FROM THE AMS SECRETARY 2020 Bôcher Memorial Prize The 2020 Bôcher Memorial Prizes were presented at the 126th Annual Meeting of the AMS in Denver, Colorado, in January 2020. Three prizes were presented to Camillo De Lellis, Lawrence Guth, and Laure Saint-Raymond. Citation for measure theory, hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, Camillo De Lellis and fluid dynamics. The 2020 Bôcher Memorial Response from Camillo De Lellis Prize is awarded to Camillo De Lellis for his innovative point I am grateful and deeply honored to be awarded the 2020 Bôcher Prize with Larry Guth and Laure Saint-Raymond, of view on the construction of two colleagues whom I know personally and whose work continuous dissipative solu- I have admired for a long time. I am humbled by the list tions of the Euler equations, of previous recipients, but one name, Leon Simon, is par- which ultimately led to Isett’s ticularly dear to me: during one sunny Italian summer of full solution of the Onsager (slightly more than) twenty years ago his wonderful lecture conjecture, and his spectacular notes infected me with many of the themes of my future work in the regularity theory research in geometric measure theory. Camillo De Lellis of minimal surfaces, where The results mentioned in the citation stem from long he completed and improved endeavors with two dear friends and collaborators, László Almgren’s program. Examples of two papers that represent Székelyhidi Jr. and Emanuele Spadaro: without their bril- his remarkable achievements are “Dissipative Continu- liance, their enthusiasm, and their constant will of progress- ous Euler Flows,” Inventiones Mathematicae 193 (2013), ing further, we would have not gotten there. But mostly I in collaboration with L. Székelyhidi, and “Regularity of wish to thank them because working together has been Area-Minimizing Currents III: Blow-Up”, Annals of Mathe- really a lot of fun. Our research has been influenced by the matics 183 (2016), in collaboration with E. Spadaro. work of several other mathematicians and takes advantage Biographical Sketch: Camillo De Lellis of important past and present developments in many topics in partial differential equations and differential geometry, Camillo De Lellis was born in 1976 in San Benedetto del but this is already explained in full detail in a few surveys Tronto, Italy. After earning his undergraduate degree in and lecture notes. mathematics at the University of Pisa in 1999, he wrote Let me instead mention here that the seeds of both works his doctoral dissertation in 2002 under the supervision of were planted during a very important time of my life, while Luigi Ambrosio at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. my beloved wife Lorenza was carrying the first of the three He held a postdoctoral position at the Max Planck Institute most beautiful prizes of my life. I take this opportunity to for Mathematics in the Sciences in 2002–03, followed by thank her for her constant support and immense patience. a postdoctoral residency at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule in Zürich. De Lellis joined the faculty of the Citation for Lawrence Guth University of Zürich in 2004 as assistant professor of math- The 2020 Bôcher Memorial Prize is awarded to Lawrence ematics, and he was appointed full professor in 2005. In Guth for his deep and influential development of algebraic 2018 he moved to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princ- and topological methods for partitioning the Euclidean eton, where he holds the IBM von Neumann Professorship. space and multiscale organization of data and his pow- He is active in the fields of calculus of variations, geometric erful applications of these tools in harmonic analysis, 546 NOTICES OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY VOLUME 67, NUMBER 4 FROM THE AMS SECRETARY incidence geometry, analytic year; I showed up with two pages of notes and started number theory, and partial talking, and every ten minutes or so someone would ask differential equations. These a question and I would realize I hadn’t really understood applications include the proof what I was saying. The second time I spoke, I showed up of the endpoint multilinear with ten pages of notes. Kakeya conjecture, nearly sharp As a graduate student I studied geometry, especially bounds for the distinct dis- Misha Gromov’s work on metric geometry. A common tances problem, best-known theme in the work we studied in Tom’s seminar was using bounds on the Fourier restric- topological arguments to show that some geometric object tion problem, further develop- had to exist and then using that object to prove new esti- ment of the Bourgain–Demeter mates in geometry and topology. For instance, we studied decoupling theory which led pseudoholomorphic curves in symplectic geometry and Lawrence Guth to the resolution of the Vino- Yang–Mills connections in gauge theory. Another example, gradov main conjecture, sharp which was not as dramatic but more relevant to the work estimates on oscillatory inte- in this citation, was the way Gromov used the ham sand- grals, and a sharp almost-everywhere convergence theorem wich theorem to estimate eigenvalues of the Laplacian on for solutions to the free Schrödinger equation. Examples a Riemannian manifold. of two papers that represent his remarkable achievements I started learning about restriction theory when I was are “A Restriction Estimate Using Polynomial Partitioning,” a postdoc by reading Terence Tao’s notes from a graduate Journal of the American Mathematical Society 29 (2016), no. 2, course he had taught. At that time, I had only worked in 2 and “A Sharp Schrödinger Maximal Estimate in ,” Annals differential geometry, and I didn’t think I would be able to of Mathematics (2) 186 (2017), no. 2, in collaborationℝ with work in restriction theory. But I started reading the notes X. Du and X. Li. because I was curious about the Kakeya problem and about Biographical Sketch: Lawrence Guth Fourier analysis, and I kept going because they are very readable and engaging. Now I give them to my graduate Lawrence Guth is a professor of mathematics at the Massa- students to read, if they’re interested in Fourier analysis. chusetts Institute of Technology. He grew up in Brookline, One thing that impressed me about the field was how Massachusetts, and went to Brookline High School. He was people looked to quite different parts of math to find new an undergraduate at Yale University, and he did his PhD approaches to the problems, like when Bourgain brought at MIT in 2005 under the supervision of Tomasz Mrowka. in ideas from combinatorial number theory or when Wolff Following a postdoctoral position at Stanford and a junior brought in the idea of partitioning from combinatorial faculty appointment at the University of Toronto, he was geometry. appointed professor at the Courant Institute in 2011 and joined MIT in 2012. Just after I read those notes, Zeev Dvir’s paper solving the finite field Kakeya problem came out. This paper was a Response from Lawrence Guth big surprise to people in the field. Until then it had looked I’m very honored to receive this award. Sitting down to plausible that the finite field Kakeya problem was as hard as write this response, and thinking back over the time I spent the central problems of restriction theory, but Zeev’s proof working on these projects, I realized just how many men- was two pages long and accessible to a good undergradu- tors and collaborators played an important role in them. ate. The new idea of the proof had to do with high-degree I’ve been very lucky to have such mentors and collaborators. polynomials, which was surprising because the problem Growing up, I learned math from my dad, and also from was just about lines. The method used finite fields in a a lot of dedicated teachers at school, like Michael Narasny crucial way, however, and it wasn’t clear whether it could and Terry Leverich. In college, I learned from Serge Lang be adapted to say something about the original Kakeya and Peter Jones. Peter first got me interested in analysis. It problem or related problems in Fourier analysis, which was from him that I first heard about the Kakeya problem take place over the real numbers. Zeev’s argument reminded about rotating a needle within a small area and that it me of geometry arguments that I had been studying and had something to do with Fourier analysis. At the time I working on, and that led to my first paper in the area, using didn’t understand what the connection was, but it sounded the ham sandwich theorem to prove an estimate related to intriguing. the Kakeya problem. In graduate school, I studied with Tom Mrowka. I picked The next year, I started my first professor job at the Tom as an advisor because I liked how he worked with his University of Toronto. Jim Colliander and Robert McCann students. I grew up mathematically in Tom’s weekly semi- invited me to help run a working group on analysis and nar. I remember the first time I spoke, early in my second geometry, and we made the Kakeya problem the theme APRIL 2020 NOTICES OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 547 FROM THE AMS SECRETARY of the semester. At the end of the semester, we invited an papers that represent her remarkable achievements are “The expert, Nets Katz, to come and give some talks. Brownian Motion as the Limit of a Deterministic System Over the next week, Nets and I started to collaborate. of Hard-Spheres,” Inventiones Mathematicae 203 (2016), Nets taught me about combinatorics problems that were no. 2, in collaboration with T.
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