Index Figures are shown in italics; tables in bold accretion 307 geochemistry 10–18 accretion wedge 132, 189, 286, 330 geodynamics 32–36 Apennine 421, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433 intrusive history 28–32 actinolite 290 lithology 6 Adriatic (Apulian) Plate 5–36, 134, 146, 157, 403 magmatic evolution 9–18 Adula nappe 4, 264, 266–271 metamorphic age 7–9 deformation 377–383 metamorphism 18–28 lithology and structure 369–371 age 27–28 petrology 371–377 Alpine 35–36 Tertiary subduction 365–387 pre-Alpine 23–27 age data 2, 8, 9, 70 structural evolution 18–28 Austroalpine basement 14–17,27 post-collision 28–32 Carpathians 103–106 Avalonia 5 Rieserferner pluton 29 Tauern Window 94–97 backthrust 425, 430 age of deformation backthrusting 252, 253, 274, 365, 367, 368 Dinarides 353–354 Barrovian metamorphism (HT metamorphism) 371, Monte Rosa nappe 265–266 373–377, 394, 396 Valstrona di Omega 46, 48, 54, 59–61, 62 basalt, sub-greenschist facies 298–300 age of magmatic rock–suite 12–13 biostratigraphy 335–359 age of metamorphism 424 bituminite reflectance 285, 294, 295 age, nannofossil 337–339, 348, 350 blueschist 118, 120, 128, 129, 134, 424, 400 age, petrology and isotopic age 117–136 Carpathians 101, 104, 105, 106, 110 age, Eocene–Miocene revised 335–359 boudinage 50, 52, 53 Ahorn shear zone 199–204, 206–216 Brenner Fault 197, 214 Ahrntal Fault 199, 214 Brianc¸onnais ALCAPA see Alpine–Carpathian–Pannonian unit basement 400, 401 Alpine Austroalpine–Penninic suture 8 metamorphism 125, 129 Alpine deformation phases 211 subduction 132, 136, 383 Alpine Tethys 219 brittle deformation 173 Alpine–Carpathian–Pannonian unit 169, 170, 282 Bu¨ndnerschiefer nappes 220–221, 223 convergence 317–332, 333 Bucovinian nappes 171–172, 181, 183 amphibolite 373, 375, 382 burial depth 187–189, 305 amphibolite facies 23, 263, 265, 267, 397, 401 analysis, nannofossil 340–347 33 analytical data Cadomia 5, , 220 white mica 107–108, 109, 113 Cambrian 34 Canavese Zone 47 analytical method Carpathian embayment 170, 317–318, 332 40Ar/39Ar dating 111–113 102, 103, 111 fission-track 65, 172–173 Carpathians metamorphic minerals 286–287 cata-bituminite 294, 295 cataclastite 73 anchizone 291–293, 297, 299, 301, 302, 308, 310 Celtic terrane 9 andalusite 28, 288, 289, 396 anhydrite 89 chemistry, metamorphic minerals 290–291 anthracite 287, 296, 297 chlorite 290, 291 chlorite geothermometry 291, 306, 307 Antola nappe 425 chloritoid 288, 289, 396, 398 apatite fission track age 29, 31, 32, 36 chloritoid isograd 286, 298, 299–300 data 173, 175, 177–181, 180, 182 clastic wedge, Pienides 329–331 clay minerals 287 Apulian margin subduction 383–385 closure, Ligurian Tethys 432, 433 Apulian Plate see Adriatic Plate 40Ar/39Ar dating 104–106 coal 285, 309 294 analytical techniques 111–113 coalification map coesite 1, 393, 394 Valstrona di Omega 46, 54–55, 56, 57, 60, 61, 62 Collio Formation 70–73 Austroalpine basement 5–36 age data 14–17,27 collision 396, 397, 404 414 cooling and exhumation 31–32 Apennine , 425, 430 Variscan 5, 6–7, 33,35 cross-section 7, 19 444 INDEX collisional orogens 101–110 enriched mid ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB) 7, 10, collision-related minerals 401–402 13, 32, 33 composite fault 234, 242, 244 Eo-Alpine (Cretaceous) metamorphic event 9, 27, continental convergence, Alpine 35 35–36 continental units Eo-Alpine thrusting 33 isotope and petrological data 121, 134 epizone 291–293, 296–299, 301, 306 convergence evaporite, Triassic 71 Carpathian embayment 317, 332 exhumation cooling age, Adula nappe 382 Adula nappe 383, 385 cooling history, Getic detachment 310 Apennine 425, 426, 430 cooling history, Maramures 169–195 central Alps 272, 273–275 cooling path, Rieserferner pluton 32 Ivrea Zone 45–65 cooling 302–311 Rodna horst 187 Corsica, orogenic system 413–433 Maramures 169–195 Cosustea me´lange 286, 287, 290, 293, 298 Tauern Window 197–216 Cosustea nappe 284, 302 extension 50,70 Cosustea unit 291, 293, 301, 306 Monte Rosa nappe 251–276 crust, lower, deformation of 45–65 External Dinarides 146 crust, lower, faulting in 215–216 extrusion tectonics 3 crustal extension, southern Alps 80 crustal stacking 35 fabric in mylonite 49–54 crustal thinning 48 fabric in plutons 30–31 crystallographic-preferred orientation (CPO) 256, facies analysis 321–324, 329 259–263 fault orientation 243, 244 faults, surface expression 234–244 Danubian window, metamorphism 281–311 morphology 235, 237, 238, 239 Defereggen Group 8, 9,11, 14–17, 18, 20, faults, post-glacial displacement 236, 237, 238, 239 21, 26, 33 fission track age 29, 31, 32, 34, 36 Defereggen–Antholz–Vals line 8–9, 21, 30, Valstrona di Omega 46, 55, 59, 60–62, 63 31, 33,36 fission track analysis 65, 172–173, 194, 195 deformation phases 211 fission track data 174–177 Adula nappe 377–383 flysch 417, 420, 425 Dinarides 149–155 in foreland basin 336 Monte Rosa nappe 256–258, 270–271 folding and shear 203–213 Tauern Window 204–205 folds, Dinarides 153 deformation folds, recumbent 207–208 brittle 9, 49,53, 54, 73, 78,79 foliation 204, 209, 210 ductile 49, 51, 53, 54, 73, 78 mylonitic 256–259, 268 pre-Alpine ductile 18–28 pre-Alpine 21 deformation, Stellihorn shear zone 263–275 foraminifera, planktonic 335, 337–339, 340 Dent Blanche nappe 118–120 foreland basin, sedimentation 317–332 depositional environment 71, 79, 91–94 Dinarides 336, 340, 350, 352–353 garnet 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 374 Pienides 321–324, 328 geochemistry, Austroalpine basement 10–12 detrital mineral associations 287 geochronology see age diagenesis 287–291, 293, 296–298, 302 geodynamic evolution syn-kinematic 309, 310 Adriatic–Austroalpine plate 32–36 Dinarides 145–164 Tertiary 393–404 deformation 149–155 geophysics depositional environment 335–359 Apennine–Corsica 415, 417 palaeomagnetism 149, 155–157 Penninic nappes 234 tectonic zones 147 Salzach–Ennstal–Mariazell–Puchberg Fault thrusts 154 (SEMP) 215–216 topography 147 Tauern Window 219–222, 224–226 diopside 290 geothermal gradient 186, 188 dolomite 87, 93 geothermobarometry 23–27 duplex structure 90, 224–226 Getic detachment 4 Durreck Muscoviteschist Group 8, 9, 14–17,26 metamorphism 307–310 Getic-Supragetic units 282, 286, 301 earthquakes, Switzerland 232, 234, 242, 244, 246 Gondwana 5, 6, 33, 220 focal mechanism 245 passive margin 34–35 eclogite 118, 120, 129, 373 goniometry 259–263 eclogite facies 2, 4, 23, 28, 263, 264, 267 granite, Hercynian 219 electron-microprobe analysis 285, 286 granulite facies 48 INDEX 445 graphite 88, 92, 220, 225, 296 Danubian window 284–286 Grassi Detachment Fault 69–80 Northern Apennine 420, 419–421 age 70 Riffler–Scho¨nach Basin 90,91–94 map 72 Tauern Window 98 reconstruction 78–80 loess 241 gravitational faults 234, 235–239 greenschist 152, 298, 301, 373, 424 Mafic Complex 48 greenschist facies 189, 251, 265, 267, 401 magmatic rock suite, pre-Variscan 11 Danubian Window 281, 310–311 zircon age 12–13 Greiner basin 225 magnetic susceptibility 30–31 Greiner shear zone 199, 214 Malenco–Platta 134–136 gypsum 222, 293 mantle wedge 34 mantle-derived material 10, 13, 17, 18, 48 Helminthoid Flysch 417, 420, 425 Maramures 3, 169–195 Helvetic nappes 244 burial 188–189 Hercynian magmatic suite 219 exhumation 181–186 high-pressure wedges 101–110 fission track analysis 172–173, 194, 195 history of research apatite data 178 Alps 1–4, 393–394 zircon data 176 Apennine–Corsica 413–415 geology 170–171 Hochstegen marble 222 thermal modelling 177–181, 181, 182 hornblende data 56, 57 thermochronological analysis 173–177 horst and graben 224 marble 92–94, 105, 222 mass movement 235–239 Matreier Zone, cross–section 19 illite Ku¨bler index 291–298, 307 maturation 297 imbricated crust 404 Medvednica Mountains, tectonics 145–164 index minerals 394, 395 palaeomagnetism 155–157 inertinite 294 reconstruction 157–162 inselberg, Croatia 146, 148, 162 transport direction 149–155 Insubric Fault 3, 251–253, 256, 258, 266, 275 me´lange 286, 383, 429 Insubric mylonite 365, 367 Meliata Ocean 35, 131, 134 Insubric Zone 47, 48 Meliata suture 101–110 intermontane basin 83, 84, 283 Meliata unit 104, 105, 106, 111 Internal Dinarides 145–164 Meliata zone 2 intrusive history metaconglomerate 86, 87 Austroalpine basement 28–32 metamorphic facies 396, 397, 399 isoclinal fold 18, 20 metamorphic grade 288 isostatic rebound 242 metamorphic map, Alps 119 isotope age data 122–124 metamorphic mineral associations 287–290 Ivrea Zone 1, 45–65 metamorphic petrology, metasediments 393–404 kaolinite 287, 298, 299, 302 metamorphism 4 K–Ar, Valstrona di Omega 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63 Adula nappe 381–382 Kaserer Basin 87, 95–97 Apennine–Corsica 423–425 Katschberg Fault 197 Austroalpine basement 18–28 Ku¨bler index 285, 286–287 Stellihorn shear zone 263–265 illite 291–298, 307 metamorphism, low-grade 281–311 kyanite 25, 26, 27, 396, 397 metamorphism, subduction-related 117–136 Adula nappe 373, 374, 375, 382 meta-porphyroid 8,11,12 metasediments, petrology 393–404 landscape and neofaulting 234–235 mid ocean ridge basalt 7,11, 18, 33 landslide see mass movement mineralogy, metasediments 394–397 Laurussia 5, 33 Moho 36, 428 Lepontine dome 3, 366, 368, 403 mollusc 337 deformation 253–254, 263–275, monazite age 27, 29,35 lignite 309 Valstrona di Omega 46, 48, 54, 59–62 Ligurian Knot 414, 432 Monte Rosa nappe 3, 251–276 lineament detection 234–235 deformation 263–275 liptinite 293 goniometry 259–263 lithofacies, Pienides 321–324, 329 metamorphism 263–265 lithostratigraphy structure 256–259 Adula nappe 369–371 moraine, faulted 239–242 Austroalpine basement 6 MORB (mid ocean ridge basalt) 7,11, 18, 33 446 INDEX Morbegno Gneiss 70, 71–78 pegmatite,
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