The Cceur d’Alene P ress. VOLUME i. NUMBER 288 THE COBUR D'ALENE PRESS. THURSDAY EVENING. JULY 25 1907 PRICE FIVE CENTS DARRQW LAUDS JAPS TO OCCUPY UNION LABOR AND RULE KOREA Bitterly Denounces Steunenberg Complete Control is Granted by and People Generally Terms of Convention Boise, Idaho, July 25.—The oareer Darrow sneered at the universities, Tokio, July 25.—Advices dated edly have the support, of the New of Frank Steunenberg, the murdered as purveyors of onlture- "And what Seoul, midnight, say that a new con­ York delegation. Arm you know governor of Idaho, was discussed at is a cultured man," he decried, "but vention between Japan and Koera bsa what that menus." With Overstreet some length by Clarence Darrow In a cruel tyrant, always?" been concluded. The text of the con­ aud Elkins enlisted for him uud the the oourse of his plea In behalf of Reaohlng the climax of his denun­ vention will not be published uutll corporation money toady to be William D. Haywood. Jutsifying ciation, of sympathy for the working Sat unlay, but it is reported to oou- poured out tor him. Mr. Cortelyou the articles published in the Miners’ class and Latred for the rich, he as­ sist ot seven articles. Its main tea- will make a typical Republican can­ Magazine, the official organ of the sailed the constitution of the oountry ture is tuat it invests the resident didate. Western Federation of Miners, the and cried, "The constitution! the general with complete control of the Only one new candidate lias de­ Chicago lawyer said the action of constitution! It is here only to de­ inerual administration of Korea aud veloped for the Democratic nomin­ Steunenberg in asking for United stroy the laws made for the benefit appoints Japanese officials of the ation during the past week, and be States troops to quell riot and the of the poor.” Korean government. haa not yet reached the newspaper establishment of material law in 1899 Darrow *s defense of labor unions It i9 reported that the eaay com­ stage, but 1 am assured by an ill- was unjustifflable and had probably and union men was passionate and pliance of the Korean government Inina editor, a friend ot Mr. Bryan, stired up immense feeling in labor his eulogy of the Western Federation with Japan's demands was due to that former Governor Francis will oircles against the governor. eloquent. Lovelingly he touched on the fact that terms were much easier be a candidate- Ae be lias alwaye Darrow’s argument, unfinished las]: the beauty of self sacrifice found in than were apprehended. The re­ been a consistent Democrat and night, developed into an appeal for the "struggle for humanity, where moval of the deposed emperor to chiefly supplied the funds to oarry labor as against capital, and a de­ only the workingman is found," and Tokio was not included in the de Missouri for Mr. Bryan in 189G, be nunciation of all opposed to the then with the bitterest sarcasm, his mauds. must be seriously considered as one unions. He held an audience start voice pitched to its highest note and Advices from Seoul say that mut­ to be reckoued with when the con­ led and openmouthed as one after arms upraised, he heaped abuse upon iny of tbs Korean troopa is appre­ vention decides that crucial question another the sentiments poured from the selfish rich and upon the admin­ hended. it la believed the text to for the Demooraoy. his lips. His attack on Orchard was istration of the state of Idaho. the uew convention between Kuaaia Here in Washington President expected, and in this respect , he ful­ With flaming words, the attorney aud Japan will be published next Roosevelt’s Napoleanlc move of mass­ filled and surpassed the limit of sen­ piotured to the jury the difference JOHN ADAMS. Saturday. ing in the Pacific the gieatest tloiiitU sation. Three hours were given to between the owners of the mines and The second president of the United States was the first vice president. FEARED A CHANGE of battleships ever assembled In Orchard and it was only when vit­ smelters, who rolled up their wealth He served as such during Washington's two terms, succeeding the latter as Seoul, July 25, morntug.—Last any waters has prematurely revealed uperation, phsyioal force and words and bought their way into the United president tn 1797. He was a native of Braintree, Mass., and was slrty-two night Seoul was apparently clam, a plan whose political purpose is as were spent that Darrow turned to States senate in the blood of the years of age when he became president. He lived to the great age of ninety, plain as day. In withdrawing his dying on the Fourth of July. 182(1, while his son John Quincy was president but apprbeuaiou ot further distur­ first deniul that any such intention James H. Hawley, the leading men who worked for them, and the of the United States. John Adams was one of the stanchest of patriots during bance haw not subsided, it is as­ counsel for the state, and the Pinker­ miners’ and smeltermen who, when the Revolution. His term as president was marked by a violent quarrel with serted the court spies are busily en­ waa entertained, the President from ton detectives, for something on their days of usefulness through age, Alexander Hamilton and his followers. Adams, like Hamilton, was a Fed­ gaged in efforts to aarertain the Oyster Bay Issued, through Loeb, a which to pour the leBser volume of injury or disability, were over, were eralist His manner was dictatorial, and this made him many personal attitude of Japan. second statement to the effect that It abuse. The state of Idaho oame in thrown out on the scrap heap to per­ enemies. A uew niess regulation prohibiting was not the intention of the Govern- for a large share of Mr. Darrow’s ish and die. the publication of diplomatic and rneut to send this fleet of battleships denunciation for the part it has play Darrow denounced the state’s military secrets or anything injurious to the Pacific "atones. ’’ Of course ed in the prosecution. Culture, attorneys for allowing William to the public peace is being enforced they are not to be sent at ouoe. The education and wealth eaoh in turn Dewey, who testified for the prose The Korean premier's audienoe on purpose of aoudiug them being purely were desoribea as a combination to cotton that he took part in the mob’ CITY WITHOUT Wednesday morning is believed to political, the movemeut will be re­ which the workmen, the uneducated attack upon the Bunker Hill & have been in connection with the de­ served until late in the year 1007, and fhe poor must ever be opposed. Sullivan mill, to return to Colordo mands of Japan presented through aud during the whole of the year unhindered after confession to mur Marquis ito. 1908, uutll efter election in Nov- der on the witness stand. TITLE TO LOT ember- Those who study the situa­ tion and look beyond the mere day, "There, gentlemen of the jury, FIXING CORTELYUU BOOM you have the real, strong, iron band know that the present dynasty has behind this prosecution. The mine decided that something must be done owners of Colorado are pulling the Claimed That New York Will to distract public attention from our over discussed domestic conditions. wires to make you dance like pup Deed Not Recorded and Instrument Support Him. pets. They gathered these officers of Washington, D. C., July 24, — They have been talked to death, all the Western Federation of Miners up exoept the tariff, and aa that will not (Special Correspondence)—Since say­ down, It la neoessary to divert public and sent them here to be tried and Cannot be Found ing lust- week that means were being banged, with Idaho to hold the bag attention from it. What more preg­ used,to round up the Federal officials nant topic for debate, or the de­ Idaho has a fine privilege in this trial for Secretary Cortelyou for the Re­ — to pay for it. And you men of velopment of mob heat, than the toot For the past day or so the Press publican nomination for President, this jury will have the pleasure of further evidence has corns to light that you have a neighbor ou youi has expended muoh time to ascertain FIGHT LUMBER RATE border acting suspiciously, so bus- working to pay up the deficiency that the scheme is working. Con warrants which have been issued by something about the title of the so- pieiously that it ia necessary for you called city lot G in block Q of the Tacoma groHMinau Jesse Overstreet declared, a the state to meet the expenses of the Action Taken at few days ago, that the delegation to maintain at the (lunger point the prnseeutiou. Town of Coeur d’OAlene. Mr. James greatest flotilla of battleships ever H. Harte, the oity clerk during the Meeting. from New kYork is fixed for Cor­ brought together in time of <euoe. "Back of this prosecution, too, you telyou. but ss Mr. Overstreet is a will find General Bulkeley Wells time when the deed is said to have Tacoma, Wash., July 24. — The When this debate la ou, which Mr. been prooured, knows nothing what­ Fairbanks man he may neve joined in Roosevelt i« obviously piepariug tor, the adjutant general of Colorado semi-annual meeting ot the Pacific exposing the Cortelyou conspiracy on who brought these men here.
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