TIP Appendix Title Pages

TIP Appendix Title Pages

APPENDIX A – 64 2017 TIP Detail Projects Being Archived Before 2017 TIP Approval 2017 TIP September 28, 2016 Projects Being Archived Before the 2017 TIP Approval 2015 TIP SI. Total Project Funding No. TIP ID Project Name County Sponsor Cost (2015-2018) 1 ALA050006 I-580 (TriValley) Right of ALA ACTC $9,700,000 $0 Way Preservation 2 ALA050015 BART - Warm Springs ALA BART $890,000,000 $69,000,000 Extension 3 ALA050042 ACE: ADA Operating Set- SCL ACE $528,000 $0 aside 4 ALA050043 ACE Signal System ALA ACE $4,579,000 $0 Rehabilitation 5 ALA050064 AC Transit: Transit ALA AC Transit $32,246,878 $4,296,776 Security Projects 6 ALA070018 I-580 (TriValley) Corridor ALA ACTC $136,818,888 $0 - WB HOV & Connectors 7 ALA070020 I-580 (TriValley) Corridor ALA ACTC $179,290,144 $0 - EB HOV Lanes 8 ALA070022 City of Alameda - Park St ALA Alameda $2,495,113 $0 Streetscape 9 ALA070041 I-80 Integrated Corridor ALA ACTC $92,855,000 $0 Mobility Project 10 ALA070046 AC Transit: Zero ALA AC Transit $40,300,000 $0 Emission Bus Advanced Demo 11 ALA070051 BART Station Electronic ALA BART $543,000 $0 Bike Lockers, Ph. 2 12 ALA070060 I-238 Widening ALA Caltrans $4,059,000 $0 Replacement Planting 13 ALA090004 I-580 WB HOT Corridor ALA ACTC $23,393,399 $0 Project 14 ALA090010 I-680/Bernal Avenue ALA Pleasanton $4,000,000 $0 interchange improvements 15 ALA090013 I-580 / Foothill Road ALA Pleasanton $3,750,000 $0 interchange improvements 16 ALA090015 Union City Intermodal ALA Union City $23,019,974 $0 Station Infrastructure 17 ALA090025 I-580 WB Auxiliary Lane, ALA ACTC $1,000,000 $0 First to Isabel 18 ALA090028 I-580 N. Flynn-Greenville ALA Caltrans $77,400,000 $0 EB Truck Climbing Lane 19 ALA090030 Regional Planning ALA MTC $20,563,966 $1,167,966 Activities and PPM - Alameda 20 ALA090031 Union City Transit: ALA Union C $22,000 $0 Replace Two 35' Buses Transit 21 ALA090060 ACE: Rebuild Diesel ALA ACE $953,883 $0 Locomotives 2017 TIP Page 1 September 28, 2016 Projects Being Archived Before the 2017 TIP Approval (continued) 2015 TIP SI. Total Project Funding No. TIP ID Project Name County Sponsor Cost (2015-2018) 22 ALA090061 Union City: Replacement ALA Union C $2,073,845 $0 of Four (4) Transit Buses Transit 23 ALA090062 Berkeley Bay Trail ALA Berkeley $2,581,000 $0 Extension - Segment One 24 ALA090066 Alamo Canal Regional ALA Dublin $2,651,000 $0 Trail, I-580 Undercrossing 25 ALA090067 I-580 Landscaping in the ALA ACTC $350,000 $0 City of San Leandro 26 ALA090069 Alameda County: Rural ALA Alameda $2,411,612 $0 Roads Pavement Rehab County 27 ALA110004 I-580 Oakland 14th to ALA ACTC $1,600,000 $0 Ardley Noise Barriers 28 ALA110005 LAVTA Rideo Bus ALA LAVTA $200,000 $0 Restoration 29 ALA110006 Various Streets ALA Oakland $4,823,000 $0 Resurfacing and Bikeway Facilities 30 ALA110007 City of Berkeley ALA Berkeley $2,260,000 $0 Transportation Action Plan - TDM 31 ALA110009 Bikemobile: Bike Repair ALA ACTC $576,000 $0 and Encouragement Vehicle 32 ALA110010 Shore Power Initiative ALA Port of $13,243,000 $0 Oakland 33 ALA110011 East Bay Parks Green ALA EB Reg $17,810,000 $0 Transportation Initiative Park Dis 34 ALA110012 Fremont CBD/Midtown ALA Fremont $2,101,000 $0 Streetscape 35 ALA110016 Newark - Cedar Blvd and ALA Newark $800,000 $0 Jarvis Ave Pavement Rehab 36 ALA110024 Dublin Citywide Street ALA Dublin $672,000 $0 Resurfacing 37 ALA110026 Alameda Co - Central ALA Alameda $1,279,000 $0 Unincorporated County Pavement Rehab 38 ALA110027 San Leandro Downtown- ALA San $6,214,470 $0 BART Pedestrian Leandro Interface 39 ALA110028 Union City Blvd Corridor ALA Union City $1,860,000 $0 Bicycle Imp, Phase 1 40 ALA110030 Albany - Buchanan ALA Albany $2,544,000 $0 Bicycle and Pedestrian Path 41 ALA110031 Pleasanton - Foothill/I- ALA Pleasanton $1,004,000 $0 580 IC Bike/Ped Facilities 2017 TIP Page 2 September 28, 2016 Projects Being Archived Before the 2017 TIP Approval (continued) 2015 TIP SI. Total Project Funding No. TIP ID Project Name County Sponsor Cost (2015-2018) 42 ALA110034 West Dublin BART ALA Dublin $1,885,547 $0 Golden Gate Drive Streetscape 43 ALA110035 South Hayward BART ALA Hayward $2,315,000 $0 Area/Dixon Street Streetscape 44 ALA110036 Union City BART East ALA Union City $9,520,145 $0 Plaza Enhancements 45 ALA110045 Walnut Argonaut Lane ALA Fremont $584,790 $0 Reduction & Roundabout 46 ALA110085 Shoreline Dr, Westline Dr ALA Alameda $963,400 $0 and Broadway Bike Lanes 47 ALA110086 Environmental Study for ALA Caltrans $300,000 $0 ACE Alignment 48 ALA110090 Enterprise Asset ALA BART $2,500,000 $0 Management 49 ALA110091 AC Transit: Procure (23) ALA AC Transit $18,753,877 $0 60' Articulated Buses 50 ALA110092 AC Transit: Procure (38) ALA AC Transit $17,814,552 $0 40-ft Urban Buses 51 ALA110093 AC Transit: Replace 16 ALA AC Transit $7,937,230 $0 40' Suburban Buses 52 ALA110095 LAVTA - East Bay Radio ALA LAVTA $640,000 $0 Communication System Hookup 53 ALA110098 Alameda County SR2S ALA ACTC $1,300,000 $0 Local 54 ALA110100 AC Transit: Line 51 ALA AC Transit $10,515,624 $0 Corridor 55 ALA110105 AC Transit: San Leandro ALA AC Transit $3,929,026 $0 BART Imprv 56 ALA110106 AC Transit: Farebox ALA AC Transit $11,875,000 $0 Replacement 57 ALA110107 ALA-Community-Based ALA ACTC $593,750 $0 Transportation Plan Updates 58 ALA110114 Union City: Replacement ALA Union C $1,191,419 $0 of Two (2) Transit Buses Transit 59 ALA110116 AC Transit: Bus Diesel ALA AC Transit $1,590,450 $0 Particulate Filters 60 ALA110117 AC Transit: Procure (28) ALA AC Transit $12,839,711 $0 40-ft Urban Buses 61 ALA110118 AC Transit: Procure (40) ALA AC Transit $18,338,156 $0 40-ft Urban Buses 62 ALA110119 AC Transit: Spectrum ALA AC Transit $2,036,232 $0 Ridership Growth 2017 TIP Page 3 September 28, 2016 Projects Being Archived Before the 2017 TIP Approval (continued) 2015 TIP SI. Total Project Funding No. TIP ID Project Name County Sponsor Cost (2015-2018) 63 ALA110121 BART Train Car Accident ALA BART $1,687,189 $0 Repair 64 ALA110122 Local PDA Planning - ALA ACTC $4,411,000 $0 Alameda 65 ALA110123 AC Transit: Replace 27 ALA AC Transit $13,037,439 $0 40' Urban Buses 66 ALA110124 AC Transit: Replace 38 ALA AC Transit $19,399,976 $0 40' Suburban Buses 67 ALA130004 Oakland 19th Street ALA Oakland $606,000 $0 Uptown Bike Station 68 ALA130010 Livermore Various Streets ALA Livermore $1,366,000 $0 Preservation 69 ALA130020 Fremont Various Streets ALA Fremont $3,912,000 $0 and Roads Preservation 70 ALA130023 Whipple Road Pavement ALA Union City $761,000 $0 Rehabilitation 71 ALA130029 Reconst I-880/SR92 Inter ALA Caltrans $1,260,000 $1,260,000 - Repl Planting & Irrigat 72 ALA130031 I-580 Eastbound ALA ACTC $31,578,967 $2,000,000 Express/HOT Lanes 73 ALA130033 Union City Transit: ALA Union C $735,910 $735,910 Replacement of (2) Transit Buses 74 ALA150013 AC Transit: Procure (15) ALA AC Transit $6,795,645 $6,795,645 40' Urban Buses 75 ALA150018 AC Transit: Procure (65) ALA AC Transit $37,071,720 $37,071,720 40' Urban Buses 76 ALA977007 Route 238 Corridor ALA Hayward $100,500,000 $0 Improvement 77 ALA990015 Union City Intermodal ALA Union City $61,276,442 $0 Station Infrastructure 78 ALA991070 AC Transit: Preventive ALA AC Transit $392,437,743 $0 Maintenance Program 79 ALA991077 E. 14th St/Mission Blvd ALA Alameda $3,560,940 $0 Streetscape County 80 BRT050003 BART Transbay Tube REG BART $276,175,000 $0 Seismic Retrofit 81 BRT990002 BART Oakland Airport ALA BART $484,000,000 $0 Connector 82 CC-010002 SR 24 - Caldecott Tunnel CC Caltrans $420,346,000 $0 4th Bore 83 CC-010021 Richmond Transit Village CC BART $1,150,000 $0 Transit & Ped Imps 84 CC-030005 I-680 Auxiliary Lanes CC CCTA $34,000,500 $1,520,000 2017 TIP Page 4 September 28, 2016 Projects Being Archived Before the 2017 TIP Approval (continued) 2015 TIP SI. Total Project Funding No. TIP ID Project Name County Sponsor Cost (2015-2018) 85 CC-030011 Dornan Drive/Garrard CC Richmond $1,608,698 $0 Blvd Tunnel Rehabilitation 86 CC-030028 SR 4 East Widening from CC CCTA $384,802,441 $0 Somersville to SR 160 87 CC-030034 CCCTA: Preventive CC CCCTA $19,549,035 $0 Maintenance Program 88 CC-030037 ECCTA: Preventive CC ECCTA $3,450,027 $0 Maintenance Program 89 CC-050002 Antioch - Wilbur Ave CC Antioch $15,220,119 $0 Bridge Widening 90 CC-050010 Pacheco Transit Hub CC CCCTA $2,805,742 $0 91 CC-050074 Hercules Intermodal CC WCCTA $1,613,895 $0 Station Improvements 92 CC-070004 Somersville Road CC Antioch $5,700,000 $5,000,000 Widening 93 CC-070030 Concord Blvd. Gap CC Concord $1,220,000 $0 Closure, Phase 2 94 CC-070049 SR4 Bypass: Laurel Rd to CC CCTA $16,600,000 $0 Sand Creek 95 CC-070050 Pleasant Hill Geary Road CC Walnut $7,950,000 $2,000,000 Widening Phase 3 Creek 96 CC-070054 SR4 /SR160 Interchange CC CCTA $50,100,000 $0 and Connectors 97 CC-070057 SR4 Bypass: Sand Creek CC CCTA $24,800,000 $0 Interchange 98 CC-070074 San Pablo Avenue CC El Cerrito $4,516,000 $0 Streetscape 99 CC-070084 Bailey Road Transit CC Pittsburg $2,197,506 $0 Access Improvements 100 CC-090002 Pleasant Hill - Buskirk CC Pleasant $11,000,000 $0 Avenue Widening Hill 101 CC-090004 San Ramon Valley Bus CC Danville $8,000,000 $0 Program 102 CC-090010 Double rail track btw CC Caltrans $28,071,000 $0 Oakley & Port Chicago 103 CC-090018 Marina Bay Parkway CC Richmond $36,925,000 $0 Grade Separation 104 CC-090032 Richmond Rail Connector CC Caltrans $24,320,000 $0 105 CC-090035 Regional Planning CC MTC $12,580,981 $1,576,981 Activities and PPM - CC County 106 CC-090063 BART Community CC BART $1,550,000 $0 Information Wayfinding 107 CC-090065 Hercules (Bio-Rad) Bay CC Hercules $4,612,121 $0 Trail 2017 TIP Page 5 September 28, 2016 Projects Being Archived Before the 2017 TIP Approval (continued) 2015 TIP SI.

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