict through, selected ones from' the trump of God." Says the prophet of Glengoffe church. Next I also report the Patmos, "Behold, He cometh with clouds were filled with griet as they buried their Mt. Airy Sabbath schobl organized June and every eye shall see Him." beloved ones, who had hoped to live to 26 with a membership of ten. This is a About His coming cluster the glories of witness the coming of the Lord, Paul, very large field and there is a very good that "restitution of all things,'which God their teacher pointed them to the resur- interest." At the time of writing-Pastor had spoken by the mouth of all His holy rection, to take place at' the Saviour's Fletcher is conducting a series of meet- prophets since the world began.", Then advent. Then the dead in Chrit should ings at the Watermount church while the long continued rule of' evil shall be (ConCluded on page 3) working on the still unfinished church broken; "the kingdoms of this world" building. will become "the kingdoms of our Lord, MESSENGER OFFERING, SABBATH, Speaking of the progress Of the work and of His Christ; and He shall reign for AUGUST 13 at Plowden and of the recent baptism of ever and ever." "The glory, of the Lord Attention of our church officers and candidates from there and of the work in shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see members is hereby called to the other parts of ,southern Manchester together." The Lord God will cause special request by the Inter-American Brother A. R. Haig *rites: "There is now righteousness and praise to spring forth Division for an offering to be received in at Plowden a ,baptized group of fifteen before all the nations." He shall be "for all of our churches on Sabbath, August with another growing class of eighteen a crown of glory," and for a diadem of 13, as their contribution this year toward in the present baptisinal group. Besides beauty, unto the residue of His people." the "heavy expenses of publishing and the number from Plowden, six other It is then that the peaceful and long- distributing the Messenger to all of our candidates were baptized from: the Han desired kingdom of the Messiah shall be churches. This paper is coming twice a mops company and the, NeWport, chifah. established under the whole heaven. "The month and a large number of the papers There are still quite a larie zliti*C4r Lord shall comfort Zion; He will comfort is being sent to our churches. As a awaiting baptism in "the "Othei'veliiirChes all her waste places; and He will make matter of fact, the Inter-American Divi- and branch Sabbatli'and Sunday schools. her wilderness like Eden, and her desert sion is supplying ,'Ocopies to the Jamaica Where to house ancCholk, 'in`o'C't.W a like the-garden of the Lord." "The glory Conference twice each month. These are church building for the ProWden'fcilk.'iS a of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the ex- being distributed on a pro rata basis to problem. Three spots have been 'offered cellency of Carmel and Sharon." "Thou our churches without any charge whatso- freely. We have £2 in hand. Right" now shalt no more-be termed, Forsaken; neither ever. Once a year a free will offering to the shop in use is far too small: A very shall thy land any more be termed Deso- help on the expense is all that is asked. live interest has arisen at lower Plowden late: but thou shall be called My Delight, The offering in, 1937 was very disappoint- about four miles south-west of plowden. and thy land Beulah." "As the bride- ing. We trust that the appreciation for Hundreds attend from evening 'to _eve- groom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall the paper will be demonstrated this year ning." thy God rejoice over thee." by a liberal offering. (Concluded on page 2) 2 THE JAMAICA VISITOR Advance Notes GOAL DEVICE A very simple goal chart is being sent HARVEST INGATHERING CAMPAIGN to each church. It shows a double ther- is mometer. One side is to show the working fervour of the church. If half the church September 3 to October 29 works, the red on that side of the ther- A MESSAGE FROM THE HOME PREPARATION FOR THE mometer will rise-only half way up the MISSIONARY SECRETARY OF THE INGATHERING SERVICE tube. If all the-members are active, that GENERAL CONFERENCE While we realize that even the most side of the tube will be red all the way up. I am persuaded that days similar to efficient organization, with its ability to The other side is to indicate the progress those characterizing the Reformation enlist even every member of the church of the church toward the financial goal. centuries are breaking upon the world in our great annual ingathering effort in The amount raised determines where again. Truly this is the time for most behalf of missions, is unable to bring the the red in the tube will be from time to harmonious co-operation and uniting of real success which should and must attend time. efforts between the ministry of this de- this great endeavour, apart from the Spir- If the missionary secretary or leader nomination and the army of laity making it of God, yet we must at the same time does not have time to keep the goal chart up our church constituency. That such recognize that a thoroughgoing, well-ba- up to date, then some bright enthusiastic a revival of lay evangelism will be met lanced plan of organization plays a very person should be selected to take charge with the fiercest opposition on the part of vital part in making the campaign a real of this important work. It should be done the enemy, we are well aware. We have blessing at home and abroad. Our church early so tha each Sabbath a change in the just learned that one of our successful lay leaders should take time to plan carefully appearance of the chart may be seen. evangelists in Europe has been sentenced every detail of this unusual endeavour Goal devices are really inspiring when to two years' imprisonment, and that so that every member, both young and kept up to date every week. It is the right others who are going about witnessing old may share in the work and every part of every member to be kept informed as for the Master are also being persecuted of the territory be thoroughly canvassed. to the progress of the campaign. The severely because of their faith and zeal We would like at this time to call atten- goal chart gives the pulse of the church for the cause they love so dearly. tion to the official date of the campaign— and indicates where attention is needed. This is the hour for a marching army September 3 to October 29.
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